aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology Corydoras desana, a new plated catfish from the upper rio Negro, Brazil, with comments on mimicry within Corydoradinae (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) Flávio C. T. Lima1, 2 and Ivan Sazima1 1) Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas “Adão José Cardoso”, Caixa Postal 6109, 13083-863, Campinas, SP, Brazil. 2) Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Accepted: 11 January 2017 Keywords mente mais abundante. Com base na morfologia do espin- Corydoras tukano, Rio Tiquié, Rio Uaupés, Lineage 1, ho peitoral, é aqui sugerido que as espécies de Corydoras Batesian mimicry. que pertencem à linhagem 1 são mímicos Batesianos de congêneres pertencentes às linhagens 6 a 9, ao invés de co- Abstract mímicos Müllerianos como recentemente suposto. A new Corydoras species is described from the Igarapé Castanha, a tributary of rio Tiquié, upper rio Negro basin, Résumé Brazil. The new species belongs to a basal clade of long- Une nouvelle espèce de Corydoras est décrite originaire de snouted Corydoras (Lineage 1 or Corydoras acutus species- l’Igarapé Castanha, un tributaire du rio Tiquié, bassin du group) and occurs syntopically with a co-mimic species, haut rio Negro, Brésil. La nouvelle espèce fait partie d’un Corydoras tukano, which is considerably more abundant. clade de base de Corydoras à long rostre (Lignage 1 ou Based on the pectoral-spine morphology, it is herein sug- groupe d’espèces Corydoras acutus) et vit syntopiquement gested that Corydoras species belonging to the Lineage 1 are avec une espèce co-mimétique, Corydoras tukano, qui est Batesian mimics of congeners belonging to Lineages 6 to 9, considérablement plus abondant. En nous basant sur la rather than Müllerian co-mimics as recently hypothesized. morphologie du rayon dur de la pectorale, nous suggérons ici que les espèces de Corydoras appartenant au Lignage 1 Zusammenfassung sont de mimétisme batésien avec des congénères faisant Beschrieben wird eine neue Corydoras-Art vom Igarapé partie des Lignages 6 à 9, plutôt que de co-mimétisme Castanha, einem Nebenfluss des Rio Tiquié, im Becken müllerien, comme on l’a supposé récemment. des oberen Rio Negro, Brasilien. Die neue Art gehört zu einer grundlegenden Klade langschnäuziger Corydoras Sommario (Abstammungslinie 1 oder Corydoras-acutus-Artengruppe) Una nuova specie di Corydoras è descritta dall’Igarapé und tritt syntopisch zusammen mit einer co-mimischen Castanha, un affluente del rio Tiquié, bacino superiore del Art Corydoras tukano auf, die weitaus häufiger ist. Auf der Rio Negro, Brasile. La nuova specie appartiene ad un clade Grundlage der Bruststachel-Morphologie wird hier die basale di Corydoras dal muso allungato (Linea 1 o gruppo Auffassung vertreten, dass die Corydoras-Arten der Ab- di specie Corydoras acutus) e abita lo stesso areale di una stammungslinie 1 eine Bates'sche Mimikry zu Gattungs - specie co-mimetica, Corydoras tukano, che è notevolmente angehörigen der Linien 6 bis 9 darstellen, und es sich nicht più abbondante. Sulla base della morfologia delle spine um Co-Mimik-Partner im Sinne der Müller'schen pettorali, viene qui proposto che le specie di Corydoras ap- Mimikry handelt, wie es kürzlich vorgeschlagen wurde. partenenti alla Linea 1 ricadano nel mimetismo Batesiano di congeneri appartenenti alle Linee da 6 a 9, piuttosto che Resumo nel mimetismo Mülleriano come recentemente ipotizzato. Uma nova espécie de Corydoras é descrita do Igarapé Cas- tanha, um tributário do rio Tiquié, nas cabeceiras da bacia do rio Negro, Brasil. A nova espécie pertence a um clado INTRODUCTION basal de Corydoras com focinho alongado (Linhagem 1 ou The genus Corydoras is the most speciose genus grupo Corydoras acutus) e ocorre sintopicamente com uma within the order Siluriformes, with almost 170 espécie co-mímica, Corydoras tukano, que é consideravel- species currently recognized (Tencatt & Ohara 19 aqua vol. 23 no. 1 - 18 January 2017 Corydoras desana, a new plated catfish from the upper rio Negro, Brazil, with comments on mimicry within Corydoradina 2016a) and several more awaiting to be formally Corydoradinae and recovered both species in dis- described (e.g., Fuller & Evers 2005). Our knowl- tinct clades, the new species in their Lineage 1, and edge of the taxonomy of the genus has advanced discussed this and another mimicry examples with- substantially during the last decades of the XX cen- in the subfamily. We herein describe the new Cory- tury, mainly due to the work of Han Nijssen and doras species and take the opportunity to comment Isaäc Isbrücker, who described a great percentage on the mimicry between species of the Lineage 1 (almost 30%) of the Corydoras species currently with Corydoras species belonging to other lineages considered as valid (e.g., Nijssen & Isbrücker proposed by Alexandrou et al. (2011). 1980a, 1986a). The phylogenetic relationships within the genus MATERIALS AND METHODS Corydoras are still relatively poorly known. The first Morphometric and meristic data were taken fol- phylogenetic hypothesis for the family was present- lowing Reis (1997) and Britto et al. (2007). Mea- ed by Reis (1998), who based it on morphological surements were obtained with 0.1 mm precision data, and established the subfamily Corydoradinae calipers. Teeth and vertebral counts were taken only for the genera Corydoras, Aspidoras, and Brochis, from cleared-and-stained (C&S) specimens, pre- but was unable to confirm the monophyly of Cory- pared according to Taylor & Van Dyke (1985). Ver- doras. Later, Britto (2003) presented another hy- tebral counts include only free centra, with the com- pothesis of phylogenetic relationships within the pound caudal centrum (preural 1 + ural 1) counted subfamily Corydoradinae, again based on morpho- as a single element. Lateral plate counts include all logical data, and proposed a monophyletic Corydo- dorsolateral and ventrolateral plates, except for a pair ras with the exclusion of some species which were of small, irregular platelets on caudal-fin base. In the recovered as forming a monophyletic clade sister to description, numbers assigned with an asterisk rep- the genus Aspidoras, for which the genus Scleromys- resent counts from the holotype. Osteological tax was ressurrected. In addition, the genus Brochis nomenclature follows the literature summarized by was synonymized with Corydoras. Britto (2003) Britto et al. (2007). Data for Corydoras orcesi, Cory- identified some monophyletic clades within the doras pastazensis, C. reynoldsi, and C. weitzmani was genus Corydoras, but most clades and taxa were re- taken from literature (Myers & Weitzman 1960, Ni- covered in a large unresolved polytomy. More re- jssen & Isbrücker 1983, 1986a) and pictures of liv- cently, Alexandrou et al. (2011) presented a new ing specimens (e.g., Nijssen & Isbrücker 1986b, phylogenetic analysis of Corydoradinae, based on Glaser et al. 1996, Fuller & Evers 2005). molecular data, including a huge taxa sampling, Institutional acronyms are: Academy of Natural and recovered eight clades within the subfamily, Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia two consisting of the genera Aspidoras and Scle- (ANSP), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da romystax, and six clades within Corydoras (which Amazônia, Manaus (INPA), Laboratório de Biolo- was not recovered as a monophyletic clade). gia e Genética de Peixes, Universidade Estadual We herein describe a new Corydoras species from Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Botucatu (LBP), a tributary of the rio Tiquié, one of the major trib- Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Museu utaries of the upper rio Negro basin, Amazonas, de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil. This undescribed species has been known at (MZUSP), and Museu de Zoologia da Universi- the aquarium hobby for some time where it is dade Estadual de Campinas “Adão José Cardoso”, known by the code name Corydoras sp. CW11 Campinas (ZUEC). (Alexandrou et al. 2011). Britto & Lima (2003: 89-90) examined one specimen of this undescribed species and compared it with Corydoras tukano, Corydoras desana, n. sp. which presents a similar color pattern. The first au- (Figs 1-4; Table I) thor collected four specimens of the new species at the Igarapé Castanha, a tributary of the rio Tiquié, Corydoras species: Britto & Lima 2003:89 (in part; in two distinct field trips in 2006, within schools comparison with Corydoras tukano; based on of the much more common congener C. tukano. MZUSP 82344). Alexandrou et al. (2011) included both the new Corydoras sp. CW11: Alexandrou et al. 2011: 86 species (cited as Corydoras sp. CW11) and Corydo- (phylogenetic relationships; mimicry with Cory- ras tukano in their large molecular phylogeny of doras tukano; rio Tiquié; photo). aqua vol. 23 no. 1 - 18 January 2017 20 Flávio C. T. Lima and Ivan Sazima Holotype: MZUSP 121044, 46.8 mm SL, Brazil, Table I. Morphometric data for Corydoras desana. N Amazonas, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, igarapé Cas- (number of specimens measured) = 18. tanha (trib. rio Tiquié), village of Santa Rosa, 0°4’38’’N, 69°41’27’’W; F. C. T. Lima et al., 27-30 Holotype Range Mean Nov. 2006. Standard length (mm) 46.8 24.1-51.0 - Paratypes: All from Brazil, Amazonas, São Gabriel da Cachoeira. MZUSP 93008, 1, 43.5 mm SL; Percents of standard length ZUEC 13491, 1, 43.5 mm SL; same data as holo- Depth of body 32.9 29.5-34.1 32.1 type. MZUSP 92163, 1, 43.4 mm SL: same local- Predorsal distance 48.9 47.9-52.9 50.2 ity; F. C. T. Lima, 3-4 Sept 2006. LBP 7712, 4, 24.1-51.0 mm SL, (two originally preserved in Prepelvic distance 44.9 44.9-48.8 46.9 ethanol, left pectoral and pelvic fins and part of left Preanal distance 77.4 74.6-81.6 77.8 side lateral plates removed, one 49.1 mm SL spec- Preadipose distance 80.1 75.9-83.9 80.3 imen C&S); MNRJ 48942, 2, 34.7-49.3 mm SL; Length of dorsal spine 22.0 19.0-23.7 21.5 ANSP 200804, 2, 31.3-45.3 mm SL; INPA 53198, 2, 27.8-37.8 mm SL; MCP 50980, 2, Length of pectoral spine 21.8 17.4-22.2 20.6 29.1-42.2 mm SL; ZUEC 13492, 2, 26.2-32.1 Length of adipose-fin spine 9.4 8.2-14.1 10.9 mm SL: Igarapé Castanha (trib.
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