TODAY, INSIDE TODAY, EDITORIALLY Ph. D. PROGRAM ENROLLMENT REGISTRATION au RUMMER LETTER BALLOONIST ar EDITORIAL ]POLICY * * A Prize- Winning Newspaper VOLUME LV * * * Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Friday, September:. 19, 1969 NUMBER 1 Carswell ------~~~--------------------------~~~ Winner~ Babcock School Dedication Selected Slated For Homecoming The names of 13 upperclassmen who By BARRY ROBINSON have been awarded GuyT. CarswellSchol­ .:ock School of Business Administration Co-Editor classes, classes in the department of The bottom floor, with an entrance on arships at the University have been an­ the gymnasium side, contains most of nounced. Dedication ceremonies for the $1.15 mathematics, and Management Institute. the classrooms, many of which have been The scholarships, established at the million Charles H. Babcock Hall will Begun about 15 months ago, the building built according to the most modern stand­ University in 1968, were named in honor be held on October 11 in conjunction with is still not completed, 'altho11gh officials ards. homecoming festivities. of the late Guy T. Carswell. Carswell have said it will be finished by the One of these is a seminar room that Administrative officials are now work­ dedication, Only one classroom cannot ) was a prominent Charlotte trial attorney has been constructed in a perfect circle who bequeathed more than $2.2 million ing out the details for the formal dedi­ be used now, but many of the fixtures and contains a round conference desk. to the University. cation of the plush building, which fea­ have yet to be installed, and various There are six tiered amphitheater rooms The winners are: tures everything from carpeted walls to finishing touches still have to be applied. with the latest furnishings includln,. Kenneth Shell Hemphill, senior of circular rooms. It was opened for classes The building has 39,000 square feet of plastic molded and padded ' seats fa; Thomasville. A religion major, he has on Wednesday. ;pace, divided among 29 faculty offices, students. They even swivel. been a linebacker on the varsity football The four-story building, located be­ four administrative offices. 18 class­ · All of the classrooms are equipped team and is active in the Baptist Student tween Reynolda Hall and the Law Build­ rooms, a library and study room and for full audio-visual use. In some of the Union and the Fellowship of Christian _ing. will house all of the Charles H. Bab- various other special use rooms. ' rooms, the traditional acoustical tile Athletes. --------------~------------------ has been replaced with carpeting. Ale!aide Alexander Sink. senior of Mount And speaking of carpeting, most of , Airy and mathematics major. She is a New Police Chief Releases the halls, classrooms, and offices are member of the College Union and Strings fully carpeted. Society. There are seven standard classrooms, Laura Christian Ford, senior of Lynch­ Added Traffic a room for the operation of business burg, Va., majoring In the classics. She Regulations machines, and three seminar rooms with is a member of Eta Sigma Phi, honorary moveable tables and chairs in addition classics fraternity, and Phi Sigma Iota, A new chief and additions to traffic 4 p.m. and before 8 a.m. to the round seminar. romance languages honor society. regulations were the most notable changes The new rules would move back by one "It contains virtually every kind of Melvin Stanley Whitley, senior Spanish in University police affairs during the hour in the afternoon the time in which instructional space that we know any­ major of Concord, An exchange student summer. students could park in the lots without thing about," Gene T. Lucas, vice pres­ last year in Bogota, Colombia, he won Edward Marshall, formerly assistant bein~ ticketed. Tickets will now be given ident for business and finance, said of the the MRC Scholastic award and spent his to Lawrance Chandler, became the new until 5 p.m. 1:Juilding. "Everything from standard to summer at the Center for Interdisciplinary chief of special services after Chandler Tow-away zones have also been des- ultra modern." Studies and Research in Belize, British left the University in June. I Honduras. He plans a career in languages. Padded Seats, Too A ten and one-half year veteran of the . ignated in the traveled portions of earn­ Forsyth County Sheriff's Department, pus streets and parking lots and also Lecture Room on Bottom Floor Carol Lee Clark, of Asheville; Eugene Workmen busily put the finishing touches of six tiered amphitheaters, featuring Marshall served as assistant chief deputy .in the boondocks or near fire hydrants, The bottom floor also contains a large Jeffrey Griffith, of McLean, Va., James on the new Charles H. Babcock Hall last plastic molded and padded seats for stu­ Leanney Hogan of Ocean City, N. J.: week in a frantic effort to ready class­ dents, and carpeting on the walls for in the criminal investigation division be- lecture room, designed to accommodate and John Clayton Perry, of Greensboro, rooms for the first day of classes. This acoustics. The $1.15 million Babcock Hall fore corning to the University last Feb- up to 120 students. The room has seven were the junior winners. classroom in the plush business admin­ has the latest ultra-modern rooms, and ruary. He is also a fingerprint expert rows of tiered seats, somewhat similar and certified polygraph (lie detector) op- to the designing of the larger science Medical Career istration and math~matics building is one at the same time, standard classrooms. era tor. lecture rooms elsewhere on campus. Miss Clark, who plans a career in New parking stickers, temporary reg- The first floor - the Tribble Halllevel- medicine, is active in WFDD and the istration, and several new fines mark the will have a marble entrance, the deans' Women's Government Association. Scales Calls New Resolution new University traffic regulations. For offices, the Management Institute, and Griffith was active in the marching the first time faculty members will be a few classrooms. band and was a member of the inter­ required to display special parking On the second floor - the Reynolda disciplinary honors program. He plans 'Routine' Protection Measure stickers on the bumpers of their auto- Hall level - is the library and reading to major in history. By PATTI ALLEN 'mobiles. room. There are actually four separate Hogan's professional interest is law. archi,,es of an institution known :for its Parking stickers are color-coded ac- rooms comprising the library complex, He is a member of the University swim­ Assistant Editor devotion to reason and justice.," Scales ·cording to the status of an automobile's containing round and rectangular tables ming team and Sigma Chi social frater­ In their June meeting the Board of stated in the letter, however. driver. Day students will receive brown for study, typing, and other activities. nity. Trustees adopted a" resolution" concern­ He explained that "courts have held .stickers; resident men, blue; resident 3orne faculty offices are also located on Perry is active in the Baptist Student ing the University's policy on disciplinary that students in public colleges must women, orange; and law students, green. the second floor. Union, and the intramurals program. He powers. This policy went to the students have such a definition of offense from Another new regulation will allow stu- The third floor has most of the faculty participated in the interdisciplinary in August with the signature of Dr. James the governing board if disciplinary action .dents to temporarily register for seven offices, and a faculty lounge which con- honors program last year. Ralph Scales, president of the University, is to be sustained. days without charge, or for a 21-day tains a conferE"nce desk, easy chairs, Sophomores who were awarded the U­ "I thought students should have this " "More and more I predict the private period !or $2. This would eliminate the sofas, and an efficiency kitchen. Also niversity's nost prized scholarship are he explained. In brief the policy stat~s university will also be held to account by free zone near the water tower, Mar- · 1 the third floor is a records and Stephanie Jean Anderson of Greensboro, that the president holds "emergency dis­ the courts,'' he said, Most public shall said. duplication room. Daniel Hughston Booth of Hendersonville, ciplinary powers" when danger occurs schools have a "much more detailed" Last year students were permitted to EDW.AliD MARSHALL Out of the total cost of $1,150,000, Ted Steven Keller of Charlotte, Franklin to lives or property. policy , he said. park in visitor and faculty lots after about $65,000 v:as spent on the all-new ·' Bernard Roberts of Spindale, and Mary It provides that suspension "be en­ ---------------------------------...,........ _____~ furnishings of the building. Most of the Diane Rutherford. forced" on students guilty of jeopard­ East, IV?"e.'"f "ertz'ons, Ma:u Room Are 0'Pen individual student's desks are moveable, Miss Anderson was a freshman cheer­ izing lives or property of the Univer­ "' j "· J• "'' o as compared to the fixed desks in Tribble leader and serves on the Honor Council. sity. Regular "judicial bodies" shall meet Hall. She is a member of SOPH society. between seven and fourteen ctays ·later. Booth, who was previously awarded a In addition, neither the president nor any ·a Deadii·ne: Oct. 15 course,The buildingand its unitis airwill conditioned,be able to cool of George Foster Hankins scholarship, is other official have "the power to grant Ca~eterl the Law Building and in addition, the active in the B.S.U. and the University amnesty to offenders convicted by the By DIANNE JONES proposed health center. track team. rer;ular judicial processes of the Uni­ and dinner will be served buffet-style Ray Davis, regional operations man­ Keller, president of last ,vl!llr'!': fresh­ versity," Managing Editor in thf! Mamolia Room the same hours ager for Slater in Atlanta, Ga., said the Halls Impassable man class, 1s active in Student Government Scales explained the policy is "looked as in the cafeteria.
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