„V SanI Joaquin Valley E mil AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT HEALTHY AIR LIVING MAR 1 2 2014 • Mr. John Ludwick Aera Energy LLC PO Box 11164 • Bakersfield, CA 93389-1164 Re: Proposed ATC I. Certificate of Conformity (Significant Mod) District Facility # S-1547 and S-1548 Project # 1133652 and 1133661 Dear Mr. Ludwick: Enclosed for your review is the District's analysis of an application for Authority to Construct for the facility identified above. You requested that a Certificate of Conformity with the procedural requirements of 40 CFR Part 70 be issued with this project. The project authorizes installation of a 6,500 gallon chemical storage tank to be permitted in both S-1547 and S-1548 and resulting in an increase of 1512 lb VOC/yr. After addressing all comments made during the 30-day public notice and the 45- day EPA comment periods, the District intends to issue the Authority to Construct with a Certificate of Conformity. Please submit your comments within the 30-day public comment period, as specified in the enclosed public notice. Prior to operating with modifications authorized by the Authority to Construct, the facility must submit an application to modify the Title V permit as an administrative amendment, in accordance with District Rule 2520, Section 11.5. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Leonard Scandura, Permit Services Manager, at (661) 392-5500. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. prely,. 'd Warner Director of Permit Services DVV:RUE/st Enclosures cc: Mike Tollstrup, CARB (w/enclosure) via email cc: Gerardo C. Rios, EPA (w/enclosure) via email Seyed Sadredin Executive Director(kir Pollution Control Officer Northern Region Central Region (Main Office) Southern Region 4800 Enterprise Way 1990 E. Gettysburg Avenue 34946 Flyover Court Modesto, CA 95356-8718 Fresno, CA 93726-0244 Bakersfield, CA 93308-9725 Tel: 1209) 557-6400 FAX: (209) 557-6475 Tel: 1559) 230-6000 FAX: (559) 230-6061 Tel: 661-392-5500 FAX: 661-392-5.585 www.valleyair.org www.healthyairfiving.com Printed on ncycled Arr. Cle Aera Energy LLC 1133652(S-1547), 1133661(S-1548) San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Authority to Construct Application Review Chemical Storage Tank and Loadout Operation Facility Name: Aera Energy LLC Date: March 6, 2014 Mailing Address: PO Box 11164 Engineer: Richard Edgehill Bakersfield, CA 93389-1164 Lead Engineer: Allan Phillips Contact Person: John Ludwick Telephone: (661) 665-4472 (661) 699-2827 Fax: (661) 665-7437 E-Mail: jiludwick(a,aeraenergv.corn Application #(s): S-1547-1337-0, S-1548-621-0 Project #: 1133652(S-1547), 1133661(S-1548) Deemed Complete: February 11,2014 I. Proposal Aera Energy LLC (Aera) has requested an Authority to Construct (ATC) for the installation of a 6,500 gallon chemical storage tank and liquid loadout operation. The tank will be used to store chemicals for the treatment of produced fluids from Aera's light and heavy oil western stationary sources and therefore will be permitted in both facilities 8-1547 and S-1548. The project results in an increase in VOC emissions triggering BACT, offsets and public notice (Federal Major Modification). Aera facilities S-1547 and 8-1548 operate under Title V Permits. The project is a Federal Major Modification and, therefore, it is classified as a Title V Significant Modification pursuant to Rule 2520, Section 3.20, and can be processed with a Certificate of Conformity (COC). Since the facility has specifically requested that this project be processed in that manner, the 45-day EPA comment period will be satisfied prior to the issuance of the Authority to Construct. VPC must apply to administratively amend their Title V Operating Permit to include the requirements of the ATC(s) issued with this project. II. Applicable Rules Rule 2201 New and Modified Stationary Source Review Rule (4/21/11) Rule 2520 Federally Mandated Operating Permits (6/21/01) Rule 2530 Federally Enforceable Potential to Emit Rule 2410 Prevention of Significant Deterioration (Adopted 6/16/11, effective 11/26/12) Rule 4001 New Source Performance Standards (4/14/99) — not applicable - Subpart Kb applies to storage vessels 75 m 3 (19,800 gallons) or greater. Storage tank has a capacity of 6,500 gallons; therefore, this rule does not apply. 1 Aera Energy LLC 1133652(S-1547), 1133661(S-1548) Rule 4002 National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (5/20/04) — not applicable - The facility is not a Major HAP Source. Therefore, the requirements of this regulation do not apply. Rule 4101 Visible Emissions (04/20/05) Rule 4102 Nuisance (12/17/92) Rule 4623 Storage of Organic Liquids (05/19/05) Rule 4624 Transfer of Organic Liquid (12/20/07) — exempt — less than 4,000 gal/day loaded out, unloading by vacuum truck equipped with pump is exempt (please see Process Description) CH&SC 41700 Health Risk Assessment CH&SC 42301.6 School Notice Public Resources Code 21000-21177: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, Sections 15000-15387: CEQA Guidelines Ill. Project Location The chemical storage tank will be located within both the light oil and heavy oil stationary sources at Dehy 20 Section 20, T28S, R21E which is not within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a K-12 school. Therefore, the public notification requirement of California Health and Safety Code 42301.6 is not applicable to this project. IV. Process Description The tank will be used to store chemicals used to treat production from Aera's heavy and light oil source. Liquid will be pumped out to trucks. Unloading of liquid into the tank will be done using vacuum trucks equipped with pumps. Unloading is not permit exempt (not crude oil, asphalt, or residual oil) but is exempt from Rule 4624 (Section 4.5) see relevant Rule sections below. Therefore, disconnect emissions associated with unloading are included in project emissions. Rule 2020 Exemption Section Attached to an organic material delivery vehicle and used exclusively for the transfer of crude oil, asphalt, or residual oil. Rule 4624 Section 4.5 Except for the one-time record submission requirement of Section 6.1.5 for vacuum truck operators, the requirements of this rule shall not apply to transfer operations involving vacuum trucks. A process diagram is included in Attachment I. V. Equipment Listing S-1548-621-0: 6500 GALLON CHEMICAL STORAGE TANK WITH PN VALVE AND LIQUID LOADOUT OPERATION 2 Aera Energy LLC 1133652(S-1547), 1133661(S-1548) S-1547-1337-0: 6500 GALLON CHEMICAL STORAGE TANK WITH PN VALVE AND LIQUID LOADOUT OPERATION VI. Emission Control Technology Evaluation The tank will be equipped with a pressure-vacuum (PV) relief vent valve set to within 10% of the maximum allowable working pressure of the tank. The PV-valve will reduce VOC wind induced emissions from the tank vent. VII. General Calculations A. Assumptions • Facility will operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 52 weeks per year • The tank will store WCI Al 80C Corrosion Inhibitor (MSDS) • Facility emits only VOCs • The tanks emit only volatile organic compounds (VOCs), • TVP of liquid = 0.6 psia (Applicant) • Tank temperature, 100° F • Tank throughput, 6,500 gal/day (1 turnover/day, 365 turnovers/yr) • Loadout Throughput, 2,500 gal/day • VOCs molecular weight, 100 lb/Ibmol (District standard, not provided on MSDS) • Liquid density: 1 g/ml (MSDS) • Maximum number of disconnects (unloading and load-out): 8/day (applicant) • Volume of spills from disconnects, 10 mL • VOC content of spilled oil, 100% and all evaporates B. Emission Factors VOC emissions from the tanks are calculated using EPA Tanks 4.0. Input and output parameters are listed on the spreadsheet in Attachment II. Loading Emissions The emissions from the loading rack were estimated using the following equation AP-42 (A Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, January 1995), Section (Attachment III): LL= 12.46 * S * P * M * (1/T)* (1 - (eff/100)) Where LL = loading loss, pounds per 103 gallons of liquid loaded S = a saturation factor. 0.5 (submerged loading of clean cargo tank) P = true vapor pressure of liquid loaded, 0.6 psia T = temperature of liquid loaded, 520 °R M = molecular weight of vapors, 100 lb/lb-mole eff = overall vapor capture and control efficiency, 0 % Aera Energy LLC 1133652(S-1547), 1133661(S-1548) C. Calculations 1. Pre-Project Potential to Emit (PEI) Since this is a new emissions unit, PEI = 0 for all pollutants. 2. Post Project Potential to Emit (PE2) The results of the tank emissions calculations are included in Attachment II. Tank Emissions VOCs: 2.2 lb/day, 791 lb/yr Loadout Emissions 12.46 x 0.5 x 0.6 x 100 /520 x 2.5 = 1.8 lb/day, 657 lb/yr Disconnect Emissions (10 ml/leak)(1.0 g/mL)(1b/454 g)(8/day) = 0.2 lb/day (10 ml/leak)(1.0 g/mL)(1b/454 g)(8/day)(365 days/yr) = 64 lb/yr Permit Unit VOC - Daily PE2 (lb/day) VOC - Annual PE2 (lb/Year) S-1547-1337, 2.2 + 1.8 + 0.2 = 4.2 S-1548-621 791 + 657 + 64 = 1,512 The emissions profile is included in Attachment IV. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions The chemical to be stored and loaded out in the tank is not a GHG. Therefore, no GHG emissions are expected. 3. Pre-Project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE1) Pursuant to District Rule 2201, the SSPE1 is the Potential to Emit (PE) from all units with valid Authorities to Construct (ATC) or Permits to Operate (PTO) at the Stationary Source and the quantity of Emission Reduction Credits (ERC) which have been banked since September 19, 1991 for Actual Emissions Reductions (AER) that have occurred at the source, and which have not been used on-site.
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