ir,c SPRINCPORT BOOK BINDERY HOAC I SONS SPRINGPORT, MICH. 49204 The Grand Valtey Ledger Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Volume 3, htue 36 July I 9. 1978 iAlain St/mfe Metric Mfg. Gets Parade Monday City Council Okay : Here Comes The flK Despite many negative com- commercial or residential prop- ments . nd dissenting votes from erties. the November election councilmen Dave Carter and with the Tisch and Headly Robert Christiansen, a resolu- amendments on the baliot may tion establishing an industrial cause a drastic cut in the city's THREE IMAGINATIVE ST01IES... development district on proper- income, puts burden on local Three dramatizations of three imaginative ty owned by Metric Manufactur- government to entice business stories will be part of the Story Theater to ing was passed by a 3-2 vote of to stay in Michigan when the 78 Lowell Showboat arrive at the Lowell Library, 325 West Main the Lowell City Council. state continues to drive business Street, on Monday. July 31, at 10:30 a.m. Thia The vote followed a public out by raising unemployment, program for elementary-age children is pro- hearing, which preceded the workman's compensation, etc., vided for Kent County Library System regular July 17 meeting of the and the fact that the city has member libraries during the summer. council. already surpassed the old 5% The stories in next Monday's program will The establishment of an in- limit. be taken from the books "Euphonia and the dustrial development district is But at the request of Metric Flood," "Hubert's Hair-Raising Adventure," uie first step in obtaining tax Manufacturing representatives, and "The Creeping Beauty." relief under Public. Act 198 the council granted the estab- More information on the program can be which allows for a maximum of a lishment of the industrial devel- secured by calling librarian Mrs. Evelyn fifty percent reduction in prop- opment district in view of the Briggs at 897-95% . erty taxes over a maximum fact that it is merely a prelimin- twelve year period. ary step and that the city still RTTTERSDOEFINJU1ED... The reasons behind the act has the final word when it comes Jeffrey Rittersdorf of Lowell was injured last Friday evening, are to entice industry to stay in time to accept or reject the ap- when the motorcycle he was riding smashed into a car driven by Michigan and it is also a tool for plication for 1978 tax relief. Cheryl Thomas, at the intersection of Foreman Road and North local governments to attract new In other decisions, the council Hudson Street. industry into their taxing juris- opted to sell excess and obso- Witnesses stated that Rittersdorf was traveling at a high rate of diction. lete equipment from the old speed when the mishap occurred . The act is applicable only to well sites on Foreman Rd., and new or expanding industries invite the Michigan Artrain for a TAKEN TO JUVENILE HOME... that will provide new jobs along return visit next spring, and pay Taken to the Kent County Juvenile Home by Lowell Police with their growth. the lodging for the train's staff officers Wednesday, July 12, was a 16-year-old juvenile who Under the provisions ot the providing various community confessed his involvement in two breaking and enterings of homes act, only the city would lose tax organizations will shoulder the in the area. revenue as the school district other responsibilities involved. Lowell officers on July 14 arrested a 16-year-old juvenile runaway would be reimbursed for their and turned him over to the Kent County Sheriffs Department after losses by the state. The five he confessed to the theft of an automobile from Grand Rapids percent of the local govern- WEDDING MEMORIES - To earlier In the week. The juvenile is from Lowell . ment's total state equalized last i lifetime. Modern Pheto- valuation was until recently a graphlcs, Lowell—the floert fai FLAYATPAUASBURG.^ limit of Act^-WSV redqetiona dUUactive weddleg - pbetegfta- The Lowell Baseball team, entered into competition in the allowed in any single commun- phy. 897-5606. Tri-County league will be at home this Sunday, July 23, for a game ity. There is currently no limit against Belding. The game to be played on the* field at Fallasburg imposed by the state, but Lowell PRECISION A FASHION HAIB- STYUNG—For both men and Park will get underway at 2 p.m. has surpassed the old 5% limit Al the Lewel Showboat Amphitheatre last Satwday aight, 12 lep-Mteh amatenr acts ware picked to appear on the 1978 Lewol women. Man's World Halrstyl- Lowell's next home-game will be on August 5 at S p.m. against with King Milling Co., Attwood She wheat, July 14-29, along with pealssalsnal iBtirtainr Vie DWMM. Ing. Phone 897-8102. cSltf Portland. Corp. and Christoff and Sons, Satarday't winners nd the nights they wtthe an the Sha wheat stage, arei Monday, July 24, John Bradenhurg, Daviaon, vocalist, acc. Inc. all taking advantage of the Sheryl McGtaala, and Saaan Marsha, Muh, vemfct. TO EES IS HUMAN... tax break because of recent NOW IS THE TIME - To be ihinlHng about Senior Portraits. Tneaday, July 25, Limhe Seek fram Dnrand, novelty-gymnaetka, and the Sunshine Kids from Vernon doing a tap dance It never seems to fail, each time the high school honor roll is expansions. Wednesday, July 26, Georgette WeadUng, Choaanlng, song and tap, and Space Odeaaey, Shelly Sntter, (.Tieaantng, tumbling. Seniors are spedal at Modern published, either the school or the Ledger is erroneous in omitting Carter and Christiansen ar- Thnrsday, July 27, Stayhig Alive, Nevi, Elaine School of Dance, Jazz, and Owoaao Skating Center's Rolling Squares, Photographies. We would like this or that name. Following last week's publication, it was brought gued that they would not be in •kate-aquare dawn. Friday, July 28, Hall's Kaaeea, Grand laplds, novelty-cwBody and The Snhana Dstncera, Grand Raplda, Mlddk an opportunity to oente a Senior to our attention that the following names were not included: Francis favor of any further Act 198 Eastern dancers. portrait tor yen In the style yeu Simmerer, and Gary Warning, B or better averages and Tony reductions for the following Ooatag out the Showboat an Saturday, July 29, w® be Bright Majority, Grand lapida, a harhershop quartet, and Lola Sage, Haatfaga, choose. Phone Modern Photo- Schwacha, all A's, reasons: it only applies to ccolo solo. Our apologies, and as always, we'll try harder next time . industry with no provisions for graphies, 897-5606. c-32 The Showboat, the biggest direction of Tom Hagan. music perstar Theater in Atlantic City. BECOMES VENNEN SALESMAN... community project of the year director at Saranac High School. Last Saturday night he conclud- Joining the sales staff at Vennen Chrysler- for Lowell, will be steaming The chorus has been rehearsing ed a week's engagement at the Dodge at 930 West Main Street last week was round Cattail Bend on the Rat for the past three weeks for the swank Playboy Resort & Coun- Thomas Speerstra of 13163 Vergcnnes Street, Lanes Opened; Over River for six nights starting week-long presentation. try Club Great Gorge in Mc- Lowell. next Monday. Backing singer Damone and Alfee. N.J. A former employee of Lippert's and a As the decked out barge, a the rest of the entertainers is the The brown eyed baritone has free-lance photographer, Speerstra is looking replica of a Mississippi river- giant 28-piece Showboat orches- been associated with many re- forward to the challenge put before him in the boat. ties up to the Lowell tra under the direction of Bruce cording hits including "An Af- automotive field. Amphitheatre dock at 9 p.m. Early, director of Aquinas Col- fair to Remember." "On the A graduate of Lowell High School, he is 500 Games Bowled nightly, amid the fanfare and lege's musical department. Street Where You Live." and married to the former Kay Feuerstein of color of the Old Showboat Days, Many of the band members are "You Were Only Fooling." Lowell. They have one son, Jeremy . and snack bar. Operating hours it marks the start of more than from the West Michigan areas. along with others. , will be from 9 a.m. until 12 2 /J hours of top flight entertain- Normally, the Showboat Band The big Showboat week kicks LESSONS FOR ADULTS... midnight for the lanes and 11 ment. numbers 12 to 14 pieces, but off Monday night with the Gordon Hill, jr., will be providing tennis lessons for adults for until 2 for the lounge. Both As the sound of the 28-piece was enlarged for Pearl Bailey Showboat parade starting at 7 three weeks starting August 1 and ending August 17. Hill, working will be open seven days a week. orchestra and the words of the last year and for Damone's p.m. The starting point for the for the Lowell YMCA, will instruct beginners and intermediates Owner Nick Abbgy said that huge Showboat Chorus singing. show. floats, the Showboat chorus. each Tuesday and Thursday from 7 to 8 p.m. at the high school he was very pleased with the "Here Comes the Showboat" The popular Showboat Talent Endmen and other participants courts. opening day turn-out and esti- echo through the night, the winners are also in the spotlight will be the Methodist Church. A total of siz hours will be taught over the first three weeks of mated that approximately 500 Showboat will be starting its nightly. Two separate amateur The parade will follow Main August.
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