Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-3-1986 The BG News October 3, 1986 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 3, 1986" (1986). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4561. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4561 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Music from pop to punk, in Friday magazine THE BG NEWS Vol. 69 Issue 23 Bowling Green, Ohio Friday, October 3,1986 Gandhi, minister uninjured in shooting assigned to protect Gandhi were sus- standing next to Gandhi when the gun- The Home Ministry said he "changed GANDHI IS guarded by an elite NEW DELHI, India (AP) - A man in pended after the attack, which oc- man fired, and were hit by pellets his name several times" during ques- sharpshooter unit, the National Secu- an army uniform fired a homemade curred as Gandhi, 42, and the president intended for the prime minister. tioning. rity Guard, formed after Sikh body- pistol yesterday at Prime Minister left a prayer service commemorating INDIAN NEWS agencies said the The suspect was questioned by police guards assassinated his mother, Prime Rajiv Gandhi and President Zail Singh, the 117th anniversary of the birth of shots were fired as Singh was getting but his motive was not clear. Police Minister Indira Gandhi, in October missing them but slightly wounding six Mohandas Gandhi, who led India's into a car and Gandhi and his wife, and government officials said he did 1984. other people. Authorities said the cap- struggle for independence from Brit- Sonia, stood nearby. Reporters who not belong to any terrorist groups. Three civilians and three police offi- tured assailant did not belong to a ain. later surveyed the scene said the ga- After the shooting, Gandhi appeared cers were hit by pellets and suffered terror group. Police said the attacker hid in heavy zebo was about SO yards from where on government television and said "minor and superficial" injuries, the The shooting triggered an investiga- vines that covered a gazebo on the the prime minister stood. smiling, "Everything is okay. There is Home Ministry said. tion into protection given the prime grounds of the Rajghat, or State Memo- Gandhi's security guards fired in the nothing to tell. One of the injured, Ram Charan Lai, minister, who has been threatened rial, where the Mahatma was cre- air around the gazebo and flushed out He then closeted himself with Home told The Associated Press he was repeatedly by Sikh separatists. Police mated. He fired a homemade pistol the attacker. Police said he was in his Minister Bute Singh, who is responsible standing next to Gandhi when he felt a said the gunman was not a Sikh. several times, they said. early 20s and wore an olive army for internal security, and other offi- thud in his back and saw pellets flying The government said several police Two of the injured said they were uniform. cials. around him. Crucial Lebanon TV airs DBC says plea to captors BEIRUT (AP) -Lebanon's June 26 after being held 19 goodbye state television station yester- months by Islamic Jihad, a pro- day broadcast a videotaped ap- Iranian Shiite fundamentalist peal for the release of American group. hostages made by their families by Jared O. Wadley and former U.S. captives. The 53-year-old priest ad- copy editor dressed himself to Haj, the Is- Part of the tape, made in lamic Jihad guard who had been Members of the reggae Washington, was carried on an in charge of Jenco and three band Crucial DBC may be evening news program seen in other American hostages - singing the popular old tune Moslem west Beirut in the hope Terry Anderson, chief Middle "California, Here I Come" that the kidnappers would view East correspondent for The As- when they travel to the it. The Americans are believed sociated Press; Thomas Suther- Golden State before the end of held by Shiite Moslems. land of the American University the month. Ten relatives and former hos- of Beirut; and David Jacobsen The band performed at its tages participated in the appeal. of the American University Hos- own farewell party yesterday Among them was the Rev. Law- pital. at the North East Commons. rence Jenco, who was freed n See Hostages page 4. According to Errol Lam, Caribbean Association/BSU adviser, the party was Cnned because he wanted Bowling Green commu- Rosh Hashana marks nity to say 'good-bye' to the band. Yesterday was the only time they were able to rent the N.E. Commons. year 5747 for Jews Drummer Grant Friedrich said it won't be the last time the six-man band will per- nim, Kottler said. form in Bowling Green. He by Linda Hoy The service begins at 8 a.m. said they will perform at their staff reporter and lasts all day, ne said. "main base,' Howard's Club A special set of prayers and H, later this month. Although this year is com- blessings, used only at this time "We don't have unrealistic monly known as 1986, after Sat- of year, are said at the service. goals. We're going to Califor- urday the Jewish community "Lashana Tova" is a greeting nia because there is a bigger will know it as the year 5747. given throughout the holiday. A market, and there's more The Jewish community will be general translation of this is happening in places like New celebrating its New Year with have a good year," he said. York and California," he the Rosh Hashana holiday to- Rosh Hashana ends with a said. morrow. large dinner. At this dinner, FRIEDRICH SAID the As with any Jewish holiday, certain traditional foods are band plans to go to Santa Rosh Hashana begins the night eaten. Apples and honey are Barbara. There's no time ta- before. In keeping with this tra- commonly served because eat- ble because they want to ex- dition, a service will be held ing these foods symbolize a Elore the area and see what today at 7 p.m. which will last sweet year, Kottler said. appens next, he said. for about an hour, Bruce Another Jewish holiday to be Jose Luna, percussionist, Kottler, campus coordinator for celebrated in the coming weeks said the members plan to the Jewish Students Group, said. is Yom Kippur, the day of atone- write and to record another R( N, s Mey Horvalh Tomorrow, the Jewish Stu- ment. tape. Band members hope a Jammin' ' '"' dents Group will go to ser- recording company will sign Norm Jones of the group Cruical DBC performs at the band's farewell concert last night in vices in Toledo. Students will be THIS HOLIDAY is a day set the band to a contract. the Northeast Commons. visiting either Temple Bnai Is- aside to fast, meditate on sins O See Crucial page 3. rael or Temple Shomer Emu- and pray for forgiveness. Former student designs sets for CBS Guilkey returns to University to assist with production of 'Playboy of the Western World' take some time off from college practical. and wanted to start working on "I was very nervous when I by Nancy Erikaon technical theater, he said. started with CBS because of ail staff reporter "My first real designing job the big names. I was really For some students, working was as an associate art director excited to be there, and I did a on a Hollywood TV show is only for The Mack starring Richard lot of silly things. For instance, I a dream. But for a former Uni- Pryor," Guilkey said. used to eat my lunch in "Ar- versity student, it has become a The Mack was a feature film chie's" chair when I worked on career. released in 1974. It was a Holly- the set of All in the Family," Dave Guilkey, currently living wood production filmed on loca- Guilkey said. in Los Angeles, is a set designer tion in San Francisco. The Mack He has always worked inde- for CBS. He is a former Univer- was also Guilkey's first experi- pendently so he could work on ence working with a major star. other projects from time to sity student temporarily work- time. ing here as the set designer for "I worked for five years with the University theater produc- "I WORKED directly with tion, Playboy of the Western Richard Pryor, which was inter- Center Theatre Group, a resi- World. esting because I got to see his dent theater in Los Angeles. I "I came here in the spring lifestyle first hand. Also, it was worked with great designers semester of "66.1 worked on my neat to work with a big star," he such as John Lee Bailey, Ming required acting and crew work said. Choa Lee and Andrew Lloyd for the theater courses I was Guilkey was hired afterward Weber. It was a wonderful expe- taldng but theater was not my by CBS as a scenic artist to work rience because they were very major," Guilkey said. "I don't on the sets of TV shows such as generous in sharing their knowl- really know when I became in- All In the Family, Sonny and edge in set designing," Guilkey terested in set design.
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