J CACUAll .5 kit-4-d- 51 COVER-UP ". I was told that this negative had somehow window.' I then went over and looked at the become lost" negative and I agreed that there were two Canadian journalist Norman Similas was in objects in the window on the 6th floor Dallas attending a national convention of car- southeast corner of the building. This bonated beverage bottlers; it was a trip he wouldn't window differed from the others in that it had soon forget. On the afternoon of November 21, he an alcove above the window as opposed to spoke with and photographed Vice-President the others on the 5th and other floors, which Lyndon B. Johnson, who had addressed the had a square frame. The two objects ap- convention. That night he visited the Carousel peared to be people and the Telegram Club and spent more than an hour chatting with its reporter thought he saw what appeared to be hospitable owner, Jack Ruby. The following day a rifle barrel between them. I did not make Similas wandered down to Dealey Plaza to see and any comment on this upon looking at it as it photograph the President of the United States.52 blended into the shadow of the object on the Similas said he was standing on the south side left ."54 of Elm St. and was less than ten feet from JFK's But as fate would have it, the picture, like car at the time of the first shot. Writing in the now- several others taken that day, was never to see the defunct Canadian magazine Liberty, he recalled his light of day. actions during the assassination: "My camera had "Upon my return to Toronto I submitted my methodically returned to my cheek and I flipped developed negatives to a daily newspaper the shutter. In retrospect, my actions were com- (The Toronto Telegram). When they were not pletely instinctive. Something inside me kept used on Monday, November 25, I phoned saying, 'Keep shooting those pictures. Whoever is and asked that they be returned. Later I shooting that gun is a sharpshooter. When he sees received a fat cheque in the mail, but the one the flashes, he will know you are a photographer negative which clearly showed what I believe and he won't shoot you.' to be two figures in the window of the "The' Presidential limousine had passed me assassin's nest was missing. When I pressed and slowed down slightly. My camera was directly for it I was told that this negative had angled toward the Texas School Book Depository somehow become lost. It has never been in the background. The picture that I took on the returned to me."55 curb of Elm Street was trained momentarily on an open, sixth-story window. The camera lens The Babushka Lady: Her Film . recorded what I could not possibly have seen at A piece of film probably of greater value than that moment— a rifle barrel extended over the Abraham Zapruder's was taken by a woman known windowsill. When the film was developed later, it as "the Babushka Lady," so-called because in showed two figures hovering over it."53 (This, of photographs and films of the assassination she can course, is consistent with the Hughes film and the be seen wearing a babushka (a triangular head testimony of Carolyn Walther and Arnold scarf). For years researchers wondered who this Rowland.) woman was; in 1970 the author learned her identity In a signed statement for the Royal Canadian and interviewed her several times. Mounted Police, Similas further described the Standing on the south side of Elm Street picture: (opposite Zapruder) and using a Super 8 Yashica "I arrived in Toronto at about 10 p.m., on movie camera with zoom lens, this woman filmed November 23. Almost immediately on my the entire assassination. Using a better camera, arrival at home, I was contacted by a and much closer to the President, her view was not reporter from the Toronto Telegram who obstructed at a crucial moment by a road sign and advised they received word from the her film would certainly have revealed the presence Associated Press in Chicago that I had of gunmen on the knoll. Too, the unidentified negatives that they might be interested in. Umbrella Man could be clearly seen, as could the He arrived at my home in five or ten minutes. face of the Depository building. I went over the " story giving him an Unfortunately, the Babushka Lady nor eyewitness account of what I had seen and anyone outside the government has ever seen her heard during and following the film; like Mary Moorman's photograph, it assassination. He then examined the disappeared at the hands of federal authorities. It negatives, and while examing them he ex- was confiscated from her by two men who identified claimed, 'There looks like two people at this themselves as agents of the F.B.I. (she has since 53 COVER-UP ot. The Babushka Lady on the north side of Elm Street. A blow-up of the Babuska Lady. The Babushka Lady in 1962. FBI agent Regis Kennedy The Photographs 54 identified one of them as Regis Kennedy • of the FBI) The agents approached her at her place of employment, the Colony Club, and asked for the film. She was told that they would process the film, view it and return it to her within ten days.56 The film was not returned to her and she received no explanation. The government could not jeapordize its case against Oswald by letting Life or UPI obtain this valuable film. For obvious reasons it was confiscated by federal agents on November 23, before it could be processed and before its content could be revealed to the American public. . and Her Story Richard Nixon Jack Ruby This woman, then age 19, later married an important crime syndicate figure in the north Nixon, Republican of California. It is requested Texas area, a man who could and did kill with Rubenstein not be called for open testimony in the impunity and was himself killed in a gangland-type aforementioned hearings."59 slaying in west Texas in 1970.57 That same year, Rubenstein moved to Dallas, The Babushka Lady told the author that in Texas, and changed his name to Jack Ruby .60 1968, during the presidential campaign, she and her husband held a two-hour conversation with Nixon and the Assassination of President Remon. Richard M. Nixon in a Miami hote1.58 At the time Nixon is no stranger to assassination plots. As she related this story it seemed very strange that Vice-President he served as "Action Officer" Candidate Nixon would spend two hours with (chairman) of a group known as Special Group someone other than a wealthy businessman who 5412, working out of the White House to coordinate might give generously to the Nixon campaign actions of the CIA and the Defense Intelligence coffer. It seemed even more odd that toe former Agency (DIA).61 Under the protection of the Vice President would meet with a known gangster. National Security Council, this group plotted But in retrospect, after all that has been revealed several assassination attempts on Fidel Castro and about Nixon the Man during Watergate, that he outlined what eventually became the Bay of Pigs would meet with a killer mobster 'seems in invasion. Members of Special Group 5412 included character. Nixon's ties to organized crime, directly Alexander Haig, the general who served as Nixon's and indirectly, are too extensive to cover here. The White House Chief of Staff during the latter days reader is referred to investigative reporter Jeff of the Nixon presidency, and two CIA operatives: Gerth's articles published in Penthouse (July 1974) E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis—both con- and Sundance (November 1972) magazines. victed in the break-in of Democratic Headquarters At this point we wish to digress from the in the Watergate office complex.62 Babushka Lady and her film, and elaborate on Marion Cooper, a former CIA operative, has certain of Mr. Nixon's activities prior to thethe disclosed that on January 1, 1955, he attended a assassination of President Kennedy. meeting in Honduras at which the planned assassination of President Jose Antonio Remon of Richard Nixon and Jack Ruby: Birds of a Feather Panama was discussed in detail. Among those In 1975 Trowbridge Ford, a professor of present at the meeting were the team of men hired political science at Holy Cross University, to kill the Panamanian leader, and the Vice discovered an FBI document which discloses that President of the United States, Richard Nixon.63 in 1947 Nixon intervened on behalf of a Chicago The following day Remon was machine-gunned to gangster who was about to be called as a witness death at a racetrack outside Panama City.* before a congressional committee. Cooper's statements have been validated by a The memo, written by an FBI staff assistant., polygraph examiner of the highest rating. states, "It is my sworn statement that one Jack Newsman Joe Pennington of Chicago says he has Rubenstein of Chicago, noted as a potential witness been able to verify most of the details of the for hearings of the House Committee on Un- American Activities, is performing information * Commission Document 279—"Assassination of Jose Remon, functions for the staff of Congressman Richard Panama"—remains classified in the National Archives. The Photographs 56 A more damaging discrepancy, however, told him he would receive it in one lump sum "after arises out of his excuse for being in Dallas— the job is done." Later in the conversation Ruby ostensibly to attend a board meeting of the Pepsi explained, "He (Connally) won't work with us on Cola Bottling Company, which Nixon's law firm paroles.
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