i Technician North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 b Friday. OCtober 24, 1m Volume LXI, Number 26 Steer away from traffic Fewer special students enrolled for the spring during busy weekend By Se- [lays 3.500. White said. "The normal enroll- Staff Writer ment of special students for January STATE PARK " in past years has been around 3.000." This map displays area routes to be shields stating “football game" if that CARY EXIT Spring-semester enrollment of he said. “And if this past experience avoided Saturday by motorists going is the intended destination. the special students at State will be holds up next January the only limit to the State Fair or football game. as memorandum said. limited to 3.000 persons because of on special students will be a maximum well as those routes that may provide When traveling west on 1-40 over-enrollment this semester. accor- of seven credit hours." relief from congested areas. The map motorists should stay in the right lane. ding to Robert K. White. director of But "past experience" did not work was provided courtesy of the display football-game signs in wind- adult special programs of the Division when predicting the number of special Wolfpack Club. shields and enter Gate E. When of Continuing Education. students who would normally enroll in Football traffic should use 140 and traveling east on 1-40 and Wade Individual registration for special the fall semester of I980 “and nobody Wade Ayenue and attempt to travel Avenue. motorists should stay in the studedts will be limited to seven knows why." White said. west on Trinity Road. according to a left lane, display football-game signs semester credit hours. White said. Special students should preregister memorandum to the Technician from and enter through Gate E. The" Special students who preregister for spring courses to be assured of Assistant Director of Athletics Frank highway patrol expects the Gate E for courses in the 1981 spring enrollment in a course. White said. Weedon. Motorists going to the fair parking lot to be filled by noon by the semester will be enrolled if past “By pro-registering. special should use Hillsborough Street. football--game crowd. the memoran- history for enrollment in spring students have the best possible chance dum said. semesters is repeated. according to to be enrolled in the courses they want Avoid llillsborough White. The past history of spring at the times they want them." White “Tailgaters are encourafl to enrollment shows that about 500 said. According to the memorandum, come early. Fair traffic will be special students attending classes in The schedule of courses for day football traffic should avoid the restricted from the stadium parking Map courtesy of the Wolfpack Club the fall semester do not enroll for students in the spring of I981 are Hillsborough Street route. It will area until the Highway Patrol diverts ‘ classes in the following spring. he said. available at the registration counter assist traffic attendants and highway traffic from the main thoroughfares, State’s game against Clemson Saturday and the closing day of the fair will The current enrollment figure for patrolmetn if signs are put in wind- according to the memorandum. \‘ definitely cause traffic jams. This map can help you get around them. special students is approximately (See “Students. " p. 2) Career Planning and Placement Center aids studentsIn finding jobs A 40 percent of State's students Virtually 100 percent ofengineering will be an individual's primary representatIves and standardized baccalaureate students cannot be in- by Dan Dawes graduateIn December. and computer-science graduates who endeavor in life and it will dictate testing. Jones said. terviewed but they can use all other Contributing Writer use the Career Planning and Place- one's family life. friends and status placement services. he said. Finding a job can be full-time Only students within two semesters ment Center can get a job. according and prestige in the community. By the time a student is a senior he Jones said the center is “one of the employment. But State's Career Plan- of graduation may be interviewed. he to Jones. But only 30 percent or 40 should be going from the general to most profesional in the country." He ning and Placement Center can help said. percent of humanities graduates can “Social pressure can force a student the specific in his job hunt by turning said he supports this claim by citing both undergraduates and graduates Pulp and paper science, engineering claim success. with economics and to make decisions but he should~ be in resumes. interviewing. searching contributions given to the School of with job descriptions. resume filing. and computer science are currently business degrees being the most deciding on a career to meet his own independently through job files and Engineering from companies such as company listings and interviews. the most attractive fields in the job satisfactions." he said. keeping a personal information sheet Torrington and TennesseeEastman. market. according to Jones. 1980 marketable. ' "ldealistically. developing a career on file for later job openings. Jones According to center Director Technical writers also have said. He said the Torrington Co. con- Walter B. Jones. the center will in- graduates in chemical engineering and reasonable success in the job market. ‘track' doesn't begin with the senior tributed about $15,000 last spring. form a student about jobs but cannot pulp and paper science had an average he said. but only if the writer has a year but instead as a sophomore or The center can help students with “If the service was not good for ensure that he is hired. starting salary of about 321.000. junior. A student should see how his resume planning. practice for inter- placement. the companies wouldn't Technical fields have had the basic understanding of a scientific major relates to the job market and views and jobsearch strategies. Addi- come back. They have been very “We only help with finding the jobs. highest starting salaries. while less field like physics or computer also to his or her own abilities." Jones tionally, the center refers students to pleased with the quality of State We get the interviewer and the stu- “careenspecific” programs. such as scIence. said. summer jobs and internships to “test“ graduates." Jones said. dent to see knee to knee and eye to English. have low salaries and also “You need to choose electives as “The center tries matching up chosen fields “ahead of time." Jones “The biggest problem we face is eye." Jones said. two students for every related job in related to the ‘real world' of the job careers and abilities and by the time a said. space. along with the rest of the One thousand interviewers from the United States. Jones said. The na- market. Science courses would teach student is a senior. the job for us State alumni can also search for University. Dabney«ilall can accom- 760 companies will be interviewing tional average starting salary in June the best secondary marketable skills." should he just the mechanics of place .jobsthrough the Career Planning and modate 11 interviewers a day and the students between October and April. I” for (“humanities graduate was Jones said.'-- ‘ ment. such as resumes." Placement Center. The average old Merry Monk Restaurant (in North Jones said. Interviews are evenly $1.200 a month. while a chemical “We should call this ‘life planning.‘ " The center offers career-planning graduate changes jobs three times in' Hall) can hold four. We're so crowded distributed between fall and spring engineering graduate started at Jones said. “since careers are such a workshops to sophomores and juniors. the first 10 years after college. accor- that some companies are booked for unutcrs. Jones said. since roughly 31.”. large part of life. For half a century. it one-toone coiinseling with school ding to Jones. Graduates and post- interviews in January 1982." iii Ticket distribution is approved by Senate distribution policy because they said tickets being distributed on a first policy. Lubin's previous Student by More Lowyn they felt that some priority groups come. first-serve basis rather than ac- Governmental experience includes a Managing Editor had never had priority for important cording to the priority system that year as a student senator. according to The basketball ticket-distribution basketball games and that the propos would have provided the A—G group Gordon. policy formulated by the Student ed system did nothing to rectify the with first chance at the tickets. The Senate voted to table a request Senate's Athletics Committee was ap situation. Humanities and Social Sciences by State's Dairy Judging Team for proved at Wednesday's Student Humanities and Social Sciences Senator Sandi Long said the proposal $280 to finance a trip to Madison. Wis. Senate meeting. senator Mitzi Dixon said those provides priority for the H-N group for a dairy-judging competition The distribution policy. introduced students whose last names began with only twice during the basketball because no one was present to repre by Athletics Committee Chairman Bill the letters A-G had never enjoyed season while other students receive sent the group. Thorne, provides for the distribution priority privileges for the North priority three times. “The H-N group of tickets over specified twoday Carolina game in her four years at received priority only once during the Also tabled was a resolution to pro periods for each game that requires a State. football season." Long said. hibit the use of recording devices in reserved-seat ticket for admission. The A-G group was slated to have Thorne said that the priority classrooms by students.
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