June 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 governments, to speak their minds, and to mitted to doing more in the future. We pursue a good life for their families, they also agree that highly indebted developing build a strong, prosperous, and just society. countries that are on the path to reform This is the vision chosen by Iraqis in should not be burdened by mountains of elections in January, and the United States debt. Our countries are developing a pro- and Britain will stand with the Iraqi people posal for the G–8 that will eliminate 100 as they continue their journey toward free- percent of that debt, and that, by providing dom and democracy. We’ll support Iraqis additional resources, will preserve the fi- as they take the lead in providing their nancial integrity of the World Bank and own security. Our strategy is clear: We’re the African Development Bank. training Iraqi forces so they can take the As we work with African nations to de- fight to the enemy, so they can defend their country. And then our troops will velop democratic institutions and vibrant come home with the honor they have economies that will provide greater oppor- earned. tunity for all Africans, we must also address By spreading freedom throughout the emergency needs. I’m pleased to announce broader Middle East, we’ll end the bitter- the United States will provide approxi- ness and hatred that feed the ideology of mately $674 million of additional resources terror. We’re working together to help to respond to humanitarian emergencies in build the democratic institutions of a future Africa. One of those emergencies is the Palestinian state. We support Israel’s dis- growing hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa. engagement from Gaza and parts of the In response to this need, $414 million of West Bank. We’re advancing the vision of those additional resources will be provided two states, Israel and Palestine, living side immediately to avert famine there. We urge by side in peace and security. the international community to join us in We also share a commitment to help the committing greater resources to the hu- people of Africa build strong democratic manitarian needs in Africa. institutions and healthy economies. The I also look forward to working with the Prime Minister has made the promotion Prime Minister through the G–8 to forge of reform and development in Africa a cen- a new strategy for the 21st century that ter piece of the G–8 summit that the helps countries achieve economic pros- United Kingdom will be hosting next perity, energy security, and a clean environ- month. And I’m grateful for your vision, ment to improve public health by cutting and I’m grateful for your leadership on this air—public air pollution and to address important subject. global change, subjects which I look for- Helping those who suffer and preventing the senseless death of millions of people ward to discussing at the G–8, Mr. Prime in Africa is a central commitment of my Minister. To develop and make available administration’s foreign policy. We’re mak- clean and efficient technologies that will ing historic progress in helping the poorest help attain these goals has got to be part countries in Africa gain a fresh start and of our dialog at the G–8. to build a future of greater opportunity and I look forward to also continuing our dis- prosperity. America will continue to lead cussion to support freedom and democracy the world to meet our duty in helping the in the broader Middle East. world’s most vulnerable people. The United States congratulates the Over the past 4 years, we have tripled United Kingdom as it takes over the Presi- our assistance to sub-Sahara Africa, and dency of the EU on July the first. The now America accounts for nearly a quarter United States has a wide-ranging and active of all the aid in the region. And we’re com- agenda with Europe, and we’re determined 942 31 2005 13:57 Sep 09 2008 Jkt 206694 PO 00000 Frm 00942 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\94A XXX 94A Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 / June 7 to work together to meet the global chal- issues to do with Africa but all of them lenges common to us all. The Prime Min- together and deal with it on a basis of ister and I believe a strong Europe that a partnership with the African leadership acts in partnership with the United States that’s prepared to embrace the same values is important for world peace. of democracy and freedom that we em- I appreciate your leadership, Tony Blair. brace. I appreciate your friendship. I appreciate In respect of debt and debt cancellation, your courage, and I appreciate your vision. I’m pleased at the progress that we’re mak- Welcome back to America. ing. And I think we are well on the way— Prime Minister Blair. Thank you very I hope we can, if we’re able to, conclude much, indeed, Mr. President, and I say how a deal at the finance ministers’ meeting this delighted we are to be back here in the weekend, but one that will involve 100 per- White House and to say thank you for your cent debt cancellation and also the commit- warm welcome. ment of the additional funding necessary And we’ve also got a busy agenda ahead to make sure that the institutions aren’t of us in the international community over penalized as a result of that. And if that the coming months. We’ve obviously dis- substantial funding is added also to the cussed, as the President has just indicated, debt cancellation, I think it will make a the issues to do with the G–8 summit. And real difference to those African countries. on Africa, I think there is a real and com- But we know there’s a lot more to do. mon desire to help that troubled continent And over the coming weeks, in the run- come out of the poverty and deprivation up to the summit that will take place in that so many millions of its people suffer. Scotland, we want to carry on working on In a situation where literally thousands of the specific programs in relation to things children die from preventable diseases like education and infrastructure and deal- every day, it’s our duty to act, and we will. ing with the killer diseases, that allow us But we know that there are two things to make the commitment that we need. very clear about Africa today. The first is, On climate change, I think everyone that though it is important that we commit knows there are different perspectives on the resources to Africa that are necessary, this issue. But I also think that it’s increas- it’s not just about resources. It’s also about ingly obvious, whatever perspective people debt. It’s about trade. It’s about making have and whatever—from whatever angle sure that we deal with these diseases, HIV/ they come at this issue, there is a common AIDS, malaria, TB, polio, that are killing commitment and desire to tackle the chal- so many people. It’s about conflict resolu- lenges of climate change, of energy security tion and having the proper peacekeeping and energy supply. And we need to make and peace enforcement mechanisms. sure that we do that. And again, I hope And it’s about making sure that in doing over the coming weeks, we will work close- this, that it’s not a something-for-nothing ly on this. deal. We also need to make sure that there On the Middle East and the Middle East is a commitment on the part of the African peace process—of course, we had a discus- leadership to proper governance, to action sion about this. I would just like to empha- against corruption, to making sure that the size again the vital necessity of making sure aid and the resources that we’re prepared that democracy succeeds in Iraq. Our to commit actually go to the people that troops work together very, very closely need it and do the job that it’s supposed there, and I would like to pay tribute not to do. just to the bravery of the British troops So we are trying to create a framework that work there and other coalition troops in which we deal not just with one of the but to the United States forces that do 943 31 2005 13:57 Sep 09 2008 Jkt 206694 PO 00000 Frm 00943 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\94A XXX 94A June 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 such a magnificent job there and often in Africa is an important part of my foreign very, very difficult circumstances. And yet policy. I remember when I first talked to it is absolutely vital for the security, not Condi when I was trying to convince her just of that country and of that region but to become the National Security Adviser, of the world, that we succeed in Iraq. And she said, ‘‘Are you going to pay attention the reason it’s tough is because people to the continent of Africa?’’ I said, ‘‘You know what’s at stake. And what’s at stake bet.’’ And I’ve fulfilled that commitment. is the ability of Iraq finally to function We’ve convinced Congress to triple aid.
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