Forestry Operations in the 1990's; Challenges and Solutions Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Council on Forest Engineering July 22 to July 25, 1991 ^ ''NaiiHimorBritisli'ColumBia' Canada OFFICERS Co-Chairpersons: Bjorn Andersson Joe McNeel Brent Sander Vice Chairperson: Ronald Baughman Past Chairpersons: Earl L.Deal Awatif E.Hassan Member-at-Large: L.O. Wright Jimmy Mitchell In Cooperation with: Faculty of Forestry of the University of British Columbia MacMillan Bloedel Limited Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada Directory of Attendees 1991 COFE Annual Meeting Nanaimo, B.C. ABEELS, P.FJ. AULERICH, D. Ed Professor President University Catholique of Louvain Forest Engineering Inc. Place Croix du Sud, 2 E2 620 SW 4th Street B-1320 Louvain La Neuve, Belgium Corvallis, Oregon 97333 Phone: 3210473784 Phone: 503-754-7558 Fax: 3210473697 Fax: 503-754-7559 ALLMAN, Jim AULERICH, Stephen Regional Manager Vice-President Workers' Compensation Board of B.C. Forest Engineering Inc. 320 Cook Street 620 SW 4th Street Victoria, B.C. Corvallis, Oregon V8V 4W1 97333 Phone: 380-3418 Phone: 503-754-7558 Fax: 381-1654 Fax: 503-754-7559 ANDERSON, Dennis BANKS, Don GIS Consultant Woodlands Manager Digital Resources Systems Limited Tolko Industries Ltd. 402-495 Dunsmuir Street Box 4160 Nanaimo, B.C. Quesnel, B.C. V9R 2V2 V2J 312 Phone: 753-7122 Phone: 992-1700 Fax: 753-1700 Fax: 992-1701 ANDERSSON, Bjdm BARETTE, Philippe Senior Researcher General Manager FERIC Tembec Inc. 2601 East Mall P.O. Box 3000 Vancouver, B.C. Temiscaming, Quebec V6T 1Z4 JOZ 3R0 Phone: 228-1555 Phone: 819-627-4209 Fax: 228-0999 Fax: 819-627-3622 BARRETT, J. David BOSWELL, Brian Professor and Head Assistant Engineer University of B.C. Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd. 389-2357 Main MaU P.O. Box 100 Vancouver, B.C. Boston Bar, B.C. V6T 1Z4 VOK ICO Phone: 822-5852 Phone: 867-9214 Fax: 822-9104 Fax: 867-9797 BAUGHMAN, Ronald BRADLEY, Allan AR/OK Timberlands Eng. Researcher Weyerhaeuser FERIC P.O. Box 388 2601 East MaU De Queen, Arkansas Vancouver, B.C. 71832 V6T 1Z4 Phone: 501-642-1429 Phone: 228-1555 Fax: 501-642-1443 Fax: 228-0999 BAUMGRAS, John E. BREUKELS, Mauk Research For. Prod. Technologist Branch Manager USDA Forest Service Finning Ltd. P.O. Box 4360 6435 Metral Drive Morgantown, West Virginia Nanaimo, B.C. 26505-4360 V9T 2L9 Phone: 304-291-4488 Phone: 390-2411 Fax: 304-599-7041 Fax: 390-4621 BENNETT, Doug BROUGH, Bob Senior Researcher Divisional Engineer FERIC MacMiUan Bloedel Ltd. 2601 East Mall Eve River Division Vancouver, B.C. Sayward, B.C. V6T 1Z4 VOP IRO Phone: 228-1555 Phone: 287-7473 Fax: 228-0999 Fax: 287-3633 BERARD, Jean CARROLL,PhU President & C.E.O. Occupational Safety Officer FERIC Workers' Compensation Board of B.C. 143 Place Frontenac 3100 - 35th Avenue Pointe Claire, Quebec Vemon, B.C. H9R4Z7 VIT 8Y8 Phone: 514-694-1140 Phone: 545-1125 Fax: 514-694-4351 Fax: 545-0848 CHAPMAN,Paul CULLEN, Jack Development Engineer Harvest Systems Engineer MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Washington Department of 3406 - 3rd Avenue Natural Resources Port Albemi, B.C. 1102 S. Quinca Street V9Y 4B5 Olympia, WA. Phone: 724-7822 98504 Fax: 724-78266 Phone: 206-753-2093 Fax: 206-586-5456 CLARK, Marv Research Director DAUST, Dave FERIC 2601 East Mall Faculty of Forestry Vancouver, B.C. 2357 Main Mall V6T 1Z4 Vancouver, B.C. Phone: 228-1555 V6T 1W5 Fax: 228-0999 Phone: 228-2727 Fax: 228-8647 COOKMAN,John Engineer DAVIE, Kevin Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd. Manager/Divisional Engineer Box 2500 Weldwood of Canada Limited Campbell River, B.C. 215 - 1180 Ironwood Road V9W5C5 Campbell River, B.C. Phone: 287-9181 V9W 5P7 Fax: 287-3270 Phone: 287-7277 Fax: 287-7277 COOMBS, A1 Regional Engineer Officer DAVIS, Craig B.C. Ministiy of Forests Assistant Professor 518 Lake Street SUNY-SESF Nelson, B.C. 205 Marshall Hall VIL 4C6 Syracuse, N.Y. Phone: 354-6214 13210-2787 Fax: 354-6250 Phone: 315-470-6569 Fax: 315-470-6512 CRAPSER, Bill Western Forester DAYSON, C. American Pulpwood Association Head, Torbology & Mechanics 2300 Oakmont Way, Suite 206 National Research Council Eugene, Oregon 3650 Wesbrook MaU 97401 Vancouver, B.C. Phone: 503-683-8338 V6S 2L2 Fax: 503-683-3950 Phone: 666-2623 Fax: 666-7203 DEAL, Earl FANNIN, Jonathan Professor, Wood & Paper Science Assistant Professor North Garolina State UniveKity Faculty of Forestry Campus Box 8003 MacMillan Bldg, Main Mall Raleigh, N.C. Vancouver, B.C. 2765-8003 V6T 1Z4 Phone: 919-737-5581 Phone: 822-3133 Fax: 919-737-7231 Fax: 822-9104 DOREY, Rob FINN, William Regional Vice-President Occupational Safety Officer Canadian Pacific Forest Products Limited Workers* Compensation Board of B.C. 1000 - 1040 West Georgia Street 6951 Westminster Highway Vancouver, B.C. Richmond, B.C. V6E 4K4 V7C 1C6 Phone: 640-3408 Phone: 276-3099 Fax: 640-1026 Fax: 276-3292 DUBOIS, M.R. FINN, Steve Research Assistant Assistant Instructor Forestry Department, MSU B.C.I.T. P.O. Drawer FR 3700 Willingdon Avenue Mississippi State, Mississippi Bumaby, B.C. 39762 V5G 3H2 Phone: 601-325-2946 Phone: 432-8941 Fax: 601-325-8726 Fax: 432-1816 DUCKWORTH,Joe FOLKMANN,Paul Project Engineer Manager, Main Roads MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Alberta Pacific Forest Products Inc. 3406 - 3rd Avenue P.O. Box 1313 Port Albemi, B.C. Edmonton, Alberta V9Y 4E5 T5J 2M8 Phone: 724-7823 Phone: 403-493-0800 Fax: 724-7826 Fax: 403-493-0888 ERICKSON, Michael FREY, Otto Research Associate Divisional Engineer Appalachian Hardwood Centre MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. P.O. Box 6125 3406 - 3rd Avenue Morgantown, West Virginia Port Albemi, B.C. 26506-6125 V9Y 4E5 Phone: 304-293-7550 Phone: 724-7824 Fax: 304-293-2441 Fax: 724-7826 FRIDLEY, Jim GEE, Charles (Chuck) Assl Professor District Sales Manager University of Washington Timbeijack Inc. Mailshop AR-10 P.O. Box 160 Seattle, Washington Woodstock, Ontario 98195 N4S 7X1 Phone: 206-543-6993 Phone: 519-539-6271 Fax: 206-543-3091 Fax: 519-539-5282 GALUSKA, John GILLES, Jerry Occupational Safety Officer President Workers' Compensation Board of B.C. Timber Harvesting System 426 - 8th Street 2709 E. 64th Street Courtenay, B.C. Tacoma, Washington V9N 1N5 98404 Phone: 338-5484 Phone: 206-531-8493 Fax: 338-9702 Fax: 206-531-7488 GARDINER, Bruce GORSH, Joseph Woods Co-Ordinator Regional Logging Engineer Bell Pole Co. Ltd. USDA Forest Service Box 339 P.O. Box 7669 Lumby, B.C. Missoula, Montana V0E2G0 59807 Phone: 547-2131 Phone: 406-329-3612 Fax: 547-9304 Fax: 406-329-3612 GARLAND, Dr. John GOURLAY, Blair Timber Harvesting Specialist Mechanized Harvesting Manager Oregon State University Finning Ltd. 221 Peavy Hall - OSU 555 Great Northern Way Corvallis, Oregon Vancouver, B.C. 97331-5706 V5T 1E2 Phone: 503-737-3128 Phone: 872-4444 Fax: 503-737-2668 Fax: 872-2994 GARVER, Jeff GREENE, Dale Forest Manager Associate Professor Oregon State University University of Georgia Peavy Hall, Room 218 School of Forest Resources Corvallis, Oregon Athens, GA. 97331-5711 30602 Phone: 503-737-4452 Phone: 404-542-6652 Fax: 503-737-2315 Fax: 404-542-8356 HAMILTON, Cec HIRCZY, Bella Occupational Safety Officer Operations Engineer Workers' Compensation Board of B.C. B.C. Forest Service 5961 Westminster Highway 1450 Government Street Richmond, B.C. Victoria, B.C. V7C 1C6 V8W 3E7 Phone: 276-3099 Phone: 387-8630 Fax: 276-3292 Fax: 387-6445 HANSON, Rick HOFFMAN, D.G, Logging Superintendent Manager Engineering & Forestry Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd. Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd. Box 310 P.O. Box 9502 MacKenzie, B.C. 815 W. Hastings Street V0J2C0 Vancouver, B.C. Phone: 997-2588 V6B 5K9 Fax: 997-2568 Phone: 654-4924 Fax: 654-4960 HASSAN, Awatif Professor HORVATH, Stephen North Carolina State University Timberland Manager Forestry Department Givstina Land & Timber Box 8002 P.O. Box 989 Raleigh, NC Eugene, Oregon 27695-8002 97440 Phone: 919-737-7577 Phone: 503-345-2301 Fax: 919-737-7231 Fax: 503-345-2305 HEMPHILL, Dallas JANCSIK, Charhe President Engineer Logging Engineering Intemational, Inc. Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd. 3621 Vine Maple Street P.O. Bag 9000 Eugene, Oregon Port McNeill, B.C. 97405 VON 2R0 Phone: 503-683-8383 Phone: 928-3111 Fax: 503-683-8144 Fax: 928-3060 HILL, Rory JARMER, Chris Divisional Engineer Research Asst. Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd. Oregon State University Box 2500 Peavy Halll, Room 213 Campbell River, B.C. Corvallis, Oregon V9W 5C5 97331 Phone: 287-9181 Phone: 503-737-4952 Fax: 287-3270 Fax: JEPSEN, Dan KELLOGG, Loren Superintendent of Forest Engineering Associate Ihrofessor G.V.R.D. Oregon State University 4330 Kingsway Forest Engineering Department Bumaby, B.C. Peavy Hall, Room 213 V5H 4G8 Corvallis, Oregon Phone: 432-6414 97331-5706 Fax: 432-6707 Phone: 503-737-2836 Fax: 503-737-2668 JOHNSON, Leonard Department Head KIMOTO, Ted University of Idaho Woodlands Division Manager Forest Pixxiucts Department MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Moscow, Idaho P.O. Box 6000 83843 Campbell River, B.C. Phone: 208-885-6600 V9W 5E1 Fax: 208-885-6226 Phone: 287-8881 Fax: 287-8387 JONES, Roy Engineer KOCKX, Greg Green Crow Researcher P.O. Box 489 FERIC Port Angeles, WA 2601 East MaU 98362 Vancouver, B.C. Phone: 206-452-3325 V6T 1Z4 Fax: 206-452-1424 Phone: 228-1555 Fax: 228-0999 JORDENS, Ron Field Engineer KRUMLDC, George B.C. Ministry of Forests Technical Adviser 4595 Canada Way B.C. Ministry of Forests Bumaby, B.C. 31 Bastion Square V5G 4L9 Victoria, B.C. Phone: 660-7640 V8W 3E7 Fax: 660-7778 Phone: 387-3040 Fax: 387-0046 KARR,BX. Associate Professor LARSON, Michael Forestry Department, MSU Construction Manager P.O. Drawer FR Crown Pacific Ltd.
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