INDEX A-4 ; see V-WEAPONS AIR POWER—continued AACHEN (Maps pp. 2, 415), 305-6, 385, 409 ; attacked , ground deadlocks, 102 ; in Arnhem operation, 273 , 27-8, 30 276 ; contribution to final victory in Europe, 462- 5 AALBORG (Map p . 364), 367 AITKEN, F-Lt J. S ., 25 9 AALESUND (Map p . 375), 367, 374 AIACCIO (Map p . 253), 25 1 AARDALS FIORD (Map p. 375), 38 3 ALBANIA (Map p . 66), 328-9 AARHUS (Map p. 364), 419 ALBANO (Map p . 64), 10 3 AARHUS UNIVERSITY, 32 1 ALBLASSERDAM (Map p. 176), 19 1 ABANCOURT (Map p . 29), 3 1 Alcantara, British transport, 258 ABBEVILLE (Map p . 20), 41 1 ALENCON (Map p . 29), 132, 162, 23 3 ACANDIA BAY, 87 ALEPPO (Map p . 66), 7 6 ACHERES (Map p . 29), 28, 130, 132- 3 ALESAN AIRFIELD (Map p. 66), 113, 256n ADAMAS, 32 6 ALEXANDER, Field Marshal Earl, 250, 342, 354 ADAMS, Sqn Ldr P. G ., 36 1 ALEXANDER, Gp Capt J., commands RAF Station , ADCOCK, F-O R. S ., 174 Mount Batten, 36 1 ADELAIDE, 241 ALEXANDER, Sqn Ldr R. R ., 24 6 ADEN, 278 ALEXANDRIA (Map p. 66), 76, 83, 9 4 ADIGE RIVER (Map p. 343), 35 6 ALGERIA (Map p . 66), 95 Adolf Luderitz, German depot ship, 383 ALGHERO AIRFIELD (Map p . 66), 97, 258, 333 ; ADRIATIC SEA (Map p. 66), 59, 68, 97, 99, 102, 108-12 , maintenance problems at, 259 260, 345, 347-8, 352 ; German plans and strategy in , ALGIERS (Map p. 66), 95 75 ; attacks on enemy shipping, 333- 5 ALICANTE (Map p . 66), 9 5 AEGEAN SEA (Maps pp. 66, 74), 83, 115, 323-4, 328 ; ALLAN, F-Lt A . W., 14 5 Allied plans and strategy in, 74-5 ; campaign in, ALLIED AIRBORNE ARMY, First, in Arnhem-Nijmegen 75-80 ; air operations, 86-95, 325 operations, 268-7 6 AFRICA, NORTH (Map p. 66), 54, 56, 81, 196-7, 328 , ALLIED AIR FORCES, placed under command of Ge n 351 ; invasion of, 2, 4, 6-7 Eisenhower, 11, 15 ; aircraft available, 1944, 18 ; AFRICA, WEST, 36 1 tonnage effort, 1942-44, 197 Agathe, Swedish ship, 8 8 ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY AIR FORCE, 39, 160, 197, 313, Aotos GEORGIUS (Map p. 74), 9 1 319, 397 ; formation and tasks, 9 ; plans, role an d AGNONE (Map p . 66), 52, 57, 6 1 operations in OVERLORD, 13n, 14-15, 125, 137, 142 ; AHERN, Sqn Ldr L. N., commands No . 112 Sqn, 111 , in rail interdiction campaign, 26, 31-2, 234, 239 ; 35 1 attacks radar installations, 33, coastal batteries, AIRBORNE OPERATIONS, formation of units, 1 ; in 35, 37, bridges, 134, 161 ; in V-weapon campaign, OVERLORD, 8, 10, 13, 15, 117-20, 125, 137, 148, 160n, 170, 174-5, 180 ; views on use of air power, 182n ; in Italian campaign, 51, 61 ; at Arnhem, 187, 166 ; airfield needs on the Continent, 225, 230 ; 261-2, 268-76 ; in invasion of southern France, 254 ; army-cooperation operations, 229-31, 234 ; opera- in crossing of the Rhine, 434-7 ; in Holland an d tions and effort, 1944, 241-3, 321-2, 395 n Norway, 1945, 436-7 ; see also operations MARKET ALLIES, THE, strategy, 2-4, 6-7, 49-52, 65-7, 98, 104, and GARDEN 115 ; relations between, 6, 260-1 ; sign Italian AIR COOPERATION in invasion of Europe, 13 1 armistice, 57 AIRCRAFT, available for OVERLORD, 13-14 ; types wit h ALLWRIGHT, F-Lt J. S. E., 402 Australian squadrons in Mediterranean, 1943, 5 2 ALMASFUZITO, 33 7 Baltimore, preferred to Ventura, 324 ; bomb-load , ALMAZA (Map p . 66), 83-4, 328 347 . Beaufighter, armament for anti-shipping, 43 ; ALPHEN (Map p. 440), 43 7 functions of, 44n. Boston, bomb-load, 31n . ALSACE-LORRAINE (Map p . 476), 393, 427, 49 5 Focke-Wulf 190, compared with Mosquito, 22 . ALTAVILLA (Map p . 58), 6 3 Halifax, equipped for pathfinder role, 83 ; air- ALTENAUR (Map p . 386), 39 1 worthiness and ability to sustain damage, 238-9 ; ALTENBEKEN (Map p . 415), 41 5 used by Coastal Command, 363 ; bomb-load fo r ALTENBEKEN VIADUCT, 415-1 6 anti-shipping, 366 ; limitations in range and equip- Altmark, German ship, 38 3 ment, 399 ; modified for radio counter-measure role , ALTSTADT DISTRICT (Bremen), 30 9 446. Heinkel 177, vulnerability of, 139. Hudson , AMELAND (Map p. 370), 44, 15 6 compared with Ventura, 85-6 . Hurricane, func- AMERICA, UNITED STATES OF, 10-11, 250, 363 ; tions of, 44n. Kittyhawk, functions of, 44n ; relations with Britain, 2-3, 6, 9, 394 ; strategy, 3-4, disadvantages of, 68 ; compared with Mustang, 353 . 6-8, 65, 422 ; aids China, 9 ; postwar aims, 465 Lancaster, sets distance record, 263 ; compare d —CHIEFS OF STAFF, at Washington conference , with Halifax, 306 . Lightning, advantage of Dec 1941, 3 ; and "Beat Hitler First" policy, 4 ; on superior range in Mediterranean, 51, 78 ; distinctive SLEDGEHAMMER, 5 ; and second front, 6 ; insist on no appearance, 123 . Messerschmitt 410, compare d diversion of forces for OVERLORD, 8 ; on campaign with Mosquito, 22. Mistel, described, 139 . in Italy, 8, 50 ; propose landings in southern Mitchell, bomb-load, 31n . Mosquito, compare d France, 8-9 ; on strategic bombing, 70- 1 with Focke-Wulf 190, 22 ; used as minelayer, 45 ; AMERICAN AIR FORCE, 19, 230-3, 300, 307, 330, 377, against the V-1, 173, 185 ; superior in bad weather, 387-8, 395, 398, 403, 412, 417, 423, 433-5, 438 ; 204 ; bomb-load, 293n ; improved equipment on, relations with RAF and bombing policy, 11-12 , 431 . Mustang, success against the V-1, 160, 184 ; 166, 301, 395, 407, 419, 420n ; in OVERLORD, 21, 25, compared with Kittyhawk, 353 . Spitfire, tactic s 32, 120-2, 127, 131, 136 ; in Italian campaign, 55-6, against the V-1, 160, 173 . Sunderland, prohibite d 59, 61-2, 98-9, 108, 256, 329, 341 ; in Mediterranean, from landing on open sea, 358 . Tempest, tactic s 71, 80, 96n, 98, 329n, 336-7, 343 ; strength in against the V-1, 160, 173-4, 185 . Ventura, com- France, 163 ; in oil campaign, 196-7, 222-4, 399-401 , pared with Hudson, 85-6, with Baltimore, 324 ; 429 ; in invasion of southern France, 252-5 ; in bomb-load, 87. Wellington, bomb-load, 72 ; airborne landings, Holland, 270, 273 ; plans superiority in daylight operations, 107 transfer of forces to Pacific, 409 ; equals Bomber AIRFIELDS, importance of Allied control in France, 13 , Command effort, 1944-45, 464 136, 138, 148-9, 225, 230 ; attacked in Normand y —AIR FORCES, First Tactical, 393, 438-9. Eighth, campaign, 21, 24, 26, 135 ; attacked in Italian 12, 51, 239, 262, 265, 270, 294n, 310-11, 390, 394- 5 campaign, 55-6, 59, 62-3 ; used by Allies in Italy, 410-11, 437 ; in OVERLORD, 14, 21, 26, 31n, 35 , 60, 71 ; established in Normandy, 163, dust problem 123-5, 134-5, 137, 161 ; relations with RAF and 164n bombing policy, 70-1 ; strength, 71, 123, 197 ; in AIR POWER, in OVERLORD, 11, 25, 134, effect on Allied V-weapon campaign, 160n, 170, 174-5, 178-80, build-up and differing views on use of, 166 ; in 183-4 ; in oil campaign, 196-9, 205, 207, 214, 216-17, Italy and Mediterranean, 51, 66-7, 98, resolves 220, 222, 424-6 ; army cooperation, 228-9, 231, 518 INDE X AMERICAN AIR FORCE—continue d ARCHANGEL (Map p . 263), 26 3 315 ; in Transportation Plan, 415, 419-21 . Ninth, ARCH BOLD, F-Lt S. J ., 35 1 52, 262, 388, 437-9 ; in OVERLORD, 21, 31, 123, 135 ; ARCHER, F-Lt T. K., 36 3 in Italian campaign, 51, 56, 59, 71 ; in V-weapon ARCTIC OCEAN, 4 2 campaign, 179 ; in Transportation Plan, 403, 415. ARDENNES (Map p. 386), offensive in, 217, 220, 301 , Twelfth, 71 . Fifteenth, 81, 395n, 410, 437 ; forma- 317, 385-9, 391-6, 398, 402, 405, 408, 410-11 , tion and tasks, 71 ; in Italian campaign, 71-2, 106 ; 422n, 431, 433, Hitler's reasons for, 386, 407, air possible diversion to OVERLORD, 102 ; in oil cam- operations, 387, 390-4, assessment and effect of, paign, 197-9, 205-6, 216-17, 390, 424 394, 407 —COMMANDS AND CORPS ; IX Fighter Command , ARDOUVAL (Map p . 176), 180, 209 14n. IX Tactical Air Corps, 316, 386n. IX Troop AREZZO (Map p . 343), 101, 113, 34 5 Carrier Command, 118, 269, 270n, 434-6. XII Air ARGENTA (Map p . 340), 341-2, 356 Support Command, 81, 84, 99, 101, 105, 108 . ARGENTAN (Map p . 19), 130-1, 141-3, 165, 243 ; XII Fighter Command, 81 . XII Tactical Air captured, 23 3 Command, 251-2, 255, 349, 354n . XIX Tactical ARIANO (Map p . 58), 6 3 Air Command, 265. XXII Tactical Air Command , ARLOFF (Map p. 386), 39 1 354. XXIX Tactical Air Corps, 316, 386n ARMSTRONG, F-Lt G . P., 185-6 AMERICAN ARMY, in Torch operation, 7 ; in OVER- ARMSTRONG, Sqn Ldr L . V ., 259 LORD, 13, 25, 120, 129, 147 ; enters Rome, 114 ; i n ARMY COOPERATION, in OVERLORD, 13, 141-3, 163-6 ; European campaign, 148-9, 228, 231, 261, 271 , in Italian campaign, 50-1, 60-2, 64-70, 99, 101-3 , reaches German border, 268, in drive to the Rhine , 109, 112-14, 342, 351-4, 356, "cab rank", 69n , 316, 433, in Saar offensive, 386 344-5, 348-50 ; in Yugoslavia, 110 ; by Bomber —ARM ES, First, 225-6, 231, 315, 385-6, 403, 433 , Command, 225-34, 315-17 ; Cassino compared to 440. Third, 232-3, 241, 243, 386, 411, 440. Fifth , Caen, 226n ; in Ardennes, 395-6 ; in Rhine crossing , 60, 65, 67, 98-104, 111, 251, 340, 342, 344, 346 , 434 ; assessment of, 46 3 348-9, 354 ; captures Naples, 65, Rome, 114 , ARNDELL, F-O K .

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