L gy WWP "TnTST" T A TP 8 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. -- u,i.u, .... ... , ...., ,, wm i....i. w. 'u ..w ...nw, t, t ,.w M...wwewwTOWW u; JJfmllv.ig$& VOL. XIX. N" BY DANIEL BRADFORD, 1050. LEXINGTON. SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1806. ,, tru.f.j..CTmrJrCTrrrjTr:n.Ti.v.-- .tnwA,-- .. .inuagtaiiiasieabMtfiiMmirfirrtm TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. DOWNING; vogrvsw sc$6. M. Bibb, JOSEPH BdSWELL, 7st Received bv RvmJr FULLY informs his HA Q f emoved to his farm, seven WILKINS 6? paperis published twice a week, WILL continue to exercise his TANNEHILDf THIS frieiifls Tiki the publick in general. miles of Letinirton. nenr the Rev. A. And now opening in profeffiAn counsel and attorney in et the store 08 at Three Dollars and a half per annum, of at law, Dud!cs; u here he will nractice Medicine in those ciicuit courts in which he has heretofore that he continues to keep a house of Dollars the all its different branches. He has on hand a house, aid for sale by Daeka, paid in advance, or Four at practiled, and in the court of appeals, and i.IN IH.KTA1NAIENT, the Jj nm-,- P large quantity of Genuine Medicine, which lit 10 bbls. l!h n.:,,.:.-0- n' J . court ot the United States, for the Kentucky in end of the year. that commodious framehoufe, on win sen oy wliole sale or retail. 10 Jamaica Spirits. must diftricr. Editor, Main Street, oppdfite the He also ofTtrs for sale, two hundred and six, Vi Madeira :- Those who write to the Court L. P. 1 -r house, sign acres of first rate JU Sherry, . their letters. at the of V pay the poltage of 9081 'C'PJEj MILITARY LAND, 4 Cpleinehar, wines; ' D IriE liUFFALOE: near Hombeck's mill 4 Port, . sanara .131X11 Vfl Clarke countv. a pan of " JM d where he is prencred to accommo , 8 Pepper, UJJjfel 3l IUOJJ y pUE 'iStUJOI w.. H.1UI..IUU aurvey. wui late ' uisis. lie 10 g date Travellers, and others who may CasllorYouilgNegi-besforit- ' COMMISSION 3ii ttiojj S3iui jnoqe 'uauj32j03) 03 6 " ?AvjiN, STORAGE & call tfo Fayette county, 10th Feb. 1806. Allum, iojSuiX3T uidjj peoj sip 110 'sauunoa please to on him, in the bed man 15 ner. Copperas, subscriber respectfully jjjsXe u; jjud ptiE ';ioag ui jiEd sai He is well provided with a 10 Ginger, VnpHE piiB aSpnf variety of the befl liquors his Bed 10 Madder, ' 3 infnrMhc nublick. that he has Utcly 3ij 'jiajiuiq aoj ptrc pue M V A L. in oj 1 8 Chocolate. 1 ftpencd alums.? of ENTERTAINMENT 3il 33j o; irjiM pjnoAi. MJfiqiJrid Sin ding and other accommodations will Ji 50 boxes Segals, - Maysvillc, (Limestone) at the sign of the uojjsd Aue pjoddnj se 'XiEjjaasu be furnished equal anv in thg --4:. in,;, j to w."cr 1 case, - f . ... 7 coiitainiig- 1 Nutmegs, ClortSM SQUARE & COMPASS. ne iwusc -- tin aq pjnoiV sajiuiajd aqi jo uoitdusjap Wellern Countrv. His Stable is TT:i: -- removed his Mate ahd I, .tnMi (msive. am. both ari HAS store to the Cinnamon. jaqjjnj Xiiy "spuj Jsqjo jo ssjjj inij well Lea-vy'- Logwood,. furnished with eVm' thing necessary for tJic supplied with Hay, Oats, and white house, opposite Mr. pjsiaj 'piEqsJo qocsd piiE wliere 10 boxes accommodation of travellers and others, who aaqio puE Corn, and his Oftlerparticularlyat-tentive-- , he has received and iust onentd. a ? I new and 10 do. Hysofskm, 'TEAS .u:i, nnnn.. tn fnvnr him with a call. He 3ddE UE UOIJEAIlina Ut S313E 001 ?0 and careful. who large assortment of choice Those 35 bbls. Criffee and Suo-ar- ,' t u;th . at m. and convenient W AKfc. spjEAidn 'S3J3E jnd'qs Suiuiej Loaf ,;,ii ijjiai OCS are so obliging as to call on FRESH GOODS. liaisons itkcjrs. it -- him, may HOUSE, for the reception of goods, equal, UOD '3AIJ AVOU qajtiAv uo Vhich he offers to his friends and the public at J (JNVT J rest aflured fliall The above aitidej will .. ' hnt nnv 1I1 tie P1.1CC. I1U m "" that they receive the most liberal and reduced prices. hn.r..A c.rrrtn for moderale,advance, by tIiebsrieloi-p--karx- - SALES upon COMMISSION, the greatelt and every ex '" wake attention, Cash or Negotiable Notes at &0 "' those who may have any thing to transact in "NIVOHVa XV3HO days ertion will be made to make A supnly of GROC.KU iwg ...-.- ) will be done, together with the their j, u. that way, which situation agreeable.. 'ALTER WARFIELD, ffulsrly leceiied from Pli;u.w.rr';.ili;... i- -i ... ctni-in- most reduced Private par nnon the REMOVAL. xtr:il n;. enable r. ex- - w to furrt store hthlrk terms. He flatters himself, that from the ties may be accommodated with a keepersor physic .. v.. has had in mercantile transactions, and Surgery, ..j mivji l4 uis. r p perience he (jMsl CONDON, Tailoii, rdorn undisturbed by the bustle of a Lexington, and its vicinity. Hp lrppn: hi to business, and a desire to be useful, attention HAS removed his fhopto a fniall red tavern. (hop in the house lately occupied by Doftors part of the public patronage. - merit a house, on Main street,the second door above Lexingtqn, April Brown and Warfield. JOSEPH GRAY, SAMl. JANUARY. 10... HAS removed ,. mr. Laudeman's; wherehe purposes carrying Lexington, Feb. 19,1835. hii Stnr-- m nJ on liis business as usual. Thole gentlemen LEAVY & GATE WOOD. house, opposite Samuel & Georrc roti TAVERN, cus- f .WEISIGER'S who miy please to savour him with their Have just imported from Philadelphia and teis, lately occupied by MefiYs, may depend on having their work done Hart Frankfort, Kentucky. tom, caiiimorc, ano are now opening at their ALEXANDER Bartlett ; ahd has iult rerpi : alS in the belt manner. store. PARKER in Lexington. Has just imported from Philadelphia, dition to his former affortment,' Subscri- N. B. He willies to sell a LOT of A and a ery The Large, Elegant, and Well Chosen opened at his store in Lexington, (on ciegunt luppiy ot ber, refpeftfully GROUND,lying on Mill street, adjoining Col. Assortment is present under good enclofurej of uppuutc tne ruoiic GOODS . informs thepub- - Htrt's It at ...,ii,Square) ' 11 and a biick house on that will make anejt. IERCHANDIZEj which will be sold a ii H HjJ licjthathehasta-i-pi- i it, A very cheap for. Cam. Lexington, March 1806. Confiflinir extensive and elegant assortment noITeffion of celleht liable. 3, of Lexington, March brJoods, Groceries, Iron Moncerv. 5, 1806. his house, lately TAYLOR, itY GOODS, nrcuniedbyCap. HARD utiery, Saddlery, Chinai Queens' 20 o-eJie- FULLY informs his friends and and GROCERIES, DOLLARS REWARD', by the r.gnbf Glass Ware, Stationery Paints Phillip xiufh, and known ck, that he has opened a HARD WARE, KAN away on .. and Chrinm3! l,n " Medicine, warranted Boulting TTT ' , " "" Ne House Entertainment, QUEEN'S, GLASS & vv oman THE EAGLE. of Cloths, from No. 4 to 7 ; and in ad- CHINA B" named JbETTY.helonc-i- in brick house lately WARES. td the " liberal encourage' that laree and commodious dition, they have a large of iubltnber, she is about 2g fea3 Grateful for the very 1 quantity tor-m- er occupied b) Mr. John Instone, in Frankfort Also, the belt imported - which he has experienced on bell quality of Iron, cut and wrought "Q- "' vuinmgn nature, lpare antt went determined that rt wncre ne is suppiieu wiui xue oesi uj uijuurs Bar Iron and Castings, eredt.fond of ftrohg occasions, he is and prorisions ot nine. His stauie is Nails, e a quantity, of Man's Lick dririk, and whed expence, or attention lhall w forage, miortea, which he will sell on the molt intoxicated very exertion, well furnished with and an attentive ost Salt. moderate infoIentKer cloatbi accomodation terms for cadi. hemn. --fait-- afifl mg confitttd wanting, to promote the ler. From the arrangements made to accom AH of which were purchased at the lowed .... , . 11 -- .. of two or three whit. m,,fc please favon. h.m will iuaueiugar. of thofeVho may to modate his isitants, and the attention that Calh prices, and will enable them to felHhem, hn dreffes, one of fancy chinta, falmod house-i-s large will share whole jiay 23, 1806. their custom. His be paid them, he natters himself he either by sale or retail, very low for coloured liniey petticoati wl,W- .- with has - - and, his rooms are commodious-- He the pubucK lavour. CASH. dockings and fird quality, good shoes, yith fundr a variety pf liquors of the tramaort, uaooer m, itsua. omer supplied with THOMAS HICKEY, J. 6? D. MACCOUN; cioatnmg ot good quality. I be and his table is plentifully Tailor, heve this season affords. Dollars Ritiard. MajACwlJ Street, Lexincton. oooofite negro was harboured for foirio the heft viands that the . ..-- . Mr. received from Philadelphia lhall from Geornetown, on Sun- - s rjAVE time in and near this To his beds particular attention new Brick House L I and now opening place, and is remoi liable, abun- th March, a at their Store on ved, no doubt is be paid. He has a TrJacious his services to his friends Main street, oppolite the Public Square furnished with a part corn, oats & hay, lOOD bay filley, thcTJaSlick to Clarke dantly furnished with 5 flatters himself that frdm his An Extensive Assortment of couhtjr, Baiidftown or Dan: -- J - ...,;.. VintUrr tn attend It. two years old this spring, branded on the long experience in the principal cities of Eu ville. timebe turniin--- 1 rtear moulder w s, no wnue. or otner rope, and being lately rrdril Philadelphia, CHANDIZE 6f STATI- Gentlemen mayatan will MJH I will pay the above regard so ...:.u nriutc rrinms.
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