Memorandum of Understanding The ‘hlinistry of Agriculture and Cooperatives- of the Government of Thailand and the International Rice Research Institute (Ira),located in the Philippines, have cooperated in rice research for a number of years. -1 he exchange of rice varieties and breeding lines and research information, and strong collaborative research and training, have resulted in the development . of improved high yielding varieties and improved rice-based farming systems for Thailand and other rice-producing countries of the world. Thai scientists and technicians trained at IRRI are working productively in agricultural research and extension programs in Thailand; many are usins their skills in other parts of the world. -. A new joint research and training program, within which Thai and IRFU scientists work together in international efforts to improve deepwater rice culture, aims at developing new improved rice varieties and cultural practices for farmers in Thailand and other countries in the region. It offers the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of the Government of Thailand and IRRI an opportunity to contribute even more extensively to the common goal of improving the well- . being of rice consumen andproducen euerywhere in the world, particularly those with low incomes. -Involvement of nailand’s Department of Agriculture and IRRI in this joint program will be - - based on a mutual assessment of needs and opportunities that may present themselves from year to year, and on the availability of funds. Details will be developed jointly by the Rice Research Institute of the Department of Agriculture, blinisw of Agricultureand Cooperatives, Thailand, and IRRI. We hereby mutually agree to establish a joint research and training program in deepwater rice, whereby Thailand and IRRI will jointly produce and distribute plant breeding materials and the associated technology for improvement of production in the deepwater rice areas of Southeqst Asia. \, Signed the 27th day of August 1771 at Los Baiios, Philippines. ! I I I I I Klaus Lampe Dircctor Gcncral hlinistry of Agriculture and Coopcrativcs Intcrnational Rice Rcscarch Institute 4 I b .- I COOPERATIONIN INTEKNATIOXAL DEEPWATER RCE RESEARCH AYD TRAISINGBY .- . -. - .. ._ ... .. ___ THEGOVERNMENT OF THAILAND I .. .. .. AND I THEIPUTERNATIONAL RICE RESEARCH INSTITUTE ._ . _. -. .._ - .-. -. .. .. I I 1. Background Thailand and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) first signed a Memorandum I of Understanding for a joint research and training program concentrating on deepwater rice in 1974. ‘Since then, Thailand has developed a strong deepwater rice program, with I excellent facilities and well-trained staff. The extensive achievements of the program are documented by research results reported at +e International Deepwater Rice Wiorkshop in Bangkok in 1987 and in papers published i ‘ in international journals and other scientific publications, and through research method- ology and hundreds of advanced rice lines shared throughout Southeast Asia. I 2. Deepwater rice research needs -. - Some 9 million ha of deepwater rice is harvested annually. In Asia, the-main-areas are in I Northeastern India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Cultivars now grown have a long history of adaptation, but there are numerous constraints to increased production. Yields are low andunstable. Rice crops are subject to soil problems, I both drought and deep flooding, and yield-reducing pests. Different flooding patterns in different seasons give highly unpredictable stresses. Each new rice variety fits a limited set of ecological niches, and cropping systems have to be I specifically adaptcd to the wide range of soil, climatic, and flooding conditions. Because deepwater rice must be adapted to diverse, extremely difficult, not well I understood environments, progress in developing improved cultiivars and more efficient cultural methods and cropping systems for higher production is slow. If further progress , is to be made, more extensive work is needed in target environments. Breakthroughs and I solutions take longer than in the irrigated areas. Commitments must be long term. This emphasizes the need for collaborative research with Natlonal Agricultural Research II Systems (NARS) for extensive testing in the target environments. Thailand with its excellent rescsrch facilities and experienced staff for deepwater rice research is in an excellent position to make significant contributions to regional research 1 for this complex ecosystem. I - . *. ...'_,. <.L',.. ,.., * _,..... I., I. >- ..I L... ._.. _. ,. _._...1. - .- . , .- . -* % e... .. .. ..; - .. .~ . ... .. .. ._ Collaborative research .. - Progrcss can be speeded through a collaborative Thailand-jRRI deepwater rice program. , -. ---_ - - - - - ____ ____ Scientisrs will share raources and cooperate in the selectionand evaluation of deepwater rice genotypes suitable for the environments of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, embddia, Viemam, and parts of kdonesia) and in the development and dissemination of supporting technology. .. -- Thai deepwater rice scientists will take a lead role in selecting, testing, evaluating, and distributing plant breeding materials in the region. They will assist IRRI in integrating national systems research activities on cropping systems and weed science for deepwater rice. .- -. Rice scientists from other Southeast Asia countries will visit Thailand to observe deepwater rice materials growing in the field and to assist in selecting breeding materials for their particular programs. 4. Inputs planned _.. Thai scientists will use fields and facilities at Prachinburi Research Center and Huntra Experiment Station in Thailand to conduct additional deepwater rice breeding and testing. They also will use facilities at Pathum Thani Rice Research Center or Suphanburi Rice Experiment Station for early selection work on plant type and pest resistance and for seed .. increase in a safe environment. They.wil1 visit deepwater rice areas of other countries in - the region to coordinate research. - Additional financial support will be needed to carry out the increased work and for a. international travel. IRRI will help coordinate the collaboration and provide support. within.. - .. - . - - its deepwater rice ecosystem research program. Research responsibilities of IRRI scientists . will be to pre-breed deepwater rice lines with improved plant type, elongation ability, and submergence tolerance to fit soils, water depth, and maturity requirements; identify donors .. for essential physiological ' and pest resistance 'traits; develop or refine screening procedures for elongation ability; and elucidate the genetic and physiological mechanisms of elongation and kneeing ability. IRRI scientists will also characterize farm practices, define socioeconomic and physical constraints to increased produc:ion, establish priorities . for research, and study cultural methods and management practices for deepwater rice and associated'crops. The emphasis will be on productivity of the whole farm system, not solely the rice crop. .\\ 5. Expected outputs 1992-94 I I The improvement through extended activities in the research capabilitirs working with rice researchers of this rice ecosystem will result in more relevant research outputs at the national program level, aimed to directly benefit marginal farmers. In particular, results I will include the following: .I 1 a) Deepwarer rice breeding lines with desirable traits that can also be used by other national programs. I. methods for' each environment. - . -- -. -- - .. .. 1:- 1...----.---lT-:-.=.- ...I .: ........ .. -..... - .- ......... ..-- ............. .-.......... :---;!.'- ...... e) Croo-. loss akessments and efficient..... weed control methods for deepwater rice and... - :{ .. - .. _.. ...... .. -. associated field crops. .. ... .. 0 Environmental characterization, analyses of constraints in specific sub-systems, and , . research activities relevant to long-term productivity and income generation. .. g> Dissemination of information on ongoing research, emerging constraints, and new . research ideas and technologies. I. .... .. - .. 6. Verifiable indicators 1: ,.e Specific indicators of research achievement will include the following: a) Number of lines selected and distributed to other NARS. b] Number of advanced lines in NAliS yield trials. .. -. ....... -. -_ . - . _. .. ' c) Number of early generation lines tested. -- . I .. .. d) Amount of seed produced in safe environments. *, e) Change in the type Fnd extent of farming systems activities and number of farmers .. .. .......... .. .. 1 .- adopting .new farming practices. 0 Recommendations for weed control.. I . 8, Records of research conducted in each field site. .. Ti I h) Reports on research completed. -- 7. Assumptions ... -- That the Government of Thailand, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, I -. can support the expansion of research activities by Thai scientists and agrees to use resources and labor for international research. i 1 That the movement of Thai scientists on assignment with INto countries of the region , will be permitted. That sufficient funds are available for the activities planned, and that the Department of I Agriculture will join IRRI in seeking additional international support when needed. That other NARS in the region with significant deepwater rice areas will welcomk the joint ... :I Thailand-IRRI activities.19 August 1991 I I I I VIETNAM I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I ~ ~- .
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