May 14, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 9 12383 guardian angels responded in the form of County community. He ran for mayor in 1960 families in my Congressional district should be emergency rescue workers from the police and was elected to the Borough Council in applauded. This program has partnered with and five different hospitals. 1963. He served as the president of the local schools in Miami-Dade County, Florida, On what was supposed to be an exciting Chamber of Commerce for 12 years. Frank the fourth largest school district in the country, and memorable trip, 29 students, seven par- Leone also served as Civil Defense Director to address the growing number of social ents and four staff members from the school and Emergency Management Coordinator. His issues affecting our children. were traveling on the Pennsylvania Turnpike long record of extraordinary service to his Many social challenges facing students about 30 miles outside Philadelphia on their community was honored in 2001 as the Grand today are felt away from home, oftentimes in way to a band competition in Wildwood, NJ. At Marshal of Oakland’s Memorial Day Parade. the classroom. By offering interactive work- around 4:30 on a peaceful morning, as most In 1965, President Lyndon Baines Johnson shops at local schools, students gain an un- of the students slept in their seats, a slow appointed Frank Leone as Oakland Post- derstanding of how to deal with situations they moving tractor trailer moved into the way of master. Today, he is the last active post- have already faced or may soon encounter. the bus. master in the Nation appointed by the Presi- These circumstances range from instances of The bus could not stop nor move out of the dent of the United States. He has served in bullying and peer aggression to cases of sex- way in time and the two collided. The accident various State and national offices of the Na- ual harassment and abuse. Often times, these awoke the students to the sight and sound of tional Association of Postmasters. topics are not comfortable for students to deal a nightmare as the truck and bus stuck to- Frank Leone is a shining example of citizen- with, making CAP’s role vital for the social gether and skidded out of control for over 400 ship and dedication to your community. It is an well-being of our children. feet before finally coming to a stop. honor to share in the celebration of his 80th As a mother of two girls currently attending Emergency rescue workers raced to the birthday. college, I understand how important these pro- scene to find the two vehicles had become f grams can be in making parents and loved stuck together in one giant jigsaw puzzle of ones feel more comfortable about their chil- twisted steel, a site that closed the turnpike SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND dren’s education. With enrollment at schools until the situation could be fully assessed. By IDEALS OF A NATIONAL SUF- growing, classroom sizes have increased na- the grace of God, none of the students were FRAGISTS DAY tionwide at our public schools. This has made critically injured; however, all needed thorough it more difficult for teachers to enforce respect- examination to treat wounds and help those HON. BETTY McCOLLUM able and cordial behavior. Therefore, it is im- needing medical treatment. The students, par- OF MINNESOTA perative that schools and teachers receive ents, and staff members were sent to 5 hos- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES proper support from outside specialists like pitals in the area. CAP. Monday, May 14, 2007 An unexpected tragedy occurring in an unfa- CAP’s range of expertise extends beyond miliar area far away from home is a night- Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- the classroom. Counseling can be crucial for mare, and for Elizabeth Forward High School, er, I rise today in support of H. Con. Res. 105, children in the unfortunate circumstance of ne- this nightmare became reality. But their guard- to honor women suffragists with a National glect and abuse at home. In cases of sexual ian angels went above and beyond the call of Suffragists Day. harassment and abuse, counseling at school duty to ensure their safety, treat the injured, On July 19, 1848, at the Seneca Falls Con- is sometimes the only outlet for children. This and communicate to the families the situation vention, now famous suffragists, Lucretia Mott makes CAP’s role even greater in South Flor- each of their children faced while assuring and Elizabeth Cady Stanton made one of the ida’s schools. their safety. first public appeals for women’s right to vote. Since 1984, CAP has provided abuse pre- I would like to extend my most heartfelt This convention launched a more than 70 year vention strategies to over 270,000 children, thanks and praise to all of those involved in fight for suffrage, which culminated with families and teachers in Miami-Dade County. the protection of our students. I would like the women gaining the right to vote in 1920 with Abuse prevention workshops oftentimes pro- Congressional Record to reflect that the emer- the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the vide children with the tools necessary to pro- gency workers in these organizations are truly U.S. Constitution. tect themselves from conflicts, either at school heroes deserving of our most sincere appre- Without the dedication, commitment, and or at home. The Child Assault Prevention ciation: The Pennsylvania State Police, Bran- hard work of women suffragist pioneers like (CAP) Project of South Florida provides a dywine Hospital, Chester County Hospital, Mott, Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner great example of community organizations Paoli Hospital, Reading Hospital and Medical Truth, and Alice Paul, our country would not working together with schools to improve Center, St. Joseph Medical Center, TA Nelson have the first female Speaker of the U.S. learning environments for our children. Bus Line. House of Representatives or more women Once again, I commend CAP for its efforts f elected to Congress than ever before. on behalf of so many in my community. I am proud to be a cosponsor of H. Con. f ON THE EXTRAORDINARY PUBLIC Res. 105, to honor the women suffragists who SERVICE OF FRANK LEONE changed this country. Their bravery continues TAIWAN IN THE WHO to inspire young women today to take an ac- HON. SCOTT GARRETT tive role in government and to use their voices HON. GREG WALDEN OF NEW JERSEY to make a difference. OF OREGON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES porting the goals and ideals of a National Suf- Monday, May 14, 2007 Monday, May 14, 2007 fragists Day. Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Madam f Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. Madam Speaker, Speaker, I rise today to commend Frank today in Geneva, Switzerland the 60th annual Leone on the occasion of his 80th birthday for HONORING THE CHILD ASSAULT meeting will commence of the World Health his extraordinary public service. PREVENTION (CAP) PROJECT OF Assembly, the supreme decision making body Frank Leone’s service to his country, his SOUTH FLORIDA of the World Health Organization. This year community, and his neighbors dates back to the government of Taiwan is applying for World War II when he was drafted into the HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN membership to the WHO and Taiwan has U.S. Navy. He served as a flight deck crew- OF FLORIDA been applying to participate in the activities of man on the aircraft carrier USS Kearsarge, a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the WHO since 1997 but they have been re- ship his father had helped to build during the jected due to various political pressures. war. He remains an active member of the Monday, May 14, 2007 I think it’s important that Taiwan be granted Oakland American Legion and Franklin Lakes Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speaker, I membership in the WHO. Taiwan is struggling VFW. would like to call your attention to the Child to participate in the WHO not only for the sake In 1954, Frank Leone moved to Oakland Assault Prevention (CAP) Project of South of its 23 million citizens but also for the wel- and became an active part of that Bergen Florida, whose efforts on behalf of so many fare of the 1.3 billion people in mainland VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:37 May 07, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E14MY7.000 E14MY7 cprice-sewell on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD 12384 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 9 May 14, 2007 China. With expansion of travel and trade be- HONORING STATE DELEGATE ‘‘He was born in 1915 and his father was an tween Taiwan and mainland China, contagious VINCENT F. CALLAHAN, JR. officer in the Confederate Army’’ who was in diseases can spread rapidly. Successful moni- his 70s when Cooke was born, Callahan said. ‘‘You talk about somebody from the old toring and prevention of infectious diseases HON. FRANK R. WOLF school. He was the epitome of a Virginia gen- requires cooperation from all nations. OF VIRGINIA tleman.’’ Taiwan has a modern, world-class health IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Republicans achieved parity in the House of Delegates in 1998 and Callahan was named care system and has lent its talents and re- Monday, May 14, 2007 sources to peoples in need throughout Asia co-chair of the powerful House Appropria- tions Committee. When Republicans became and around the world. Such capabilities are Mr.
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