4 \-V " RIVERSIDE CHURCH JANUARY 12» 13, 1933 FEDERATION OF WOMAN’S BOARDS OF FOREIGN MISSIONS a OF NORTH AMERICA c <t?< T i l HEADQUARTERS 419 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY ******************** OFFICERS of the ' ¡FEDERATION OF WOIviAN’S BOARDS OF FOREIGN MISSIONS OF NORTH AMERICA 1933 *********%******* President: Mrs. Howard Wayne Smith, 111 Walnut Avenue, Ardmore« pa. Honorary Vice-President: Mrs» Henry W« PeaBody, Be ve i*ly, Massachusetts First Vice-President: Miss Margaret £< Hodge, 112 West Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania (Philaâcîlphia) Vice presidents: Mrs. DeWitt löiox, 1 West 64th St. New York City Mrs. William Edgar Geil* Doylestown, Pennsylvania Mrs. E» H. Silverthorn, 156 Fifth Avenue, New Yorfc City Mrs. H. R. Steele, 706 Church St., Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. F. I. Johnson, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City Mrs. H. A. Lavell, 151 Earle St., Kingston, Ont., Canada Mrs. James C. Colgate, Bennington, Vermont Mrs. D. J- Fleming, 606 West 122nd St., New York City Mrs. William L. DarBy, 123 The Ontario, Washington, D*C* Mrs. Ernest A. Evans, Mill Vslley* California Mrs. L. R. Rounds,, "Ced&rcrofty, Mahwah, New Jersey Mrs. L. L. Anewa.lt, 1036 Walnut St. Allentown, pa. Secretary: Miss Helen Kittredge, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York: City --- Treasurer: Mrs. Frank Gaylord Cook:, 44 Garden St. Ca.nBridge, Mass. Asst. Treas. Mrs* Philip II• Rossman, 318 West 84th St., New York: City STANDING COMMITTEES Personnel of Administrative Committeet Mrs. Howard Wayne Smith, Chairman, 111 Walnut Avenue, Ardmore, Pennsylvania Miss Margaret E« Hodge, 112 West Gròvers Lane, Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania Mrs. DeWitt Knox, 1 West 64th Street, New York City Mrs. L» R. Rounds, Cedarcroft, Mafevah, New Jersey Mrs. James C. Colgate, Bennington, Vermont Mrs. Philip M* Rossman, 313 West 84th Street, Ne$ York, N.Y* Chairmen of Standing Committees: Constitution and By-Laws, Chairman, Miss Carrie M. Kerschner, 1505 Race St. Philadelphia, Pa. Foreign Students: Chairman, Mrs* Leslie E. Swain, 25 BarBerry Hill.Providence E l Home Base: Chairman, Miss Amelia D. Kemp, 717 Muhlenburg Bldg* Phila. Pa. Industrial Missions* Products, Chairman, Miss Lucy Kent.959 Madison Ave. N.Y.C. Missionary Preparation, Chairman, Mrs. Agnes C*L*Donohugh,23 Midland Avenue White Plains, New York Missions and Government, Chairman, Mrs. William L. DarBy, 123 Ontar io^Washington D. C, Nominations: Miss Gertrude Schultz,Chairman, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. New memBer: Miss Bessie MacMurchy, 122 So.Drive Toronto,Ont. Interdenominational Institutions: Miss Minnie SandBerg, 152 Madison Ave. N.Y.City Finance Committee: Mrs. L.R,Rounds, Cedarcroft, Mahwah, New Jersey 0hristian Literature: Miss Clementina Butler, West Barrington, Rhode Island. Central Committee on United Study: Miss Gertrude Schultz, 156 Fifth Ave.N.Y.City. - 2- Chairmen of Special Committees: Annual Report, Miss 0. H. Lawrence, 25 East 22nd Street, New York, N.Y. Arrangements for annual Meeting, Miss Florence G. Tyler, 419 Fourth Avenue,N.Y.C Program for Annual Meeting, Mrs. E. H. Silverthorn, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York Cooperation with the Foreign Missions Conference: Miss Margaret E. Hodge» 112 IT.Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa* Chairmen of Joint Committees - Federation Group: International Relations: Miss Elinor K. Purves, Prospect Apartments, Princeton New Jersey World Day of Prayer: Miss Helen B. Colder, 29 Fern Street, AuBurndale?Mass. Race Relations: Conferences and Schools of Missions: Mrs. Virgil B. Sea$e,Parlin, New Jersey JOINT COMMITTEES, World Day of Prayer: Miss Helen B. Calder, Chairman, 29 Fern Street,Auburndale, Mass. FEDERATION MEMBERS: Mrs. S. S. Hough, 809 Manhattan Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Mrs. D. J. Fleming, 606 West 122nd Street, New York, N.Y. Miss Helen B. Calder, 29 Fern St. AuBurndale, Mass, COUNCIL MBMBSRS: Miss Grace Lindley, 281 Fourth x\venue, New York, N.Y. Miss Bessie MacMurchy, 122 South Drive, Toronto, Ont.Can, Mrs.V.F.DeVinny, 1869 Laurel Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota. NATIONAL COUNCIL: Mrs. John P. White, Xenia, Ohio Mrs. Letitia Knight Btfintz, 214 Elm. Westfield, New Jersey Mrs. E.S.Allen, 2549 Glenmary, Louisville, Kentucky International Relations: Miss Elinor K. Purves, Prospect Apartments,Princeton,N.J. Chairman. FEDERATION MEMBERS:Mrs. E.H.Silverthorn, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. Mrs. Thomas Conyngton, 174 Wildwood Ave. Upper Montclair,NJ Miss Bessie MacMurchy, 122 South Drive,Toronto,Ont.Canada. COUNCIL MEMBERS: Miss Elinor K. Purves,Prospect Apartments, Princeton,N.J. Mrs. George M« Ball, 124 West 79th St. New York City Mrs. J. W. Downes, Doctors Building, Nashville, Tennessee. NATIONAL COUNCIL: Mrs. Paul G. Macy, 916 West. Woodruff Avenue, Toledo.Ohio Miss Ruth Milligan, YWCA, Indianapolis, Indiana. Race Relations; FEDERATION MEMBERS: Miss Carrie M. Kerschner, 1505 Race St. Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Jos. ,B. Holley, Normal & Agricultural College .AlBany, Mrs.Geo*T.Scott,207,Inwood Ave. Upper Montclair,N.J. Ga. COUNCIL MTMBSRS: Mrs.F.W.Wileox,l93 Inwocd Ave. Upper Montclair, New Jersey Mrs. S. Shimizu, 330 E. 57th St. Now York City Mrs. John Eagan, 902 Oakdale Road, N.E. Atlanta, Ga. - 3 - Joint Committees Continued: Race Relations; RATIONAL COUNCIL: Mrs. John T. Bronson, 4227 Oak St. Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Charles Grief, Eldora, Iowa Mrs. Jessie D. Ames, palmer Building, Atlanta, Georgia Conferences and Schools of Missions: Chairman, Mrs, Virgil B. Sease, parlin, N«J# FEDERATION MEMBERS?Miss Sue Weddell, 25 East 22nd Street, New York City Miss Martha C'. Hartman, 233 S* 44th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. John Cratty, 923 So. 48th St. Philadelphia, pa. COUNCIL MEMBERS: Miss Carrie M. Kerschner, 1505 Race St* Philadelphia, pa. Miss May Huston, 152 Madison Avenue, New York City Mrs. Virgil B. Sease, Parlin, New Jersey NATIONAL COUNCIL: Mrs. George Searle, 809 Crosby Bldg. Buffalo, N- Y» l£rs. W. J. Harkness, 415 E. New York Ave. Deland, Florida Mrs. Herman P. HarBison, 1115 Valentine Rd. Kansas City Missouri Relationships Committee: Miss Margaret E* Hodge* Chairman, 112 W* Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania FEDERATION MEMBERS:Mrs. Howard Wayne Smith, 111 Walnut Avenue, Arcimore, Pa. Miss Margaret E* Hodge, 112 W« Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mrs. L- R. Rounds, Cedarcroft, Mahwah, New Jersey Miss Florence a. Tyler, 419 Fourth ¿¡.venue, New York City COUNCIL TIMBERS: Mrs. Orrin R. Judd, 234 Washington Ave. Brooklyn, N.Y. Mrs. F. 3* Bennett, Dwight Manor Apts. Palisade Avenue Englewood, New Jersey Mrs. Daniel Poling, 105 East 22nd Street, New York Cijry Miss Anne Seesholtz, 105 East 22nd Street, New yor;< City N^TIü.IAL COUNCIL: Mrs. James Ferguson, ü. A. Long Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Irving L. Walker, Coldwater, New York Mrs. John Ferguson, 1123 Broadway, New York City STANDING COMMITTEES Central Oo.amittee on the United Study of Forei ^n Missions: Miss Gertrude SchuItzT Chairman: 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City Mrs. Henry W. PeaBody, Honorary Chair.nan; Beverly, Massachusetts Mrs. Charles P:. Wiles, Secretary: 259 Harvey Street, Germantown, Pennsylvania Mrs. France Gaylord Cook, Treasurur: 44 Garden Street, CamBridge, Massachusetts Miss 0. H. Lawrence,25 E^st 22nd Strc-Bt, New York City Mrs. Frederick G* Platt, 32 Grove Hill, New 3ritain, Connecticut Misr Susan C. Lodge, 1720 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mrs. Leslie E* Swain, 25 Barberry Hill, Providence, Rhode Island Miss Margaret I. Marston, 281 Fourth Avenue, New York City Mrs. Edwin W. Lentz, 311 Market Street, Bangor, Pennsylvania - 4' Standing Committees Continued* Committee on Constitution and Bylaws i Miss Carrie M.- Kerschner, Chairmapi, 1505 Race Street. ‘Philadelphia, Pa, Miss Margaret E.- Hodge, 112 V/esi jgfravers Lane, Ghestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa* Mrs. Hume R. Steele, 706 Church Street, Nashville, Tennessee, Mrs. Clayton D, Eulette* 6542 Normal Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois, Committee on Foreign Students: . Mrs. Leslie E. Swain, Chairman, 25 Barberry Hillj Providence, R. I, Mrs. Fred Pederson, 520 West 114th Street, New York* N.Y* Miss Olive Ling, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York} N*Y. Miss Edna Beardsley, 281 Fourth Avenue, New York* N.Y. Miss Edna Springhorn, 19 Wayside Lane, Scarsdale* New York Miss Winifred Thomas, 411 Wesley Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Miss Aliens Bryan.., 152 Madison Avenue, New York* N.Y; Miss Kate Kendig, 549 Riverside Drive, Now York, NiY, Home Base Cultivation Committee: Miss Amelia D, Kemp, Chairman, 717 Muhlenberg Building, P&iladelphia, Pa; Miss Janet McKay, 152 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y, Miss Helen Calder, 29 Fern Street, AuBurndale, Mass, Miss Susan C. Lodge, 1720 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Gertrude Schultz, 156 Fifth Avenuo, New York, N.Y* ¿/:rs* G.E.ForBes, 32 William Street, Weston, Ontario, Canada* Industrial Missions* Products: Miss Lucy Kent, Chairman* 959 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. Mrs. J¿A. Mowatt, 1622 St, Catherine street, W* Montreal, Que. Canada* Mrs. R. G.Vanpe, Waynesboro, Virginia Mrs, Paul R* Bickie, 400 East 67th Street, New York, N.Y, Mrs. DuBois Morris, 441 Park Avenue, New York, N,Y. Mrs. Charles H, CorBett, 404 west 116th St*New York, N.Y. Mrs. Theodore Bliss, 15 Central Park West, New York, N.Y. Mrs. Dorothy Butler, 15 East 48th Street, New York, N.Y. Committee on Missionary Preparation: Mrs. Agnes C. L, Donohugh, Chairman, 23 Midland Avenue, White Plains, New York Mrs. D. J. Fleming, 606 West 122nd Street, New York, N.Y. Miss Allene Bryan, 152 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. Mrs. ElizaBeth Cotton, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York, N,Y* Dr. Adelaide Case, Teachers College, New York, N.Y# Miss Y/inifred Thomas, 411 Wesley Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, Canada* Miss Eliza P. CoBB, 25 East 22nd Street, New York, N.¥* Mrs, Charles CorBett, 404 West 116th Street, New York, N.Yf Committee on Missions and Goverhment: Mrs. william L. Darby,123 The Ontario, Washington, D. C, Chairman. Mrs. W. H-. Kendrick, The CumBerland, Washington, D. C, Mrs. E. H. Silverthorn, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. Mrs.
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