(pii *• "\ DAILY NEW* FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS of th* Are An Effective Selling Fere* WESTERN ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. 14 No. 88 NELSON, B. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 1915 50c. PER MONTH Pd TOMMY LOST HIS RUM FRENCH STORM TERRIFIC SHELL RUSSIANS HAVE ALMOST BECAUSE OF SHELL RUMPUS IMPORTANT CREST HRE EFFECTIVE ty ty ty ® ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty- ty ty ty ty ty ty' ® ty Tear Up Strong German Italians Pound AustHai TEUTON ARMIES TO ty GERMANS TRY ty Col. Morrison Waxes Sar­ y tytytytytytytytytyty® ®®tytyty<i ® TO BURN WHEAT ty Defenses in Alsaee Out of Defenses castic About "TTplifters" <S> M ® « ® (By Dally News Leaaed Wire.) ty ty GREECE MAY BREAK (• When- (Jmnann Are Moving-Forward ft Is Only Yard ty SEAI-'ORTH, Ont.-. July 27.— ® ty * WITH TURKS SOON < ty German sympathizers are blnm- ty ty —- < by Yard and at Trempndoiis Cost in Men and Mater-; <*> nd for what IH considered a de- ty ty (By Dally News Leased Wire.) <• ty liberate attempt to burn a ware- ty •"> ATHENS, .July 27.—Turkey <• inl—Kven Berlin Claims Only Few Gains ty. house of the Ogilvlo Milling ty POSITION TAKEN ENEMY BEGINS TO ty has replied to the protest nf <• ty company which contained 20,000 ® ty Greece against tlie ill-treatment TAKES TIL ATM /; ty bushels nf wheat, here ut noon ® ty of Greeks on Ottoman territory ty inday. Tbe fire was discovered ® EEAVE GORIZIA ty 'by stating that the •'expulsion " ANTI-TO ACCO MOVE ty by workmen who found oily <?* ty of Greek.4 from Turkey is merely <• I *v waste secreted under the build- ty ty a military measure taken for •' MUSCOVITE COUNTERATTACKS ARE KEEPING •v lag. There was little damage ty '*> tho safety of the empire." The < ty done. An investigation has be- ® ® reply is unsatisfactory, Piplo- < ty sun. ty Advance on Front: of More Evacuation of Podgora Said <•• malic relations may he broken, <• ENEMY BUSY-BALTIC ARMY COMES BACK Chaplains, Bravest of the ® ® ® < <S> ty ® ® <S> ty <fc * <?> ty <8> ty fi> <*> ty fi, -J;. <5» Than Mile-Number of to Be Matter of Hours. 4> ty ty ty ty <i> ft ty ty ty ty <t- ty ty ty <$• ty (> S ... ", • 'y • (ft ' I'M Brave, All Smoke or Car­ Prisoners Taken Verona Bombed , .; : ^-4——-—•" HONOR BRAVE CANADIAN Germanio Forces Advance Slightly Toward Vilna- ry "Cigs" to Wounded NURSE AT FUNERAL 0 {By Canadian Associated Tress.) Petrograd Railway hut Are Long Distance From it, • LONDON, July 27.—Special honors (By Dailv News Leased Wire.) (B" Dai!" News Jbeased W-lr*.) FFF Pin wore accorded today at the funeral at LONDON, July 27.—With interest THllllF. PINC. II1VIHI (By Dally Nowa Leased Wire.) LONDON," July 27.—Artillery I LIU Shorncliffe of Mrs. Wilson, wife of Ma­ largely centered in the east, tho Im­ playing an important part in tbe battle in Line for Which Battle Rages Fiercely OTTAWA, July 27.—A soldier's tri­ jor Justice Wilson, commanding D portant offensive of the French in Al­ on tho Isonzo where tho Italians are Military Expert Believes History of bute to the Canadian chaplains ;it the company In the Aftih Canadian battal­ sace has heen almost disregarded, reported to have concentrated for three Napoleon's Advance on Moscow front, singling out for particular men­ ion. Sho was ono of tbe first nursing They report -mother success lo the days their fire on the Austrian posi­ May Be Repeated. tion Rev. Alexander Gordon of St. An­ north of Minister, which apparently Is sisters to obtain a commission. She 1 tions. This fire is said to have ex drew's church, Ottawa, is contained In sorted in tho South African war and Iheir objective atnl tlie repillfiQ of a (By Daily Newa I^ensod Wire.) have boon successful Itusnian attacks, 11 Cebded In In violence that Which Ihe (By Pai'y News r-easeil Wire,) LONDON, July ii7.—The Auslt'o- tho latest letter sent homo by Lieut, - received both the King's and Queen's series of German counter-attacks. The some enemy detachments being com­ Austro-Oermans employed against Ih LONDON, July 27.—The rtnlly Tele- German attempts lo envelop the Rus­ pelled to beat a hasty retreat to the Col, Morrison, D.S.O., commander of medals, Majors Weaver, Palmer, Hob- French hnve concentrated a lot. of nr- graph's Potrbfirad correspniulent says: tlllery in this district and with high Russians in western Galleln, which up sian armies defending Warsaw and to region of tbe village of Serocii. We tho 1st Canadian Artillery brignde. bins and Watts and Captains Alexan­ lo that time was the most terrific ever "Evidently the fact of a R-reat city capture the I'ulish capital, which for a captured one zeppelln and 700 pris­ "They are a, fine lot of men." he der and Finder acted as pallbearers. explosives have simply been tearing up the German defensive works which experienced in war. Steady progress like Wnrsaw ploys only a small part timo progressed almost with tbo mo­ oners and several maxims. AH infan­ •writes, "and one of the host Is Jtev. Four hundred soldiers of her husband's Is being made by the Italians. The In the strategy of Grand Duke Nich­ mentum of tiie offensive which cleared try counter-attack from Consianttnnv company attended, aro among the strongest along the 1 Gordon." whole line, The Germans, however, Austrians repeat Iheir claim that all olas . Military authorities hold thnt a Oallcia. of the Russian troops, have was repulsed by armored motor-ears. Col. Morrison, In a paragraph deal­ havo not shown any less energy in the Italian attacks, several of whicli fortnight must elapse before there is heen brotiRht nearly to a standstill and a. definite issue dccliling' the fate of "On the left hank of the Vistula at ing with the recent rumpus In the old their capacity for artillery bombard­ they describe In detail, were repulsed, where the Germans are moving for­ daybreak Monday there was a suc­ country over "thc lack of stuff to kill ments. Their guns were trained on News has reached Geneva, which in­ Warsaw in tbe sreat battle raging on ward it is only yard by yard and at this front. cessful bayonet charge, the enemy's Germans with," tells how tho blame Arras-again yesterday and considerable dicates that the Italians are about to tremendous cost in men and material. attempts to approach tho front of was passed along from the government TURKS DENY THAT "No «;reat importance Is attached to The Gorman field marshal, Von Mac- damage was added to that thoy al­ achieve an important success against Nadarzyn-IMaseczno (southeast of via tho contractors nod manufacturers ready had done at this point. Tho the Austrians. Tho Austrians, accord tho success of tbe small detachment of icenzen, has taken a few villaffos on Blonse) being repulsed. On the Vis­ down to the British workman, on French statement tonight says one jhg tn this source, last night com Germans attaining a foothold on the the way to Uie Lublin-Cholm railway tula and tbe Wieprz calm prevails. whose alleged drunkenness was finally THEV SEEK PEACE civilian was killed during tho shelling. menced the evacuation of Gorizia, ; left bank uf iho Narew. Before (hey between the Vistula and Bug rivers, laid the blamo for scarcity of ammuni­ At other points the artillery of both become a real menace to Warsaw thcy and the Austrians by a countcr-of- "East of the Wieprz to the river city which has been the objective of Bug the fighting eontlnues., Tn this tion. Later information showed how Envoys Say They Are jr» Switzerland sides has been engaged in duelling, hut tho Italian offensive in tho Isonzo must fight Iheir way through miles of fensivo at Sokal ha.vp captured posi­ the worker was made thc scapegoat for no lasting results are recorded. The woody ami marshy country, tions which will make the German region Monday evening large enemy to Get Rid of Appendix 'and region. The evacuation of podgora, forces captured a portion of tlie Rus­ incompetence higher up. Secure Rest duels lately have been spirited in the dnpther important Austrian city in the "Meanwhile thoir advance in ihronijii flank safer hut, as has so often oc­ curred lately, Berlin officially reports sian trenches, lint were expelled from /Phe letter follows: region of the sand dunes of Belgium same region, is said to be only a ques­ a country devastated hy the Dussian.s and northern France, where Inst fall as when Napoleon advanced on Mos­ that "otherwise the positions of (he them in subsequent counter-attacks. "Any old place In Belgium, July 13, (By Dally News Leased Wire.) tion of hours. The Austrian troops op­ German troops under Von Mackenv.en Particularly vigorous attacks in tho the roar of heavy guns was almost posing the Italian Invasion hnvo been cow. Already they are beginning lo 1915. This division has been on GENEVA, July 27.—Nedjemlton Kf- continuous, feel (he pinch. Co] Schumsky lielleves remains unchanged." neighborhood of Gooohie were success­ nearly every part of the British front fencll, Turkish minister oC justice, who unable to maintain their positions. fully repulsed. Enemy Is Leaving Gorizia. it likely history will be repeated." (from Ypres to La Bassee, and now we came to Switzerland last week, has Bombardment Extends to Flanders. Along tho western bank of the Vis­ GENEVA. July 27.—A despatch from The Daily News Petrograd corre­ tula, from IvanKorod to Novo (ieorffi- "On the Dug stubborn* fighting is are here.
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