GB 0510 AUTOGRAPH HOVE CENTRAL LIBRARY This catalogue was digitised by The National Archives as part of the National Register of Archives digitisation project NRA10102 The National Archives HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION NATIONAL REGISTER OF ARCHIVES REPORT ON HOVE CENTRAL LIBRARY AUTOGRAPH C0LL3CTION OOO CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 2 AR1T0N, Frank J., letters to 3 LULHAK, Dr. P. Habberton, letters to 5 MAN, Edward H., and Kiss Man, letters to 6 POLE, Wm., letters to and testimonials 12 Autograph letters, selected 20 Miscellaneous volumes: 24 MIEVILLE, Sir Walter SARGrEANT, Sir Alfd. Read HOVE: Roll of Honour of Borough, 1st World War WINDSOR CASTLE: Visitors1 Book School Exercise Book INDEX OF PERSONS 25 001 HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION NATIONAL REGISTER OF ARCHIVES Short Title of MSS HOVE CENTRA L LIBRARY Autograph Collection Name and Address of Owner Hove Corporation Name and Address The Librarian, of Custodian Hove Central Library, Church Road, Hove, Sussex. BN3 2DJ. Type of Accumulation Autograph collection Class How and where kept Letters in steel filing cabinet in Wolseley Room at Central Library. Volumes shelved in library. Condition of Documents Good Facilities for Students Apply to Librarian at the above address INTRODUCTION In the course of listing the Wolseley MSS. (see separate reports) at Hove Central Library during 1964-5 the assistant registrars concerned also examined the Hove Central Library Autograph Collection which is partly housed in the same filing cabinet as part of the Wolseley MSS. The Collection has been built up from the donation by local residents of scrapbooks, single letters or small groups (e.g. the letters to Arlton and Man), and by the selection of certain letters of authors and other prominent persons from the Central Library's correspondence. In the following list four obvious groups have been listed in full and details have been given of the more important letters in the miscellaneous series (which is arranged in alphabetical folders by the name of the correspondent). The Commissioners are indebted to the Corporation and to the Borough Librarian, Jack Dove, Esq., F.L.A., F.R.C.O., A.R.C.K., and his staff for their co-operation in making facilities available for the listing of these documents. May 1965. N.B. 1. Throughout this list correspondents have been listed under their la3t titles, irrespective of their names or titles at the time of writing. 2. Numbers in the left-hand margin are for reference only from the index at the end of the list. The number in brackets at the end of an entry is the finding number of the document within its relevant folder in the Hove Collection. (Letters in the miscellaneous series have no finding number.) 002 HOVE CENTRAL LIBRARY Autograph Collection Letters to FRANK J . ARLTON [Arranged alphabetically under correspondent] 1. n.d.: Hy. AIN1EE, Westminster Theatre. Regrets that everything is filled by the company. (1) 2. 1906 Sep. 23: Sir Squire BANCROFT, White Lodge, Westgate-on-Sea. Regrets he cannot be of service, as he no, longer has influence. (2) 3. 1891 Mar. 16: John 3ILLINGTCN, 34 Burghley Road, Kighgate Road, London. To Krs. Sarlton [recte arlton]. Her son, Frank, was remarkably well after his severe illness when the writer saw him at Newcastle, Queensland. He will shortly arrive on the P. & 0. S.S. "Victoria". (3) 4. 1921 Jan. 5: Dion 30UCICAUL?, 4 Wyndham Place, W.1. Regrets there is nothing he could suggest for Arlton in his opening play at the Duke of York's. (4) 5. 1699 Apr. 25: Lionel 3R0UGH, Percy Villa, South Lambeth, S.W. Encloses two tickets for Ly-iia [Thompson] Benefit Performance, with a request that the "Guvr will return them if he does not use them. (5) 6. 1932 Kay 14: Sydney W. CARROLL, 4 Greville St., 3.C.1. Expresses regret that the run of "Napoleon" could not be continued any longer and thanks A. for his services in that venture. (6; 7. 1923 Aug. 17: Maurice ELVEY [film producer], Stoll Picture Productions Ltd., Cricklewood Studios. Temple xioad, N.W.2. Thanks for water colour memento. (7) 8. 1901 Oct. 9: Gillie FARQUHAR, 53 Mortimer St. Encloses three snapshots of Sir Henry taken by the Duchess of Fife [not found]. Asks A. to give them to the "dear Qov." (8). ?. n.d.: [Walter] Weedon GR03SMITH, 1 Bedford Sc., W.C. Has nothing for A. Enquires why he has moved to Salham. (9) 10. n.d.: - Joseph HATTON [ed. of The People]. Hopes no news is good news, but fears their dear Johnny is getting weaker. The writer is a good deal better, but still in the hands of doctor and nurse. (Postscript) Prof. LcHardy kindly enquires about "the dear invalid". Writer has no messages fro:: the Club, as he has not been there for over four months, since his illness [in pencil]. (10) 11. 1903 Jun. 5: 17 Stratton St., Piccadilly. Hopes to come down on Tuesday and take "the dear Guv" for a drive. Wants him to dine at the Norfolk and asks i f the Dr. and Gresham 3acon would come too. (11) 12. n.d.: J.3. IRVING, 17 Stratton St., W. His father is looking forward to seeing Mr. Mead on Christmas day. (12) 003 HOVE CENTRAL LIBRARY Autograph Collection 13. n.d.: Laurence IRVING, 22 South St., Thurloe Square. Asks i f A. knows how French * a claim the amateur rights of "Daisy's Escape". (13) 14. - Aug. 8: Ernest KUHL, Daily Telegraph. [Offices], Fleet St. Thanks for the tine A. gave him on the day of writing. (14) 15. - Oct. 18: Ambrose MAT' IPO, Daly's Theatre, Leicester Square, V/. Sends sympathy to "the dear old guv" on the death of an actor friend. (15) 16. 1915 Jan. 4: Harry NICHOLLS, Touchstone Club, Adelphi Hotel, John St., .C. Sends receipt [for payment for dinner]. (16) 17. 1921 Dec. 13: Sir Arthur PINBRO, 115A Harley St., W.1. Regrets there is nothing in his new play for A. (17) 18. 1906 Aug. 9: H. Sims RESV33, 6 Churlwood Mansions, Grove Rd., Brighton. Regret at the death o' [J.j Toole. Reminiscences of Toole. Requests memento and hopes Toole will be buried at Kensal Green where writer'3 mother, sister Connie and brother Ernest are buried. (18) 19. 1901 Dec. 20: Clement SCOTT, 15 Woburn 3 Asks if A. will help to boost the sales of the writer's Brighton Christmas Number, in which they have immortalised "dear old Johnnie". (19) 20. 1905 Mar. 16: 3ram STOKER, 20 Bedford St., V.O. /isks A. to tell Johnny that the writer has to go to see Irving at Wolverhampton. (20) 21. 1906 Nov. 10: Fred TERRY, Maryborough Theatre, Holloway, Coronet Theatre, -lotting Hill. Thanks for catalogue and A.'s trouble. (21) 22. 1888 Dec. 31: J.L. TOOL^, Toole's Theatre, King William St. To Mr. CarIton [recte Arlton] Glad A. is comfortable and doing well. If he perseveres and sticks to his work he is sure to prosper. \22) 23. 1913 May 7: Sir Herbert TREE, His Majesty's Theatre. At the moment he can see no opportunity of offering Arlton work at the theatre. (23) 24. 1908 Jul. 10: Fred TRU333LL, [Manager] The London Hippodrome, Cranbourn St. Thanks A. for his help at the Veteran^ Fete. (24) 25. n.d.: Bransby [WILLIAMS], Grand Theatre, Birminghami Thanks for gifts. Sorry about the "Prehistoric Sketch" which the writer thinks a lot of. Sorry to hear of death of A.'s [mother]. Was at Brighton Pier last week, will be at Manchester the next. (25) 004 HOVE CENTRA! LIBRARY Autograph Collection Literary letters to Jr. P. Habberton LULHAK [Given by Mr. Cook] [Arranged alphabetic II" under correspondent] 26. 1908 Dec. 1: Frances ALLITSBN, 4 Acacia Rd., St. John's Wood. Congratulates him on his poetic gift, having just read Sou,;:: Iroi.: the Dovris I: Dunes. Comments on r?o:'e of the poems i-nd asks permission to set one to music. (1) 27. 1904 Nov. 6: William ARCHER, Langley Rise, Riog's Langley, Hrt. Moving froa Surrey, he has only been able to devote an hour to Us book [of verse]. Comments on some of the poems, on one of which he agrees with Houston1 a judgment. (2) 28. 1905 Feb. 1: li. Lesbit 3LA:.D, Well Hall, filtham, Kent Comments on his poems, and their likeness to her own, a copy of which she encloses [oo.y;s of Love and Empire 1. Hopes that he will shortly be able to visit aer with Mrs. .3urridge. (3) 29. - Nov. 20: Fabia DRAKE, Whitehall Theatre, W.C.2. rhanks for cutting [referring to writer] from Coo.itrv Life. Agrees that "Kiss ^ui-linmj" should have hod a longer run. C4) 30. 1912 Jan. 11: J.L. &ARVIM, Pall 11 dasette Offices, dewton St., High Holborn. Publication of i. ' poems. (5) 31. 1905 Dec. 26: Thos. HARDY, Max Gate, Dorchester. Comments on some of the poems in Devices and aesires. (6) 32. 1910 Dec. 31: Thos. HARDY, ibid. Thanks L. for photographs of his sketches of less. Hardy comments that he had imagined her as more girlish in appearance. (7) 33. 1915 Jul. 16: Thos. HARDY, ibid. Thanks for a copy of The uther dide of Silence. (8) 34. 1904 dun. 28: A.E. HOUSK/td, 17 dortr. Rd., highgate. Comments favourably on some of L.'s poems. "If 1 may make one criticism, it is that morn and dawn rhymed in London, I cherished the hope that it was not so in Kent, at least in Thanet". (9) 35. 1907 Dec. 26: R. KIPLING, Batema^s, Burwash, Sx.
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