INDEX A Benton, Linn Boyd, 22 Charlemagne, 188 Accented characters, 213 Benton, Morris Fuller, 28 Cholla, 116 Accent marks, 213 Berthold, 25 Circle P, 212 Adobe Bickham Script Pro, 38, 51, 190 Betz, Jennifer, 257 Clarendon, 49 Adobe Caslon Pro, 48 Bilardello, Robin, 116 Clarendon Light, 140 Adobe Garamond, 63 Binner Gothic, 92 Clark, Phillip, 128 Adobe Illustrator, 25 Bitmapped fonts, 36–37 Cole, Amanda, 147 Adobe Paragraph Composer, 159 Black, Kathleen, 221 Color, 137, 191 Adobe Single-line Composer, 159 Blackletter type styles, 53 changing, 140 Adobe Trojan, 145 Blake, Marty, 92 evenness of, 76 Akuin, Vincent, 147 Bodoni, Giambattista, 20, 26, 27 for motion typography, 232 Aldus Freehand, 25 Bodoni fonts, 20, 95 on the Web, 226 Alexander Isley, Inc., 142 Boldface, 132, 133 Column depth, 225 Alfon, 74 Boustrophedon, 17 Column width, 224–225 Alignment, 108–110, 112–119 Bowl, 46, 47 Commercial Script, 51 hung punctuation, 153 Boxed initials, 187 Compatil, 78 with initial caps, 183 Braces, 214 Compugraphics, 25 optical margin, 153–154 Brackets, 214 Computer-generated styling, 202–203 visual, 155–157 Brewer, Amber, 63 Condensed type, regular vs., 93 Alphabets, 16–17 Bright, Colin, 128 Consistency of design traits, 74 Alternate characters, 190 Brush scripts, 52 Contextual alternates, 40, 190–191 A N D, 141, 214 Bullets, 209–210 Contoured type, 110, 112–119 Angled brackets, 214 Contrast, 90 Apostrophes, 199 C Cooke, Nick, 248 Appearance of typefaces: Calligraphers, 81 Copperplate, 50 desirable characteristics in, 74–76 Calligraphic typestyles, 52, 77 Copyright symbol, 211–212 elements in, 45–57 Caps: Coquette, 57 Aram, 90 drop, 183, 184 Coster, Laurens, 18 Architype Bayer-Type, 81 initial, 183–188 Counter, 46, 47 Arial, 226, 227 lowercase vs., 137 Courier, 197 Arm, 46, 47 raised, 184, 185 Cuneiforms, 16 Ascenders, 17, 19, 46, 47 small, 180–182 Curly brackets, 214 Aufuldish, Bob, 88, 117 stick-up, 184, 185 Curve, setting type on, 169 Aufuldish & Warinner, 188 Cap height, 46, 47 Custom typefaces, designing, 247–253 Auto leading, 105, 107 Caracappa-Qubeck, Amy, 242 Axis, 46 Carnival, 92 D Carpio, Thomas Jason, 219 D’Amico, Dee Densmore, 249 B Carter, Matthew, 29 Dartangnon, 52 Bain, Peter, 81 COPYRIGHTEDCascading Style Sheets (CSS), MATERIAL 228 Dashes, 200–201 Banham, Stephen, 93, 170 Caslon (typeface), 95 Deaver, George, 188 Bar, 46, 47 Caslon, William, 26 Decorative initials, 186 Baseline, 46 Caslon Openface, 94 Decorative typefaces, 56–57 Baseline shift, 163 Casual scripts, 52 de Haas, Bart, 144 Baskerville, John, 27 Caxton, 104 Denman, Jessica, 67 Bauhaus style, 21, 26 Centered type, 109, 110 Desai, Mansi, 88 Bayer, Herbert, 21 Chantry, Art, 86, 115, 135 Descenders, 17, 19, 46 Bell, Jill, 81, 250 Character(s): Design goals, 71–73 Bembo, 53 glyph vs., 57 Designing custom typefaces, 247–253 Bembo Titling, 53 parts of, 46–47 Diacritical marks, 213 Benguiat, Edward, 29, 186, 191, 250 spacing of, 160 Didot, Firmin, 20, 26 268 TYPE RULES! 221_542514_bindex.indd1_542514_bindex.indd 268268 66/1/10/1/10 44:43:43 PPMM Diehl, Casey, 128 formats, 35–36 Headline typefaces, see Display typefaces Digital typesetting, 22, 24–25 for motion typography, 231–232 Heavy-weight typefaces, 93 Dingbats, 120, 121, 217 Open Type, 37–41 Helmling, Akiem, 251 Discretionary hyphens, 152 optically sized, 54 Helvetica Condensed, 139 Display typefaces, 56–57, 71, 76, 91, 103 size-sensitive, 54–55 Henderson Bromstead Art, 82 Double bowl “a”s and “g”s, 55 style-linked, 42 Hernandez, Jamie, 129 Doyle Partners, 144, 185, 186 TrueType, 37 Hinting, 41 Dreher, Nicole, 237 typefaces vs., 42 History of type, 15–29 Drop caps, 183, 184 Type 1, 36–37 Hoene, Ian, 129 Dumb quotes, 197–198 for Web sites, 224, 226 Horizontal alignment, 155–156 FontBureau, 25 Hornall Anderson Design Works, Inc., E Font embedding, 229 114, 144, 187 Eagle Bold, 92 Font management utilities, 41 House Industries, 191 Ear, 46, 47 Font production editors, 253 Hsaio, Christina, 83 Ed Interlock, 39, 191 FontShop, 25 Huerta, Gerard, 83, 181 E+F Bauer Bodoni, 95 Footnotes, 123 Human, Lucas, 129 Ellipses, 216 Formal scripts, 51 Humanistic type styles, 51 Embedding, font, 229 Foundry Gridnik, 140 Hung punctuation, 153 Em dash, 200–201 Fractions, 40, 207–208 Hunter Dougless, 61 Emigre, 25 Franklin Gothic, 50 Hyphen, 152, 200–201 Emigre Triplex, 78 Futura Bold, 89 Hyphenation, 151–152 Emphasis, 131–145 Futura Book, 143 Encapsulated PostScript fi les, 186 Futura Thin, 115 I En dash, 200–201 Ideograms, 16 End marks, 217 G Ikarus-M, 25 Endnotes, 123 Garage Gothic, 141 Importing copy, 122 Engravers Gothic, 92 Garamond (typeface), 95 Indents, 119–121, 210 Euro symbol, 216 Garamond, Claude, 20, 26 Industrial Revolution, 21 Expo Sans, 106 Gee, May, 219 Initial caps, 183–188 Exquisit, 78 Geometric typefaces, 51 International Typeface Corporation (ITC), Extra Bold, 143 Georgia, 226, 227 23, 25, 217 Extreme indent, 119, 120 Gill, Eric, 28 Italics, 132–133 Extreme Sans, 74 Ginnel, Ben, 85 ITC Abaton, 56 Glyph, character vs., 57 ITC American Typewriter, 158 F Glyphic style, 50 ITC Avant Garde Gothic, 51 Fact, 78 Glyph positioning, 163 ITC Avant Garde Gothic Medium Faheym, Richard, 72 Glyph substitution, 39 Oblique, 132 Fake small caps, 203 Golden Type, 21 ITC Ballerino, 52 Fake styling, 42 Goudy, Frederic W., 27 ITC Beesknees, 56 Farey, Dave, 190 Goudy Oldstyle, 197 ITC Bodoni Brush, 74 Ferreira, Ana Rita, 241, 242 Granier-Gwinner, Églantine, 219 ITC Bodoni fonts, 49, 79, 92, 95, 189 Fette Fraktur, 53 Granjon, Robert, 26 ITC Bolt Bold, 140 Figures, 177–178 Graphic, type as, 229 ITC Conduit, 75 accessing, 179 Grimshaw, Phil, 248 ITC Curlz, 56 OpenType fonts, 40, 179 Gutenberg, Johannes, 18–19 ITC Dartangnon, 248 Fine-tuning, 151–173 ITC Deelirious, 52, 249 Finial, 46 H ITC Edwardian Script, 186 First line indent, 119, 120 Hagmann, Sibylle, 116, 251 ITC Farmhaus, 56 Fisher, Jeff, 88 Hairline, 46 ITC Flora, 74 f-ligatures, 123 Hand-lettering, 81–86 ITC Freddo, 57 Floating accents, 213 Handwriting fonts, 52, 77, 247–249 ITC Galliard Italic, 132 Flush left/right, 108–109 Hanging indents, 120, 121 ITC Galliard Roman, 132 Fonts, 35–39 Hanging punctuation, 153, 153–154 ITC Golden Cockerel Titling, 53 INDEX 269 221_542514_bindex.indd1_542514_bindex.indd 269269 66/1/10/1/10 44:43:43 PPMM ITC Golden Type, 104 Loop, 46, 47 Oldrichium, 76 ITC Grimshaw Hand, 248 Lopez, David, 128 Oldstyle, 48, 177–178 ITC Highlander Pro, 190 Lowercase: Oliver, Ian, 237 ITC Humana, 78 caps vs., 137 One-storey “a”s and “g”s, 55 ITC Juice, 75 letterspacing, 203 OpenType fonts, 35, 37–41 ITC Kabel Ultra, 160 Lowercase fi gures, 177–178 fi gures in, 40, 179 ITC Kendo, 186 Lubalin, Herb, 23–24 fractions in, 208 ITC Legacy Serif, 36 Luce, Emily, 233 Optically sized fonts, 54 ITC Lubalin Graph, 49 Optical margin alignment, 153–154 ITC New Baskerville, 49 M Optima, 51 ITC Pious Henry, 56 Machado, Daniel, 149 Orphans, 202 ITC Rennie Mackintosh, 56 Macintosh (Mac) computers, 24 Outdents, 120, 121 ITC Stone fonts, 79 MacPherson, Matt, 257 Outline fonts, 37 ITC Stone Serif, 132 Macromedia Fontographer, 25 Ovejero, Gonzalo, 118 ITC Woodland, 112 Maiandra, 42 Overlapped initials, 187 ITC Zapf Dingbats, 217 Mantle, Sara, 128 ITC Zemke Hand, 249 Manutius, Aldus, 18 P McGarr, Holly, 257 Page-layout applications, 24, 25 J Mechanicals, 25 Pallozzi, Michael, 205 Jacobs, Bas, 251 Mekanik, 106 Pantographic punch cutter, 22 Jenson, Nicolas, 18 Mende, Jeremy, 115 Parentheses, 214–215 Johann Sparkling, 248 MendeDesign, 181 Parkinson, Jim, 251 Joye, Ferris Ivester, 149 Mergenthaler, Ottmar, 21–22 Paste-ups, 25 Justifi ed type, 108–110 Metal-type composition, 21 Pelavin, Daniel, 84, 87 Michael Vanderbyl Design, 145, 215 Personal computers (PCs), 24–25 K Middledorp, Jan, 144 Phonetics, 17 Kerning, 75, 164–168 Mistral, 52 Photocomposition, 22 Kinetic type, 230 Modern style, 49 Pictographs, 15–16 Kirby, Shawna, 257 Morris, William, 21, 26 Pi Sheng, 18 Koloc, Felicia, 127 Morrison, Stanley, 28 Plantin, 55 Kortemäki, Sami, 251 Motion typography, 230–235 Plantin Schoolbook, 55 Kowalski, Ben, 127–129 Movable type, 18 Point size, 103–107, 138–139 Mrs. Eaves, 181 Polite Design, 143 L Multiplatform support, fonts with, 38 Pope, Kevin, 84 Leading, see Line spacing Munger, Mike, 128 PostScript Type 1 fonts, 35–36 Leg, 46 Murphy, Mary Beth, 237 Prendergast, Edward L., 128 Legibility, 73, 75 Primes, 188 Letraset FontStudio, 25 N Printer fonts, 37 Letter (font), 78 Narrow type, wide vs., 93, 139 Pritchard, Lauren, 127 Letterpress printing, 18 Nesnadny + Schwartz, 118, 135 Punctuation, smart, 227–228 Letterspacing, 160, 203 Newman, Andrew M., 91, 92 Leviathan, 141 News Gothic, 87 Q Ligatures, 40, 123 Nikolic, Jana, 90 Quotation marks, 197–198 Light-weight typefaces, 93 19th Century Grotesque, 50 Line breaks, 225 Nonprint typography, 223–235 R Line length, 104, 224–225 motion typography, 230–235 Rags, 158 Line spacing, 19, 104–107 on the Web, 223–230 Raised caps, 184, 185 Lining, see Alignment Numerals, see Figures Raye, Robynne, 85 Link, 46, 47 Readability, 73, 73–74, 103 Linotype (company), 25 O Red Canoe, 87 Linotype machine, 21–22 Obliques, 132, 133 Register symbol, 211–212 Logos, scaling of, 161 Odi, Kyra, 128 Regular type, condensed vs., 93 Long s, 42 Offset lithography, 22 Reverse initials, 187 270 TYPE RULES! 221_542514_bindex.indd1_542514_bindex.indd 270270 66/1/10/1/10 44:43:43 PPMM Rigsby Design, 85, 215 Square brackets, 214 Trujillo, David, 129 Roberts, Eva, 114 Square serif, 49 Tweaking, 151–173 Roman type, 20 Stem, 46, 47 20th Century Grotesque, 50 Rosenkranz, Brian, 87 Stick-up
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