CBOOSBECK-WITR-} DIRECTORY.] NORTH RIDING YORKSHIRE .. 't :MOORSHOLM. 47 MOORSHOL){ or :Moo:csham, is a. township, s! miles Lette-rs through Boosbeck. Lingdale is the nearest east from Guisborough and sbuth·by-west from Loft­ money order & telegraph ~ffice, about a mile- distant house (or Loftus) station, on the branch of the North Wall Le~r Bo:x. cleared at 4-So & 8.5 p.m. week. .days Eastern railway from Saltburn, and in Whitby county only court district. The chapel of ease h~re in connection with MARGROVE PARK is a mining tillage between Boos­ Boosbeck church is a building of stone in the Norman beck and s:apewutb j the population is included with style, erected in 1892, at a cost of £ x,soo, at the sole Stanghow. Here is '& .Church Mission room, also Wes­ expense of the late J. T. 'Wharton esq. (d. 1900), and leyan and Primitive M~odist chapels. consists of chancel, nave and a western tower containing Wall Letter Bo:x. cleared at. 9· 10 a.m. & 8. ro p.m. week 2 bells: the church clock was given Dec. 3, 1902, by days only the late R. P. Petch esq. in honour of the coronation Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), erected. of His late Majesty King Edward VII. : the church will in 'i88I, enlarged in 1891 & reblJ.ilt in 1908; a school seat 100 persons. The church and burial ground were for infants was added in tgog; the school i~ now als J given by the late R. P. Petch esq. There are also (r913) being enlarged for an additional 120 children; Wesleyan and Primitive }.fethodist chapels, and a room the school provides at present for 224; average at­ for meetings anrl a club in connection with the church. ter.dance, 99 mixed & 102 infants; Matthew R"n~on, W. H. A. Wharton esq. D.L., J.P. of Skelton Castle, master; Mrs. Emma Ranson, infants' mistress and the trustees of the late J. P. Petch esq. of Loftus, are the principal landowners. The acreage is (with LI~GDALE is a mining village in this parish, 2 miles Gerrick) 4·353; rateable value, £2,963; the· population south-south-east from Skelton and 4! east from Gms­ in 1911 was 6os. borough. A Church Mission Room was built in 1go8, at a cost of £26o, and will seat 150 persons. Here 1s Post Office, Great ~foorsholm. ~ewrick J. Ditchburn, sub-postmaster Letters arrive from Boosbeck at 9·45 a Oong'regational chapel, erected in 188o, a Primitive a.m.; dispatched at 3·45 & 7·35 p.m.; no sunday Methodist chapel, a Wesleyan chapel, and a Chr1stlan delivE-ry. Lingdale, 3 miles distant, is the nearest Mission. An Institute wa:.s erected here in 1912 at a cost money order & telegraph office of £t,8oo, the greater part of which was given by Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1876, for Messrs. Pease and Partners Limited; it contains read­ 180 children; average attendance, n8; Wm. Jeckell, ing, games an.i billiard rooms, baths and a large master concert hall. The business of a branch of the Yorksh1re Penny Bank here is transacted on monday evening'!. GERRICK, 1! miles south-east, is a joint township, Post, :M.. 0. & T. Office.-William Ernest Kingston, sub- with Great Moorsholm. postmaster. Letters arrive from Boos beck,· Yorks, at Wall Letter Bo:x., cleared at n.15 a.m. week days only 7·25 a.m. & 5.10 &i 7 p.m.; dispatched at 9·50 a.m. & 4·45 & 8 p.m. ; no delivery Qr dispatch on sundays STA..."\IGHOW is a township, 2~ miles south-east of Wa.ll Letter Bo:x., High street, cleared at 4.40 & 8.15 p m Skelton. William Henry Anthony Wharton esq. D.L., Public Elementary Schools (boys, girls & infants), erected JP. who is lord of the manor. and Isaac Scarth esq. in 1876, for 525 children; an infants' school was added M.B. are the principal landowners. Here is a Primi­ in 19II1 ..for 200 children; average attendance, 190 tiva :Methodist chapel. The area is 3,1or acres ()f land boys, 186 girls & 143 infants; James North, m~t.ater; and 34 of "Water; rat~ able value, £13,747; the popula­ Miss Hillla Wilson, mistress; Miss S. White, infants' tion in I9II was 1,480. mistress BOOSBECK. Tuck Simon, grocer, 37 High street Morrison Arthur Ben, butcher, 8 & Chappell Rev. Arth. Fredk. Vicarage Wilks William, joiner, 36 High street To Scarth street COMlfERCIAL. Wright William, shoe ma. 24 High st Ni:x.on Bros. grocers, 37 High street Early closing day, Wednesday. Yorkshire Penny Bank Ltd. (Thomas Park('r Robt.cab propr.2 Moo~c~ck row .Annear David, Royal Liver insurance Gill, actuary; open monday even- Pease & Partners Ltd .. (Wilha~ B. agent, 37 Carney street ings from 6 to 7 at the school) Coxon, manager), Lmgdale tron- Atkin Henry, news agent, High st _ stone mines. T N 7 Skelton Bell Vfilliarn, shopkeeper, 2 High st LINGDALE. Peters John Robert, Pearl insurance Bendelow Robert, farmer, Rokeley ho COMMERCIAL. agent, 52 Pease street Bolckow, Vaughan & Co. Limited Adams Robert, plumber, 20 High st Pinkney Bryan, boot maker,s High st (South Skelton Ironstone Mines) Allison Ralph, farmer Potter Wm. joiner, 2 Daviwn street (.Abraham Gray, manager) . Atkinson John, confectnr. 51 High st Powley James, grocer, 1 Pease street Booo:beck Literary Institute (William Bennison WrrL D. shopkpr.59 High st Prout William Edward, Prudential ~'l'oore, sec.), 7 High street Borrow David, picture frame maker, insurance agent, 53 High street Boosbeck Theatres Limited (The) 33 Scart·h street Reed Saml. Jn. gror. 6o Dixon street fWalter S. AnderSDn, sec) Borrow James, shopkpr. 33 Scarth st Robertson Elsie & Nellie (:Misses , B ·yes Charles, buteher, 2 Gerrie st Burnhope Margaret (Mrs.), hardware milliners, I Scarth street Colley Sarah Jane (Miss), shop· dealer, 66 High street Robson Elizabeth (Mrs.), midwife, 44 keeper, 53 High street Calam John, shopkeeper, 47 High st Dixon street Davison Thos. fried fish dlr. High st Calow Joseph, collector to the Urban Sanderson Alfd.tailor,25 Stanghow rd Duckering James H. greengrocer, District Council, 44 High street Sannders John Thos. Victoria hotel 22 High street Cleveland & Durham Electric Power Scott Jas. Barlow, jewllr. 52 High st Elliott Dorothy (Mrs.), Station hotel, Ltd. (George Di:x.on, district engi- Siinons Reginald, butchr. 33 H1gh t1t High street neeJ), sub-station, Lmg·dale Mine Skelton Co-operative Society Limited Reward William, commission agent, Cross Herbt. hair drsr. 4oa, High st (branch) (Willie Adolphus Palmer, 24 Carney street Dadd Wm. S. shopkpr. II Scarth st manager), 23 High street Burn Herbert, hairdresser, Hig'i} <;t Dawe Isaac, shopkeeper,32 High street Smith Albert, draper, IS High street Button Thos. drpr. 28 & 30 High st Dobson Isaac, draper, 41 High street Smith Randall William, hair dresser, London Joint Stock Bank Ltd. (sub- Gibbs Wm. Chas. shO[lkpr. 3 High st 26 High street branch) (Joseph Hutchinson, man- Grayson Fredk. shopkpr. 38 High st Snowdon John, Lingdale hofel ager) (open mon. 3.30 to 4.30 Hill Wm. confctnr. 16 & 42 High st Southwood Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, p.m.), High street; draw on head Hugill Sarah Ann (Miss), dress 5 Stanghow road office, 5 Princes street, London EO maker, 9 Davison street Stonehouse John Thomas, fried fish Macmillan Thos. bntchr. 16 Carney st Hutton Henry, boot repairer, 2 & 4 dealer, 62 High street Marlborough Joseph, farmer, Holly- Pease street Stonehouse Robert, shopkeeper, well farm Jones Robert, farmer Mooreock row Milligan James, draper, Post office Kingston & Son, clothiers, 30 High st Taylor Wm. shoe maker, 14 High st National Provincial Bank of England Langstaff Christopher, grocer, Stang- Twidle George Fredk.grcr. 35 H1gh st Limited (sub-branch) (Alfd. Elliff, how road Vivers Annie (Mrs.),draper,1BH1gh st manager) (open wed. 10.30 a.m. to Leaf Robert, shapkeeper, x3 High st Vivers James, tailor, 21 High street I p.m. ), 46 High st. ; draw on head Liddement George William, teacher Walker Joseph & Son, furniture office, IS Bishopsgate, London E C of music, 18 Scarth street dealers, 57 High street Nixon Wm. grocer, 9 Fenton street Lingdale Institute (Francis Robert Ward John, confectnr. 6 High streefi Peirson John, shopkpr. 35 Gerrie st Hardwick, sec) Watson Robert- Ernest, butcher, 27 Perrow John, High street Macmillan Thomas William, butcher, High !!t.. eet Rushby A. & Son, grocers, High st 12 Stanghow road Weather)•. ~th. newsagnt.24. High st Ruo:sell Jacob (Mrs.), news agent, 29 Marshall Thos . .Arthr. joinr. Pease st WedgwO' tl Harriet (Mn.), green- High street · Moody Richard Jackson, confectioner, grocer, 6o High street Skelton Co-opf'rative Society Ljmited 31 High street Wedgwood Jn. general dh-.25 H1gh st (William Gardiner, manager) Moore Emma (Mrs.), art needlework Welham Geo. picture frame maker, Snowdon Geo. Ernest,Commercial htl depot, 40 High street g6 High .street .
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