Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.11 Supplement 2 1996 277 technique is also effective on Centaurea solstitialis. The relevance of variation in thistles to herbicidal Discussion control As with all weeds, any one technique for the control of thistles, such as herbicide application, is ineffective if not used with J.R. Peirce, Agriculture Western Australia, 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth, other techniques and management strate- Western Australia 6151, Australia. gies in an integrated program. For several thistle species such as C. vulgare and S. Summary marianum, herbicides used in an integrated Variation in thistles is the result of envi- ecologically fit as the non tolerant program provide satisfactory control. ronmental, morphological and genetic populations. As a result of this, chemical However, for the biennial species such as factors. The success of any strategy for control strategies had to be changed to Onopordum spp. the effectiveness of herbi- thistle control could depend on one or all apply herbicides that were more damag- cide is wanting. For species such as C. of these factors and on the thistle species ing to legume based pastures. nutans, trial work (Milne 1996) has shown concerned. Seasonal rainfall and tem- A review on ecology and control of this- that herbicides can be extremely success- perature patterns can have a significant tles in Australia by Sindel (1991) mentions ful if the correct rate and timing is ob- bearing on the behaviour of many of the the variability within and between species served. thistle species common to Australia. The but there were few references on the influ- The philosophy of integrated weed con- intensity and frequency of rainfall events ence of this variability on control using trol is generally little understood by many can markedly affect the emergence and herbicides. As a result of the limited infor- graziers and to a lesser extent by agricul- establishment behaviour at the early part mation regarding the influence of varia- tural extension personnel. Many control of the growing season and the amount tion within a thistle species on the success programs are often unsuccessful because and germinability of the seeds formed at of herbicide treatments, much of this pa- one single technique, such as herbicide ap- the end of the season. The ability of some per will deal with the obvious effects plication is used in isolation without con- thistle species to form biennial and per- within and to a lesser extent between this- sideration of a long term integrated strat- ennial plants that flower over a long pe- tle species. egy. Biological control is another impor- riod results in the production of large tant aspect of thistle control (Woodburn numbers of seeds. When these seeds ger- Morphological variation and Briese 1996) which requires research minate over an extended period in a sin- Thistles can range in height from about 5 to fit it into an overall control program. gle season, the seedlings pose a manage- cm for stemless thistle Onopordum acaulon rial problem and cause economic con- L. up to 180 cm for variegated thistle References straints through the cost of repeated her- Silybum marianum J. Gaertn. (Parsons and Campbell, M.H. and McDonald, W.J. bicide or cultural treatments. In addition, Cuthbertson 1992). Variation in height ei- (1979). Replacing a nitrophilous weed as- the ability of thistles to produce seeds ther between or within a species poses a sociation with Phalaris aquatica and with the potential to remain dormant problem when applying herbicides by Medicago sativa on non-arable land. Aus- over several seasons adds to the cost of boom sprayers as the correct spray over- tralian Journal of Experimental Agriculture any control strategy. The presence of ge- lap cannot be achieved. This tends to lead and Animal Husbandry 19, 448-53. netically distinct forms or ‘ecotypes’ in to some strips being overdosed with Dellow, J.J. (1995). Weed control in Lu- several of the thistles is well documented, chemicals while others receive sub lethal cerne and Pastures 1995–96. NSW Agri- but there have been very few studies of amounts. Additionally many of thistles are culture booklet. the responses of these forms to cultural so tall that it is impossible to raise a con- Groves, R.H. and Kaye, PE. (1989). Germi- and chemical treatments. Studies in fu- ventional boom sprayer high enough to nation and phenology of seven intro- ture should consider the morphological travel over the top of the infestation, and duced thistle species in southern Aus- and physiological features of the various other methods for applying the chemical tralia. Australian Journal of Botany 37, thistles and investigate methods to im- may be more appropriate. 351-9. prove herbicidal control without reduced The surface features of rosette and stem Medd, R.W. (1981). Distribution of some production caused by damage to the in- leaves and bracts surrounding the flowers Carduus, Cirsium, Onopordum and fested pasture or crop. could play an important part in herbicide Silybum species in New South Wales, retention and penetration. Evidence sug- Australia. Proceedings of the 8th Asian- Introduction gests that the droplet size has an impor- Pacific Weed Science Society Confer- Research some years ago reported differ- tant bearing on the amount of chemical ence, pp. 161-5. ential responses to 2,4-D of some ecotypes taken in from various leaf surfaces (Hess Milne, B.R, (1996) Nodding thistle of Canada thistle Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. et al. 1974). Small droplets are usually inef- (Carduus nutans) control. NSW Agricul- from locations in North Western United fective on very hairy plants because most ture Booklet, pp. 60-1. States of America (Hodgson 1964). Al- of the droplets are retained on hairs with Popay, A.I. and Medd, R.W. (1995) though it was indicated that further inves- very little reaching the leaf surface. Larger Carduus nutans L spp. nutans. In ‘The Bi- tigations were to be initiated into herbi- droplets have a better chance of reaching ology of Australian Weeds’, Volume 1, cide responses, no reference to further the leaf surface of hairy plants because eds. R.H. Groves, R.C.H. Shepherd and work on this topic by that author has been they shatter on the hairs, allowing some of R.G. Richardson, p. 29. (R.G. and F.J. found. the smaller droplets formed to contact the Richardson, Melbourne). More recently intraspecific variation be- surface. The reverse can occur with Sindel, B.M. (1991). A review of ecology tween populations of nodding thistles smooth plant surfaces. Large droplets and control of thistles in Australia. Weeds Carduus nutans L. ssp. nutans in the form shatter and bounce or collect into larger Research 31, 189-201. of resistance to the phenoxy herbicides deposits which can run off. Woodburn, T.L. and Briese, D.T. (1996). 2,4-D and MCPA has been reported from Translocated herbicides, such as The contribution of biological control to New Zealand by Harrington (1990) and glyphosate, 2,4-D or MCPA and contact the management of thistles. Plant Protec- Popay and Medd (1990). The resistant herbicides such as diquat, paraquat and tion Quarterly 11, 250-3. populations were deemed to be just as bromoxynil applied in small droplets (low 278 Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.11 Supplement 2 1996 volumes), may be more effective on the Table 1. Texture of rosette and stem leaves of some thistles. less hairy species, such as saffron thistle Carthamus lanatus L. and glaucous star this- Rosette leaves Stem leaves tle C. leucocaulos Sibth. and Sm. Higher Hairy None to slightly Hairy None to slightly volumes (larger droplets) may be re- hairy hairy quired on hairy thistle plants such as Afri- Nodding thistle African thistle Slender thistle can thistle Berkheya rigida (Thunb.) Bolus Carduus nutans Berkheya rigida and Wolley-Dod, and the Cirsium and Onopordum species (Table 1). Star thistle Slender thistle Nodding thistle Glaucous thistle Apart from some data from research on Centaurea calcitrapa Carduus pycnocephalus the effect of varying spray droplet diam- St. Barnaby’s thistle Saffron thistle Saffron thistle Star thistle eters on control of grasses, there is limited Centaurea solstitialis Carthamus lanatus information on broad leaved species such Perennial thistle Glaucous star thistle St. Barnaby’s thistle Perennial thistle as thistles on the effect of droplet size, den- Cirsium arvense Carthamus leucocaulos sity and concentration of chemical as influ- enced by volume of application. Consider- Spear thistle Variegated Spear thistle Spotted thistle able work has been carried out on insects Cirsium vulgare Silybum marianum Scolymus maculatus and it has been shown that volume of ap- Artichoke thistle Artichoke thistle plication/droplet size and chemical con- Cynara cardunculus centration have a pronounced influence on Scotch thistle Scotch thistle the effectiveness of control treatments Onopordum acanthium (Smith et al. 1979). In addition to changing Stemless thistle Illyrian thistle volumes of application and droplet sizes Onopordum acanthium no information is available on the effect of various adjuvants, penetrants and anti- Illyrian thistle Golden thistle evaporants. Richardson (1981) reported Onopordum illyricum Scolymus hispanicus that S. marianum showed no response to Soldier thistle Variegated thistle varying droplet sizes from 172–461 µm, Picnomon acarna but did have a minimum requirement of -2 10 droplets cm for adequate control. The Table 2. Germination period for a range of thistles found in Australia. dose rate or the concentration of the chemical in the droplet applied to that this- Autumn Winter Spring Summer tle was shown to be more important than Artichoke thistle •* • • • the other factors. Scotch thistle • • • • Differences in leaf area of the various Stemless thistle • • • thistles in the early rosette stage may de- Illyrian thistle •* • • • termine the amount of chemical taken up. Soldier thistle • Rosette leaves of Carthamus lanatus have a Golden thistle • • • very small surface area compared to S.
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