IS S U E 87 Switzerland Newsletter J U L Y 2 0 1 6 Japan External Trade Organization Santen Pharmaceutical set up European headquarters in Geneva Inside this Osaka-based company Santen issue Pharmaceutical, specializing Santen Phar- 1 in ophthalmology medicines has maceutical set + settled its European office last up European 2 year in Geneva. headquarters in Geneva Shigeo Taniuchi is the Head of Europe, Senior Corporate Officer, Japan’s cur- 2 rent economic at Santen Switzerland SA. He situation graduated from the Tokyo’s Election of 2 Rikkyo University in the field of members of chemistry and studied MBA at the House of University of Cambridge, UK . Councillors “I joined Santen because it is a Tanaka ac- 3 company with long history— set quires the up in 1890 — with a unique fo- stocks of Santen Switzerland SA’s staff (July 5 th , 2016) Metalor cus on ophthalmology and a com- fortable corporate culture of cus- Exhibition of 3 tomer focus”, Shigeo Taniuchi countries under its portfolio. tegic key decisions to be adopted Ito Shinsui’s works in Zur- said. “Santen grew up in Japan, where country by country, but not op- ich Starting in the sales department, we are very strong with more erational decisions which are Drone deliv- 4 he has served several internation- than 40% of the market share in made by each country team. ery in Chiba’s al departments covering the ophthalmologic area. We also Assigned two years ago in Swit- golf course United States, Europe and Asia have a large part of our business zerland, Shigeo Taniuchi’s mis- resort throughout his career. in China and Korea and our busi- sion was to find a new location ness is growing in the South East for Santen’s office. Expansion in 50 new markets Asia. We want now to expand in “We have been looking for a Europe”, Shigeo Taniuchi ex- global and diversified location for Santen Pharmaceutical began its plained. our European office. We have expansion in European Nordic Santen Pharmaceutical has also a considered several countries and 会見 countries through the acquisition R&D presence in the US. selected Switzerland based on INTERVIEW of a Finland-based local firm dur- several criteria: access to the Eu- ing 1990s. In 2014, it took over European headquarters in Ge- ropean market, political and eco- ophthalmology assets from U.S.- neva nomic stability, rich pharmaceu- based Merck & Co., Inc. Thanks tical talents and a neutral nature to this acquisition, it now covers Santen European headquarters is of country”, Shigeo Taniuchi said. 50 countries in Europe and Mid- responsible for the management dle-East, doubling the number of of 50 countries. It takes the stra- (Continued on page two) Page 2 JETRO Switzerland Newsletter Santen Pharmaceutical set up European headquarters in Geneva 会見 Switzerland Global Enterprise (S- global head for the supply chain; in GE). Geneva appears as a unique our past practice this sort of posi- INTERVIEW place to attract very diversified tion would be hired in Japan. But I talents, with an easy access to an believe we can find here more suit- international airport, and also a able persons who has a real global nice climate, which is important to mindset to work for Japan in the attract people”, he further said. morning and for the US in the af- Santen now employs about 33 ternoon”, Shigeo Taniuchi said. staffs in Geneva, with more than “Santen has decided to go every- ten different nationalities, includ- where. We went to Asia in the ing Japanese expats and Swiss na- 1980s and to the US in the 1990s. It tionals, but also staffs from several is very challenging to enter the US, countries in Europe and Asia. but it has always been our plan. Shigeo Taniuchi, Just when and how is still under Head of Europe, Senior Corporate Officer, Santen Switzerland SA Going beyond Europe discussion. Additionally, we are planning to expand business ag- (Continued from page one) “Our office is designed to go be- gressively to anywhere in the world yond Europe. In Geneva we can where Santen can contribute to “We visited several cantons in find the talents for a global busi- patients who suffered from eye Switzerland, with the support of ness. Recently we have recruited a disease”, he said. Japan’s current economic situation The Tankan judgment survey on machinery and by 3.4% for 20 動向 business conditions for all enter- transport equipment. SITUATION prises has remained positive in the However, the domestic demand 15 June 2016 survey (+4), even though remains firm. The current survey of it declined from the previous sur- orders received in construction vey in March 2016 (+7). The increased 11.3% in May 2016 to JPY 10 Tankan survey is conducted by the 6384 billion (provisional figures). Bank of Japan to provide an accu- The consumer price index for Japan rate picture of business trends of in May 2016 was 103.6 (2010=100), 5 enterprises in Japan. up 0.1% from the previous month. Japan’s exports declined 11.3% in The seasonally adjusted unemploy- 0 May 2016, showing a decrease by ment rate was 3.2% in May 2016 13.0% in Asia, by 10.6% in North (against 3.3% in May 2015) . -5 America and by 3.5% in Western 1 2 3 4 5 6 Europe (no change in Switzerland). Tankan judgment survey on business All enterprises Exports decreased by 16.1% for conditions (Diffusion index of Large enterprises "Favorable" minus "Unfavorable") Medium-sized enterprises electrical machinery, by 9.5% for Source: Bank of Japan Small enterprises Issue 87 Page 3 Election of members of the House of Councillors The regular election of members of 2016 2013 2016 Party election * election * results 動向 the Japan’s House of Councillors th took place on Sunday 10 July, Liberal Democratic Party 55 65 120 (+5) SITUATION 2016. 121 of the 242 members were Democratic Party 32 17 49 (-11) elected. Komeito 14 11 25 (+5) The House of Councillors is the upper house of the Japanese Diet, Japanese Communist Party 6 8 14 (+3) which consist together with the Initiatives from Osaka ( Ōsaka Ishin no Kai) 7 5 12 (+5) House of Representatives in a total Social Democratic Party 1 1 2 (-1) of 717 members. The members of the House of People's Party Life (Seikatsu no To) 1 1 2 (-1) Councillors are elected for a term Party for Japanese Kokoro 0 3 3 (0) of six years, half of its members New Renaissance Party (Shinto Kaikaku) 0 0 0 (-1) being elected at each election. This election was the first national Others 5 10 15 (-3) election to allow citizens aged Breakdown of seats at the House of Councillors more than 18 (instead of 21) to vote. (): Change from 2013 * Half of the seats Increase of Prime Minister Sinzo power since its foundation in 1955, obtained 5 additional seats, secur- Abe’s party with the exception of two periods ing a total of 25 seats. from 1993 to 1994, and from 2009 to However, the Democratic Party — The ruling Liberal Democratic Par- 2012. the main opposition party — lost a ty increased its number of seats by The Komeito — which is part of a total of 11 seats, falling to a total of 5, from a total of 115 to 120. The coalition supporting the Prime 49 seats. LDP is a conservative party, in Minister Abe’s coalition — also Tanaka acquires the stocks of Metalor Technologies Tanaka Holdings has announced on watch and jewellery industry. “Thanks to the previous sharehold- 投資 July 12 th , 2016, that it will acquire “Tanaka and Metalor offer highly ers, Metalor has been able to invest all the stocks of Neuchâtel-based complementary aspects both in extensively in Europe as well as in INVESTMENT company Metalor Technologies terms of business and regional Asia and in the Americas. The International SA. strategy. We anticipate creating Tanaka group will bring a new level Tanaka is a Japanese family-owned significant synergies which will of shareholder stability and techno- leading precious metals trader, re- open new avenues for innovative logical mastery. The entire Metalor finer and manufacturer with a his- global strategies for the expanded team supports this transaction and tory well over a hundred years. Tanaka Precious Metals group. We we hope it will close as soon as pos- Based in Tokyo, and established in firmly believe that this step will sible.”, said Philippe Royer, CEO, 1885, Tanaka employs 3,500 people. greatly benefit the precious metals Metalor Technologies International Metalor is a major world supplier industry as a whole” , said Akira SA. of precious metals, producing sever- Tanae, Representative Director and al kinds of alloys, especially for the CEO of Tanaka Holdings. Issue 87 Page 4 Drone delivery in Chiba’s golf course resort 革新 Tokyo-based company Rakuten announced the launch from May INNOVATION 9th , 2016 of a delivery service by drone at the Camel Golf Resort in Chiba prefecture (Kanto region, Greater Tokyo Area). Sora Raku is the name of the deliv- ery service utilizing drones. Its first application in a golf course is to deliver golf equipment, snacks, beverages and other items to play- ers at several pickup points on the golf course. Golf players can order items through a smartphone application. The drone will then fly up to the “Sora Raku” Delivery Service pick up point, deliver the load and Copyright © 1997-2016 Rakuten, Inc. All Rights Reserved. return to the takeoff point. The maximum load capacity is approxi- Rakuten and Autonomous Control consumer- and business-focused mately two kilograms.
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