BrevardBrevard BusinessBusiness BBNBBN NewsNews Vol.Vol. 3720 No.No. 151 DecemberJanuary 23, 7, 2019 2002 $1.00 A Weekly Space$1.00 Coast Business Magazine with PublishingA Weekly Roots Space in Coast America Publication since 1839 BrevardFrogBones toJob mark Link its fifth key anniversary; indoor range a big success resourceBy Ken Datzman connecting When entrepreneur Ed André opened his upstart multimil- lion–dollar venture FrogBones Family Shooting Center in 2015, firmshe was pioneering a new and business in thejob region, considering seekers the scope and size of the project. access to America’s Job Bank and other The climate–controlled, technology–heavy indoor shooting Byrange Ken with Datzman LED lighting and customer–friendlyemployment features will Web sites, videos, career mark its fifth year in business this April. guidebooks and an in–depth collection of TheAmericans visibility have of tahe deep Brevard connection Job Link to guns.periodicals, As a businessman, including “The Wall Street gotAndré a big has boost been in able 2001. to tap that connection in Journal.”a big way with his facilityThe continuingon South Harbor contraction City Boulevard in the in Melbourne.The centers also have computers economy,Over the although past five a reboundyears, FrogBones is expected Familyequipped Shooting wCenterith word–processing software, inhas 2002, been focused embraced a much by thousands brighter oflight consumers on fax across machines, a span copiers, of laser printers, and theage importance categories, including of the organization a growing andcadre of womentelephones and young with long–distance access. A ipeoplets mission who in are the learning county. about firearms and gunvideoconference safety. system is available, TheAndré four recalls full–service, the opening one–stop of his career store in 2015.which “We may had be a usedsoft for conducting centersopening inon Brevard Thursday, — fromApril Palm22. From Bay that to dayinterviews. on, business has Titusvillebeen strong. — handled It’s not uncommon significantl toy see lines of peopleEmployers, waiting saidto South, can provide igetncreased on the traffic,range oneven any catering given day.” to people the Job Link with its openings free of whoAndré have added,never had“Out a of need the tothousands tap this of critiquescharge posted either on online, by fax or phone, resourcesites, we before.probably have an overall 4.7 rating (outvisit of one five). of thePeople centers “or they can ask tell“It’s us the been facility a great is clean,year in it’s that cool we and have comfortable,for a representative and the staff to come and see beenis knowledgeable able to get services and helpful.” out to people them at their place of business. We quicker“I can’t and say more enough efficiently good things than everabout our customers,would like or to our see every single job order in before,”guests, as said Tim Linda Wolfenbarger, South, executive our manager, refersBrevard to them. County They to be in the Job Link have made this business a success. They are wonderful people, director of the organization. She added, “I system, so that we can rapidly match their families, their kids.” think a lot more people have come to skill sets. And if we don’t have the match FrogBones Family Shooting Center has 12 lanes at a 15–yard understanddistance. These the lanes value are of the ideal rich for re- pistols. Therewe’ll are use also the six information to create sourceslanes at thata 25–yard are available distance, in which the Brevard are suited educationfor hunting and rifles, training opportunities that Jobshotguns, Link centers, and tactical not only firearms from such a job– as the AR–15.are responsive to the need.” seeker’sThe Melbourne standpoint Police but also Department, from the the IndianBrevard Harbour Job Beach Link is funded through employer’sPolice Department, standpoint. the” Orlando Melbourne Internationalthe Brevard AirportDevelopment Workforce BBN photo — Adrienne B. Roth These information–packed centers Board Inc. in Rockledge. It also has been Police Department, and the Florida Institute of Technology The four full–service one–stop career centers of Brevard Job Link are seeing increased traffic. Linda South, offersecurity a variety teams of have services all used to j obthe seekers, facility. successful in winning competitive grants executive director, said her organization is a rich resource for both the job seeker as well as the employer. businesses“And we and were the honored unemployed. to have ForBrevard County Sheriff Wayne Michael Anderson is associate director. They are at the Melbourne site in Perimeter Center. instance,Ivey here,” there said areAndré. job referrals,“He cooked Internet a gator using aPlease smoker. see He Brevard Job Link, page 18 teamed up with our restaurant manager. Sheriff Ivey also conducted a gun–safety session with a group of people that day.” Ed André and the team around him have built FrogBones WhatFamily Shooting the Center Socialinto one of the most Securitysuccessful busi- plan would mean to you nesses of its kind in Florida, attracting people fromNothing Orlando will to happen immediately The 16–member panel unanimously ByVero Mary Beach Deibel and beyond. since President Bush isn’t expected to approved these options three weeks ago ScrippsAs far Howard as indoor Service shooting ranges, the businessmake is anypositioned recommendations as to Congress to carry out Bush’s campaign pledge to a regional destination. until 2003, after the 2002 congressional let younger workers divert some of the Here’sJeanne what André, to expectEd André’s if Social wife, has been involvedelections. since the 6.2 percent payroll tax they owe on BBN photo — Adrienne B. Roth Securitybeginning is changedof the project. so that Their younger daughter, Auburn BasicUniversity Social SecurityFrogBones checks wouldFamily Shooting be wages Center to in i Melbourne,ndividualaccounts an André family that ownventure, will mark its fifth year in business in April. It has g rown workersgraduate can Jessica invest André, some is of president their payrol andl co–ownersmaller of FrogBones than called forto in become current one law. of the moststocks successful and businesses bonds. of its kind in the state, training and educating people on firearms. FrogBones Family Shooting Center. tax money in private accounts, as Depending on marketis performance, a volume retailer total of firearms, Workersincluding national who opted brands to takesuch aspart Sig would Sauer. It also sells local brands, such as those manufa ctured “What we have tried to do is create an experience for the BREVARD President Bush’s Social Security Com- benefits from Social Securityby KelTec plus and your Diamondback.choose From from left, the the team five lincludes:ow–risk funds,Quentin one Carter, Blackout Customs; Ethan Sansoni, internet sales entire family,” said Jessica André, who as company president and marketing director; Ed André, founder; Jessica André, president and co–owner; Tim Wolfenbarger, manager; Mike Vasey, mission proposed a few weeks ago. personal account could be higher or each for government bonds, corporate PRESORTED oversees the operation and is on site. Blackout Customs; and Kevin Sebastian, store manager. Current“And weretirees have a strong and those connection nearing to the community.lower. We give bonds and a stocks–and–bonds mix, plus BUSINESS BUSINESS retirementback to a lot — of anyone organizations. 55 or older We’re today constantly lookingThe commission for ways plans call for extra two stock–index funds that track the US — would get Society Security benefits as tax money of up to $71 billion a year32904 and broader market. Workers could change to work together to promote local charitable organizations and POSTAGE PAID promisedpartner with under local the businesses, present system. including veteran–runrequire businesses. other changes that couldINC. raiseNEWS, their choice once a year and couldn’t STANDARD ThatWorkers pairs well younger with ourthan business 55 could model. put And incomewe have or been payroll able taxes or raise theBUSINESS BREVARD borrow or withdraw money. moneyto do that, into to a findprivate ways account. to invest GOP in the panel community.”retirement age for future retirees. PAID l PLAN 1. “Free Lunch” — lets NEWS, memberThe André and f ormerfamily Congressmanhas long been known Bill for givingSocial back Security to the currently collectsPOSTAGE US workers put 2 percentage points of their Frenzel calls the Bush Commission’s enough payroll tax to pay 100 percentSTANDARD of 6.2 percent payroll tax into a personal PRESORTED INC. three–accountPlease alternatives see FrogBones the Family Free Shootingbenefits Center, through page 23 2038 and 73 percent of account. Nothing else changes, and Lunch, the Blue–Plate Special and the benefits thereafter if the system isn’t Subsidized Lunch. changed. Please see Social Security, page 16 BBN BREVARD BUSINESS NEWS online at BrevardBusinessNews.com Habitat for Humanity of Brevard establishes a nonprofit endowment fund at Community Foundation for Brevard PALM BAY — In partnership with the The Habitat for Humanity Endow- Community Foundation for Brevard, ment Fund welcomes gifts of all kinds, Habitat for Humanity of Brevard made a including cash, bequests, stock, real $25,700 gift to establish the Habitat for estate, life insurance and retirement Humanity of Brevard Endowment Fund assets. with a commitment to increase the fund One of the easiest ways to help to $50,000 within three years. involves simply naming Habitat for This nonprofit endowment fund Humanity of Brevard Endowment Fund supports perpetual funding for housing as a beneficiary in your will and living issues affecting low–income families and trust. A bequest may be for a particular individuals in Brevard County. dollar amount or percentage of your Through community partnerships estate. Habitat for Humanity of Brevard Gifts can be made at cfbrevard.org/ empowers low–income families and your–giving/donate or by calling (321) individuals to achieve their full commu- 752–5505.
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