ACRL Microcard Series- Abstracts of Titles THE ACRL MICROCARD SERIES is published HowARD, EDWARD ULYSsEs. No. 144 for ACRL by the University of Rochester Library budgets of predominantly Negro Press under the editorship of Mrs. Margaret colleges and universities. iii, 43l. 28cm. K. Toth. Titles are available directly from (Thesis: M.S. in L.S., Atlanta University, the Press. Recently published titles include: 1963.) Bibliography: Z.42-43. $1. RoBERTS, HELENE EMYLOU. No. 141 A report of the status of the budgets of American art periodicals of the nineteenth :fifty-eight predominantly Negro institutions. century. vii, 186l. 29cm. (Thesis: Master The study includes student enrollment, li­ of Librarianship, University of Washing­ brary collections, personnel, number of ton, 1961.) Bibliography: l.[178]-181. hours of student assistance, operation ex­ penditures in dollars, and expenditure ra­ $2.25. tios. These budgets were compared with The :first part of this thesis describes the over 850 selected schools included in col­ various kinds of art periodicals that were lege library statistics for 1958/ 59 and with published in the nineteenth century in the budget standards as stipulated by ALA America and discusses how art was treated for college and university libraries. Data in the general periodicals of the eighteenth for the study were compiled from Library and nineteenth centuries. It deals with art Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1960- criticism and magazine illustration and sug­ 61. gests how these periodicals may be of value RILEY, LoUisE ELisE. No. 145 to the present day librarian, art historian, A study of the performance on a library and social historian. orientation test in relation to the aca­ The second part consists of annotations demic achievement and scholastic apti­ giving bibliographic information and de­ tude of a selected group of freshman scribing the contributors, scope, content, college students at Tuskegee Institute. and format of some one hundred American iii, 35l. 28cm. (Thesis: M.S. in L.S., At­ art periodicals of the nineteenth century. lanta University, 1962.) Bibliography: FuLLER, JuANITA BOYKIN. No. 143 l.34-35. $1. An annotated bibliography of biographies This study proposed to :find the relation­ and autobiographies of Negroes, 1839- ship between library knowledge, academic 1961. iii, 62l. 28cm. (Thesis: M.S. in L.S., achievement, and scholastic aptitude of a Atlanta University, 1962.) Bibliography: selected group of freshman college stu­ l.61-62. $1. dents enrolled at Tuskegee Institute in 1960-1961. The purpose of this study was to com­ Through the use of a questionnaire it was pile an annotated bibliography of biog­ found that the students were poorly raphies and autobiographies of Negroes. equipped to use library resources effectively The bibliography is arranged in alphabeti­ and that the library instructional program cal order by subject; under the subject, aided very signilicantly in alleviating this alphabetically by the surname of the bio­ de:ficiency. However, the data did not sup­ graphee; and under the biographee, alpha­ port the assumption that the presence or betically by the author's last name; fol­ absence of library skills affects academic lowed by the title, place, publisher, date, performance. The students' aptitudes did and the number of pages found in the book not influence their abilities to use the li­ respectively. The bibliography shows an brary in the absence of instruction in library analysis by subjects and dates, sex, type of usage. biography, and publishers. (Continued on page 175.) I 159 Nominees for ACRL PRESIDENT Helen M. Brown, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts VICE PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT-ELECT J. Richard Blanchard, University of California, Davis, California Ralph E. McCoy, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE ( 1965-69) (two to be elected, one from each bracket) Ben C. Bowman, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont Thomas R. Buckman, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas James F. Holly, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota James H. Richards, Jr., Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota DIRECTORS ON ALA COUNCIL ( 1965-69) (two to be elected, one from each bracket) Page Ackerman, University of California, Los Angeles, California Kathryn R. Renfro, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska Fleming Bennett, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida W. Carl Jackson, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado COLLEGE LIBRARIES SECTION CHAIRMAN: Martha Giggs, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois George F. Bovinski, State University of New York, Cortland, New York VIcE CHAIRMAN AND CHAIRMAN-ELEcr: Lee Sutton, Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa Edwin K. Tolan, Union College, Schenectady, New York SECRETARY: Ruth A. Diveley, Occidental College, Los Angeles, California Robert W. Evans, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio JUNIOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES SECTION CHAIRMAN: James W. Pirie, Flint Community Junior College, Flint, Michigan VICE CHAIRMAN AND CHAIRMAN-ELECT: Harriett Genung, M t. San Antonio College, Walnut, California Mrs. Alice B. Griffith, Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica, New York SECRETARY: Betty J. Harrison, Marshalltown Community College, Marshalltown, Iowa Helen Paragamian, Pine Manor Junior College, Wellesley, Massachusetts 160/ Offices, 1965J66 RARE BOOKS SECTION CHAIRMAN: Marcus A. McCorison, American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts VIcE CHAmMAN AND CHAmMAN-ELECT: William H. Runge, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia Alexander D. Wainwright, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey SECRETARY: Julius P. Barclay, Stanford University, Stanford, California John W. Matheson, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri SUBJECT SPECIALISTS SECTION ~ CHAmMAN: James Humphry, III, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N. Y. VICE CHAmMAN AND CHAmMAN-ELECT: Charles G. Cox, Washington State Library, Olympia, Washington M~ry Schell, California State Library, Sacramento, California Agricultural-Biological Sciences Subsection VICE CHAIRMAN, CHAIRMAN-ELECT: Roy L. Kidman, University of California, La Jolla, California John B. Stratton, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma SECRETARY: Ann Kerker, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana Pauline W. Jennings, National Agriculture Library, Washington, D .C. Law and Political Science VICE CHAIRMAN AND CHAIRMAN-ELECT: Robert D. Harmon, San Jose State College, San Jose, California Lane Wilson, The Asia Foundation ExECUTIVE CoMMITTEE MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Marcia M. Miller, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri Hans E. Panossky, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Flavic and East European Subsections VICE CHAIRMAN AND CHAIRMAN-ELECT: John L. Mish, Public Library, New York Bohdan F. Wynar, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado MEMBER-AT-LARGE: E. Alex Baer, University of California, Los Angeles, California Wasyl Veryha, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Information about Art Subsection nominees is not available at this time. TEACHERS EDUCATION LIBRARIES SECTION (The members of this section voted to discontinue) UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES SECTION CHAmMAN: Everett T. Moore, University of California, Los Angeles, California VIcE CHAmMAN AND CHAmMAN-ELECT: John M. Dawson, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Gustave A. Harrer, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts SECRETARY: ( 1965-68) Lorna D. Fraser, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Mrs. Patricia B. Knapp, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan I 161 ACRL Board of Directors BRIEF OF MINUTES ( 2) Endorsed in principle the inclusion of January 27-10:00 a.m. a "matching" requirement of local (whether public or private) funds for Present: President Archie L. McNeal; all dollar allocations for the acqUisi­ Vice President and President-Elect Helen tion of library materials under H.R. M. Brown; Past President Neal Harlow; 3220. In taking this action, the Board Directors-at-Large, Andrew J. Eaton, Ruth urged those who will draft suggested re­ M. Erlandson; Directors on the ALA Coun­ visions in the bill to explore a match­ cil, E. Walfred Erickson, Elliott Hardaway, ing formula that will take into account Rev. Jovian Lang, Russell Shank, Mrs. Mar­ the differences among institutions that garet K. Spangler, Edward B. Stanford, in relation to their enrollments and po­ Robert L. Talmadge; Chairmen of Sections, tential economic support will affect Anne C. Edmonds, James W. Pirie, Marcus their ability to take full advantage of A. McCorison, James Humphry, III, Everett this legislation. T. Moore; Past Chairmen of Sections, Eli The ACRL Board also voted its approval M. Oboler, Norman E. Tanis, Wrayton E. of the proposed Medical Library Assistance Gardner, Benjamin B. Richards, Dale M. bill (H.R. 3142 and S. 597), noting that Bentz; Chairman of Committees, John M. many member institutions have medical Dawson, Charles M. Adams, Jack Moriarty libraries which would benefit under the (reporting for Mr. Heiliger), Stanley L. provisions of this bill. West, Arthur T. Hamlin, Mrs. Patricia B. Miss Brown noted that proposed amend­ Knapp, Mark M. Gormley, Frances Ken­ ments to the ACRL Constitution and By­ nedy, Robert K. Johnson; Editors, David laws were approved by the Planning and Kaser, Mrs. Margaret K. Toth, William V. Action Committee and would be duplicated Jackson; Chairmen of Subsections, Doris J. for presentation to the Board. Detwiler, Andrew Turchyn; George M. The discussions of the Planning and Ac­ Bailey, Executive Secretary; RoseMary tion Committee members regarding
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