The tl IT ESS DECEMBER 14, 1961 In& publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. Copyright BISHOP MOSLEY CHATS WITH CHARLES PARLIN MR. PARLIN, an American Methodist, was elected one of six presidents of the World Council of Churches. Ap- propriately a map of the world serves as background -ASSEMBLY OF WORLD COUNCIL- SERVICES WITNESS SERVICES In Leading Churches IThe In Leading Churches For Christ and His Church THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH CHRIST CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE Sunday: Holy Communion 7, 8, 9, 10; CAMEIstxOa, MAW. Morning Prayer, Holy Communion and Sermon, 11; Evensong and The Rev. Gardiner M. Day, necter serumo 4. EDITORIAL BOARD Sunday Services:8:00, 9:30 =I Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 11:15 a.m. Wed, and Hoy Days: 8:00 7:15 (and 10 Wed.); Evensong, 5. IV. B. SPOFFORDn SR., Managing Editor arnd 12:10 p.m. KNNETHa R. Foanas; Roscos T. Forer; THE HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK GOONe C. GAHAMsa; Roaanr HAMPSHIRE; 5th Avenue at 90th Street CHARLES S. MARTIN; ROBERT F. McGsianoa; CHIRIST CHURCH, DEIROIT Rev. John Ellis Large, D.D., Rector GEORGE MACMURRAT; CinAmas F. PENmbtAe; SUNDAYS: Family Euchsarist 9:00 aem WV. NORMAN PITTENGERx; JOSaPH H. Tretis. 976 East Jefferson Avenue Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00 The Rev. Willieam B. Sperry, RAser a.m.) (Choral Eucharist, first Sun- The Rev. Robert C. W. WWd, Alft WEEd)AYS: Wednesdays: Holy Com- 8 and 9 a.m. Holy Cosmnio munion 7:30 a.m.; Thursdays, Holy publication. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS (breakfast served followfmg 9 anm Communion and Healing Service service.) 11 a.m. Churds School and 12:00 noon. Healing Service 6:00 THOMAS V. BARRETT; JOHNs PAIEMAN BROWN;: and Morning Service Holy Days, 6 Pim. Thursdaoy~ Communion, first GmiNrqaR M. DAY; JOSEPHnF. Fraranun; FREDERICK C. GRANT; CsLsrrosr J. Kaw; JOHNt I1o t' Communion. HOLY DAYS: Holy Communion 12:00 ELLIS LARon; ROaauT MILLERz; EssWARD L. reuse noon. PARSOSs; Faursaxcx A. ScnxsLusNO; M~AUY H. SHEPHERD JR.; WILI~AM B. SPOFF'ORD JR. for ST. THOMAS' CHURCH ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH Park Avenue and 51st Street 18th and Church Streets Rev. Terence J. Finlay, D.D. Near Dupont Circle 8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion THE WINESS is published weekly from WASHINGTON, D. C. 9:30 and 11 required a.m. Church School. September 15th to Juno 15th inclusive, with 11 a.m. Morning Service and Sermon. the ex, eptiozi of one week in January and The Rev'. John T. Goblng, Rector 4p.m. Evensong. Special Music. bi-weekly frmm June 15th to September 15th The Rev. Walter Marshfild Weekday: Holy Communion Tuesday at by the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on Sundays: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion. 12:10 a.m.; Wedneadays and Saints behalf of the Witness Advisory Board. Days at 8 a.m.; Thursdays at 12:10 11:00 a.m. Service and Sermon. p.m. Organ Recitals, Wednesdays 7:30~ p.m. Evening Prayer. Permission 12:10. Eve. Pr. Daily 5:45 p.m. (8:00 in Advent and 6:15 in Lent) CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY The subscription price is $4.00 a year; in 316 East 88th Street bundles for Salo in parishes the magazine sells DFMS. NEw Yoai CITY for loc a copy, we will bill quarsely at 7c a TRINITY CHURCH / Sundays; Holy Communion 8; Church copy. Entered as Second Class Matter August School 9:30; Morning Prayer and 5, 1948, at the Post Office at Tunklssannock, MIAMI, FLA. Sermon 11:00. Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. (Holy Communion 1st Sunday in Rev. G.. Irvine Hiller, STD., Rector Church Month) Sundav Services 8, 9, 9:30 and 11 am. GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CHAPEL Chelsea Square, 9th Aye. & 20th St. PRO CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY TRINITY Episcopal Naw Yoa SERVICES1 Daily Morning Prayer and Holy Com- 23 Avenue, George V munion, 7; Choral Evensong, 6. the In Leading Churches I PAIS, FRANCE of COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.), 10:45 SAINTr PAUL'S CHAPEL Boulevard Raspail NEw YORX ST. STEPHIEN'S CHURCH Student and Artists Center The Rev. John M. Krumm, Ph.D., Tenth Street, above Chestnut Chaplain The Rt. Rev. Stephen Bayss., Bishop Archives PHILADELPHIA, PENINA. Daily (except Saturday), 12 noon; The Rev. Alfred W. Price, D.D., Rector The Very Rev. Sturgis Les Riddle, Dews Sunday, Holy Communion, 9 and The Rev. Gustav C. Meckling, B.D. 12:30, Morning Prayer & Sermon, Minister to the Herd of Hearing 2020. 11 a.m.; Wednesday, Holy Com- Sunday: 9 and 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL munion, 4:30 p.m. Weekdays: Mon., Tues., Wed., Tsurs., AND ST. GEORGE Fri., 12:30-12:55 p.m. SAINer Louis, Mrssouml ST. THOMAS Services of Spiritual Heaing, Thurs., 12:30 and 5:30 p.m. 5th Ave. & 53rd Street The Rev. J. Francis Saind Rector Copyright Naw YORE: CITY The Rev. David S. dray, Rev. Frederickt M. Morris D.D. ST. PAUL'S Associate Rector Sunday: HC 8, 9:30, 11 (1st Sun.) The Rev. Jack B. Schweizer, MP 13 Vick Park B 11; Ep Cho 4. Daily ex. Sat. HC RocieSarza, N. Y. Assistant Rector 8:15, Thurs. 11 HD, 12:10; Noon- Sundays, 8, 9:30, 11 am. day ex. Sat. 12:10. The Rev. T. Chester Baxter, Rector Noted for bychoir, great reredos The Rev. Frederick P. Taft, Assistanst adwindows. Sunday: 8, 9:20 and 11. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Holy Days 11; Thursday, 5:30 p.m. Lafayette Square WASHINGoNo, D. C. THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY ST. PAUL'S MEMORIAL York Avenue at 74th Street Grayson and Willow Sts. The Rev. Donald W. Mayberry, Retor Near New York Memorad Hospitals SAss ANrOmO, Txs Weekday Services: Mon., Tuaes., TIR., Hugh McCanudless, Lee Belford, David The Rev. Jamnes Joseph, Rector Saturday, Holy Communion at Roi. Waynse, Philip Zabriskie ceg The Rev. George N. Taylor, Associate Wed, and Fr., Holy Caommlian Sundays: 8 a.m. HC; 9:30 amcly H at Sunday - Matins and Holy Euchsarst 7:30 a.m.; Morning praye at Den. 3S) 11 MB (HC IS). 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. 3undav Wed. HC 7:20 a.m.; Thurs. HC Services: 8 and 9:30 a'm., B Wednesday and Holy Days 7 and Communion; 11, MNinga s qheemd 11 am. 10 am. Holy Eucharist. PiewSro;4pm One. of New York's Sacrament of Forgiveness - Saturday 7:30, Evensing rah. mest beautiful public buildings. 11:30 to 1 pm. VOL. 46, NO. 41 The WITNESS DECEMBER 14, 1961 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Office, Eaton Road, Tunkhannock, Pa. Story of the Week first American layman to be a Intercommunion Experiments president of the World Council. His election and others chosen Proposed at Local Level for the six-man presidium was publication. reported in these pages last and * Removal of barriers which level, and responsible experi- week. keep members of different de- ments in intercommunion might Parlin, an attorney, is a lead- reuse nominations within the World be tried there, the report said. ing Methodist who has served for Council from taking communion It noted that some groups of together was urged in a report Christians have entered into on the central committee of the adopted by the assembly. intercommunion on the local WCC and was chairman of the required committee which raised funds The report from the section level "with full knowledge of the for the 1948 assembly in Ams- on unity said there is an "urgen- gravity of the issues involved." WCC came cy in finding a way to break In these instances there has terdam when the impasse on been "if not ecclesiastical ap- into being. Permission through the present the question of intercommunion. proval, at least withholding of The central committee, which We must meet, in responsible disapproval." governs the WCC between as- DFMS. "The table is the Lord's gift / fashion, the rising tide of impa- semblies, was elected and in- tience among many young before it is our blessing," the cludes 21 from the U.S. Presid- people and, indeed, among many report said. "We must therefore ing Bishop Arthur Lichtenber- Church others for more prompt and cer- ask whether there are situa- ger and Nathan Pusey, presi- tain progress toward mutual tions, such as unity negotia- dent of Harvard, represent the understanding in this most cen- tions, when intercommunion is Episcopal Church. Episcopal tral and vital experience of possible even before full union is The committee has 17 repre- achieved... " the Christian worship and witness." sentatives from Eastern Ortho- of The report suggested revers- The report stressed that "all dox Churches, including five ing the usual order of looking at must feel with renewed inten- from Russia. Other Church the human participation in the sity the agony of broken com- groups with large representa- Archives communion service and focusing munion at the one table of the tions are Lutheran, 16; Re- on "what God does and calls us Lord." formed, 15; Anglican, 12; Meth- 2020. to do at the Lord's table." Increased opportunities f o r odist, 11; United Church, 10; Doing this instead of concen- common worship, Bible study Baptist, 5; Congregational, 4. trating on administration of groups, prayer cells, joint visi- There are 16 lay persons on the Copyright communion might be a clearer tation and common witness committee, including women. way to get to the heart of an among churches on the local level were urged by the report. Nominations to the commit- adequate sacramental doctrine, tee were made by a committee the report suggested.
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