ALLERGEN FOCUS SYSTEMIC CONTACT DERMATITIS DIANNE L. SILVESTRI, MD in time, even to something that the patient has been using regularly for a short period of time or intermit- tently for years. In certain cases, other related disorders such as irritant con- tact dermatitis (ICD) and contact ur- ticaria (CU) may be relevant; history, rather than patch testing, can point to these as the correct diagnosis for the patient. It is important to note that ICD, the most prevalent form of con- tact dermatitis, can, at times, precede or occur concomitantly with ACD.4,5 Unlike ACD, ICD is not immune- mediated. It occurs secondary to contact with an irritating or abrasive substance. CU, on the other hand, represents the least prevalent form of ICD. The wheal and flare reaction of CU is an IgE- and mast cell-mediated immune phenomenon of immediate- type hypersensitivity. Although this form of contact reaction is rare, it is important to recognize because of its potential to produce serious anaphy- lactic-type reactions.6–8 This column highlights ACD, focus- ing on significant allergens, regional llergic Con- to comply with allergen avoidance are presentations of dermatitis and top- tact Dermati- at risk for recurrent or sustained der- ic-based allergic manifestations and tis (ACD) is an matitis or progression to a systematized offers clinical tips for diagnosis and A 2,3 important disease that presentation. In fact, patient education treatment. This month, we feature an affects 14.5 million often begins before the diagnostic patch uncommon but especially important Americans each year.1 tests are ever placed, to ensure that ACD category of allergic dermatitis — sys- Dianne L. Slivestri, MD The economic im- patients have an appropriate under- temic contact dermatitis. pact of this condition standing of potential outcomes and the is high, whether mea- central role patients play in both their SYSTEMIC CONTACT DERMATITIS sured by patient morbidity, health care disease and treatment. Systemic contact dermatitis (SCD) is expenditures, loss of income or lost time During the initial consultation, an interesting subset of ACD that may from school and work.1 Once patch test- patients are often taught about the occur more often than clinically recog- ing is performed and an allergen source delayed presentation of ACD and its nized. SCD refers to the development has been identified, education becomes relationship with the immune system of dermatitis upon systemic exposure the critical intervention to ensure ad- (sensitization to a chemical and elici- to an allergen in someone previously herence to an avoidance regimen. With tation of a dermatitis with re-expo- sensitized to that chemical through cu- allergen avoidance, remission of the der- sure). Furthermore, they are instruct- taneous contact. Since this process was matitis ensues. Patients who are unable ed that it may develop at any point first recognized, several terms other than 22 January 2012 | SKIN & AGING | www.skinandaging.com ALLERGEN FOCUS SCD have been suggested to describe Table 1. ALTERNatIVE NAMES FOR SYSTEMIC CONtaCT DERMatITIS it.9–21 See Table 1. Elicitation of dermatitis by allergen Endogenic contact eczema9 Internal-external contact-type hypersensitivity10 exposure through routes other than trans-cutaneous contact was first de- Contact type dermatitis medicamentosa11 Mercury exanthem12 scribed by Jadassohn in 1895.22 He re- Hematogenous contact eczema13 Baboon syndrome14 ported that individuals topically sensi- tized to mercury developed dermatitis Systemic contact-type dermatitis15 Paraptic eczema16 after systemic mercury exposure. Dur- ing World War II, Park recognized Systemically induced contact dermatitis17 Systemic reactivation of allergic contact dermatitis19 cutaneous eruptions occurring in pa- 21 tients previously topically sensitized Symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and flexural Systemic allergic dermatitis exanthema20 to sulfonamides when those antibiot- ics were administered orally.23 In 1951, Leifer reported that ingestion of cin- namon oil precipitated a recurrence of Table 2. DIVERSE PRESENtatIONS OF SYSTEMIC CONtaCT DERMatITIS hand eczema in a patient allergic to Reactivation of patch test site Pompholyx (dyshidrotic eczema) cinnamon.24 In 1954, Sidi and Melki demonstrated flares of eczema in chro- Aggravated local allergic contact dermatitis Reactivation of a previously sensitized area mium-sensitive patients given an oral (recall reaction) challenge of potassium dichromate.25 Disseminated patchy dermatitis Generalized erythroderma Three years later, Pirila described both reactivation of a thiuram patch test Baboon syndrome (SDRIFE) Vulvar pruritus or dermatitis and widespread dermatitis appearing in a patient given oral antabuse (tet- Pruritus ani Cheilitis 25 raethylthiuram disulphide). In 1958, Lichen planus of the lip Hjorth reported a girl sensitized to thiamine through occupational con- tact who developed dermatitis after revealed sensitivity to dust mites. En- PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ingesting the vitamin.26 Similarly, after vironmental modifications were un- ALLERGIC CONTACT DERMATITIS handling streptomycin while treating dertaken to reduce dust mite exposure, The immunologic basis for SCD is tuberculosis patients, nurses subse- but symptoms persisted. She was then not completely understood and may not quently erupted with dermatitis when instructed to avoid common contact be identical for all allergens. As reviewed they received injections of the antibi- allergens, including formaldehyde re- recently by Jacob and Zapolanski,28 dur- otic.27 Describing another instance of leasers and fabric resins, but she resist- ing allergen sensitization, a hapten pen- medication-induced SCD, Pirila de- ed eliminating her favorite perfumes. etrates the skin and reacts with resident tailed in 1960 the development of a Biopsy showed perivascular lympho- antigen-presenting dendritic cells that widespread dermatitis from neomycin cytic infiltrate with prominent eo- transfer the bound antigen to T lym- inadvertently administered orally to a sinophils. Patch tests were performed phocytes. Once these cells are primed patient with previous contact sensiti- with a modified panel of 65 allergens and reproduce, they return to the skin, zation.9 Over the decades since these and read at 48 and 96 hours. Positives ready to act on target cells when the an- early reports, the scope of allergens has were found for propylene glycol, dis- tigen is encountered again. It seems that broadened and the reported routes of perse blue dyes 106 and 124, cocami- the immune system can be activated by exposure have multiplied. dopropyl betaine, oleamidopropyl di- allergen exposure as well through oral methylamine and vanillin. The patient and other systemic routes, triggering the CASE REPORT changed her brand of acetaminophen activated CD8+ effector T cells.29 A 13-year-old Asian female was re- after discovering propylene glycol ferred for a fingerprint-like dermatitis among its ingredients. She was no DIVERSE PRESENTATIONS OF covering her chest, abdomen and back longer wearing dance leotards, which SYSTEMIC CONTACT DERMATITIS present for 2 years. Her prominent may have been a source of previous Systemic provocation by allergen in nocturnal pruritus was only partially exposure to azo dye. She continued the allergic patient can produce many relieved by topical steroids. On exam, use of her desoximetasone ointment different types of dermatitis. See Table she had dozens of post-inflammatory and substitute shampoo, both free of 2. Reports often describe a reactivation hyperpigmented oval macules, as well her allergens. At follow-up visit, the or exacerbation at the original cutane- as slightly scaly small plaques, pink in patient reported that her symptoms ous location or acceleration to a more color and thin, covering her trunk but and rash improved when she began to widespread dermatitis, occasionally a sparing her face, neck and extremities. avoid her nightly vanilla ice cream; she generalized erythroderma. Frequently, Epicutaneous testing by the allergist flared if she resumed eating it. systemic exposure to a demonstrated January 2012 | SKIN & AGING | www.skinandaging.com 23 ALLERGEN FOCUS allergen incites reactivation of the rel- es.54 Veien also demonstrated provo- published since Hjorth first described evant patch test site.30,31 Recall of prior cation of dermatitis by an oral dose an association between balsam of Peru localized dermatitis has been described of balsam of Peru.55 He studied this patch test reactivity and sensitivity to by Giordano-Labadie and colleagues relationship further by demonstrating aromatic spices and flavorings.54 Bal- when perianal dermatitis, previously flares of eczema after oral challenge sam of Peru, a fragrant extract from the produced by a cream that contained with graduated doses of nickel, co- Latin American Myroxilon pereirae tree, is sorbic acid, was provoked in a patient balt, chromium and balsam of Peru in a composite of many sensitizing chem- by ingestion of sorbic acid-containing patch-test positive patients.56 He pro- icals. It is used as an allergen in patch foods, such as strawberries, candies, posed depletion diets to benefit indi- testing to detect fragrance sensitivity. margarine and cheeses.32 Fisher de- viduals with positive patch tests to or Veien and colleagues have demonstrated scribed a woman who, after previously history of aggravation by ingestion of dermatitis flares in patients orally chal- reacting to propylene glycol in vaginal these
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