New Spitalfields Market Tenants Listing KEY ORGANISATIONS THE CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION 14-18 Allen House Tel: 020 8518 7670 Fax: 020 8518 7449 Email: [email protected] SPITALFIELDS MARKET TENANTS ASSOCIATION Offices 5 & 6 Allen House Tel: 020 8556 1479 Fax: 020 8556 1033 Email: [email protected] RURAL PAYMENTS AGENCY Office 1, 1st Floor Allen House Tel: 020 8539 6147 Fax: 020 8539 7128 Email: [email protected] Web: www.rpa.gov.uk UNITE UNION Mr Ricky Thomas Tel: 07957 713929 1 COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS PRODUCE TYPE A1 VEG LTD T: 020 8988 0111 Fruit and vegetables Stands 69 & 70 F: 020 8556 0234 ABERDEEN & STANTON LTD T: 020 8556 3128 Fruit, vegetables and salad Stand 67 F: 020 8558 8935 E: [email protected] AHMED EXOTICS T: 020 8518 7008 Vegetables Stand 38 F: 020 8539 7757 E: [email protected] AKBAR GENERAL IMPORTERS T: 020 8558 7418 Ethnic Asian fruit and Stand 71 F: 020 8558 7410 vegetables E: [email protected] ALANCIA FRUIT & VEG T: 020 8539 0165 Onions, potatoes, garlic, Stands 83a & 83b F: 020 8988 0833 ginger and salad AMER SUPERFRESH T: 020 8556 0101 Coriander, herbs, spinach, Stands 93a & 108 F: 020 8556 0419 fruit and vegetables E: [email protected] BALA IMPEX T: 020 8558 5874 Indian vegetables Stands 76-77 F: 020 8558 1915 BOOKER HART LTD T: 020 8539 8787 British potatoes, parsnips, Stands 1a, 19 & 20 F: 020 8539 7236 carrots and onions BRAUND; WALTER BRAUND (SPITALFIELDS) LTD T: 020 8558 9868 Fruit Stand 62 F: 020 8558 7062 BRISTOW; R J BRISTOW & SON T: 020 8558 6655 Cut flowers, bedding plants, Stands 93b & 109 F: 020 8558 4768 shrubs & trees E: [email protected] W: www.rjbnsons.co.uk BRUCE; W BRUCE LTD T: 020 8558 8889 Salad Stand 10 F: 020 8556 7148 CATT; DAVID CATT (SPITALFIELDS) LTD T: 020 8558 9787 Salad, fruit and vegetables Stand 52 F: 020 8556 2168 E: [email protected] CAVANAGH; A W CAVANAGH (SPITALFIELDS) LTD T: 020 8556 3326 / 3637 Fruit and salad Stand 43 F: 020 8556 3894 COLES & WALL GROWERS LTD T: 020 8558 2424 Vegetables Stand 7 F: 020 8539 5855 CORNWELL; PETER CORNWELL & SON T: 020 8556 4006 Fruit, vegetables and salad Stand 30 F: 020 8556 4480 CULVERSTAR LTD T: 020 8558 7815 / 020 8518 7280 (Admin) Fruit, vegetables and salad Stands 1b & 1d F: 020 8558 7135 / 020 8558 8490 (Admin) E: [email protected] DONOVAN BROS LTD T: 020 8558 4181 Florist supplies Stand 105 W: www.donovanbros.com 2 EURO FRESH LTD T: 020 8556 0088 Salad, fruit and vegetables Stand 74 F: 020 8556 1001 EVERGREEN (SPITALFIELDS) LTD T: 020 8558 8855 Fruit & vegetables Stand 91 F: 020 8558 8855 E: [email protected] FRESH SALAD BOX LTD T: 020 8556 9584 Salad Stands 90, 103-104 F: 020 8556 9164 FRUIT 4 U T: 020 8558 5922 Fruit, vegetables and ginger Stand 79 F: 020 8558 6002 FRUIT INTERNATIONAL T: 020 8558 0819 Salad, fruit and vegetables Stands 44, 60b & 61 F: 020 8558 5544 GILGROVE (NEW SPITALFIELDS) LTD T: 020 8556 1416 Fruit, lettuce, salad, herbs and Stands 1C, 21-23 F: 020 8556 0679 mushrooms E: [email protected] W: www.candcgroup.co.uk HACKSHALL; J HACKSHALL LTD T: 020 8558 8672 Long established family Stand 15 F: 020 8558 7327 company going back nearly ninety years. Fruit, salads and vegetables. HAMMOND; ERNEST HAMMOND (LONDON) LTD T: 020 8556 4441 Vegetables Stand 68b F: 020 8556 4441 HUTCHINSON; ARTHUR HUTCHINSON LTD T: 020 8558 8000 Fruit, salad and root Stand 94 F: 020 8558 7089 vegetables E: [email protected] INTERNATIONAL GROWERS & WHOLESALERS LTD T: 020 8558 0555 / 020 8558 6200 Vegetables and fruit Stand 80 F: 020 8558 0555 / 020 8558 0555 E: [email protected] W: www.dhillonfarms.co.uk IQRA FRESH T: 020 8556 7273 Salad and vegetables Stands 83c & 84 F: 020 8558 7796 E: [email protected] J T PRODUCE LTD T: 020 8556 3228 Vegetables Stands 4, 24-27 F: 020 8558 6838 E: [email protected] W: www.jtproduce.com KEMSLEY; J T KEMSLEY (SPITALFIELDS) LTD T: 020 8558 7711 Fruit Stand 99 F: 020 8556 8726 KENYA VEG LTD T: 020 8558 5056 Vegetables, salad and fruit Stands 57-58 F: 020 8558 5657 KNIGHTS OF LONDON T: 020 8558 9842 Mushrooms and salad Stand 3 F: 020 8558 7018 KONG MING VEG T: 020 8558 8888 Chinese & Thai fruit, salad and Stands 63-65 F: 020 8558 6868 vegetables E: [email protected] 3 KPG BANANAS T: 020 8558 1940 Bananas Stand 85 LONDON FRUIT & VEG LTD T: 020 8556 3955 / 9045 Fruit, vegetables and salad Stands 78 & 95 F: 020 8539 0339 E: [email protected] LOTUS PRODUCE LTD T: 020 8556 4756 Vegetables and salad Stand 8 F: 020 8556 8295 MALIK; M H MALIK PRODUCE T: 020 8558 3721 Vegetables and salad Stands 53-54 F: 020 8558 3726 E: [email protected] MANGO FRESH INTERNATIONAL LTD T: 0208 556 2100 Stand 66 E: [email protected] W: www.mango-fresh.com MARSH; V MARSH (MUSHROOM & SALAD SALES) T: 020 8558 1111 Mushrooms and salads Stand 35 F: 020 8539 2006 M: 07860 721 921 E: [email protected] MIRPA LTD T: 020 8539 4044 Fruit and vegetables Stands 31-34 F: 020 8539 9881 E: [email protected] W: www.cyprofood.com M & M EXOTICS T: 020 8556 6100 Exotic vegetables Stand 62a F: 020 8556 7776 MONTGOMERY WHOLESALE FRUIT & VEG LTD T: 020 8558 4545 Fruit, vegetables and salad Stands 45-47 F: 020 8558 4930 NARTEK LTD T: 020 8539 7772 Fruit and vegetables Stands 41-42 & 60a F: 020 7681 2768 E: [email protected] W: www.nartek.co.uk NINAGOLD LTD T: 020 8539 8440 African and Caribbean Stand 18b F: 020 8539 6301 produce E: [email protected] NEALE; B J NEALE & CO LTD T: 020 8556 8580 Salad Stand 28 F: 020 8556 8580 NURU TRADING LLP T: 020 8558 6343 Salad, fruit, vegetables & Stand 82 E: [email protected] Ethnic foods W: www.nuru-agriculture.co.uk OLIVER; S OLIVER LTD T: 020 8556 1024 Salad Stand 81 F: 020 8556 1024 PAN; JIMMY PAN T: 020 8558 1665 Vegetables Stand 56 F: 020 8539 8852 PAN FRESH T: 07852 588 887 Fruit, vegetables & salad Stand 2b 4 PARSONS; J & J PARSONS (LONDON) LTD T: 020 8558 9999 Potatoes, onions, cabbage & Stand 92 F: 020 8558 9777 garlic importers E: [email protected] PAULS FRUIT & VEG (WESTERN INT) LTD T: 020 8558 2527 Asian vegetables Stand 11 F: 020 8558 2655 E: [email protected] W: www.paulsveg.com PAYNE SIMMONS LTD T: 020 8558 9045/9048 Specialists in soft fruits, in Stand 51 F: 020 8558 8875 particular, all types of berries. E: [email protected] Avocados and Isle of Wight tomatoes. PUNJAB EXOTIC FOOD LTD T: 020 8558 9445 All types of vegetables Stand 101 E: [email protected] especially Indian vegetables. W: www.punjabexoticfoods.co.uk RIDGWELL LTD T: 020 8558 9874 Fruit and vegetables Stand 12 F: 020 8558 5609 ROSHAN (UK) T: 020 8988 3885 Fruit and vegetables Stand 106 SALIKO T: 020 8518 7269 Salads, vegetables and exotics Stands 88b & 102 F: 020 8558 1556 E: [email protected] SANDELL; E C SANDELL & SON LTD T: 020 8558 9763 Fruit and salad Stand 14 F: 020 8556 2504 E: [email protected] SEXTON; A W SEXTON & SONS (STRATFORD) LTD T: 020 8556 6463 Salad and vegetables Stand 55 F: 020 8556 6415 E: [email protected] SHREEJI WHOLESALE T: 020 8558 8412 Asian fruit and vegetables Stand 107 F: 020 8558 8408 E: [email protected] W: www.shreejiwholesale.com SINGH & CO (VEG FRUIT) T: 020 8539 1166 Asian vegetables Stand 89 F: 020 8558 0470 SOUTHVIEW PRODUCE LTD T: 020 8556 5222 Citrus Stand 72 F: 020 8556 1274 E: [email protected] W: www.southviewproduce.co.uk SPECIAL FRUIT T: 020 8532 8882 Fruit and vegetables Stands 96a, 96b & 97 F: 020 8518 7226 W: www.specialfruit.co.uk STAR FRUIT & VEG T: 020 8471 0510 Fruit and vegetables Stand 16 E: [email protected] [email protected] SUNFRESH T: 020 8988 0600 Afro Caribbean fruit and Stands 59 & 75 F: 020 8988 0601 vegetables E: [email protected] 5 SUNNYFIELDS VEG T: 020 8558 3388 / 020 8558 2188 Vegetables, fruit and exotic Stands 2a & 48-50 F: 020 8558 1133 / 020 8988 3555 Oriental produce E: [email protected] W: www.sunnyfield328.com SUNRIPE EXOTICS LTD T: 020 8556 0200 Indian fruit and vegetables Stand 9 F: 020 8556 0200 THOROGOOD; S THOROGOOD & SONS (COV T: 020 8539 7836 Salads and vegetables GDN) LTD F: 020 8532 8645 throughout the year. British Stands 87 & 88a produce when in season. TROPICAL PRODUCE T: 020 8558 0909 Afro-Caribbean fruit and Stand 73 F: 020 8221 0727 vegetables E: [email protected] TROPIFRESH T: 020 8558 6760 Bananas, plantain, tropical Stands 16a, 17 & 40 F: 020 8558 5897 fruit and vegetables E: [email protected] W: www.tropifresh.co.uk TROPIFRUIT T: 020 8558 5065 Afro-Caribbean produce and Stand 100 F: 020 8539 4749 bananas TYDENE LTD T: 020 8558 8047 Fruit and vegetables Stands 5, 6, 29 & 86 F: 020 8558 7114 VITACRESS SALES LTD T: 020 8558 4026 Salad and fruit Stand 98 F: 020 8558 2452 WALDON (FRUIT) LTD T: 020 8558 8818 Fruit, vegetables and salad Stands 18a & 37 F: 020 8558 1216 E: [email protected] W: www.waldonfruit.co.uk WORLD FRUIT F: 020 8558 6912 Salad, fruit and vegetables Stands 13 & 36 E: [email protected] 5 STAR FRUIT & VEG (SPITALFIELDS) LTD T: 020 8558 8876 Asian vegetables, fruits, Stand 39 F: 020 8988 0530 plantain and yams.
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