i:WAN c E~.I~m~'trfrffire:o~[~A!J I ·e .":7ifll-I I:) !J( ~ ' / - KT il'~ A LEifER FROM "fH E PRESJ DEN"r-HECT De~r ETS member: Welcome to the ETS National Meeting for 2005 at Valley Forge. Our theme, "Christianity in the Early Centuries," was chosen by the Executive Committee in view of sev­ eral current developments. First the phenomenal sale (25 million plus copies) of Dan Brown's novel, The Da Vinci Code, has aroused great public interest in the possibility th<Jt the (Catholic) Church has engaged in a conspiracy to conceal the "fact" that Jesus was mM­ ried to Mary Magadalene, who Brown e1lleges was portrayed in Da Vinci's painting of The Last Supper. Second, Brown claims that his thesis is IJased in p~rt on the Gnostic Gospels, discovered at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945. While Brown's mystery novel may be easily dismissed as fictional fantasy, important scholars such as Elaine Pagels, Karen King, and Bart Ehrman have written popular expositions which challenge the accepted canon of New Testament documents, and the Eusebian narrative of orthodoxy and competing heterodoxies. They are also articulate spokespersons, who make a persuasive case on television, reaching a vast audience. Protestants in general, and evangelicals in particular have been criticized-with some justification-for leapfrogging from the New Testament er,1 to the Reformation, neglecting with disdain the intervening centuries. We are fortunate that we have four eminent church historians-Christopher Hall, Nicholas Perrin, Jeffrey Bingham, and Paul Trebilco-who will address these issues in their plenary addresses. We will also have a cornucopia of sessions examining various tssues of Early Christianity, " wealth of sessions on the Bible and theology, complementing a rich array of Study Groups. Yours in Christ, ~~0)1\1§ oooooooooo~ Edwin M. Yamauchi ~~ oooooooo~'F President-Elect, ETS ~~oooooo~ ~~ oooooooooo® ~~ ooooooooo~ ~~~ oooooooooo~ ~~ooooooooooo~ lru:l.l~~ ooooooj)TI - oooooooj)U ~0~ oooooooooooooo~ I I ~ <ll:Jl ~)jj!l, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~ ~call~ o 0 o , oelfl>4? ~ ~-11:= I?-1IDnJ 0 , ~ tD= f- 2 L -- _\ 57TH ANNUAL MEETING EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY (Please Register Early-Early Bird Rates if postmarked by Sept. 30) Name _________________Office Phone: ______Home Phone: _____ Name for Badge (no titles; please PRINn __________________________ 0 Spouse of attending member. Name for Badge: . (Spouses of members may attend conference sessions free.) Addr5s ___________________________________ City _____State/Prov. ________Zip/Postal Code _____,Country _______ Current Member of: 0 ETS Please indicate status. 0 Full 0 Associate 0 Student 0 ATS 0 EPS0 NEAS School _________________________________ Church (or other identification for those not associated directly with a school) ------------- No refunds after November 1. Name badges and banquet tickets will be sent to early registrants in the U.S.in mid­ to-late October. All others can be picked up Wed. a.m. at ETS registration desk. 0 Early Student Member Registration .............................................................................. $10.00 _______ 0 Early Member Registration .......................................................................................... $30.00 ------- 0 Late Student Member Registration: (Postmarked after Sept.30) .................................. $40.00 _______ 0 Late Member Registration: (Postmarked after Sept. 30) .............................................. $60.00 _______ 0 Non-Member Registration: (Non-ETS, EPS. ATS, NEAS) ............................................ $80.00 ------- 0 Banquet: (Thursday, 7:00 PM) Three course meal including salad, rolls, beverage and dessert licket(s): (includes tax, gratuity) ................................................................................ $20.00 ea. 0 Complete Conference MP3 CD ROMs (All Sessions Taped by Acts) .......................... $85.00 ------ This set of 4 or 5 CD ROMs must be ordered by Nov. 1st for this price . ....................................................................................................................................Total:$ Please enclose a check made out to the Evangelical Theological Society. Mail to: Dr. }ames A. Borland Secretaryffreasurer, ETS 200 Russell Woods Dr. Lynchburg, VA 24502-3574 Inquiries: (434) 237-5309 Phone & FAX E-MAIL: }ABorland®aol.com EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Application for (check one): 0 Full Membership.. ... ($30.00, if retired, $15) 0 Associate Membership . .($30.00, if retired, $15) 0 Student Membership ......................($15.00) Name _____________________ Date--------------- Address Phone •L_l ----------- City ____________State/Prov. ______ZII'/I~>st<>l Codc __Country ______ Present Position (with r<~nk) -----------------------------­ Institution-----------------------------------­ Education: School __________________ Degree Date School _____________________ Degree Date School ___________________ Degree Date School __________________ Degree Date Honorary Degrees __________________________________ Membership in Learned Societies ____________________________ Books Published: _________________ l'uhlisher: _____Date:------- Speci<>lized Field of Research ----------------------------­ Positions held other than the present --------------------------­ Denomination and Church Affiliation --------------------------- "The Bible alone and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God written, <tnd therefore inerrant in the autographs. God is a Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. each an uncreated person, one in essence, equal in power and glory." Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution re<ids: "Every member must subscribe in writing annually to the 'Doctrinal Basis'." Signature of Recommendt~tion by Society Member Signature of Applicant {For Student & Associt~te Applict~tions only) Persons you would recommend for membership: Name __________________________________ Address ____________________________________ Name Address------------------- Send to: Or. James A. Borland Phone: (434) 237-5309 Secretaryffreasurer, ETS Fax: (434) 237-5309 200 Russell Woods Or. E-mail: [email protected] Lynchburg, VA 24502-3574 Please enclose applicable fee. 4 / Christopher Hall* D. Jeffrey Bingham Dallas Theological ) \ Eastern University )' " Wednesday, 1:15-2:15 p.m. Seminary What Evangelicals and Thursday, 11:15-12:15 p.m. Liberals Can Learn from the Development and Owersity Church Fathers in Early Christianity Paul Trebilco* University of Otago / Friday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. / Nicholas Perrin* Gnostics in Asia Mmor in / \ Wheaton College the Early Second Century Wednesday, 8:15-9:15 p.m. CP Ignatius, and Others, Thomas, the Filth Gospel? as Witnesses aga1nst Bauer. :-:>c:!g 3iz:s:::g Southwestern Baptist Theological St'rninary I Thursday, 8:00-9:00 p.m. \ Faithfulness: A Prescription for Theology • Invited Gurests 5 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION ROOMS The early l_md regi5tr.·Jtion fee for current members of The ETS room r.ltes at the R.1disson and thC' Scant icon are $122 for a Single or Double; $132 for Triple•; .1nd $142 ETS, EPS, NEAS, .1ncl ATS is $JO if registered by for Quads. Fur reservations, please call HBH-267-1500 or September :-HJ ($1 0 for student members!. October 1 Jnd thereafter, the fee v.. ·ill be $60 for members and $40 for 610-337-2000 and mention ETS. These rates are good studenl5. The non-member registration fee is $80. through October 16, 2005. Please plan accordingly. Spouses of registered members may attenrl the confer­ We also hoiVe several hundred rooms r~t the Hilton Valley ence sessions without charge and wdl be provided w1th Forge, 251 W Dekalb Pike, King of Prussia 19406. J free name bJdge. Include the name of a non-member spouse who will auend. All tickets for the Thursday Phone:610-337-1200. Fax:610-337-1959. Rolesatlhe evening presidential hanfjuet are $20 (gratuity and tax Hilton are $122 for Single/Double; and $132 for included). Name hJdgcs and purch.1sed banquet tiCk­ TripleJQu<~d. These rooms will be held in our block until September 30. After th.1t time, based on avaibbility. cl(s) will be sent to all Nor1h American eculy registrants in mid-to-late October. Late registrat•on name badges will rooms may still he reserved at our rates until October 16. The Hilton is several miles from the Convention Center, be held at ETS registrJtion table (along with those outside but has agreed to make their hotel van ;wailahle to assist of North America). NJme badges must be worn to secure admittance tn any of the sessions or the Exhibit in transporting our guests to .1nO from the convent•on center. Hall. All presenters for ETS, EPS, NEAS, ATS, and Study Groups must register. TIMING Make checks payable to: Evangelical Theological Society. M;-Jil registration forrn ancl fees to: F.ach parallel session bsts 40 minutes. Since one of the primary purposes of the Annu11l Meeting is to give oppor­ Dr. ).1rnes A. Borl.1nd tunity for scholarly interJction, presenters Jre .1sked to Sccrct,lry!Treasurer, ETS complete the re<1dmg of their p.1pers in 25-JO minutes, 200 Russell Woods Drive leaving 10-15 minutes for interaction with the .1udicncc. Lynchburg, VA 245112-3.174 U.S.A. TAPING Of SESSIONS PhoneFax: 14341 2:17-'109 ETS Website: W\\w.etsjcts.org Tapes of sessions will be avJilahle Jt the ACTS, Inc. booth on the Convention Center Lower level nl'.lr the ETS On-site rcgistr<ttions arc accepted. The conference regis­ Registr.1tion .1rc.1. Acts, Inc. will be 1.1ping .1ll sessions tration ,1rca is on the Convention Cen!cr lower level in and placing them in a
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