VOL. XXVIII, No. 15 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] JANUARY 7, 1926 Plan for Unified Campus Development Made Public by Board of Trustees Robert Boyd Ward Fund Gives Cor- nell $50,000 for Special Emergencies Basketball Team Breaks Even in Four Games During Christmas Vacation Trip Dean Dexter S. Kimball Addresses Annual Sigma Xi Dinner in New York Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 123 ΛVest State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscription $4 00 per year Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at Ithaca, New York. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Hemphill, Noyes CB, Co. ESTABROOK & CO. 37 Wall Street, New York DO YOU Investment Securities need a position Sound Investments Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse want a position New York Boston Jansen Noyes '10 Clifford Hemphill 24 Broad 15 State Stanton Griffis '10 Harold Strong know of a position ROGER H. WILLIAMS, '95 Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward New York Resident Partner J. Stanley Davis L. M. Blancke '15 SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Members of the New York Stock Exchange The Cornell Club of New York maintains a Ithaca Committee on Trust Company Business Placements for the purpose of bringing Cornell men and jobs together Resources Over Send your information to or Five Million Dollars consult with Review Courses Charles Borgos Ί6, Chairman at the Jan. 4-Jan. 30 for entrance exams., CORNELL CLUB OF etc. President Charles E. Treman Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell NEW YORK Treasurer Sherman Peer 245 Madison Avenue Cashier A. B. Wellar Ass't Cashier Lorenzo Clinton New York City Lehigh Valley Service FLOWERS to ITHACA by WIRE Four trains daily between New York, delivered promptly Newark, Philadelphia and Ithaca to any address in Leaves The The The Wilkes-Barre the civilized world. Black Diamond Chicagoan Lehigh Limited Night Exp. Pennsylvania Station, New York 8.50 A.M. II.5O A.M. 8.IO P.M. 1.05 A.M. t with Flo wers " Elizabeth & Meeker Avenues, Newark 9.24 A.M. 12.24 P.M. 8.44 P.M. Reading Terminal, Every event is an Philadelphia 9.20 A.M. 12.40 P.M. 8.40 P.M. I.IO A.M. occasion for flowers Arrives Ithaca 4.49 P.M. 8.21 P.M. *5.oo A.M. 10.40 A.M. * Sleepers may be occupied until 8.00 A. .M Similarly convenient service eastward. You will feel at home on The Route of The Black Diamond The Bool Floral Company, Inc. I/ehigh\klley Railroad "The House of Universal Service" Clhe Route of The Black Diamond Ithaca, New.York CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXVIII, No. 15 ITHACA, N. Y., JANUARY 7, 1926 PRICE 12 CENTS RUNKS at the Lehigh, trunks at composed of "Alma Mater," "Give My harness business in 1900. His first store the Lackawanna, trunks at the Regards to Davy," the "Song of the under the management of Allen J. TAmerican Express! Everybody Classes," the "Alumni Song," and the Calkins, was located at the corner of State travels with a trunk these days. Street- "Evening Song." The march medley in- and Tioga Streets in the building now car conductors begin to beam when the cludes "Fight for Cornell" and "Cornell occupied by the Wells-Shannon Com- students come in. They know students. Victorious." pany. The last location was at 123 East Queer chaps, those conductors. They State Street, near Treman, King and THE Sun in the issue of December 12 never quit, or get fired, or die, or any- Company. Of late years the bulk of the inaugurated a new column entitled "In- thing. Hamburger sandwiches on Eddy business has been confined to trunks and nocents Abroad," the purpose of which is Street are fifteen cents each. Hot dogs traveling bags. Mr. Calkins is, perhaps, to present the news, controversies, and better known to older Cornellians as the ten. The Greeks are a national menace. items of interest in other universities to In spite of all this talk about the irrever- proprietor of The Stag and The Oriental, Cornell students. ent attitude of colleges in general there famous drinking places in their day. are a lot of churches in Ithaca. And if one KiRBY PAGE, noted writer, lecturer, and THE DEPARTMENT of Publications of the looks closely enough he will observe that a teacher, addressed the members of the College of Agriculture mailed out 1,069,233 good percentage of the regular attendants Saturday Lunch Club and their guests at copies of agricultural bulletins and rural a luncheon in the Savings Bank Restau- are students. The country will probably school leaflets from January i to Novem- rant on December 12. His topic was "The hold together for another decade. ber 30, 1925, according to a report of the World Court." In collaboration with RETURNED Christmas vacationists lack department recently made public. During Sherwood Eddy, Mr. Page has written the mental alertness and physical vigor the month of November alone requests numerous treatises on peace and war, the which was so much in evidence at the be- were filled for 106,309 copies. The bulle- League of Nations, and the problems of ginning of the term. Dances, dinners, tins and leaflets include reports and in- international peace. girls, to say nothing of final examinations formation on practically all branches of THE BITTER struggle between local em- three weeks away, have left their marks on agricultural projects. the Cornell undergraduate. He is serious, ployers and the Ithaca Musicians' Union, A ZONING ordinance for the village of bleary-eyed, and dumb. In another week which has continued unabated all the fall, provided another dramatic episode on Cayuga Heights, enacted by the Board of he will be too busy to think about himself Trustees of that village, went into effect on but—Junior Week is just around the Christmas Eve. The Cornell Officers' Club, in arranging for its annual Christ- January i. One clause of the ordinance corner. mas dance, to be given in the Bank which has excited considerable controversy THE WEATHER during vacation varied Auditorium, secured Jimmy Day's Or- and contention prohibits the building of from six degrees below zero on December chestra from Elmira as the musicians for college fraternity houses in the major 27 to forty above on January I. A snow- the evening. After both the orchestra and portion of the village. The arbitrary storm on December 26 tied up bus service guests had arrived for the dance members character of this and other restrictions, between Ithaca and Auburn and greatly of the local union attempted to stop the however, is lessened by the appointment impeded automobile traffic in all directions. program and succeeded in delaying the of a Board of Appeals which will review Social Ithaca indulged in the usual round opening until it became doubtful if the any appeal from the decision of the zoning of dinners with a few extra thrown in and dance would be held at all. Although the officer. This Board will probably decide in one or two dances. Willard Straight Hall Elmira orchestra finally fulfilled its con- favor of fraternities which already own was open every day and provided a wel- tract, it is understood that the matter is building lots in the village. come meeting place for those unfortun- not settled and that complaints will be GEORGE R. CONKLIN '27, who plunged ates who were unable to go home. Skating made to the Elmira local union of which one hundred and fifty feet into Fall Creek on Beebe Lake was a popular sport. Jimmy Day's orchestra is a member. gorge in a Ford automobile and lived to tell THE CHIMES, played by Assistant EZRA CORNELL '27 of Denver, Colorado, the tale, has sufficiently recovered from his Chimesmaster Charles B. Lipa '27 of great-grandson of the founder of the Uni- injuries to be removed from the Infirmary Utica, N. Y., rendered a forty-five- versity, and Robert H. Stier '26 of Cynwyd, to his home in Poughkeepsie. His rapid minute program on Chrktmas Eve and a Pennsylvania, were injured in an automo- recovery has led attending physicians to thirty-minute program on December 31. bile wreck on December 23. Cornell and believe that he suffered no serious in- The Christmas program, which began at Stier were returning from Elmira on the ternal injuries. Conklin's unusual ex- twelve o'clock midnight, included Adeste Ithaca-Elmira highway about midnight of perience and the fact that he was a work- Fidelies, "It Came Upon the Midnight December 23 when the Buick car which ing student aroused such interest that a Clear", "O Little Town Of Bethlehem", they were driving skidded on the icy road fund was started to make him a substantial "We Three Kings of Orient Are", and "The near Newfield, crashed into a tree, over- donation. On January 2 this fund had First Noel". The New Year's program be- turned, and pinned both its occupants reached a total of $872. gan at 11.45 p.m. It included Saint Anne, underneath. In the crash the gasoline HON. DANIEL A. REED '98, Member of Saint George, "Marche Romaine", "The tank of the roadster was damaged and Congress from the forty-third district of Bells of Saint Mary's", and "The Legend caught fire, but both students were New York, has been made Chairman of of the Bells". extricated by a farmer who heard the the House Committee on Education. LOCAL MUSIC dealers report that the crash, and were rushed to the Infirmary.
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