May 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E873 Neither President Bill Clinton nor Presi- Although Clinton did not sign the inter- TRIBUTE TO SONNY CALLAHAN, dent George W. Bush signed the treaty, national mine ban, he ordered the Pentagon 2009 MOBILIAN OF THE YEAR which was negotiated in 1997 and took effect in 1998 to develop alternatives to anti- in 1999. Their rejections left the United personnel mines, with the goal of giving States at odds with more than 150 countries them up completely by 2006. HON. JO BONNER that embraced the accord, including every In 2004, in response to objections from the OF ALABAMA member of NATO. Pentagon, Bush adopted a different policy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The treaty prohibits the manufacture, that permits the U.S. military to use sophis- trade and stockpiling of land mines. The ticated mines that are designed to self-de- Tuesday, May 18, 2010 United States has not used antipersonnel struct within a fixed number of days. The Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I rise to pay mines since the Persian Gulf War in 1991 and idea was to reduce civilian casualties from stopped producing them in 1997, but the mili- unexploded mines left on the battlefield. tribute to former Alabama Congressman tary keeps about 10 million of them in re- At the same time, Bush set a deadline of Sonny Callahan, who was honored on April 8 serve. with the Mobilian of the Year Award, pre- In November, State Department spokes- 2010 for the U.S. military to end the use of man Ian Kelly announced that the Obama antipersonnel or anti-vehicle mines that sented by the Cottage Hill Civitan Club. administration had decided against signing lack timers. Obama administration officials Former Congressman Callahan received the the treaty, saying, ‘‘We would not be able to have said that they are on track to meet Bienville Plaque and a proclamation from meet our national defense needs nor our se- that deadline this year. Mayor Sam Jones. curity commitments to our friends and al- Neither China nor Russia has ratified the I was honored to deliver a tribute to Sonny lies.’’ But after Leahy and human-rights international mine ban treaty. Human rights Callahan’s life and career during the award groups say there is little pressure for them groups condemned the decision, the State celebration on April 8 and below is an excerpt Department said it would revisit the issue to do so as long as the United States doesn’t and conduct a broader policy review. sign. of my remarks. White House and State Department The Sonny Callahan story is much like spokesmen emphasized Friday that the ad- f that of many other young men his age—and ministration is in the midst of a comprehen- from that time in Mobile’s past. But Sonny, sive review, cutting across all affected agen- HONORING THE LIFE OF EL HADJ according to those who have known him the cies, that will not be completed for some AMADOU THIOUF longest, was always someone special. He had months. But two senior U.S. officials speak- the good looks, the charm and personality ing on the condition of anonymity indicated that made other people feel good about that the administration is actively looking HON. ED PASTOR themselves when they were with him. for ways to come into compliance with the He had a natural charisma and intellect, OF ARIZONA treaty without endangering national secu- often masked with that Reagan-esque self- rity needs. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES deprecating humor, that made Sonny, even ‘‘We are asking that if you come into com- Tuesday, May 18, 2010 to his peers and colleagues, a natural-born pliance, what would be the costs and the ben- leader that people gravitated to for his coun- efits—and if there are costs, how can they be Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam Speaker, I sel and advice, for his often unique perspec- addressed in other ways,’’ one senior official rise before you today to honor the life of a tive on life . or simply for a little humor said. The official described the administration’s great educator, El Hadj Amadou Thiouf. Born and levity to lighten the moment. review as ‘‘a herculean effort’’ intended to in Bargny, Senegal, he devoted his entire life As the story goes, we know he used those ‘‘cut through reflexive reactions’’ to the to the cause of education. Studying for 4 talents early on in the world of business and issue of eliminating land mines from the it was a success story that made for a nat- years at ecole normal William Ponty, an elite ural campaign brochure. Pentagon’s arsenal. school in Thies, Senegal, he was first as- Officials also said they welcomed the indi- I’ll never forget what our wonderful friend, cation of bipartisan support represented by signed to Lamingue, Kaolack, where he mentor and advisor, the late Bill Yeager, the Leahy letter. served for 2 years and met his wife Adj Fatou told me when I was first interviewing to be Another senior U.S. official, speaking on Ndoye. They were married on August 11, Sonny’s campaign press secretary back in the condition of anonymity to discuss inter- 1957. 1982 . Bill said, ‘‘Jo, Sonny’s story of a nal deliberations, said the administration is From 1957 to 1971, he lived in Rufisque self-made man who grew up with all the rea- looking at what new technologies could be where he taught at three different institutions: sons not to succeed, but overcoming one ob- used to bring the United States into compli- stacle after another, always finding a way to ance with the treaty while also allowing it Diokoul, Fass and Matar Seck. In 1971, he be successful, is not just biographical hype. to respond to threats such as North Korea. was sent to Matam, a city in northwest Sen- ‘‘Even if he is sometimes hard to pin- Some military officials want to maintain the egal, and then moving again, serving in down,’’ Bill told me, Sonny is truly one of U.S. stockpile in case it is needed to slow an Bargny, the city of his birth, from 1972 to the most decent human beings I have ever invasion of South Korea by the North. About 1975. known.’’ 30,000 U.S. forces are stationed in the South. In 1978, he returned to his hometown of And as Bill Yeager often was in his judg- The Pentagon declined to say whether it ment of others, he was right on the money as would support the treaty, citing the Obama Rufisque and became the principal of Thiokho Elementary School, the school close to his it related to Sonny. administration’s review. ‘‘It would be pre- Sonny’s early success on the campaign mature at this time to provide any state- home and where his children attended. There, trail . he was elected to the Alabama ment until the review is complete,’’ said he remained as principal until 1985, when he House in 1970 and only once—in the 14 times Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon press secretary. became the head of El Hadj Ousseynou his name appeared on the ballot—did he not Leahy, who has fought for a land-mine ban Diagne, the largest elementary school in finish first—was an omen of even bigger op- for many years, said there was bipartisan Rufisque. portunities that would come. support in Congress for ratifying the treaty. But Sonny wasn’t just someone who loved Ten Republicans have signed the letter to After a long and distinguished career as an educator, Mr. Thiouf retired on September 9, politics . he loved helping people. Obama, which Leahy said will be delivered to And that, my friends, is a distinction that the White House next week. The lead Repub- 1992. He is a recipient of the Ordre National sadly, too few of us make when it comes to lican co-sponsor is Sen. George V. Voinovich du Lion, Senegal’s highest national honor and lumping everyone in politics in the same vat. (Ohio), Leahy aides said. the Chevalier des Palmes Acade`miques for In November, Leahy criticized the Obama There were the light-hearted moments . administration’s initial decision to reject his lifelong dedication and commitment to edu- like the time when Sonny was driving to the treaty as ‘‘a default of U.S. leadership.’’ cation. Montgomery when the legislature was in ses- Since then, he said, White House and State In 1998, Mr. Thiouf and his wife became sion and his friend, Tommy Sandusky, had Department officials have left him with the permanent residents of the United States and finally gotten one of those Motorola car impression that they are seriously consid- spent half their time in the United States and phones almost a year after Sonny had gotten ering adopting the treaty, especially if he his first car telephone. the other half in Senegal. The story goes that Tommy was so proud can help deliver the votes in a Senate that is He is survived by his widow Fatou Ndoye usually sharply divided along partisan lines. of the fact that he had finally caught up to ‘‘It’s been a much more positive response and their 10 children: Mame, Diaraf, Abdou, Sonny, that he pulled up to Sonny in his car than I’ve seen in a long, long time,’’ Leahy Seynabou, Pape, Adj, Sokhna, Awa and Ma- at a stoplight in Montgomery, picked up the said of his talks with administration offi- homet.
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