THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING MID MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COVffTY Entered &« Second Class Mattel- Published Post Office, WeBtfleld, >'• J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 Every Thursday. UPlfH-l Music Westfield Boy, Hugh Williams, Holds j St Improvements Town Council Plans Are Key to Historical Independence Hall j Approved By May Act on 5 Local Contests In ted Here "Open Sesame." Town Council Bike Licenses But Hugh Williams of 540 Elm landmark To Be street didn't need any magic words. Primary Election _—— to open the doors of historic Inde- Razed in 60 Days Ordinance Creating Welfare Council Observance pendence Hall in Philadelphia Sat- New Detective Rank Urges Ordinance, Kjellmark to Opp o«e Mapes urday. For to his Maiement he Passed at Meeting For Fourth Ward Seat Be Held found that a heavy metal key Prospect St. School Presents Survey which his grandfather claimed anTwerMaye formulat- Nets Town $300 Improvement of South Chestnut A proposal to license bicycles A Eepublican Primary Ekction which will offer more than usual could open the way to the halls interest is promised this spring following the announcement of Hokin e ening- for local ob- | street, from St. Marks avenue to here, was made by the School Wel- V B. Kjellmark'g candidacy for fourth ward Town Council nomination. of priceless American heritage, did The old Prospect street school,! Fourth avenue by widening of the fare Council to the Town Council ,, of National Mu«ie * eek He will oppose incumbent Police Commissioner Sydney L. Mapes. In work. pavement to fu Monday night in a petition which twMk of May at a meeting uilt in 1869, and a town land I " width,-installa- addition, four contests for Republican Town Committee posts were Saturday was the day his fa- tion of curhs and construction of strongly urg;e(l an ordinance to mark, is doomed. The Town Coun- — I revealed on the final date list ther, F. 8. G. Williams, escorted storm sewers, was approved by that effect. The organization said cil Monday night, approved a con- Thursday for filing petitions tor *f£i. SC Wit a Cranford Cub pack to the Shrine the Town Council Monday night. that a special committee, repre- ract for its demolition within 60 nomination for municipal offices, "L avenue. With its 26th of Liberty. When the group reach- Cost of the project was estimated senting safety chairmen of the lays by the Alex Bruzy Wreck- Complete Slate John W. Glendening Jr., of 7S5 !1 marked last spring, the ed Independence Hall, they found at $32,500, with $21,005 'of the various PTA's, had made a survey ng Co. of Piscataway. The build- Embree crescent will oppose H. IM'starts its second qusr- the door locked. Hugh's key proved amount to be seQiired from State in other towns where licensing ng, which cost $18,000 to con- Erwin Cox of 726 Embree crescent "Ly of promoting the cauM equal to the task and he non- Aid funds. Hearing on the pro- was required. Opposed in Boro A in a synchroniied move- struct in the old days, when that posal was set for Mar. 28. for the first ward, third district chalantly opened the door, much to In its petition, the committee in- Ai, year. Representatives tmount was considered most ex- An ordinance creating the rank post and Mrs. Hilda Eichhorn of the amttement of the guards. cluded a report of this survey and Mtfeld's leading musical or travagant for a six room build- of Sergeant of Detectives, was Five Candidate* 651 Forest avenue will oppose Mra. Despite official persuasion, the a suggested ordinance. The meas- ~L civic clubs and educ» ng, will bring the town treasury imssed on final reading, following Irene Griffin of 404 West Dudley WeEtfield boy still has the valuable ure as proposed, would call for Seek Two Potts I initiations appointed by J300 from the contractor, who will a public hearing at which no ob- avenue for the committtewoman'g key in his possession. periodic examinations of bicyctes, Charles P. Bailey- have hus be entitled to all the mate- jection was raised. seat from the same district. license tags, and as a penalty for MOUNTAINSIDE—Republican i full support for the ob- The key is reported to have rial he can salvage from his oper- Other committee contests are in Passage of the ordinance will (IMIII.ICS violations, the commandeering of contests in the April primary elec- come into the family from Hugh's ations. the third ward, first district, where maternal grandparent, the late promote Det. George Morton, who the vehicle for various periods of tions,- from the office of inaypr JI ncond year the Musical The building was the only school Mis. Dorothy W. Halsey of 6S» Hugh L. Atkinson, who received it has served the department for 26 time. down through council and Repub- of Wwtfield will serve as lo- louse in the community until 1890, years to the new rank. There will Shackamaxon drive will oppota ag a souvenir from a Chicago bank. Plumridge Marks The committee pointed out that lican county committeemen devel- —at for the observance of when the original Lincoln School be no change in • salary or in the Mrs. Jessie W. MacMillan of 415 Although Hugh had heard the licensing would give youngsters a oped with the filing of late peti- !ullMusic Week, founded by was built. In 1916 it was retired duties of Detective Morton, who j Westfield avenue for the port of story of its authenticity many sense of responsibility which tions last Thursday evening. Trwnaine of Westfield. Mrs. as no longer safe .for school pur- now is in charge of records and committeewoman, and the preW- times, he never quite believed it— 90th Birthday would prove valuable in later life. Mayor Charles N. Thorn Jr., '^.rd Johnson is chairman poses. More recently it has been identification. lusly announced contest of Donald until Saturday. Appearing at the meeting in who had not formerly indicated he ldC»l committee. leadquarters for Martin Wallberg A petition requesting the coun- H. Bagger of 636 Hyslip avenua support of the measure, among would seek re-election, filed, and into plans were announced •ost, American Legion and other cil to resurface Maryland street Resident Here ami G. Rutherford Byam of 8M others, were Mrs. Miriam T.*Uus- will be opposed by Council Presi- Railway avenue for committeeman k wresentatives of the vari- rganizations. with a hard pavement from Boyn- For 30 Years sell, Mrs. Barbara B. Carberry dent Joseph A. C. Komictl. munitions signifying th«it The Legion recently announced ton street, was referred to the De- y from the fourth ward, second dis- CNJ Wins 16% ^ School Principalil s BByro n D Five candidates are seeking the Jit of celebrating th« event of Public Works ffor D. trict. plans to construct its own build- partment Charles E. "Dad" Plumridge of Stuart and H. M. Partington. two councilmanic posts, William khcim May 1. A« in pre A fifth committee race dittolwd ing on property it owns at North study. I!i2 North Euclid avenue celebrat- The proposal was referred to Stevenson and Fabian Vincent, I twra the churches «nd the Rate Increase avenue and Crossways place and A request that stop street signs this week when Herbert R. Welch ed his flOth birthday last night at the licensing committee and the whose terms expire this year, have Jr., of 5115 Shackamaxon drlva d, will play a leading part in meanwhile is meeting at the West be erected on Elm street at the n dinner party for the family^ and Town Safety committee for study. both filed for reseating. They arc (riebrntion. field Armory. A proposal still on corner of Sylvania place, was made withdrew his candidacy for tha New Fares May Be a few friends ill the home of his opposed by Herbert Gibbs of Ever- post from the third ward, second fending the meeting of the the fire to, extend Fen-is pli in a letter which pointed out that son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and green court, John A. Ferguson of district. He would have oppottd e were: Mrs. Johnson, Effective April 1 rom- Prospect street through to the former street was being used School Welfare Council Deer path and Arthur Minich of Mrs. Edward A. Pollard, with W, W. Colby Jr., of 437 Grove n, -representing the spon- 31m street, would take the new as a speedway, endangering the Coles avenue. M whom he lives. Backs Safety Program street. In a statement today,' Mr. • org«niiation; Mrs. S. L. An increase of 16 per cent in thoroughfare through the school lives of pedestrians and particu- One-third of his life has been Harry Beechler, present county Welch declared: i, Woman's Club; Arthur D. commutation rates on the Centra] site. larly children. The matter was spent in WestiieUl, where he has At a meeting of the School Wel- committeeman for the Republicans, "As u( lifelong resident of West- t Town Council; Alexander Railroad was approved yesterday referred to the Police Committee. been active in church circles, fra- fare Council on Thursday the does not seek re-election, nor docs field I have always hud the inter- ,'ltotaiy Club and Rlalto The- by the Public Utility Commission- A routine resolution was passed ternal groups, and civic organiza- members unanimously voted ap- Mrs. Rita Klunk, onnimitteewom- ests of the community and the Hta. i. Bliss Austin, presi- era. Following announcement of authorizing the town engineer ti tions. Mr. Plumridnc who is still proval of a town-wide program of on.
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