PRSRT STD U.S. 3267$*( 3$,' The Roundup ECRWSS Postal Customer Phone (406) 433-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 %XVLQHVV2IÀFH 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV E-mail address: /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ P.O. Box 1207 [email protected] 6LGQH\07 6LGQH\07 www.roundupweb.com Wednesday, November 15, 2017 Volume 43 • Number 40 Fairview Elects New Mayor By Jordan Hall services have to be provided by McKenzie County and Yellow- RI0RQWDQDNQRZVWKDWWKHVWDWHGRHVQ·WVWRSDW%LOOLQJVµ+H Brian Bieber has replaced longtime Fairview mayor, Bryan stone Township, they are still important to the community, which DOVRPHQWLRQHGKRSHIXOSDUWQHUVKLSZLWKRWKHUHOHFWHGRIÀFLDOV Cummins. Winning with 143 votes against his opponent – who GRHVQ·WQHFHVVDULO\VWRSDWDQLPDJLQDU\OLQH%HLEHUVDLG´, VD\LQJ´,WKLQNZHQHHGWREHPRUHLQWRXFKZLWKWKHFRPPLV- KDGRQO\YRWHV%LHEHUZLOOEHWKHÀUVWQHZPD\RULQ)DLU- KDYHWKHVXSSRUWRISHRSOHLQ(DVW)DLUYLHZDVZHOODQG,GRQ·W sioners and also with McKenzie County. There is help available view in nearly 30 years. Bieber is a born-and-raised resident of want to leave them out. They are our friends and neighbors.” IRUXV:HMXVWQHHGWRDJJUHVVLYHO\JRDIWHULW´ Fairview, a 1983 graduate of Fairview High School, and owner “One of the main concerns is funding for some of our infra- 7KHQHZPD\RUZDQWVWKHFLW\RI)DLUYLHZWRNQRZWKH\FDQ of BB Electric since 2005. VWUXFWXUHµ%HLEHUFRQWLQXHG´DQGZH·YHJRWVDOLQHZDWHUOLQHV approach him to discuss anything related to city government. “I was born and raised here,” Beiber told the Roundup, “and and saline streets that need repaired. Our water-lagoon situation %HLEHUVDLG´,WKLQN,·PYHU\DSSURDFKDEOH,UXQDVPDOOHOHFWULFDO ,·YHVHHQ)DLUYLHZUHPDLQWKHVDPHDQG,WKLQNLW·VWLPHWRPRYH LVKROGLQJLWVRZQEXWLIWKHUH·VDQ\JURZWKLQ)DLUYLHZWKDW·V shop in Fairview and I am approached by people all the time. IRUZDUG:H·YHPLVVHGRXWRQORWVRIELJRSSRUWXQLWLHV,·YHJRW JRLQJWREHDSUREOHP:HKDYHPDMRULQIUDVWUXFWXUHLVVXHVµ ,·OOWDNHSHRSOH·VFRQFHUQVDQGFRPSODLQWVDQGKHDUWKHPRXW some good ideas and support from a lot of people in Fairview. :KHQDVNHGKRZQHFHVVDU\LQIUDVWUXFWXUHUHSDLUVZRXOGEH when it comes to concerns regarding the city.” ,ORRNIRUZDUGWRSXWWLQJWKHPLQSODFHµ HFRQRPLFDOO\IHDVLEOH%HLEHUUHVSRQGHG´:H·UHJRLQJWRKDYH Beiber has a son in Fairview, a daughter in Sidney and a :KHQDVNHGZK\KHZRQWKHUDFHZLWKVXFKDQRYHUZKHOP- WRJHWDJJUHVVLYHDQGJHWVRPHIXQGLQJ,·PFXUUHQWO\RQWKH grand-daughter on the way. ing margin, Beiber said, “It seems to a lot of people that change FLW\FRXQVHO:H·UHZRUNLQJRQDVSHFLDOLPSURYHPHQWGLVWULFW LVJRRG$ORWRIWKLQJVKDYHQ·WFKDQJHGWKDWPD\EHVKRXOGKDYH WRPDNHIXQGLQJDYDLODEOH,GRQ·WNQRZZKDW·VDYDLODEOHDVIDU ,WKLQNSHRSOHZHUHMXVWUHDG\IRUDIUHVKIDFHµ DVJUDQWVDUHFRQFHUQHGEXW,LQWHQGWRÀQGRXWµ Remembering East Fairview is important to Beiber, who %HLEHUH[SUHVVHGÀGHOLW\DQGIULHQGVKLSZLWKWKHQHDUE\ H[SODLQHG WKDW DOWKRXJK WKH UHVLGHQWV RI (DVW )DLUYLHZ GRQ·W QHLJKERULQJPD\RURI6LGQH\VD\LQJ´,KDYHWKHVXSSRUWRI5LFN Rugby Homes & RV KDYHDYRWHLQ)DLUYLHZHOHFWLRQVDQGDOWKRXJKWKHEXONRIWKHLU 1RUE\DQG,WKLQNLIZHERWKWHDPXSZHFDQPDNHVXUHWKHUHVW Sidney Health Center Earns Center Expands in Williston Montana Quality Award Sidney Health Center was honored this fall for success- fully demonstrating high per- formance on several national quality initiatives. During the annual conference held by the Montana Hospital Associ- ation (MHA) in Billings, Sidney Health Center received a Hospital Quality Achievement $ZDUG IURP 0RXQWDLQ3DFLÀF Quality Health. Sidney Health Center met several criteria to be consid- ered for the award, including ZRUNLQJ RQ &HQWHUV IRU 'LV- .HYLQDQG*DU\.LUFKRIQHU ease Control and Prevention (CDC) Core Elements of out- Rugby Homes & RV Center has expanded into the former patient antibiotic stewardship &RDWHV59ORFDWLRQDW*DWH$YHQXHLQ:LOOLVWRQ2ZQHUV DQG WDNLQJ VWHSV WR LPSURYH *DU\DQG.HYLQ.LUFKRIQHUDUHH[FLWHGDERXWWKHRSSRUWXQLW\ care transitions, medication to offer full sales, parts and service to current and potential RV safety, adult immunization owners. The family owned company based in Rugby, ND has rates and patient and family had a satellite lot in Williston for 11 years. “Coates RV was a full engagement and satisfaction. ÁHGJHGGHDOHUDQGZLWKWKHPOHDYLQJZHVDZDQRSSRUWXQLW\ 6LGQH\ +HDOWK &HQWHU·V WRH[WHQGZKDWZHVWDUWHGLQWKHSDVWµ*DU\.LUFKRIQHUVDLG leadership team is committed The experienced Coates RV staff will stay, providing the to quality, and their health care 3LFWXUHGDUH6LGQH\+HDOWK&HQWHUVWDIIZLWKWKH+RVSLWDO4XDOLW\$ZDUGUHFHLYHG best in sales, parts and service. Rugby Homes & RV Center team demonstrated that com- WKLVIDOO%DFN OWRU 5RODQG$FKHQMDQJ3KDUP'0%$3KDUPDF\'LUHFWRU.DUHQ has been an exclusive Jayco dealer for 39 years plus they carry mitment to earn the Hospital $UQROG7UXD[ /&6: 6RFLDO 6HUYLFHV 3HJJ\ .RSS 51 4XDOLW\ ,PSURYHPHQW Open Range and Forest River RVs. No homes will be placed Quality Award. on the lot at this time. However, they are available at www. 'LUHFWRU%UHQGD.ULQJHQ51,QIHFWLRQ&RQWURO)URQW OWRU 0DULFHO*XOD51 rugbyhomesandrvcenter.com. The pharmacy depart- 3DP0F*ORWKOLQ51'LUHFWRURI1XUVLQJ/DFH\0HLVVHO51 ment was the driving force For your new RV, or for service and parts, stop by Rugby behind the antibiotic steward- LQÁXHQ]DRIWKHKRVSLWDOSDWLHQWVDQGRIWKHHPSOR\HHV +RPHV 59&HQWHUDW*DWH$YH:LOOLVWRQFDOO 2250 or visit their website. ship initiative and medication safety program. The antibiotic UHFHLYHGWKHLUÁXYDFFLQDWLRQVLQ)< VWHZDUGVKLSLQLWLDWLYHLQYROYHGWUDFNLQJDQGHGXFDWLQJVWDIIDQG Other criteria for the award included improving care transi- providers about the optimal use of antibiotics including not over- tions, sharing a patient experience with the Board of Directors using antibiotics as well as prescribing them appropriately. The and achieving at least a 3 star rating in the patient survey results. Meat Madness awareness of this initiative resulted in a decrease in unnecessary ´,W·VDJUHDWKRQRUWREHIHDWXUHGDWDVWDWHOHYHOIRURXU usage of antibiotics. FRPPLWPHQWWRTXDOLW\µVWDWHG5LFN+DUDOGVRQ6LGQH\+HDOWK 7KHSKDUPDF\GHSDUWPHQWDOVRZRUNHGRQDPHGLFDWLRQ &HQWHU&(2´,WKLQNLWVD\VDORWDERXWWKHNLQGRISHRSOHWKDW safety awareness report with a focus on outpatient opioid pre- ZRUNIRU6LGQH\+HDOWK&HQWHUZKRXOWLPDWHO\SXWRXUPLVVLRQ November 18 scribing habits. The blinded report helped local providers identify into action.” their opioid pain medication prescribing habits compared to their 6LGQH\+HDOWK&HQWHUZDVRQHRIMXVWVHYHQKRVSLWDOVLQ 6XEPLWWHGE\'DQLHO)DUU colleagues. As a result, the Clinic Pharmacy noticed a decline Montana to receive the quality award. The Sidney Eagle Foundation had its beginning in 2001 in pain medication prescriptions that can potentially become )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW6LGQH\+HDOWK&HQWHU·VTXDOLW\ ZLWKLWVÀUVWPDMRUSURMHFWEOHDFKHUVDQGWKHDQQRXQFHU·VERRWK addicting when prescribed on an “as needed” basis. improvement efforts or about this award, contact Peggy Kopp, at Swanson Field. Since that time, the Eagle Foundation has In addition, Sidney Health Center exceeded the recom- 4XDOLW\ ,PSURYHPHQW 'LUHFWRU DW RU SNRSS# FRQWLQXHGWRKHOSIXQGQXPHURXV.VFKRROSURMHFWVWKURXJK mended 85% compliance threshold of immunizing adults for sidneyhealth.org. fund raising and with generous giving from our school commu- QLW\$SURMHFWWKDWUHPDLQVXQUHDOL]HGLVWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQRID Concessions area and Restroom Facility on the northside of Swanson Field. This facility serves the community as well as Richland Economic Development Banquet DUHDVFKRROVIRUKRVWLQJRIGLVWULFWGLYLVLRQDOWUDFNPHHWVDQG other community events. At present, the Foundation has approximately $30,623.35 UDLVHGDQGVHWDVLGHIRUWKLVSURMHFWDQGWKLV\HDUWKH(DJOH )RXQGDWLRQLVNLFNLQJRIIDFDPSDLJQZLWKRXUFRUSRUDWHVSRQVRU 0LG5LYHUV &RPPXQLFDWLRQ WR VHH WKLV SURMHFWHG FRPSOHWHG Interstate Engineering of Sidney has provided the Foundation with an estimated cost of $187,000. 7KHNLFNRIIHYHQWLV´0HDW0DGQHVVµDQGZLOOEHKHOG6DW- urday, November 18th at the Event Center. Meat Madness is a VSLQRQWKHWXUQRIWKHFHQWXU\EHHIVWHDNHYHQWVWKDWLQYROYHGD ORWRIPHDWDQGEUHDGDQGRIFRXUVH1R)RUN1R.QLYHVDQG1R Spoons. Through the support of our primary sponsor, Mid-Rivers Communications, you will be provided with a dinner that includes EHHI FKLFNHQ SRUN DQG SRWDWRHV YHJJLHV DQG GHVVHUW IRU D PHUHSHUSHUVRQZLWKDOOSURFHHGVJRLQJWRZDUGWKHSURMHFW The event will begin at 6:00 PM with a social hour and din- ner to begin at 6:30 PM. Included in the evening is live music provided by Stumbling Free of Helena, Montana and both live and silent auctions. The live auction will include ½ a beef, cut and wrapped donated by Steinbeisser Farms, diamond stud HDUULQJVIURP-RKQ6WRFNKLOO-HZHOHUVD+HQU\*ROGHQ%R\ donated by DTF Educational Consulting in cooperation with High Caliber Sports, a 70 quart Pelican Cooler, a reclaimed 7KH5LFKODQG(FRQRPLF'HYHORSPHQW&RUSRUDWLRQKHOGLWVDQQXDOPHHWLQJEDQTXHWRQ1RYDWWKH6LGQH\ ZRRGDQGWLQEDUDQGDZHHNVWD\DWDEHDXWLIXOFRQGRPLQLXP (ONV/RGJH7KHPHHWLQJLQFOXGHGDUHFDSRIWKH\HDU·VHYHQWVDIIHFWLQJWKHDUHD·VHFRQRP\OHWWHUVIURP DW:KLWHÀVK0RXQWDLQ7KHVLOHQWDXFWLRQZLOOFRQWDLQDYDULHW\ of items donated by local business. 0RQWDQDSROLWLFLDQVDQGWKHSUHVHQWDWLRQRIWKHSUHVLGHQW·VDZDUGWR&KLS*LIIRUG7KLV\HDU·VJXHVWVSHDNHU &RPH MRLQ 0LG5LYHUV &RPPXQLFDWLRQV DQG WKH (DJOH ZDV86'$%XVLQHVV3URJUDP6SHFLDOLVW0DUWLQ'HZLWW'HZLWWSUHVHQWHGLQIRUPDWLRQRQJUDQWVDQGORDQV Foundation on November 18th for a great evening of dining, WKDWFDQDVVLVWORFDOEXVLQHVVDYDLODEOHWKURXJKWKH86'$3LFWXUHGDERYHDUHWKH5(''LUHFWRUV%DFNURZ GDQFLQJDQGIXQIRUDJUHDWFDXVH7LFNHWVFDQEHREWDLQHGDW /5 H[HFXWLYHGLUHFWRU/HVOLH0HVVHU7DPL&KULVWHQVHQ-DFNLH:DVKHFKHN3DP%XUPDQ9DQHVVD3RRFK 6WRFNPDQ%DQN&HQWUDO6FKRROWKH6LGQH\$UHD&KDPEHURI &DPL6NLQQHUDQGSURJUDPGLUHFWRU.DWLH'DVLQJHU)URQWURZ /5 %ODLQH5RJHUV*DU\6FKRHSS6KDQH
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