February 12, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E165 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THANK YOU TO SOLDIERS OF 2– democracy. Each story is unique and hum- HONORING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF 116TH FIELD ARTILLERY bling for those of us who, far from the dangers ANNE HART they have faced, live our lives in relative com- HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE fort and ease. My thoughts, prayers and deep- HON. JEFF MILLER OF FLORIDA est gratitude for their sacrifice go out to his OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wife and family. There are no words that can IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES relieve their pain. Wednesday, February 11, 2004 Wednesday, February 11, 2004 His wife and family have all given a part of Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. Mr. themselves in the loss of their loved one. today to recognize the achievements of one of Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to mem- Their loss is part of a larger effort to give the my constituents who has unselfishly helped bers of the 2–116th Field Artillery. These sol- Iraqi people and all people around the world and enriched the lives of many of our Nation’s diers, many from my district, were mobilized in the opportunity to live in freedom and without veterans, Mrs. Anne Hart. late January 2003 and, upon completion of the fear. I hope they know that their son and the For the past 10 years, Anne has worked appropriate training, departed for Southwest sacrifice he made will not be forgotten. tirelessly and unselfishly as a volunteer within Asia in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. the Office of Veterans’ Affairs in Pensacola The unit moved into Baghdad and later served f where she volunteers over 50 hours a week in Ar Ramadi, where it provided support to the helping veterans file claims. She has been an 1st Battalion. The 2–116th soldiers performed PERSONAL EXPLANATION extremely valuable asset to the VA office and missions including escort, guard duty on the officers with whom she has worked alongside. Euphrates River, force protection, fire support, Anne’s husband was shot down in Vietnam and patrols, all while helping to train members HON. JO ANN EMERSON in 1972 and was listed as missing in action of the Iraqi police force. until 1978. As a widow with six young children, These brave Americans have served their OF MISSOURI she confronted the Federal government in country with pride and honor. This country IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1986 by challenging their identification of her owes its freedom to these soldiers and the husband from the remains that were found. ones who came before them. Now, so do the Wednesday, February 11, 2004 At the time, she was unknowingly preparing citizens of Iraq. After nearly a year of deploy- herself to later help fight for several veterans ment, the 2–116th has accomplished its mis- Mrs. EMERSON. Mr. Speaker, I was attend- who have served their country with honor and sion, and it is my humble honor to welcome ing to a family emergency and missed the fol- courage. Anne’s struggles have earned her them home. lowing recorded votes. Had I been present, I much respect among veterans, who have de- f would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on Rollcall No. 19; scribed her as having a heart of an angel. ‘‘yes’’ on Rollcall No. 20; and ‘‘yes’’ on Rollcall Other than helping veterans in need within TRIBUTE TO SERGEANT ELIU No. 21. the Veterans’ Affairs office, Anne has come to MIERSANDOVAL the aid of many homeless veterans who were f persuaded by her influence to abandon the HON. KEN CALVERT notion of ‘‘giving up.’’ She even drove one vet- OF CALIFORNIA THANK YOU TO SOLDIERS OF COM- eran over 75 miles to his mother’s funeral in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PANY A 2–124TH INFANTRY REGI- Alabama. MENT Anne’s job has been to keep veterans’ Wednesday, February 11, 2004 records in order, effectively by making sure all Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay of the facts are quickly verified in order to help tribute to a hero from my congressional dis- HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE facilitate a sometimes difficult claims process. trict. On January 31, 2004, Sgt. Eliu Her faithful service of acting as a sounding OF FLORIDA Miersandoval, born Abi Mier, of San board for thousands of veterans has made her Clemente, California, was killed in action in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a guardian angel to many of the bravest vet- Kirkuk, Iraq. Today I would ask that the House erans that our country will ever know. of Representatives honor and remember this Wednesday, February 11, 2004 Many veterans, who travel from hundreds of incredible young man who died in service to Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. Mr. miles to see her, have walked away with the his country. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to mem- feeling that ‘‘someone really cares.’’ Anne is strongly supportive of her govern- Eliu was born on June 26, 1976, in Du- bers of Company A 2–124th Infantry Regi- ment and feels that her obligation is to make rango, Mexico, to Pascual and Estella Mier, ment. These soldiers were mobilized in De- who currently reside in Pomona, California. sure that they do things the right way. cember 2003 and, upon completion of the ap- On behalf of the United States Congress, I Eliu went to high school at San Clemente propriate training, deployed in support of Op- High, and after graduating he joined the Army would like to recognize this special lady with eration Iraqi Freedom. After securing Patriot in 1996 for great future opportunities and to a big heart, Anne Hart, for the example she Batteries in Bahrain and Qatar, Company A travel. In 1999, he was sent to Fort Hood, has set for our country and for northwest Flor- advanced into Kuwait and then Iraq in April Texas, and was later promoted to Sergeant in ida. I offer my sincere thanks for all that she 2003, where the unit provided force protection the 4th Infantry Division. He was a light- has done for northwest Florida and the United and fixed-site security. Later, the soldiers at- wheeled vehicle mechanic in what is the most States of America. tached to several active duty units, including a technically advanced combat division in the f military police battalion, the 4th Infantry Divi- Army. It was the 4th Infantry Division that par- sion, and a Stryker brigade near Balad. CONGRATULATIONS TO I.J. ticipated in the capture of Saddam Hussein. CAMPBELL Eliu is remembered as an outstanding ath- These brave Americans have served their lete and talented musician. More importantly, country with pride and honor. This country he was a loving husband to his wife Amanda owes its freedom to these soldiers and the HON. SANDER M. LEVIN OF MICHIGAN and a proud father to his son Adrian. ones who came before them. Now, so do the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As we look at the incredibly rich military his- citizens of Iraq. After over a year of deploy- tory of our country, we realize that this history ment, Company A 2–124th has accomplished Wednesday, February 11, 2004 is comprised of men and women like Eliu who its mission, and it is my humble honor to wel- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to offer bravely fought for the ideals of freedom and come them home. congratulations to I.J. Campbell, who received ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate jul 14 2003 01:18 Feb 13, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11FE8.004 E12PT1 E166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 12, 2004 the Community Luminary Award from DTE En- A PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING next 20 Buffalo teams. The winningest coach ergy Foundation for his exemplary vol- CHRISTINE IRENE MIKROPOULOS in CU men’s basketball history with a 261–245 unteerism. record, the Buffs won three Big Eight titles under his direction, in 1961–62, 1962–63 and I.J. Campbell’s commitment of service ‘‘illu- HON. ROBERT W. NEY 1968–69. He was the Big Eight Conference minates’’ the community and shines as a self- OF OHIO coach of the year on five occasions. All three less example for others to follow. A humble IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of his Big Eight champion teams represented yet enthusiastic man, his infectious passion for Wednesday, February 11, 2004 the conference in the NCAA regional tour- helping those in need stretches a lifetime of naments. Eventual NCAA champion Cin- professional and volunteer experience. While Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, cinnati eliminated the Buffs in the first two working as the chairman of the United Way Whereas, Christine Irene Mikropoulos has appearances, while his third tourney team Community Services’ Macomb Advisory Coun- devoted her life to serving others through her may have represented his best coaching job membership in the St. John’s Episcopal An- in his tenure as he piloted a sophomore- cil and administrator for cities Community De- dominated team to the league title and velopment Block Grant Program, he donates gels Program and her work with Warren Hos- pital; and NCAA berth. his time off to a number of community organi- He retired from coaching in the spring of zations, including the Hope Network, a hous- Whereas, Christine works with elderly pa- 1976 and remained on in an administrative ing provider for people with mental disabilities, tients, bringing her warm and personal touch position with the athletic department.
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