MVKtyK MH PHOTOS AA ^4^g***4e?^IDA/4iiAAi-■4 ^*s*»U®D.I.. ■tit After the Holi ­ day* at HAMILTON'S. The Clinton Republican. YOL. XXXVII.—NO. 85. ST. JOHN'S, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1892. WHOLE NO. 1,907. LOCAL MATTERS Mias Nettie Davies, of Portland, v Alex. Morrison has traded the two Annual Meeting. BUSINESS LOCALS. he Republican. home for the holidays. houses and lots, corner Railroad and Spaulding A Co. have a fine line of BB1VIT1II. Oakland streets, and $3,500 for Edward The annual meeting of the stock­ Mrs. D. H. Power left for her new holders of the St Johns Building and Croee-cut Saws and Axea which you a C. VAUGHAN, Publish **. Will Davies haa returned from Little home in Pontiac yesterday. Brown ’s brick store building, at the should see before puebasing elsewhere. bead of Clinton avenue, on the east side. Loan Association will be held in the Rock. Will Murphy lost a part of his thumb office of Justice Duncan on Monday Get your Citron, Lemon and Orange Every kind of farm produce is now Peel at DeWitt’a la Advaao*, Sl.OO J. C. Flynn is in Pontiac for two in the factory last week. evening, January 2d, 1893, for election K^aUieaa * Potrolt Tribwao, tl.60 Mrs. G. Pennell entertained a few bringing a good price except wheat. of directors in the place of C. S, Allison, Notice to Stockholder*. weeks. Oats, 33 cents ; Eggs, 23 cents ; clover- friends at tea last evening. D. 8. French and C. C. Vaughan, whoee The regular annual meeting of the All iHfUaMte of Port Duo Subscrip Miss Bessie Stearns is in Detroit for seed, $6.75 to $7.00; dressed hogs, $7.50 tions will !• mod* ot iko rat* Miss Maude Whipple is home from terms of office expire; also for such 8t. Johns National Bank of St. Johns, •f Q1JW For Yea*. the holidays. to $8.00 per cwt., potatoes, 5$ cents tc Mich., for the election of directors, will the convent of the 8acred Heart. other business as may properly come Mias Jennie Maxam is at Waterford 60 cents. be held at the banking house of said Onr advertising rate* are *100 per column per before the meeting. association, On Monday, January 9th, annum. Bnatnee* notice* Ove cent* per line foi for the holidays. Miss Lilian Henderson, of Pontiac, is The stste crop report for December each inaertion. Editorial notice*, ten oente. the guest of the Misses Anna and Della F. M. Spaulding , Secretary. 1893, at 2 O’clock, p. m., standard time. Bnatnee* card*, fl per line per year. __ gives the condition of wheat in Clinton P. E. Walswobth , Cashier. Marriage, birth and death notice* inserted free. Dr. Gillam was called to Owoaao Mon Henderson. Annual H**ttai|. Oblto&ry comments, resolutions, cords of themes, day to see a patient. county as compared with average years etc., will be charged for at the rate of fire cents Prof. Yntemais attending the meeting Those elegant Cigars comes from De- at 86 per cent; horses, 97; cattle and The annoal meeting of the Clinton Witt’s per line# O. L. Spaulding Jr. is home from Ann of the state teachers - association at Lan ­ Correspondence containing local new* la*oUc sheep, 94 ; swine, 97. The wheat crop County Agricultural and Horticultural ltad from all part* ot the county. Arbor for the holidays. sing this week. for Clinton county in 1891 was 1,105,700 See Anonymous communication* not Inserted under society will be held in the coart house, Wilson & 8on ’s $10 Overcoats. any circumstances.________ Mrs. John H. Corbit has been quite The newly elected officers of St. Johns bushels, an average of 22.87 bushels per St. Johns, on Saturday, January 14th, Lodge No. 105, F. & A. M. were installed acre. There were 55,016 acres of wheat DeWitt keeps the largest assortment JOB PRINTING. ill during the past week. 1893. D ecatur Bboss , Onr material la new and of the latest styles, and Tuesday night. in this county last May. The average of Pipes. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Steel are expected _____ Secretary. we guarantee satisfaction, both in prioe* ■ Edward P. Elliott, our favorite humor­ per acre was considerably below that of Notice. and quality of work. home the last of this week. Wanted —Good, strong girl for general A pair of 50c scissors free to all per­ ist, at Newton Hall Thursday evening, 1891. housework. Good wages. sons buying $2.50 (or more) of goodB at BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bertelle Moore, of Traverse City, January 5th. Allison ’s store during December 1892. Under date of December 20th, Fred 34-3 Mbs. T. C. Bbach . ATTORNEYS. spent Christmas in St. Johns. Mr and Mrs. W. D. Brinkerhoff cele­ M. Lyon writes from New York giving BUSINESS LOCALS. Elegant assortment of Nuts SPAULDING A PIERCE, • J. W. Fitzgerald spent the first of brated the fiftieth anniversary of their a thrilling account of the wreck of a At D bWitt.’s TTORNEY8 AT LAW. OFFICE OVER ST. the week in Detroit and Northville. schooner off the Bahama Islands, on Lower and Lower L Johns National Bank. 8t. Johns. Mich. 47tf wedding yesterday. Attention. Reserved seats for the E. P. Elliott en ­ which he was sailing. Out of a crew of Grow the prices on all Millinery Goods. WM. N. STOCKER, Albert DeCamp, of St. Louis, Missouri, I have yet an elegant assortment of As I am desirous of closing all ac­ oldiers and comrades , i being one visited St. Johns ’ friends last week. tertainment will be on sale at Allison ’s seventeen, only four were saved. He is Trimmed and Untrimmed Hate which counts, I would like all who are in my of your number, therefore know your wants Wednesday morning. now first mate ot a barque engaged in must be closed out regardless of price. debt to settle by January 1st, 1893. andS also your rights by lav, therfor* respectfully so­ Yours respectfully, licit your patronage in the proeecution of claims for S. T. McGraw, of Detroit, attended the Louis D. Gibbs, editor of the News, the coast trade. A letter dated Tal- Now is the time. Come and get them pensions, back pay, bounty or rations. Also Notary Leap Year party Monday night. at the lowest figures ever offered in St. C. A. Putt . Public. Enquire at Putt’s grocery. has been confined to his bed the past cabuano, Chili, April 13tb, 1892, gives 28tf WM. N. STOCKER. Johns or elsewhere. Choice Oranges and Lemons all sizes William and George Roberts went to week, but will probably be out again to­ an account of a visit to Sidney, Australia, Mbs. Canfield , L. At D bWitt.’s *. F. TIHKHAM. T. H. CLARK Saginaw Saturday, for a holiday visit. day. England and other far away places. He Head Clinton Ave., West Side. TINKHAM A CLARK, is coming home to the world ’s fair next Instruction In Vocal and Instrumental ttorneys and solicitors , office Mrs. Seaman started for New York a The Elsie Sun is eight years old, and Choice Mixed and Sweet Pickles for in Opera House Block, St. Johns, Mlcb. lOtf year. Music. A state last Friday to spend the holidays. Bro. Austin has personally written all Christmas dinners At D bWitt.’s Studio over Spaulding ’s hardware ' FEDEWA A MERRILL, the news and helped set the type for A pleasant company of relatives and store. Inquire at office of Dr. Dodge. ttorneys at law , st. Johns , mich . Miss Bessie Stephenson, of Lansing, Burrall’s Improved Cornshellers every issue. friends gathered at the residence of Mr. Mrs. D b. D odge . A *4tf is the guest of Mrs. Thomas Bromley Jr. At 8PAULDINO & Co.’s. Arthur M. Clark, grand lecturer for B. F. Smiley, in Greenbush, on the eve ­ a. a. nuui>. r. K. PERKIN. A. J. BALDWIN. Milton Livingston and wife spent Those in want of Oysters, Fruits and DeWitt keeps the best stock of To­ PERRINS A BALDWIN, Michigan,will hold aschool of instruction ning of December 21st, to witness the bacco. Price to suit. Christmas with their parents in Lapeer goods of ail kinds for socials, donations, ttorneys at law and solicitors in in the Masonic lodge rooms this after­ marriage of their only daughter, Olive, dances, etc., can get them at DeWitt.’s A Chancery. Bounty, pension, real estate '•i D. L. Hunt, traveling salesman, was Nickel mounted Opal Cuspidores for agents, conveyancer* and money loaners. Also noon and evening. to Mr. W. J. Whitlock, of Greenbush. He can furnish best goods and at lowest the holiday trade examine titles, pay taxes, and make collections. home from Hoosierdom to spend Christ­ The ceremony was performed by Rev. rices. Be consistent by calling at the Business entrusted to their care will be promptly Miss Florence Wilson and Miss Sadia asement grocery. At SpauLDiNG & Co.’s. and faithfully attended to. Office over Wicket' mas. Ryan are home from Ypsilanti, and G. S. Northrop, of St. Johns. Mr. Charles E grocery, Clinton Avenue, St. Johns. Mich. Smiley, of Chicago, only brother of the Elsie Flour is a leader. You can get Mrs. W. H. Castle is spending the Robert Cranson from the mining school, Fine Carving Sets BDWIN H. LYON. JOHN C. DOOLINO. it at DeWitt.’s holiday season with her sister ip Ann to spend vacation. bride, acted as groomsman, and Miss At Spualding & Co.’s LTON A BOOLING, Myra Marshall, of Greenbush, as brides ­ Cheap for Cash ttorneys at law , st. Johns , mich . Arbor. Orrin Rice and James Richardson left Special Holiday Offer.
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