University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-25-1929 Sandspur, Vol. 32, No. 03, October 25, 1929 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 32, No. 03, October 25, 1929" (1929). The Rollins Sandspur. 2619. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/2619 • THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR Published by Students of Rollins College Volume 32 WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1929 Number 3 1 j Vi~~~nd --·i ADMINISTRATION I -I HAMILTON HOLT LITTLE THEATRE !SUBJECT CHOSEN I Reviews ANNOUNCES ART HONORS MEMORY PLANS PROGRAM FORINSTITUT EOF · -- BOARD MEMBERS OF E. E. SLOSSON STATESMANSHIP ½ I Coming Season Prom­ WillTING 11 .\LL . ises Brilliant En- Promment Leaders to Other Faculty Mem­ Propaganda Control is It pays to ndvertise. This col- Aid Art Develop­ tertainment umn received not one but two bers Also Pay Topic for Discussion books. ment Here Tribute at Second Institute The college office with rare 1 An unusually interm~ting selec­ thoughtfulness sent 11 Thc Future Six prominent leaders in nrt ! Ition of plays is being planned by of Party Govcnm1ent; Addresses and art education have accepted A former associate, an intimate Rollins players of the Little The- To what extent propaganda such and Discus~ions at the Institute of invitations to serve ns members friend, and a former instructor of atre \Vorkshop for the coming as that engineered by \Villiam B. Statesmanship." This seems lo be of an advisory board for the de- D1·. Edwin E. Slosson united in ~eason, and try-outs. are now be- Shearer, the naval observer at mg held for the first program G a book on whic:l~ to use the Menck- j veloprnent of art at Rollins col- I paying tribute to him at a mem- which will be presented sometime ene~a, can be controlled, and the en style of rev1ew-l'end the first lege, President Hamilton Holt an- orial chapel service Monday. Ham- · N b question as to whether such pro- page and write a very learned and nounced today. The board is being ilton Holt, p1·esident of Rollins m ovem er. paganda is a benefit or a curse to erudite criticism. " 'e recommend organi~ed, it i~ further announced, HAMILTON HOLT college, who pre~ided at the serv- Three groups of one-act plays Ipublic opinion are problems t hat this work to all Ph. D.'s in his- ~; a~s1st President H~lt _and l\lrs. President of Rollins College ice, spoke of the late scientist and an4 three three-ac~ plays will be will be attacked by the Second An- produced. These will probably in- 1 I • f S • tory. nnen Newby, who 1s m charge author as one who had been his I HUGH McKEAN elude: uEnter Madame" which nua. nshtute o tatesmansh1p at • • • of the Rollins Art Department, in = == former business associate for 17 ' Rollms college next January it New Assistant Instructor The second epitome is the the development of art education years. His voice broke as he con- ~cored such a tremendous success was announced Monda . ' I PREXY LEAVES ON "Specia1ist" by Chic $,.Ile. This at the college. eluded his tribute. Dr. William in Landscape Painting !~ New York,, a few seasons ago; Dr. Holt announces [hat the In- The ~nemy, a fou_r-act play by stitutc will be held from Monda book appears to be a ubig busi- The Advisory Board, as now con- NORTHERN TRIP Suddards Franklin, professor of ness propaganda" and shows evi- stituted, includes Seymour M. ... physics at Rollins college, who was Chanm~g. Pollock wh1~h deals with January G, to Saturday, Janua;'; the futility of war m much the J Th to · b t h, h f dence of careful and painstaking Stone, portrait artist, New York, a student instructor at the Uni- n 3 0 HUGH McKEAN same manner as the best-seller, · . e ptc _ou '~ tc 1:'ost research. The story of the evolu- N. Y.; Raymond P. Ensign, direc- versily of Kansas when Dr. Slos- "All Quiet on the \Vestern Front;" the import~nt d1scuss1o~s wi ll cen­ tion of the modern telephone tor of the Berkshire Summer Will Return to Rollins son was an undergraduate, spoke I"How He Lied to Her Husband" te_r, acc~rdmg to Pr_es1dent Holt, booth, this essay should nppeal to School of Art and the Newark Art In Late Dec. of his relations as Dr. Slosson's IS APPOINTED b G B d Sh "Th will be The Formation of P ublic anyone whose mind runs along the School, Newark, N. J.; John Shap- Or instructor. Dr. David A. Robert-- y eorge ernar a':; e Opinion. " Twelve Pound Look" by Sn· James U d h" , , , horizon of an angleworm. Donat- ley, editor of the "Art Bulletin/' Early Jan. son, assistant director of the Am- ASS'T. ARTIST Barrie; "Finiculi Finicula," "The n er t is subJect it is planned ed by Boots and Frank. and "Parnassus," and professor of erican Council of Education, u Duchess Says Iler Prayers," "Rich to s_urvey,, t_he ~hole ~uestion of • • • art, New York University; Ernest close friend of Dr. Slosson, re- Man, Poor Man" 'iGreasy Luck" ~ubltc op.1mon m this country. Mr. Z., newly invited guest of \Vatson, artist, author and direc- The student body greatly re- ferred to Dr. Slosson's religious and many other~. • . Recent d1sclos~res as to changes t.h t Senior Student to As­ the State, at Chattahoochee, sends tor of the Night School of Arts,, grets at Dr. Holt muS be gone beliefs and activities. An interesting feature of the m the owner_shtp of the press and th th this billydoo: 11I was a sane, nor- Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.; from h e college e next ,few Tributes were also paid by Dr. sist Mrs. Newby in 1 • • as to organized efforts to shape mal man. I laughed tolerantly at l\.lrs. Walter P. Siple, assistant. ~ont s. He leaves tomorrow f~r Frederick R. Georgia, professor of season w111 be the. production of public opinion," Dr. Holt points slow waiters. I grinned when I curator and director of education, ew York 3nd an e~tended_ trip Chemistry at Rollins, as a repre­ Landscape Work one of the old classics: The works out, "make especiall y timely con­ th th t th had to eat in the kitchen for Jack Worchester Museum, Worchester, roughout e EaS m e inter- sentative of science and by \Vil­ of _Shakespeare, Sheri~an, Gold- sideration of the agencies through of seating space at tables; I even Mass.; and Walter P. Siple, assist- es: of t_he ~o~lege. lard A. Wattles p/ofessor of lit­ snuth_ and Ibsen a~e- bemg scanned which public opinio n is formed, t he 111 Hugh McKean, Senior has just and, m all probability, 01'.e of the f th . t d . smiled when hot soup was spilled ant to the director of the Fogg e "' JOtn Fr~d Hanna, who erature and jou~alism at Rollins O 1 th 1 received the appointment of as- great plays from this group of mea~s etr con ro ! an eir down my neck; but after the Bean- Art Museum, Harvard University, ;~t Wednesday, in New York. as a representative of literar; ery chef served vinegar on sliced Cambridge, Mass. ey. expect to return a~ t~c end circles. sistant instructor in landscape au~~",;sR:i\\~:•pf:~:::e~re the stu- 1:::~.~.n to .dem.ocr~t,c govern­ of this term or the begmnmg of uu·t- . _______ 1 :;:::" 1 gr-r-r-1-my mmd 1s a the next. Dr. Holt, with whom Dr. Slos- painting in the Rollins Art School. dents in the acting depaitment of . At the conu~g _mst1tute ac~ord- This past summer Hugh studied the Workshop who hnve shown mg to the pre_h~mary plans, 1t is . · · • UNIQUE CAMPUS Although the absence of Dr. son was connected for 17 years as 1 . Accordtng to nva1lable mforma- Holt will be severely felt by ihe associate editor of "The Independ- in the art school of the Univei- marked ability in former produc- proposed to mv1te the _coun_try s ·t f p · F t· Th Pl f th· foremost students of public opmion tton Mr. Z. locked himself in a WALK IS LAID faculty and student body of RoJ- ent," expressed the opinio~ t~at s1 Y o ar1s at 'ontainbleau, . ions. e ayers or is seas~n to discuss such topics as "How • glass-enclosed shower bath and lins, their hopes and well-wishes Slo~son . was the . best ed1tor1al France, where he received a di- mclude: Frances A1·nold, E lsie bl' . d 11 "R still insists he is a goldfish. __ Igo wit~ him in this magnificent un- writer m the Umted States on • Braun Joseph Bueno Helen Ca- pu ic opmio~ IS ma e, ecent (Continued on Page 4) dertakmg for Rollins college. At any subject except one; he could ploma of accomphshment. He has vanau~h, Ruth Colt, iane Folsom, developments m th~ press," "What th t t' h' I not write in the "grand'' manner. also studied in the summer school I Mal'y Hall, Louise Howes, Alice should ~e the r~ la~\~n ?,f th~ press 01 nd H 0 It Contri b utes First .
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