AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS OF FINE ART AND ANTIQUES Auction Rooms, 40 Cornet Street, St Peter Port, GY1 1LF Telephone: 01481 722700 Fax: 01481 723306 E-mail: [email protected] ORDER OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION TUESDAY 9 TH FEBRUARY 2016 10.00AM – LOTS 1 – 250 2.00PM – LOTS 251 - 543 LOTS 1-250 AT 10.00AM glass (15). 40 Beswick "Rupert", Doulton "The Snowman" £40/50 1 A large wooden deer sculpture a/f. £30/40 Coalport Golly figure etc (10). 2 Ten various blue glazed garden pots, spheres. £40/50 41 Esso tanker souvenir ashtrays plus £25/30 3 A blue & red Guernsey style wheelbarrow. £50/70 presentation carriage clock (5). 4 Four various Victorian chimney pots a/f. £40/60 42 Three Royal Doulton figurines HN2805 £20/30 5 A large wooden eagle sculpture. £60/80 Rebecca, HN2373 Joanne, HN2938 Isadora. 6 An antique lead corner rain hopper plus £60/80 43 An alabaster chess set. £20/30 antique lead jug (2). 44 A Bavarian porcelain & gilt coffee service £10/20 7 Ten various blue glazed garden pots, spheres. £40/50 (11). 8 A cast iron fire basket and andirons. £40/50 45 A collection of Britains/Delprado/Corgi £30/40 9 A large pair of blue glazed garden pots. £30/40 soldiers etc. 10 A.N. Monachan watercolour - Scotland by £25/30 46 A reproduction pewter WMF Art Nouveau £100/150 Sea. easel mirror 11 Six various Guernsey prints. £30/40 47 A pair of ruby glass lustre vases. £30/40 12 A cased Cooke & Son Hull marine sextant + £80/100 48 A large Beswick ceramic fox figure. £80/100 Bubble sextant (2). 49 A Sir Henry Doulton Kevin Francis £50/60 13 A Victorian uranium glass dressing table set £30/40 Toby/Character jug + another (2). (7). 50 Two colour variant Kevin Francis jugs - The £40/50 14 A set of eight pale green uranium glass £20/30 Snuff Taker. goblets. 51 Inuit carving of a bird by Jacoposie Oopakak £80/120 15 A Victorian five drawer ladies writing desk. £70/90 + two others (3). 16 A cased Taylor's valve tester. £30/40 52 A quantity of Beswick cat band figurines (8). £30/40 17 A quantity of flatware, "Francis Howard Ltd" £10/20 53 A quantity of Victorian purple malachite £20/30 Sheffield. glassware (12). 18 Four oriental jade & semi precious stone £10/20 54 Dartington crystal dolphin & whale £10/20 carved trees + dish (5). paperweights etc, signed H Capredoni (8). 19 A pair of glazed ceramic vases. £10/20 55 A Royal Doulton figure - The Old Balloon £40/50 20 Two ruby & gilt glass vases. £50/60 Seller. 21 A quantity of various purple malachite £20/30 56 Dinky 721 Junker JU87b Stuka plane with £20/30 glassware (10). original cap bomb, qty of other diecast planes 22 A Victorian oval brass tobacco box + others £30/40 etc. (3). 57 Four various glass paperweights. £20/30 23 Two pairs of Victorian clear moulded glass £10/20 58 Three Capodimonte figurines. £80/100 candlesticks (4). 59 A Swarovski crystal Disney Snow White. £30/50 24 A quantity of various Quimper pottery (19). £20/30 60 A 19th century white glazed china portrait £20/30 25 A Swarovski Tinker Bell + other Swarovski £30/40 plaque of a gentleman c1885. ornaments (8). 61 Inuit serpentine carving by Turaq Ragee, Cape £60/80 26 Eight various glass scent bottles. £20/30 Dorest + other (2). 27 Victorian advertising ointment pots, pot lids, £30/40 62 Four various trinket boxes. £10/20 pie funnel (5). 63 Wade Collectors Club Pantomine set of four £20/30 28 Royal Doulton Snow White & the Seven £40/50 figures. Dwarves figurines (8). 64 Pair of Royal Doulton vases, Staffordshire £40/50 29 A decorative pierced oval bowl + continental £40/50 group (3). pierced ceramic basket (2). 65 Nao Lladro "Mother's Touch" figurine + two £20/30 30 Swarovski Christmas Hello Kitty ornament + £50/60 other figures (3). others (10). 66 A pair of crystal decanters & six glasses a/f £30/40 31 Wade Collectors Club Toy Box set of four £20/30 (8). figures. 67 A quantity of various Victorian moulded glass £15/20 32 Crown Derby plate, Cranberry glass vase, £20/30 etc (15). drinking glasses etc (6). 68 A brass carriage clock. £30/40 33 A Galway crystal decanter plus another, vase £30/40 69 Two Japanese porcelain elephants plus £40/50 (3). soapstone elephant (3). 34 A Royal Doulton Sir Winston Churchill £20/30 70 A reproduction Majolica game tureen and £15/20 figurine. cover + two jugs (3). 35 A Victorian blue/white coffee pot a/f + £20/30 71 Quantity of Disney Wade whimsies "Lady and £40/60 Doulton vase (2). the Tramp" etc (21). 36 Three Victorian purple malachite glass vases £30/40 72 A Baccarat crystal female golfer figurine. £40/50 by Edward Moore + others (6). 73 A Baccarat crystal golfer figurine. £40/50 37 Japanese Satsuma tea set, vase, Mason's plate. £20/30 74 Three various glass decanters. £20/30 38 A large Beswick Palamino horse plus two £30/40 75 A rare Swarovski crystal Disney Tinkerbell £120/150 others (3). 2008 MIB. 39 A quantity of Sowerby green/blue malachite £20/30 76 A quantity of Mason's ware, tureen, bowls, £10/20 Page 1 of 6 plates (8). original luggage tag. 77 A pair of Staffordshire style dogs. £10/20 123 Two framed Battle of Britain first day covers £10/20 78 Two Beswick Staffordshire style dogs + two £20/30 hand signed by war heroes. others (4). 124 An Edwardian mahogany corner display £80/100 79 A quantity of various Swarovski ornaments £20/30 cabinet. x1a/f (8). 125 A brass crusie lamp, inkwell, soapstone £20/30 80 Royal Doulton Charles Dickens figurines (6). £20/30 figures (4). 81 Vintage boxed Ronson lighter, trench art £10/20 126 Nine boxed "Pioneers of Aviation" aeroplanes £15/20 lighter, cased eye glasses (3). by Lledo. 82 Beswick Mr Bumble + Shorter Long John £20/30 127 Three boxed Ltd Edition Corgi "Predators of £20/30 Silver character jugs. the Skies" aeroplanes. 83 Princess Mary tin, Long May She Reign (oxo) £25/30 128 A 2ft wide oak hall stand with circular mirror. £40/50 tin, vesta case (3). 129 A porthole type Kelvin & Hughes marine £20/30 84 A quantity of rare vintage Star Wars figures £40/50 barometer. (11). 130 Twelve boxed Corgi WWII Europe & African £80/100 85 A Scalextric Andy Priaulx hand signed BMW. £25/30 aeroplanes "The Aviation Archive". 86 Four boxed Swarovski ornaments ballerina, £30/40 131 Two framed antique character prints. £10/20 horse, etc. 132 A c1930's Art Deco WMF bronze vase. £30/40 87 A pair of Japanese Satsuma censors. £10/20 133 A mahogany anniversary clock. £100/150 88 A 19th century continental porcelain inkwell £30/40 134 A modern glass decanter. £10/20 depicting doves. 135 An antique oak cupboard. £30/40 89 A Swarovski crystal Disney Bambi MIB. £40/50 136 A framed David Hoskins oil painting - Boats £120/150 90 Wade Arthur Hare, Edward Fox, Felicity £40/50 in dry dock. Squirrel, Holly Hedgehog figures (4). 137 A pair of spelter figures, oriental vases, clock £20/30 91 A Swarovski crystal Ballerina MIB. £40/50 (6). 92 A pair of rare Sowerby purple malachite glass £20/30 138 Two vintage cameras 'Kodak', 'Agfa'. £10/20 boot form match holders. 139 A quantity of various world stamps contained £40/50 93 Eight various old Jersey postcards. £10/20 in five albums/binders. 94 A Stuart Crystal decanter + two others (3). £30/40 140 Three Art Deco style wall lights. £30/40 95 Wade Tetley & Panda money boxes, boat, £10/20 141 A small early 19th century pine cabinet. £200/250 crab & dog figurines (8). 142 Framed players Victoria Cross cigarette cards, £10/20 96 Two limited edition framed cave drawing £10/20 framed postcards (3). prints. 143 Watercolours - La Seigneurie & Bec Du Nez £100/120 97 A walnut display cabinet with interior mirror. £50/60 by Alice & Margaret Waller (2). 98 Two brass pestle and mortars. £20/30 144 A large stained glass panel depicting a knight £80/120 99 Two RAF pennant flags. £10/20 in armour. 100 A quantity of Wade Championship series dog £20/25 145 A large Milano black leather combination £20/30 ornaments (5). suitcase. 101 A quantity of Wade whimsie dog ornaments £30/40 146 A vintage bakelite radio, speaker, unused £30/40 (18). valves (4). 102 A quantity of cigarette and tea cards. £10/20 147 A crystal glass chandelier/light fitting. £20/30 103 A pair of copper wall hanging plaques. £10/20 148 Carltonware lustre bowl & dish, copper lustre £10/20 104 An Edwardian mahogany Georgian style £80/120 ware. display cabinet 149 A quantity of various LP's, Elvis, Johnny Cash £25/30 105 Two Royal Doulton figures, The Lobster Man £30/40 etc (30). HN2323, The Captain HN2260. 150 Victorian stoneware jugs, bottles, pepper etc £40/50 106 A quantity of Royal Doulton miniature lady £30/40 (7). figurines (15). 151 A quantity of Bavarian 'Theresia' dinnerware, £10/20 107 A large quantity of Triang Minic die-cast £40/60 tureen, plates etc. ships & others( 4 trays). 152 Halcyon Days enamel trinket boxes, pocket £30/40 108 Five Capodimonte figurines Napoleon etc (7). £30/50 watch & stand, spoons etc. 109 Algora Lady a/f, ginger jar, elephant, vases £10/20 153 Mercedes 300 SLR clock, James Bond, £40/50 (5). Batman, Only Fools & Horses diecast cars etc 110 A Singer Samba semi-industrial heavy duty £20/30 (8).
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