... complete. Novelette~LONELY.WOJV1EN"s . By \rna Pht\\\ps and janet Huck\n----- GEORGE MURPHY · GENE KELLY · Marta Eggerth · Ben Blue · ~~oeJJ::lt:~~~~:R::~~ Screen Play by Richard Shennan, Fred Finklehoffe and Sid Silvers • Original Story by Howard Emmett Rogers • A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture 1 2 jli I ' Let's Tear the Trio to Bits! HOLLYWOOD always can be de- pended on to turn out unique ideas, even when it comes to getting funds for relief. Poster which forms the background for picture (left) . is one of them. It was put up in Para­ mount Studios for the Dutch-Chinese­ Russian Navy Relief. Made in the form of a big jig-saw puzzle, it was torQ apart by groups of studio em­ plpyes instead of being put together. For each $1,250' contributed, a group was allowed to take off part of the puzzle, until the trio was completely dismembered. All studio folk contrib­ uted heavily to the idea, and it didn't take long before Hitler, Hirohito and Mussolini were in bits. Comparatively simple to carry out, it's an idea that might be used to advantage in many organizations to stimulate the sale of bonds and si!lmps as well as giving relief- to our , allies. It's one way in which small sums from members of large groups can be made to grow into a substantial amount. It serves also as a grim reminder that this is a war for the survival of the fittest, a war of all the people whether they travel the high road or the low road in this world conflict for freedom! BETTY HUnaN and Gil Lamb, made up for a sequence in "Star Spangled Rhythm," show how to attack enemy Walter Abel in Nip sailor make-up The CLean pLate MOYIE-RADIO GUIDE GEORGE MARDI KlAN, proprietor- chef of the Omar Khayyam res­ CONTENTS taurant in San Francisco and official NBC chef in the Golden Gate city, First of Our Great Heroes ..•.•. 2 Know Your Commentator, by has originated an "Eat to Save" cam­ Bill Andrews ........•......• 11 paign among his patrons that can be Third Season f~r Mutual's Oper- followed by everyone in so far as leav­ etta Series ..•...••....••..•• 4 Short Waves, by Charles A. ing a clean plate after a meal is con­ Morrlsol\ .................... 12 Lionel Barrymore's Baby cerned. But George has gone a step Scripter .....•.•.....•.•••••• 6 Complete Programs for This further. Each patron who eats every­ Week ...•......... 14-18, 23-36 thing he orders gets a ten percent dis­ CBS' Stage Door Canteen...... 6 count on his check, paid in war stamps. "Lonely Women," Complete As a practical example, here's how the Movie Front, by Frances Long •• 7 Novelette by Irna Phillips idea works: Ev .~ry week George buys Wallace Wimple: Nature- Lover 8 and Janet Huckins ..•.•..•.. 19 2,500 pounds :6f lamb. If his stamp The Radio Front, by E. Kay, Feminine Forum, by Edith idea saves ten percent of that meat, it Avery Thompson and Bill Hampton .... • .........•.•••. 37 makes 250 pounds of lamb available . Andrews .................... 9 for other essential uses. Multiply that What's Cooking! by Georgia saving by what could be accomplished Music, by Robert Bagar .••..•. 10 Scott ..•••......•.•• ......... 39 if all restaurants adopted the "clean plate" plan, and the amount is pro­ C:over Photo by Del POOTe digious, and one answer to present Volume 12, Number 6 November 14-20, 1942 rationing problems. - The Editors. -Wide World ADVOCATE of the clean plate, Mardikian serves Burns and Allen 2. A REAL Flying Tiger ready for action (above). Tiger chief General Claire L Chennault Ileft) t aken just after he and his flying sharks returned from a foray which brought down ten Japanese raiding planes that were atte mpting to break the Burma Ro'a d lifeline Cast of liThe Flying Tigers" as authentic as possible. Some of the aerial shorts in the picture are direct from the China News Service. Other John W.ily ne, J ohn Curoll , Ann a L«, Gordon Jones. Pa.ul Kell y, Edmund MacOon.illd. Philip scenes were fi lmed under the str ic Ah n, Cheste r Gi n, Bud McTaggut, Greu supervision of the U. S. Governmelll Ba rton, Tom He.'. Bill Shi rley, Dnid Bruce, Curtiss test pilots went aloft for rna· JOlin James . J immy Dodd, Ann J effreys. Mae neuvers, to show some of the pre­ CI H ke. A RepUblic pitture produced by Ed· cision-fligh t formations for which mund Gldl inger and directed by e uid Miller. Ch ennault's men were famous. Trans­ Screenplay by Kenneth Gamet and Barry lated, the Chinese symbols seen on the Trive rs, h sed on an orig inal story by Ken· backs of t he "Tigers" in the picture neth Gamet. read, in Gen. Chiang Kai- Shek's own wording, "This American has come to the aid of the Chinese. He should be RE~~B~~n:~~~ ~e~ly~::~;g:~~~ r espected by all, and bi all persons of with full appreciation of the tremen­ military rank." The Flying Tigers dis­ dous hold General Chennault and his banded on July 4 and enlisted in the men had upon American public opin­ U. S. Army; but this Republic picture ion. They sp ared no effort to make it records their heroic deeds for posterity! John W ayne plays the Anna l ee in role of John Carro ll plays head man in Repub. nurse sup plies the role of cocky ren· lie's "Flying Tigers" film' s love .inte rest egade transport ace 7. THEN he guides the wavering plane right for their original target-a supply train­ portrtlying in reel life a heart.bredking and poignant scene from a page of living history! _ 1\0; , 't • VIRGINIA HASKINS , Ch ica­ BRUCE FOOTE, Chicago go Opera Company soprano Opera Company baritone - W I I rH(' ATTILIO BAGGIORE, tenor CHARLES KULLMAN , Metro­ star of many MBS programs politan Opera Company tenor MARION CLAIRE (above) and this season's co-stars (right and left) Marion C I a i re Stars as UChicago Theater of the Air" Enters Third Year of Operetta Radio Production MUSIC and drama are blended each the finest works in the light-opera field. Saturday night to bring you Mutual's A staff of writers condenses the musical operetta program, "The Chicago Theater dramas into a one-hour program, retain­ of the Air." Marion Claire, soprano prima ing three or four of the best-loved musi­ donna of the show, is joined each week cal selections. The story is enacted by a by a guest star from opera or the concert dramatic cast whose voices are matched stage. The operettas are conducted by to those of the singers handling the same Henry Weber and are chosen from among roles. Broadcast: 9 to 10 p.m. EWT, Sat. 1942-43 Operetta Schedule* Date Operetta Composer November 14 The Fonune Teller Victor Herbert November 21 Mlle. Modiste Victor Herbert November 28 Bohemian Girl Michael Balfe December 5 Naughty Marietta Victor Herbert December 12 The Merry Widow Franz Lehar December 19 Babes in Toyland Victor Herbert December 26 America Loves a Melody Ross Hastings January :2 Carmen Georges Bizet January 9 Princess Pat Victor Herbert January 16 The Desert Song Sigmund Romberg January 23 Martha Friedrich von Flotow January 30 Sweethearts Victor Herbert February 6 Count of Luxembourg Franz Lehar February 13 The Red Mill Victor Herbert February 20 Faust Charles Gounod February 27 The Enchantress Victor Herbert March 6 Mme. Pompadour Leo Fall March 13 Eileen Victor Herbert March 20 Cavalleria Rusticana Pietro Mascagni March 27 Bitter Sweet Noel Coward ·Subject to change WRITING the scripts for Lionel Barrymore's CBS "The Mayor of the Town" show (Wed., 9:30 p.m. EWT) we.s a plum coveted by every writer along ra­ dio row. But it went to the airlanes' youngest top scripter, twenty-three­ year-old Jean Holloway, who was Kate Smith's head writer at twenty! LIONEL BARRYMORE'S BABY SCRIPTER Radio Co-Workers Call Her Kate Smith Jr., and When It C~mes to Success and Size the Name Fits Miss Jean Holloway! "ONE WAS EASllY BES1," SK Jean Holloway to tell you some­ about Davy Crockett for Walter Hus­ A thing about herself and she says ton, shows for Charles Boyer, Orson with a twinkle, "I'm single, normal, Welles, Gertrude Lawrence, to men­ d;;;;41~J~n bove shows yoU star made the and ambitious. My mother was a tion a few of the more than two IlY. 1'1CTlJRY. a. g Warners Bros' to taste the 1n dancer on the' stage, and I have a won­ hundred top stars of stage, screen and Les1ie, charm test "Theyasked me the one I derful great-grandmother, now eighty­ radio for whom Jean has written. l ... .famou~ cola tta~~:wn ~olas, then chOi~yS\est. It was six. When she was five, Which all adds up to .' tion s bes - "One was eas Great-Grandma stuck the fastest-climbing ca­ na d " Joan says. d '. preferre , 1 " have ma e her tongue out at Abra­ reer in radio. Norman 1 Crown Co a. 11 nywood stars d ted ham Lincoln, which she Corwin, under whom R oya 60 famoUS 0 t test an vo always has regretted. I Jean studied radio More than, i moUS cola tas e- taste-tests, have a dog named scripting, is still her Royal Crown ~ 1: best-tasting. In:rouPbest_tasting Grapenuts, and I'm ideal. Her present con­ Royal Crown 0 t it has been c os~; bottle that about to acquire anoth­ tract to write "Mayor from coast ~~s~s~a~;y a big red allndl~se~wfor 5¢, and er named Rinso (no of the Town" dramas in 5 out 6 b t TWO iu g doubt in honor of her for Lionel Barrymore is t one- u sponsors); but I would scheduled for a three­ pours no 1 at its best.
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