Estimation of the transfer of vascular epiphytes, as a conservation strategy in the municipality of Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia. Valoración de la transferencia de epífitas vasculares, como una estrategia de conservación en el municipio de Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia Estimativa da transferência de epífitas vasculares, como estratégia de conservação no município de Aguazul, Casanare, Colômbia. Javier Orozco Ávila1 , Argemiro Valencia Marín2 & Jhon Fredy Betancur Pérez3 1Ingeniero Agrónomo, Magister en Producción Vegetal y Mejoramiento. 2Ingeniero Forestal, Magister en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente. 3Licenciado en Biología y Química, Especialista en Biología Molecular y Biotecnología, Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias. 1 Facultad de Ciencias Contables y Administrativas. 2, 3Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. 1, 2, 3 Centro de Investigación en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (CIMAD). Universidad de Manizales. Manizales. Colombia. 1 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract Epiphytes are plants that grow mainly attached to and Bromeliaceae Family recorded 5.56% of mor- trunks, branches of trees and shrubs. This research tality. As for herbivory, the orchid family filed a per- was conducted in the municipality of Aguazul, Ca- centage of 0.06%; the Bromeliaceae Family repor- sanare, Colombia, in order to evaluate conservation ted 0.11%, while the cactus family did not record any strategies through the transfer and recovery of vas- kind. The entomofauna was found mainly in the For- cular epiphytes. The selected population was 119 micidae group for the three families, being the Cac- individuals. The variables were number of leaves, taceae Family the one with a greater association, number of flowers, number of fruits, mortality rate, with 100%. According to the results, it is possible to herbivory and associated entomofauna. The infor- move the vascular epiphytic species to new habitats, mation collected was analyzed using descriptive which makes it a viable alternative for revegetation statistics. As a result, it was found that the Brome- of the affected area with conservation purposes. liaceae Family had the highest leaf development in the three monitorings. Bromeliaceae and Cactaceae Keywords: epiphytes, insect, conservation Families did not present flowering and Orchidaceae presented low flowering. Fruiting had a similar beha- Resumen vior for these three families. Cactaceae Family did Las epifitas son plantas que crecen adheri- not present mortality, Orchidaceae recorded 2.02% das a los troncos y ramas de árboles y arbustos 27 Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental – Volumen 8 Número 1 – enero - junio de 2017 – ISSN 2145-6097 principalmente. Esta investigación se realizó en el Resumo municipio de Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia, con As epifíticas são plantas que crescem nos troncos e el fin de evaluar estrategias de conservación me- galhos de arvores e arbustos. Esta pesquisa foi reali- diante el traslado y rescate de epífitas vasculares. zada na localidade de Aguazul, Casanare, Colômbia, La población seleccionada fue de 119 individuos. com a finalidade de avaliar estratégias de conser- Las variables evaluadas fueron: número de hojas, vação por médio de deslocamento e resgate de epifí- número de flores, número de frutos, porcentaje de ticas vasculares. A população selecionada foi de 119 mortalidad, herbivoría y entomofauna asociada. La indivíduos. As variáveis avaliadas foram: número de información se analizó mediante estadística des- folhas, número de flores, número de frutos, porcenta- criptiva. Como resultados se obtuvo que la familia gem de mortalidade, herbívoras e insetos associados. Bromeliaceae presentó el mayor desarrollo foliar A informação foi analisada por estatística descritiva. en los tres monitoreos. Las familias Bromeliaceae Como resultado foi obtido que a família Bromelia- y Cactaceae no presentaron floración y en la fami- ceae mostrou maior desenvolvimento foliar nos três lia Orchidaceae esta fue baja. La fructificación tuvo primeiros monitoramentos. As famílias Bromeliaceae un comportamiento similar para las tres familias. e Cactaceae não apresentaram floração e a família La Familia Cactaceae no presentó mortalidad, la Orchidaceae foi baixa. A frutificação teve um compor- familia Orchidaceae registró un 2,02%, y la familia tamento similar nas três famílias. A família Cactaceae Bromeliaceae un 5,56%. En cuanto a herbivoría, não apresentou mortalidade, a família Orchidaceae la familia Orchidaceae presentó un porcentajede mostrou 2,02% de mortalidade e a família Bromelia- 0,06%; la familia Bromeliaceae un 0,11%, mientras ceae 5,56%. No que referente a herbívoros, a família que la familia Cactacea no registró ninguna espe- Orchidaceae mostrou porcentagem de 0,06%; a famí- cie. La entomofauna asociada se presentó prin- lia Bromeliaceae de 0,11%, enquanto a familia Cacta- cipalmente en el orden Formicidae para las tres cea não mostrou nenhuma espécie. Os insetos asso- familias, siendo la familia Cactáceae la de mayor ciados foram identificados principalmente da ordem asociación con un 100%. Según los resultados es Formicidae para as três famílias, a família Cactáceae posible trasladar especies epífitas vasculares a teve 100% de associação. Segundo esses resultados nuevos hábitats naturales, por lo cual es una al- é possível deslocar espécies epifíticas para hábitats ternativa viable de revegetación del área afectada naturais novos como alternativa viável de vegetação con fines de conservación. de áreas afetadas com fins de conservação. Palabras clave: epífitas, entomofauna, conservación Palavras-chave: epifíticas, insetos associados, conservação. Introduction Colombia is classified within the group of the 14 and 73 families and in ferns and related plants the- countries hosting the highest rate of biodiversity re are 1,400 species, 115 genera and 32 families. on earth, called mega-diverse countries, sharing The records of 26,500 species of flowering plants this category with Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chi- represent 12% of the vegetable wealth of the world na, Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Kenya, (Rangel, 2005). Mexico, Peru, South Africa and Venezuela (Andra- de, 2011). The state of current knowledge indicates The Colombian Orinoco region, also called the that Colombia has 927 species, 264 genera and Eastern Plains of Colombia, home of biodiversity 72 families of mosses. In hepatics plants there are wealth, has approximately 17 million hectares and records of 840 species, 140 genera and 38 fami- contains three systems of land or landscapes: the lies, in lichens there are 1,515 species, 253 genera foothills, alluvial plains and high plains. It belongs 28 Estimation of the transfer of vascular epiphytes, as a conservation strategy in the municipality of Aguazul, Casanare, Colombia. to a macro system of global importance -tropical which account for 5% of the total biomass of the savanna-, whose topography allows agricultural ecosystem and have left behind the association mechanization and whose soils require careful with the land, using as support the treetops. They handling. Its northern border is the state of Apu- are mechanical parasites (Montana et al.,, 1997) re in Venezuela’s southwestern border; south with and avoid the need to produce logs, stems and the Guaviare River, west to the eastern highlands branches, as well as cells, organs and reinforced and east by the Orinoco River. The administrati- structures having the most plants. Epiphytism in- ve division of the Eastern Plains includes the de- volves 10% of vascular plants, including a large partments of Meta, Vichada, Arauca and Casanare number of ferns, Orchideaceae, Araceaey Brome- (Rippstein et al, 2001). liaceaae, and to a lesser extent, Gesneriaceae, Piperaceae, Cactaceae, Ericaceae Melostomata- In Colombia, the degree of threat for a species that ceae families (Benzing, 1998). is under extinction is estimated according to scienti- fic criteria, especially those developed by the Inter- Epiphytes play an important role in the dynamics national Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). of communities, by being stratified vertically from After rigorous studies, which take into account ob- the trunks of the trees to the tops of the cano- servations and data collected over many decades py, they offer a variety of niches and resources of research, experts elaborated listings in which the that are used by various groups of animals -ants, degree of threat for each species is studied they arthropods, amphibians, birds, etc.-, contributing have estimated and formulated recommendations to increase biodiversity in the communities where for conservation. This information, which is publis- they are. Moreover, epiphytes accumulate large hed in the series Red Book of endangered species amounts of water from their leaves, providing an of Colombia, serves as the technical basis of Re- alternative pathway in the dynamics of this resour- solution 383 of February 2010, issued by the Minis- ce within the forest. In addition, the epiphytic’s bio- try of Environment, Housing and Territorial Deve- mass established in the inner branches of trees, lopment (MAVDT), “in which they declare the wild house high- essential nutrients such as phospho- species that are threaten on national territory and rus and nitrogen that are subsequently recycled, other determinations are taken”. Several species of providing alternate routes to cycle nutrients and epiphytes are registered in Resolution 383 of 2010
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