International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences ISSN (Online): 2581-3277 Analysis of Community-Based Total Sanitation Program (STBM) in Sengkuang Village Working Area of UPT Puskesmas Muara Three Subdistrict Mulak Ulu Lahat Regency 2019 Fera Meliyanti, SKM., M. Kes1; Eko Heryanto, SKM., M. Kes2; Ns. Fitriani Agustina, S. Kep., M. Sc3; Handry Darussalam, M. Sc4 *1, 2Lecturer of the Department of Public health, STIKES Al-Ma'arif Baturaja *3Lecturer of the Department of Nursing, Akper Al-Ma’arif Baturaja *4Lecturer of the Poltekkes Kemenkes East Kalimantan Email: handry_darussalam @ poltekkes-kaltim.ac.id Abstract— Background: One of the goals of Indonesia's health development is to increase awareness, willingness, and ability to live a healthy life for everyone. One of them is the Community-based Total Sanitation Program (STBM) with the triggering method. The problem that can hamper the STBM program in the first pillar of Open Defecation (Stop BABS) is the ownership of latrines, as well as the supporting environmental characteristics. This study aims to analyze the STBM program in Sengkuang village, the working area of the UPT Puskesmas Muara Three, Mulak Ulu Subdistrict, Lahat Regency in 2019. Methods: This type of research is analytic survey with Cross Sectional approach. Sampling in total sampling with a total sample of 72 households and carried out in July to August 2019. Result: The results obtained by 56.94% of respondents who did not implement the STBM program. Most of the respondents 62.5% did not have a toilet, 50% of respondents have experienced diarrhea, and 38,9% of the respondent's houses are near the riverbanks. Conclusion: Chi-Square statistical test results obtained have a significant relationship between latrine ownership and STBM program with p value 0.000. There is a significant relationship between diarrheal disease and STBM program with p value 0.000. There is a significant relationship between environmental characteristics with the STBM program with p value 0.001. Keywords— Diarrheal diseases, environmental characteristics, latrine ownership STBM program At present Indonesia is still facing challenges to complete I. INTRODUCTION the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan ne of the goals of Indonesia's health development (RPJMN) target that achieves universal access to 100% is to increase awareness, willingness, and ability to Drinking Water, 0% Slum Settlements and 100% Stops Open O live a healthy life for everyone. To achieve a Defecation Free (SBS). Based on data released by the STBM healthy life, people always interact with four factors, namely (Community Based Total Sanitation) secretariat up to 2015 as environmental factors, individual and community behavior, many as 62 million or 53% of the rural population still do not health services, and innate (genetic) factors. In terms of the have access to proper sanitation, 34 million of them are still community's interest in interacting with the environment there practicing open defecation (Kurniadi, 2017). are still many environmental problems that need attention. According to STBM e-Monev monitoring during 2018 Most people do not yet know that there are many there has been a 5% increase with a percentage of 77.07% environmental problems around the community that can have access to community sanitation (latrines), while in 2017 it was a negative impact on overall health and survival (Sumantri, still at a percentage of 67.89%. The Special Province of 2015). Yogyakarta ranks first with all districts / cities declared as World Health Organitation (WHO) estimates that in 2015 having been verified Open Defecation Free (ODF) or there is 964 million people in the world still defecate in open areas. no more Open Defecation (BABS) behavior. When compared According to National Geographic, diarrhea in India kills at with the Universal Access 2019 target which must reach 85% least 117,000 children under five years every year. In 2016, of decent access, there is still a lot of work that needs to be 39% of children in India under five years experienced a done, especially 77.07% which has latrines that still consist of condition of failure to grow in the body and brain due to decent and basic / unfit categories (Irawan, 2019). malnutrition for a long time. Thus, children are shorter than The percentage of the number of villages and kelurahan normal children their age and have a delay in thinking. This that implemented the Community-Based Total Sanitation data also shows that 81% of the population who defecate (STBM) program in South Sumatra in 2015 with 3,189 carelessly (BABS) is found in all countries and Indonesia is villages and kelurahan with a percentage of 32.33%. Then in the second largest country, with a percentage of 12.9% (Putra, 2016 the number of villages and villages as many as 3,191 et al, 2017). experienced an increase with a percentage of 42.81%. In 2017 20 Fera Meliyanti, SKM., M. Kes; Eko Heryanto, SKM., M. Kes; Ns. Fitriani Agustina, S. Kep., M. Sc; and Handry Darussalam, M. Sc, “Analysis of Community-Based Total Sanitation Program (STBM) in Sengkuang Village Working Area of UPT Puskesmas Muara Three Subdistrict Mulak Ulu Lahat Regency 2019,” International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences (IRJPMS), Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 20-24, 2020. International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences ISSN (Online): 2581-3277 with 3,189 villages and sub-districts increasing again to (Notoatmodjo, 2010). In this study the independent variables 52.74% (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, used were latrine ownership, diarrheal disease, and 2018). environmental characteristics while the dependent variable Based on the report from the Lahat District Health Office was the Community Based Total Sanitation Program. The in 2019, the drinking water sanitation rate in 2016 was population in this study was the head of the family in 82.76%. In 2017 drinking water sanitation was 84.47%, but in Sengkuang village with a total of 72 households. Sampling is 2018 it decreased by 82.91%. While for toilet sanitation in done by the method of non random sampling or sampling that 2016 as much as 60.33%, in 2017 it increased to 61.87% and is not based on the possibility that can be calculated, but in 2018 it increased again to 63.58%. However, despite solely. The sampling technique used is total sampling, which increasing every year proper sanitation in Lahat Regency has is 72 households. The research site was conducted in not been evenly distributed. When compared with the Sengkuang Village, the working area of the UPT Puskesmas Universal Access 2019 target which must reach 85% of proper Muara Three, Mulak Ulu Subdistrict, Lahat Regency in 2019. access, it is still necessary to improve sanitation, especially in the sanitation of latrines in Lahat Regency (Lahat Health III. RESULTS Office, 2019). Univariate Analysis Muara Three Health Center UPT is a Puskesmas located in 1. Community Based Total Sanitation Program (STBM) Lahat Regency. Muara Three Health Center is one of the Inpatient Health Centers with the category of Basic Health TABLE 1. Distribution of STBM Program Frequency in Sengkuang Village, Centers which has 2 PUSTUs and 17 POSKESDES in the Work Area of UPT Puskesmas Muara Three, Mulak Ulu Subdistrict, Lahat District of Mulak Ulu. In the Muara Three Health Center UPT, Regency in 2019 the Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM) program has No. Program STBM Frequency % 1. Not implemented 41 56,94 been implemented, but its implementation has not reached the 2. Implemented 31 43,06 target of 75%. In 2016 proper sanitation was 22.03%, then in Total 72 100 2017 it was 25.10% and in 2018 it was 20.87% (UPT PKM Source: Primary Data 2019 Muara Three, 2019). Based on Research Putra, et al (2017), that education, Based on table 1 obtained from 72 frequency distribution economic level, knowledge, attitudes and culture are important samples that the STBM program that was not implemented factors in the ownership of healthy latrines. Then based on the was 41 (56.94%) and the STBM program that was research of Mukti, et al (2016) that almost the majority of implemented as many as 31 (43.96%). respondents with total community-based sanitation with less diarrhea criteria, meaning that there is a relationship between 2. Latrine Ownership Community-Based Total Sanitation and Diarrhea. Based on TABLE 2. Frequency Distribution of Latrine Ownership in Sengkuang the research of Syarifuddin, et al (2017), it is known that as Village, Work Area of UPT Puskesmas Muara Three, Mulak Ulu Subdistrict, many as 21 villages in the Community Based Total Sanitation Lahat Regency in 2019 program are close to or around the river and as many as 15 No. Latrine Ownership Frequency % 1. do not have 45 62,5 villages in the Community Based Total Sanitation program are 2. Have 27 37,5 far or not around the river. The villages in the Banjar district Total 72 100 are mostly in the river banks, including villages that have Source: Primary Data 2019 implemented the Community-Based Total Sanitation Program (STBM). Based on table 2. obtained 72 samples with a frequency Based on the Muara Three Health Center Data, the lowest distribution that does not have latrines as many as 45 (62.5%), village in the 2018 STBM program on access to proper while the frequency distribution that has latrines as many as sanitation (latrines) with a percentage of 22.64% is Sengkuang 27 (37.5%). village. Sengkuang Village is one of 26 villages that 3. Diarrhea implement Community Based Total Sanitation (STBM) programs in the working area of Puskesmas Muara Three, TABLE 3. Frequency Distribution of Diarrheal Disease in Sengkuang Village Mulak Ulu Subdistrict, Lahat Regency. The geographical Work Area UPT Puskesmas Muara Three, Mulak Ulu Subdistrict, Lahat location of the village of Sengkuang is around the hills, rice Regency in 2019 fields, rivers and creeks.
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