S T t ° l c X The LAW . * IS “ N *3 ? Volume 87— Number 21 0 6 Lawrence University, Appleton. Wisconsin Friday, April 5, 1968 17 Men, 13 Women Faculty Approves Limited Senior Off-Campus Housing Last Wednesday the faculty agent for landlords in their deal­ meeting in Harper Hall approved ings with students. Since off- the administration’s pilot pro­ campus housing is not being un­ gram of off-campus housing for dertaken as a convenience to the seniors. The trial pro^am will University, the University will be limited to 30 seniors (17 men not undertake to provide a list and 13 women) who must be of approved (or of disapproved) twenty-one years of age or have housing. Nevertheless, the Uni­ evidence of parental consent. versity feds an obligation to pre­ If more than 17 men and 13 vent discriminatory practices in women apply, the permission for housing available to its students, off-campus housing will be as­ and it will reverse its hand^rff signed by lot while those who policy if it becomes aware of lose in the lottery will be put on cases of racial or religious dis­ a waiting list for off-campus crimination. housing. The university would While off campus, students re­ not collect $855 of the compre­ move themsdves from the juris­ hensive fee now charged ($2725» diction of University rules that from students living off campus. apply to dormitories. They do Those off-campus students who not free themsdves from the ob­ wish to take their meals at one ligation to avoid behavior that FRANCIS L. BRODERICK, dean of Lawrence and Downer colleges, confers with of the on-campus facilities may brings the University into public President Tarr just prior to last Monday’s faculty meeting in Harper Hall while the make arrangements with the bus­ disrepute. three members of the North Central accreditation team look on skeptically. The faculty iness office. Seniors who dert to hve off- campus may return to campus voted to approve the administration’s trial plan permitting thirty seniors to live off cam­ The proposal notes that the rooms during the year if cam­ pus next year. plan has been limited to 30 stu­ pus housing is available. dents because of the budgetary need to faiH available spaces on campus. For “the University’s failure to use its resources fully Michael Harrington Faculty Votes to Pass LUCC, would have the unintended effect of offering a privilege to off-cam­ pus students by raising the costs To Present Convo French Changes Approved to on-campus students. If the Author Michael Harrington, dormitories fill up, permission whose hook “The Other America” In the first meeting of what vetoing or approving action on of the role of myth and legend to live off campus may be ex­ is generally credited with spark­ was destined to be a four day LUOC legislation. As originally in selected works of literature tended to more students.” ing the antipovorty aampai&i. string, the faculty last Friday written, the constitution had im­ from the Middle Ages to the 20th Further stipulations of the pro­ will address a convocation at passed the LUCC constitution plied the President might have century ” gram include: 11:10 a.m. Thursday, April 11, in and approved a substantially re­ a “ pocket-veto” on LUOC action. Bruce W. OronmiHer, associate Hie University will not serve the Chapel. vised curriculum 'Jm, French The curriculum in the French profeatsor of French, explained as agent for students in their Harrington, 39, is author of department department has undergone a that the changes, while having a dealings with a landlord, or as “The Accidental Society” and LUCC was passed wflth only drastic restylization. Seven new direct academic value to the stu­ co-editor of “ Labor in a Free four dissenting votes, but it still courses have been approved to dents, were primarily motivated Society.” He is a contributing runs the risk of being weakened replace eight old ones. French by the desire to put “excite­ editor to the periodicals “Dis­ by either student apathy or a le­ 23, 25, 27, 29, 32, 35, 37 and 39 ment” back into the department. College Accreditors sent” and “New America,” and gal complication. According to have been dropped *i favor of Cronmiller said that if the pro­ has written for "Commentary,” Aritide Eight of the constitu­ French 41, 42, 43, 51, 52, 63 and 20. fessors are enthusiastic about Scrutinize Lawrence “Commonweal” and “Partisan tion, “Ratification of this con­ The changes basically repre­ what they are teaching, the stu­ Review.” stitution will be by two-thirds of sent a study of the French lang­ dents will absorb some of it. Members of the North Central He attended Hdy Cross Cd- the voting Student Body.” The uage by types of literature as accreditation team of the Ameri­ lege, Yale University Law School results of the first student ref­ opposed to periodization. For ex­ can Association of Colleges, Uni­ and the University of Chicago, erendum were, 676 in favor, 22 ample, French 41 is “A study versities, and Secondary Schools where he received a Minster of opposed. Though this was a sub­ visited Appleton this week for a Arts degree in English literature Faculty Offers in 1949. stantial victory for LUOC, it does routine review of Lawrence’s From 1951 to 1953 he was asso­ not represent the required two- Accreditation. The team met on ciate editor of “The Catholic thirds of the student body. Honor Council Draft Counsel Monday morning with President Worker” and served as an or- In their March 29th meeting, Tarr and has administrative staff. A possible legal complication the Lawrence faculty decided to Later in the morning the group ganizationiiil secretary for the might develop if those provisions Workers Defense League. He la­ Drops Violators authorize Francis L. Broderick, toured the library, checking that in LUOC giving legislative power ter worked for the Fund for the The Honor Council, in recent Dean of Lawrence and Downer the number of volumes therein to the students are found to be in actions, voted to suspend two Colleges, to inform all senior men met the standards for an insti­ Republic m a trade union project violation of the university’s by­ students for violations of the of the availability of all faculty tution of Lawrence’s enrollment. and a study of blacklisting in the laws. Arthur P. Remley of Rern- Honor Code last term. members to talk to students con­ A member of the team termed entertainment industry. ley, Sensenbrenner. Stein and Meeting on the evening of Tues­ cerning the draft, its alternatives the Lawrence library “ade­ At a recent national conference on higher education, Harrington Cummings law firm, a Lawrence day, March 12, in the office of and its implications. quate.” criticized the federal govern­ trustee, has been asked to inves­ Francis L. Broderick, dean of In that letter on the faculty’s The team also dined in Colman ment for spending more money tigate the proposals legality. Lawrence and Downer Colleges, behalf. Broderick noted that the Hall with various students in an promoting poverty than in at­ It is conceivable that the trustees the council, headed by Chip Tag­ decision may involve acceptance effort to sample student restive­ tempting to abdish it. could amend the by-laws at their gart, considered the case of a of the draft, either readily or fa­ ness at Lawrence. Hie team May 14 meeting so as to permit senior accused of plagiarizing for talistically, or “to tortured in­ wspent the afternoon with sodad the implemtation of LUOC. an English paper. After trying volvement in a crisis of con­ scientists on the Lawrence fac­ science that may lead a man to ulty before attending Monday Lawrence Orchestra In any event, Student Senate’s the case, the council voted to refuse to serve.” afternoon’s meeting of the facul­ Polling and Elections Committee suspend the student for this term To Present Concert Broderick added, “As mem­ ty. is proceeding to set the dates for and the first term of next year. The Lawrence Symphony Or­ bers of the faculty at Lawrence, The team’s day concluded with the school referendum and the An identical sentence was giv­ chestra will present its second we are concerned with yot** con­ a meeting of the student senate election of representatives and of­ en to a freshman accused of concert of the season at 8 p.m. cern . all of us know some of on Monday evening. Team mem­ cheating and tried by the council Sunday, April 7, at the Chapd. ficers. Platforms for office are you . well enough to fed a bers were dosedmouthed about early last week. Conductor Kenneth Byler’6 pro­ due in The Lawrentian office by personal Stake in the anguish their findings, noting they The Honor Council is composed gram choices include Beethoven’s Wednesday, April 10. that may accompany the process “found no surprises” here. An­ of seven voting student members overture, “Leonore” No. 3, Op. nie LUOC constitution was ap­ of deciding. Therefore, we want other member of the team called and two non-voting advisers, 72a; M ozart's “ Divertimento” proved as written with one ex­ to say as a group and as indi­ Lawrence “typical.” No. 2 in D Mlajor, K. 131; and ception. The President now has which are a student chairman viduals that we are available The team members included Dr. and a dean. The group is self- Elgar's variations on an orignal two weeks to decide on either a this term to be of assistance if Robert Mac Vicar, Vice President theme, “Eni&na.” perpetuating, selecting its new we can.
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