MUJAHIDEEN Published every month No.1, 6th Year January, 1992 Hekmatyar Critical of US Interference G51 '0861 `!gaeaex'ssa.id A1!saanlun paolxo'luudaa uopuo-7 ,fna.inW ugof 0061 `('Pa'uegR Pawogeyq uE11nS )gsunyV alyQ)'uolsiun4diV to i¡ury`unw14ng.inpqy jo agl-t 0141* ,(cul) i]tAu pp aqnmb tdaq asiou alaqT pun 'aanq 01 poti 1 salTtng 1st!' aqT aaam aa)u.r agTjo .gultg.04 pun aslou 2ullsnlaana aqT aaaqm pi sasnoq-pmu pamoaaoq ul pan!' 1aanlnd mau n Tfing 1 jaw atu)1 atqT lnun..ul anll 01 asnou ou .gulnnq Jo rSTlnoljilp agT aanj oi png `Sdlunoa agT jo .8ulx so '1 :saiomayv sty ul aloam ay sv s8ul9pol mau sly gTlm paseald wag arl sum al-1 pue}farwes ul altxa ul pang peg au saraS uanala ao3 remurqtd-ol9ud puooas ayT 9ulmollol yspiag aga Ag fngrx jo auoauT agi uo paoeld sum au rajgr aouap -lsaa dn Now (1061-0881) ueuageg anpgd alwd agl Tuoi sasnog asaga lo auo ut sum 11 aptsano /Sef imam oT paaedwoo ssautlueafo pue aapao lo suaneg aaam TegT sapeorl uapoom panaro A¡aTraogela g[lmspaeAlanoo snopeds uo pasnool '9upfool-paemuf Afloqm sum aanToaTlgaae aua `Taous ul fngrx loAlp pl0 aui ut saords oggnd aol par2a1 ou Aldwis sum aaayZsnoparzegaessrd 2uplrw saaaaas alp olut Slaaaal) pafadwa sdoTlooa uo paio sautaTel paaanalllue0's1011n8 9u1mo13 Ag afpplw aqT umop Tno'seaae awoslou wank sArmAallr 2ufpulm moaaeu jo azrw aqs waua pulyaq Outng asoyT jo aapeargo ao snaras aua oT st swig ou anea Aaq,l, Ag-saassed oT saoul Nurlg 'snowAuoue Afleloa paluasaad TegT sii nano atlT pauaope uopeaooap ou aslmraupo sauauxeuao maw gafm pappnasAllruotse000 sñrm -loop af2uls Sg paoaald spem puluaq Sul salaoas aaayT oa oma saouaplsag papuedxa 1ou pug ran aua uBnouTle 9LLi ui ¡rTldeo alp paaeloap sum inqr7l uaqm 000'01 woaldn'088i g suazlpo 000'OOi oT atuog sum 'am auo Ag a[Iw Rug luros e 2ufansraut pallan aga 'ands u uo pagoaad laprTla aga Rg paleulwoQ ranlg ingex aga pun sulraunotu lo apta mol u uaamaaq paHoed Afasuap sem iS.tnauaa ,6i nip jo pua ato in AID Inge uzoog 2uipiTng sAuijnuEUiv 2uix We want to establish an Islamic Government in Afghanistan that is independent, non -aligned and Islamically elected. Our Jihad will continue until this goal is a reality. We insist on election as the only practical way for solving the current Afghan crisis. No Government other than an elected Islamic one will be able to put an end to the war and establish durable peace and security in Afghanistan. The internal and external policyofour Government will be based on Qur'an and Sunnah. We will make independentjudgements on all international issues and maintain friendly relations with all states except those that are engaging in activities detrimental to our faith, independence and territorial integrity. The Islamic state ofAfghanistan will take all possible measures to protect the rightsofall Afghan nationals and will promote science and technology for the reconstruction, development, self -reliance and self -sufficiencyofour state. Hezli- i- Islami Afghanistan 729 l ;l': _gAlli THE UJA H I DEE l`!i[llS 2ü tVLi.iuijnth Founded By Hezb -i- Islami Afghanistan ,: V .:. :.:.:...:. ......... S.No. Article Page 01 Editorial 03 02 The existence of Israel, a challenge for Ummah 04 03 News from America 05 04 In Search of Peace 06 05 Algeria -Islamic revolution through ballot 09 06 International Youth Seminar 10 07 Position of Women in Islam 12 08 Faith and progress 16 09 Kashmir and the world responsibility 17 10 An Islamic approach to Economics -I 18 The Mujahideen. January, 1992 Viirreicvcv::.a ;,:kv'% Page 02 .«.s >.«MW& 11 He alof US interference 24 12 Co der SyediAli Khan is martyred 26 13 News 27 14 Facts about Kashmir 29 15 Bush Vs. Libya 34 16 A postmortem of Moscow peace talks 35 17 The great game in Aisa 37 18 The POWs isue 39 19 We and the New World Order 40 20 Arakan Muslim Students' camp 41 21 Islamic bloc, a Necessity of the day 42 22 Tel Aviv double dealing 43 23 Universal Fraternity 44 24 Muslims Status quo 46 25 The Muslims' Approach to their problems 47 YOU CAN GET OUR MAGAZINE FROM THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE AFGHAN MIA AHIDEEN TO: TO: TO: IAM TO: IIU (LIBRARY) P.O. BOX # 394 HIA ALI KHAN IBA P.O. BOX 70, Jln. P.O. BOX # 3081 STATION (0) 15, RUEDE PROGRES BM BOX # 2084 SULTAN TORONTO ONTARIO 93230 ROMAINVILLE NEW DELHI 110003 LONDON W CIN 46700 PETALING INDIA CANADA- M 4A -2N9 FRANCE 3XX JAYA ENGLAND TO: SELANGOR, AHMAD SHAH QAYUMI GROFTHO JPARKEN, TO: IAM TO: 157H 8260 -VIBY -J TO: HIA ARIIUS- DENMARK ARY SCHEFFER STR. 10 IAM H# B -40 BLOCK 2597 VV DENIIAG P.O. BOX #394 ABDUL IIASSAN ASFI IANI HOLAND STATION OM4A 2N 9 TO: ROAD HULSHAN -E -IQBAL TORONTO, ONTARIO IAM TO: KARACI II 47 M. SHARIF AMIN I0- 44- EPPING CANADA 46AVENUEDE KARACHI TERVUREN ROAD -LANE COVE 1040 BRUXLLES (NSW) 2066 TO: BELGIQUE AUSTRALIA AFGIIAN MUJAHIDEEN INFORMATION TO: TO: TO: BUREAU 14126 SHERMANO.A.M 902 / 4 JALAN TUN P.O. BOX# 443 IBA WAY 201 FLUSHING N. Y 11352 TI LEATHER STR. 12 VAN N YS, CA ISMAIL KUALA LUMPUR USA 53 BONN1 91405 MALAYSIA GERMANY USA ....n:';>kli{.+ii:t:rí£étt:v .roä'.cztak:+;i..t.:,;:.:.::a::::>::<i::;s The Mujahideen, January, 1992 "'MaPage 03 '"USW VERY UNFORTUNATE peace in Afghanistan should "contenment of Communism" has understand that any bid to install Ex- now been replaced by its policy of t isnodoubta matter of king Zahir Shah in Kabul is fraught "containment of Islam ". This is high immense shock thatPakistan with dangers and bloody clashes time that Islamic movements through also seems to have joined hands between thesupportersand out the world co- ordinated their with America to deprive valiant opponents of the Ex -king could not activities and come forward to help Afghan Mujahideen of the fruits of be ruled out, Engineer Hekmatyar Afghan Mujahideen in this hour of their historical Jihad. also hinted in his press conference need. The government of Pakistan on the possilities of such a scenario. should also reconsider its present Gulbadeen Hekmatyar, shift in Afghan policy which amounts AmiroftheHezb -i- Islami After the collapse of the to almost a suicide as far as long- Afghanistan while addressing a press term interests of Pakistan are conference of his party's Al -Fatah base in Paktia Province, bordering Pakistan has said that Gen. Asif Nawaz's (Pakistan's Chief of the Army staff) meeting with the Sardar Wali, the Son -in -law of Ex -King Zahir Shah, in Rome signalled a major shift in Pakistan's policy and vowed to foil any attempt to impose Zahir Shah on Afghan masses. Almost all major Afghan groups have reacted very sharply to the international conspiracy to impose Ex -king Zahir Shah on Afghan masses and vowed to resist such a move. How a person who enjoys very little following among Communism,UnitedStates Afghan people could bring peace to considers Islamas the most concerned. Afghanistan. formidable threat to its hegemony in the present world and this is why Afghan Mujahideen are It is very unfortunate that She, does not want to see true thankful to the Islam- loving people Government of Pakistan seems to Muslims to enter the corridors of the of Pakistan for their whole hearted has decided to abandon its long -time power in any Muslim country. She co- operation with Afghan allies and become a party to the also does not want to see any Muslim Mujahideen but they are also duty conspiracies being hatched by great country strong and this was why bound to pressurise their government Satan USA, to install an American Gulf drama was staged; the military to change its policy of becoming a puppet in Kabul after removal of a might of Iraq destroyed and wealth party to the American conspiracies Russian puppet. of Arab countries plundered. against the establishment of a truly representative Islamic government Every body interested in The American policy of in Afghanistan. - The Mujahideen, January, 1992 g"`"`'"-"""" .§Vage 04 wawgea ,ä hfnr ihe Fast. The Jews had embarked on a process of genocide of the natives of Palestine when they had entered there 3000 years ago. The same they are doing today on their second entry into the land after a lapse of 2000 years. They who are their victims are our Muslim brothers. Their sole crime is ntifadha is an armless Jihad movement against the none other than their being Muslims. The cruel Europeans illegitimate existence of Israel. It has revitalized the favoured the illegitimate idea of an Israeli State on the soil spirit of Jihad in the hearts of Muslims the world over. of Palestine. This favour was proclaimed througth the This movement has the moral support of all the Muslims. notorious Balfore Declaration in 1917. By that time the In fact that is the real movement struggling for the cause Jews were less than 5 percent of the population. While the of liberating Palestine. In the early stage the Palestinian Muslim population was 700,000, the Jews numbered at issue was an Arab issue but now, due to two reasons, it has 56,000. For such a small number, it was decided by the so- assumed the status of a Muslim issue. First, Al -Aqsa is a called champions of human rights and democracy to allot sacred place of Muslims under the occupation of Jews. more than half of the Palestinian territory to the Jews.
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