TO 'lXE CYPRUS GAZETTE No. 3825 OF 26~~MAY, 1955. SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION, No. 317. THE CENSUS 1,AW. CAP. 56. __- ORDER IN COUNCIL No. 2751 MADE UNDER SECTION3. In exercise of the powers vested in him by section 3 of the Census Law, His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order as follows :- I. This Order may be cited as the Census (Industrial Production) Order, '955. 2. A census of industrial production (herewith referred to as " rlLe Census ") shall be taken in Cyprus during the remaining part of the year 1955. 3. Returns for the purpose of the census shall be made by those employers of gainfully occupied labour and by those self-employed persons, companies, partnerships, co-operative societies and by those corporations, who may be required to do so, in respect of the matters set out in thc Schedule hereto. SCHEDULE. (I) In respect of labour employed (including selGemployed persons and working proprietors) :-The number of persons employed, by sex, kind of work and wages and salaries paid. (2) In respect of material production in thc year 1954 :-Thc nature of work done ; values of plant, machinery and vehicles acquired and disposed of ; cost of new buildings, repairs and mairitenaiice of buildings ; cost of materials, electricity, fuel and power purchased ; rent paid ; amount paid for work given out and other services rendered by other firms ; amount charged for work done for other firms, quantities and values of products finished but yet unsold ; quantities and values of work in progress ; stocks of materials and fuel ; quantities and values of goods produced and sold. Ordered this 25th day of May, 1955. By Command of His Excellency the Governor, G. P. CASSELS, (M.P. 1401/54.) Clerk oj the Executive Council, (2771 278 No. 318. THE CENSUS LAW, CAP. 56. REGULATIONSMADE UNDER SECTION4. In exercise of the powers vested in him by section 4 of the Census Law, His Excellency the Governor hereby makes the following regulations :- I, These regulations may be cited as the Census (Industrial Production) Regulations, 1955, z. In these regulations- " Census Order '' means the Census (Industrial Production) Order, '955 ; " census information '' means information in respect of the matters set out in the Schedule to the Census Order. 3. Every person being a person required by the Census Order to furnish census information shall- (U) fill up the forms set out in the Schedule hereto (or such of them as may have been supplied to him by any Census Officer or forwarded through the post) answering, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the several particulars therein required ; (b) comply with any instructions endorsed on, or supplied with, any such forms and forward the forms duly completed to the Superin- tendent of Census, Secretariat, Nicosia, on the date specified in such instructions or such other date as the Superintendent may direct by notice to be published in the Gazette ; (c) give to any Census Officer, in connection with the forms, such further information as may be required by any such officer. SCHEDULE. GOVERNMENT OF CYPRUS. REGISTER OF PREMISES WHERE PERSONS ARE GAINFULLY OCCUPIED IN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION. District : .................................... Week ending : ............................................ Town or Village : ............................................ ....................................................... ~~ I Number of persons occupied Name of business Products ------- - or I Males I Females proprietor Address __j_-__ Main 1 Subsidiary 18 years 1 under I 18 years under I and over 18 years and over I 18 years 279 GOVERNMENT OF CYPRUS. ----CENSUS OF PRODUCTION (INDUSTRIAL). I 0.II.M.S. I 1 To: ................................................................................................................... I Industry : ................................................................... I 1 Street :................................................................................................................ 1 Town or Village : ........................................................................................ THIS RETURN RELATES TO THE YEAR 1954, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Persons furnishing information ........................................................ ............................. Title of Firm .............. ....................................................................................................... Description of princip m or type of work being done :- (a) Most important product (with quantity). ............................................................. (b) Other products (with quantity) .................................................................................................... I_________c_-_________- 1. Working Proprietors and unpaid family workers (average number during September, 1954) :- (i) Working proprietors . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. No. .................... (ii) Unpaid family workers . .. .. .. .. .. 2. Persons Employed (average number during 1954) :-- (i) Administrative, clerical and technical employees .. .. .. No. .........., ......... (ii) Operatives . .. .. .. *. .. .. I. .. No. .................... 3. Wages and Salaries.-Amount paid during 1954 to :- (i) Administrative, clerical and technical employees .. .. ..E........................ (ii) Operatives . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4. Plant, Machinery and Vehicles.-Cost of new and second-hand equipment acquired during 1954 :- (i) Plant and Machinery . .. .. .. .. .. ..E........................ (ii) Vehicles . .. .. .. .. .. .. *. ..A;........................ Proceeds of equipment disposed of during 1954 :- (i) Plant and Machinery . .. ,. .. .. .. ..E........................ (ii) Vehicles . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..E........................ 5. New Buildiizg M'orks.-Cost of new buildings and of extensions and re- congtruction of old buildings . .. .. .. .. ..A;........................ 6. Materials aiid Fuel.-Cost of materials, electricity, fuel and power purchased during 1954 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7. Reizt.-Rent paid during 1954 for buildings occupied in connection with the production, trade or business . .. .. .. .. ..A;........................ S. Amount paid for work given out and services rendered by other firms :- (i) Amount paid for work given out . .. .. .. .. ..E........................ (ii) Transport payments .. .. .. .. .. .. ..E........................ (iii) Amount paid for other services by other films . .. .. ..E........................ 9. Amount charged for work done €or other firms, during 1954 . ..jl; ........................ 10. Value of stocks at the ruling prices at the beginning and end of 1954 :- Beginning of year. End of year. (i) Products on hand for sale . .. .. ..A........................ & ........................ (ii) Work in progress . .. .. .. ..E........................ jl; ........................ (iii) Materials and fuel . .. .. .. ..&........................ E ........................ 11. Output.- Total selling value of goods aid Tvaste products sold during 1954 jl; ........................ Total quantity of main products sold during 1954 . .. .. .. .. 17nit .......................................... Total quantity of other products sold during 1954 .. .. .. .. ................................... ___L____________---____C_~__________I 1 hereby declare that the information contained in this return is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date.,..................................................... Signature...................................................... -----I -~____~-- Please see enclosed notes aiid instructions for completing the questionnaire. Made this 25th day of May, 1955. 13y Command of His Excellency the Governor, J. FLETCHER-COOKE, 'Colonial Secretary. 280 NO.319. THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS LAW. CAP. 252 AND LAWS11 OF 1950, 31 OF 1951, 20 OF 1953, 29 OF 1954, 57 OF 1954 AND I4 OF 1955. ORDERUNDER SECTION209 (I). In exercise of the powers vested in him by section zog (I) of the Municipal Corporations Law, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to direct Cap. 265. by this Order that the provision of services and appliances for extinguishing 24 of 1953 fires by the Municipal Corporations set out in column I to the Schedule 31 Of 1954. hereto shall be undertaken by the Police Fire Brigades of the same towns established under section 43 of the Police Law, on the date set out in column 2 of the said Schedule. SCHEDULE. Colwnnri I. Columii 2. 1CTuiiicipal Corporation of Nicosia . 2nd May, 1955. lllunicipal Corporation of Famagusta . 2nd May, 1955. Municipal Corporation of Liinassol . 2nd May, 1955. Dated this 20th clay of May, 1955. By Command of His Excellency the Governor, J. FLETCHER-COOKE, Ii w.r*739/43/A/3*) Colonial Secretary. - No. 320. THE VILLAGES (ADMINISTRATION AND IMPROVEMENT) LAWS, 1950 AND 1953. AMENDMENTOF ORDERMADE UNDER SECTION22 (a) (i). Whereas the Colonial Secretary authorised the Improvement Board of haimalili (Nicosia District) to contract a loan for the sum of E1,600,by order issued under his hand and published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of thc 24th February, 1955,under Notification No. 127 (hereinafter referred to as “the Order”) on the condition that the said sum be utilised for the purchase of a lorry (refuse collector) and two trailers for the removal of meat and pork from the slaughter-houses ; And whereas the Board has now applied for authority to purchase, by utilising A510 of the said loan, a van instead of the two trailers specified in the Order : Now, therefore,
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