17 Oral Answer SRAVANA 11, 1913 (SAKA> Orai Answer 18 to Question to Question SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER : I have rep­ Government of Orissa had sent a proposal lied to his question. The bridge has been to the Central Government in this regard, reopened for traffic. The State Govern­ I have also raised this matter in this ment had demanded a compensation of House many times. The national high­ Rs. 20.79 crore from the Central Govern­ way no. 5 originates from Goalpara and ment. lliey know it that we cannot pay runs upto Arau via Jatur. This area flails it. I have already replied to rest of his under my constituency. Its population is points. Besides, I shall write a letter, if 15 lakhs. Though the area is small in not already written to the State Govern­ size, it is densly populated. The traffic is ment expressing our inability to pay com­ heavy and the people will have to use a pensation. We hav© requested the Finance longer route. While going to Goalpara Minister today in the House to allocate from Aradi one has to cross Baitarani funds for this purpose. The hon. Member river. There is also a rivulet, called has also made his request to us through Gudha on the way and a distributary of you. If we get funds, his State would be Brahmani river has also to be crossed. the first to get it. There should be a bridge over it. In fact, the construction work of the bridge has been started but the Orissa Government does not have adequate funds to complete {English] the work immediately. 1 had also made LINKING OF KUAKHIA WITH AVADI efforts to press for the same and as per my information, my hon, friend ............... *273. SHRI AN ADI CHARAN DAS : ( Interruptions) ........ Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS­ MR. SPEAKER : Please put a ques­ PORT be pleased to state : tion. •fa) whether the Government of Orissa SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS : It is has sought central assistance from the just the background. I was going to say Central Road Fund or under the Centrally that Orissa Government had sent a pro­ Aided Programme of State Roads of In­ posal, but 1 don’t know where it is pend­ ter-State or economic importance for link­ ing. The hon. Minister ought to know’ it. ing Kuakhia on National Highway No, 5 If he does not know, will he please give with Avadi; clearance to the proposal? (b) whether the Union Government SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER : It is very have taken any decision in this regard; simple that no such proposal has come. (c) if so, the details thereof; and Tlie Chief Minister of Orissa met me only yesterday. I know that his question is (d) if not, the reasons therefor ? stated for today and presuming that the proposal had come from the State Gov­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE ernment, I made enquiries from the Sec­ MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT retary to the Chief Minister. He said that (SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER) : (a) Presum­ they had not sent any such proposal. I ably the HonTrie Member is referring to a will request the hon. Member to ask his road link from Kuakhia to Aradi (Dist. State Government that if there is so much, Balasore). No Such proposal either under difficulty they should send a proposal to Central Road Fund or E & I Scheme has us. We will consider it and see whether been received from the State Govt. we can give it under the rules or not. ..(b) to (d) ; Does not arise. SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS : I am raising it time and again in the House, be­ [Translation] cause I have been a member of this House for the last several years. It is a very im­ SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS : Mr. portant road of my area. Millions of Speaker, Sir, according to information people use this road to reach different available with me, many years ago the locations and they experience a lot of 19 Oral Answer to Question AUGUST 2, 1991 Oral Answer to Question 20 hardship. Nw-a-days when there is food some balance amount left with us, and I the people will have to take a round about will surely look into that. route. When I raise this matter in the House why does not the Government pay attention to it. BORDER INTRUSION BY PAKISTAN MR. SPEAKER : When the matter is ARMY IN SIACHEN SECTOR being raised time and again, why do not you pay attention to it. *275. SHRI ARJUN CHARAN SETHI: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleas­ SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER : Despite be. ed to state : ing reminded several times, the State Gov­ (a) the number of times border intru­ ernment does not send the requisite pro­ sions have been committed by the Pakis­ posal. Than, what can be done iu this tani army in Siachen sector during the cur­ case. rent year; SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN : Mem­ (b) whether these border intrusions bers, no doubt, raise the matter time and are on the increase in comparison to the again, but the Ministers also change very past years; frequently, (c) If so, the specific reasons therefor: [English] and (d) the steps taken by the Government SHRI SRIKANTA JENA : As the to prevent such intrusions? Minister has stated that the proposal has not come from the State Government and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE if the proposal comes, I presume, that his MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NA­ attitude is to immediately check up that TURAL GAS AND MINISTER OF proposal and accept that. The second STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF DE­ thing is that many proposals of Orissa FENCE (SHRI S. KRISHAN KUMAR) : State are pending with the Government of India. Even in 1988-89, 1989-90 and (a) Barring some exchange of fire there 1990-91, the proposals have not been ac­ have been no attempts by the Pakistan cepted by the Government of India and Army to alter the existing status quo of the share of the State Government from the ground positions in Siachen area dur­ the Central Road Fund has not been given ing the current year. to the State Government. Whatever pro­ (b) and (c) Do not arise. posal comes to the Government of India for a share from the Central Road Fund, (d) Our forces are fully trained and may I know from the Minister, whether equipped to maintain the territorial integ­ he is going to sanction that money to the rity of the Country. State, since the State Government has not received the money for the last three con­ SHRI ARJUN CHARAN SETH I: May secutive years? I ask the hon. Minister whether it is a fact that the border intrusion or the ex­ SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER : Let the change of fire between our forces and the proposal come and then I will tell you. Pakistani forces are more in number in comparison to the other sectors ? During SHRI SRIKANTA JENA : But the pro­ the recent years, since these forces are posal is pending before you. placed in very important strategical posi­ tions from both the points of view, have SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER : As far as specific or special steps been taken to see the Central Road Fund is concerned, we that this portion is well-protected and have released certain amount of money to more number of border violations do not diiJerent States. If the fund has not been take place in the interest of the security released, I will look into it. We have of our country?.
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