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22_100578 bindex.qxp 4/25/07 8:04 PM Page 450 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes below. GENERAL INDEX Akershus Slott og Festning Arendal, 217–220 (Akershus Castle & Fortress; Arendal Rådhus, 218 Oslo), 125 Arkeologisk Museum (Museum AARP, 31 Åkesfjellet, 324 of Archaeology; Stavanger), Aas, pedestrian bridge, 162 Aksla, 325–326 237 Above and Beyond Tours, 31 AKU, 9 Armed Forces Museum Access-Able Travel Source, 30 Akvariet (Bergen Aquarium), (Forsvarsmuseet; Oslo), Access America, 28 265 120–121 Accessible Journeys, 30 Ålesund, 64, 325–331 Arne Ronning (Trondheim), 366 Accommodations, 44–48. See Ålesund Museum, 326–327 Art galleries also Accommodations Index Alfa-Omega (Alta), 424 Bergen, 281 bed-and-breakfasts (B&Bs), Alta, 9, 68, 421–424 Henningsvær, 413 45–46 Alta Museum, 421–422 Kabelvåg, 410–411 best, 11–13 Altona Vinbar (Bergen), 285 Karasjok, 425–426 booking a hotel, 44–45 American Express Svolvær, 408 chalet holidays, 45 Oslo, 78 Trondheim, 366 farm holidays, 46 traveler’s checks, 22 Arts and crafts fishermen’s cabins, 45 American Foundation for the Alta, 422 home exchanges, 48 Blind (AFB), 30 Bergen, 281–282 home stays, 47–48 American Institute for Foreign Karasjok, 426 hotel passes, 45 Study (AIFS), 60 Lillehammer, 186 surfing for, 33 Amfiscenen (Oslo), 147 Oslo, 142 Active vacations, 52–60 Amtmandens Datter (Tromsø), Røros, 205 adventure sightseeing, 59–60 385 shopping tour, 282 best, 6 Åndalsnes, 64, 323–325 Tromsø, 384 biking, hiking, and other sum- The Angry Boy (Sinnataggen; Ulvik, 298–299 mer pursuits, 55–58 Vigeland), 119 Åsgårdstrand, 167 canoeing, kayaking, sailing, Annes Keramik (Trondheim), Astrup Fearnley Museum of and scuba diving, 59 366 Modern Art (Oslo), 120 fishing, 54–55 Antiques, Oslo, 142 Astruptunet, 314 learning vacations, 60 Åpen Bar (Tromsø), 385 Atelier 88-Galleri Bodøgaard skiing, 52–54 Apothecary (Halden), 165 (Bodø), 394 Adventure sightseeing, 59–60 Aquariums Atlanterhavsparken (Tueneset), Agder Naturmuseum og Atlanterhavsparken (Ålesund), 327 Botaniske Hage (Agder 327 ATMs (automated teller Museum of Natural History Bergen (Akvariet), 265 machines), 21 and Botanical Garden;COPYRIGHTED Kris- Lofoten (Storvågan), 410 MATERIALAudhild Vikens Vevstove tiansand S), 221 Sognefjord (Balestrand), 305 (Geiranger), 322 Airfares, 33, 36–37 Archbishop’s Palace (Erkebis- Aula (Great Hall; Oslo), Airport security, 36 pegården; Trondheim), 351 120, 134 Air travel, 35–37, 41 Archbishop’s Palace Museum Aulestad (Gausdal), 193 Aker Brygge (Oslo), 74, 131 (Trondheim), 351 Aurlandsfjord, 308 restaurants, 98, 103–104 The Arctic Cathedral (Tromsdal Aurora borealis (northern shopping, 141 Church or The Boathouse lights), 379 Akersgata (Oslo), 136 Church; Tromsø), 379 Aust-Agder Museum (Arendal), Akershus Castle & Fortress Arctic Garden (Oppstryn), 316 218 (Oslo), 131, 148 Area code, 49 22_100578 bindex.qxp 4/25/07 8:04 PM Page 451 GENERAL INDEX 451 Australia getting around, 248–250 Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne, customs regulations, 20 hospitals, 251 192, 332, 404 embassy of, 49 Internet access, 251 Aulestad (Gausdal), 193 health-related travel laundry, 251 tomb of (Oslo), 137 advice, 29 layout of, 248 Blå (Oslo), 152 passports, 50–51 nightlife, 283–286 Blå Rock Café (Tromsø), 385 Austvågøy, 407 organized tours, 276 Blick, 155 outdoor activities, 280 Blodveimuseet (near Bodø), parking, 248 395 Babysitting services, 33 post office, 251 Blogs and travelogues, 33 Backroads, 56 restaurants, 259–264 Blomqvist Kunsthandel (Oslo), Backroads Travel, 57 shopping, 280–283 142 Baggage weight allowance, 35 side trips from, 286–287 Blue Marble Travel, 58 Baklommen (Bergen), 285 sights and attractions, Boating. See also Canoeing; Balestrand, 65, 304–307 264–278 Kayaking; Sailing B&B Norway AS, 46 visitor information, 248 Geilo, 310 Baneheia Skog (Baneheia walking tour, 277–279 Boat trips and cruises. See also Forest), 223 what’s new in, 2 Ferries Bankplassen (Oslo), 133 Bergen Airport, 246–247 Ålesund, 325, 326 Banyean & Hans Highness Bergen Angling Association, 54 Alta, 422 (Hammerfest), 430 Bergen Aquarium (Akvariet), Bergen, 249–250 Bar Credo (Trondheim), 265 Flåm, 308 366–367 Bergen Art Museum, 265, 268 Geirangerfjord, 321 Barnekunst Museum (Interna- Bergen Card, 248 Hamar, 176 tional Children’s Art Bergen Cathedral (Domkirken), Kabelvåg, 411 Museum; Oslo), 130 269–270 Kristiansand S, 224 Bar 1 (Oslo), 153 Bergen Folklore, 283 Loen, 318 Bar 3B (Trondheim), 367 Bergen Guide, 16 Lofoten Islands, 404 Bærum Verk (Oslo), 142 Bergen International Festival Mo i Rana, 390 Basarhallene (Oslo), 133 (Bergen Festspill), 5, 25 Molde, 332 Baths, Oslo, 139 Bergen Museum, 268 Moskenesøy, 417 Båtservice Sightseeing (Oslo), Bergen Sportsfiskere (Bergen most scenic, 9 137–138 Angling Association), 6, 280 Stavanger, 228 Beach Club (Oslo), 153 Bergens Sjøfartsmuseum Tromsø, 371 Beaches (Bergen Maritime Trondheim, 338 Mandal, 224 Museum), 268 Bodin Kirke (Bodø), 394 Merdøy, 219 Bergen Symphony Orchestra, Bodø, 5, 66–67, 393–399 Oslo, 139–140 283 en route to, 391 Sandefjord, 172 Bergen Touring Club, 280 Bodø Domkirke, 394 Bed-and-breakfasts (B&Bs), Bergen Tourist Office, 248 Bodømarka (Bodø forest), 395 45–46 Besseggen Ridge, 7, 197 Boingo, 34 Beer Palace (Oslo), 153 Best Western euro Bonsak Piano Bar (Bodø), 399 Begby, 162 Guestcheque, 45 Books, recommended, 48–49 Belsvik Match (Lillehammer), Bianco Footwear (Tromsø), 384 Bookstores, Oslo, 143 186 Bibliotekbaren (Library Bar; Borgarsyssel Museum Belvedere Varden, 332 Oslo), 153 (Sarpsborg), 163 Bergen, 5, 70, 246–287 Bicycling, 55–58 Borstova (Kinsarvik), 294 accommodations, 251–259 Fredrikstad, 158 Borton Overseas, 6, 56–58, 60 area code, 250 Geilo, 310 Bø Sommarland (Skien), arriving in, 246–247 Kabelvåg, 411 214–215 average temperatures, 24 Kristiansand S, 221 Botanisk Hage og Museum banks, 250 Lofoten Islands, 57 (Botanical Gardens; bookstores, 250 Oslo, 78 Oslo), 128 business hours, 250 Bird-watching, 59–60 Bøyaøyri Estuary, 314 car rentals, 249 Fokstumyra marshes, 200 Braathens, 41 consulates, 250 the North Cape, 431 Bratland Camping doctors and dentists, 250 Birkebeiner Race, 25 (Haukeland), 47 emergencies, 250 Bjorn Ringstrøms Antikvariat Breiavann, 228 (Oslo), 143 Breidablikk (Stavanger), 241 22_100578 bindex.qxp 4/25/07 8:04 PM Page 452 452 INDEX Brekkeparken (Skien), 215 Car travel, 37, 43–44 Cruise ships, 40 Bridal Veil, 320 most unforgettable landscapes/ Cruise Spesialisten, 249 Briksdalsbreen (Briksdal drives, 10 Crystal, 15 Glacier), 317–318 Cathedral Cemetery (Trond- Cuisine, 444–445 British Airways, 36 heim), 362–363 Cunard, 40 “Brown” nightclubs, 285 Cathedral. See Domkirke Currency and currency Bryggen (Bergen), 264–265 Cellphones, 35 exchange, 21, 22 Bryggen Brukskunst (Bergen), Centers for Disease Control Customs regulations, 20 281 and Prevention, 29 Cyclists’ Touring Club, 56 Bryggens Museum (Bergen), Central Norway, 17 268–269 Ceramics, 14–15 Bryggeporten Bar & Nattklubb Bergen, 281 Dagali Rafting (Geilo), 310 (Oslo), 148–149 Oslo, 143 Dagmars Dukke og Legetøy Bryggerie (Honningsvåg), 434 Trondheim, 366 Museum (Sakrisøy), 418 Bucket shops, 37 Chairs (Oslo), 156 Dalsnibba, 321 Bulken Walking Association, Chalet holidays, 45 Damms Antiqvariat (Oslo), 143 301 Chamber Music Festival (Oslo), Damplassen (Oslo), 136 Bu Museum (Ringøy), 296 26, 148 Damsgård (Bergen), 269 Burial mounds, Viking Age Checkpoint Charlie Hard Rock Damstredet (Oslo), 136 (Balestrand), 305 Café (Stavanger), 244 Dance clubs and discos Business hours, 49 Children’s Technological Alta, 424 Busterudpark (Halden), 164 Museum (Vitensenteret; Bergen, 284 Bus travel, 43 Trondheim), 360 Lillehammer, 190 Byen Brenner (Halden), 165 Christiania Torv (Oslo), 131 Mo i Rana, 392 Bygdo Royal Farm (Oslo), 118 Christiansholm Festning (Chris- Oslo, 148–149, 152 Bygdøy (Oslo), 74, 122 tiansholm Fortress; Kris- Tromsø, 386, 387 restaurants, 107 tiansand S), 221 David-Andersen (Oslo), 145 sights and attractions, City Museum (Oslo Bymuseum), Den Gode Nabo (Trondheim), 126–127 130 367–368 City Wall Gate (Bergen), 277 Den Kongelige Mynts Museum Classical music, Oslo, 147 (Kongsberg), 211 Café-Bar Memphis (Oslo), Climate, 23–24 Denmark, traveling to Oslo 155 Coastal steamers. See Boat from, 39 Café Fiasco (Oslo), 155 trips and cruises Den National Scene (Bergen), Café Mono (Oslo), 152 Commander Christensen’s 283 Café Onkel Donalds (Oslo), 155 Whaling Museum Den norske bokbyen Café Opera (Bergen), 283–284 (Sandefjord), 172 (Fjaerland), 315 Café Sting (Stavanger), 243 Compagniet Nightclub Den Norske Opera (Norwegian Calendar of events, 25–27 (Tromsø), 385–386 National Opera; Oslo), 147 Camperlen, 55 Connection kit, 35 Den Rustne Eike, 56 Camping, 47 Consolidators, 37 Dentists, 49 Voss, 301–302 Continental, 35 Department stores, Oslo, Camping Card (Norsk Copenhagen, traveling to Oslo 143–144 Campingkort), 47 from, 37 Destination Lofoten, 60 Canada Cosmopolite (Oslo), 149 Det Hanseatiske Museum customs regulations, 20 Costumes, 15 (Bergen), 14, 269 embassy of, 49 Oslo, 145 Det Norske Folkloreshowet health-related travel Country code, 49 (Norwegian Evening; advice, 29 Cox & Kings, 41 Oslo), 147–148 passports, 50 Credit cards, 21 Disabilities, travelers with, 30 visitor information in, 20 Cross-country skiing, 52–54 Disco Brenneriet (The Dis- Cannon Museum (Kristiansand best, 8 tillery; Lillehammer), 189 Kanonmuseum), 222 Birkebeiner Race, 25 Dockside Cafe og Bar (Oslo), Canoeing, 59 Geilo, 310 149 Geilo, 310 Oslo, 140 Doctors, 49 Oslo, 140 Stryn, 318 Dog sledding, 56 Car rentals, 43–44 Voss, 300–301 Dombås, 324 surfing

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