Bench trial set for East Jordan elementary school teacher Charlevoix September 15, 2011 News 75¢ YOUR SOURce fOR LOcAL newS & SpORtS boynE City, CHaRLEVoix, EaSt JoRdan, ELLSwoRtH and SuRRounding aREaS LEFt: Charlevoix’s Charles Hamilton takes a pitch-out from quarterback andrew Pot - ter, and looks for positive yardage during the September 9th 45-6 Victory over Harbor $ " Sprngs PHoto by SCott RiCHaRdS " " ! # o Local High School " " $ ! ! Sports Coverage !! begins on Page 11 $ $" Developer takes Boyne CHARLEVOIX COunty COmmIssIOnER WOn’t REsIgn b. J. Conley commissioners. among commissioners. She said the City ZBA “We want to work together,” he said. board should attend more educational CHARLEVOIX — A county com - “If you cannot, I hope you would take meetings and constituents’ meetings to court missioner who was told to think about it upon yourself to resign from the to keep up with events, but that the resigning unless she could work with board.” Evans added: “I’m not asking board does not listen to her sugges - the other commissioners said she does that you [resign], I’m not telling you b. J. Conley tions. not plan to resign and that she has the [to resign].” But Evans rebuffed her statement support of the public. Tripp responded on Friday, Sept. 2, It’s been seven years since saying it was not true and that the First District County Commissioner in a telephone interview that she Boyne City issued an initial commission should put the past be - Shirlene Tripp who represents Hayes, would do what the people want. permit for a development hind it. on the city’s waterfront, but Bay and part of Charlevoix townships “Joel is not the one who put me in “Let’s look forward to working to - the project that was to be and part of the city of Charlevoix said office,” she said. gether,” he said. the Boyne Beach Club has she has received telephone calls from Commissioner Bob Drebenstedt not materialized and the both her constituents and the general said the lack of communications is a As of Sept. 2, Tripp and Evans had matter is now in court. public since the board of commission - major problem. not met for further discussion. Devlon Properties Inc., ers’ chairman, Joel Evans, said at an County CommiSSionER SHiRLEnE tRiPP “ere’s been a lack of communica - the developer, filed a case in Aug. 24 meeting that Tripp had vio - tions for a long time on this board and [email protected] the Charlevoix County Cir - lated the rules of ethics. the newspaper,]” Evans said. He re - it’s getting worse,” he said. cuit Court on September 1, “I’m disappointed in your quotes [in ferred to quotes that criticized other Tripp cited a lack of cooperation against the city of Boyne City Zoning Board of Ap - peals following a refusal by the ZBA to reinstate an ex - Mackinac Bridge Tractor & Truck Crossing & Show This Weekend pired second permit that was issued aer the first per - mit, issued on Sept. 8, 2004, by Jim akans expired. James Heavey of Devlon ig Rigs and Classic Properties met with the Tractors will be cross - ZBA on Aug. 2, seeking re - Bing the Mighty Mac instatement of the revoked in mass this coming week - second permit. Revoking end, with the 4th Annual the permit also means that Mackinac Bridge Antique the development plan ex - Tractor Crossing and the pires. 16th Annual Richard Crane e city ZBA members Truck Show events taking agreed with planning direc - place on each side of the tor Scott McPherson that no Straits of Mackinac. construction has begun at e Antique Tractor the site that is across from Crossing will start out as Glen’s Market on Lake hundreds of classic and Street. e city regulations unique tractors begin arriv - state the construction must ing in Mackinaw City on commence within two years ursday aernoon, Sep - from the date a permit is is - tember 15th. ose wishing sued. e second permit to have a look at the tractors was issued on Sept. 8, 2007. Devlon Properties claim bELow: mackinac bridge au - that construction began thority operations manager, dean Steiner, stands by as aer an Oct. 11, 2007 foot - hundreds of vintage tractors PHoto CouRtESy oF bob baumgRaS ing inspection was com - embark on their journey pleted on a pool building. across the mighty mac at the e work was discontinued 2010 mackinac bridge antique tractor Crossing event. in the spring of 2008. aboVE: the tractor show will be held at Kewadin Shores Casino all day Saturday and Sunday. PHoto CouRtESy oF CHum oStwaLd But the city’s position is that because the pool build - can ride a shuttle provided by Mackinaw City during the pa - the MMOGTA (Mid Michi - the Northern Michigan Fly - rade, at south entrance and gan Old Gas Tractor Associa - See Developer Sues, Page 2 wheelers Club from the park - north exit from the Bridge, tion) club out of Oakley ing area to the staging area and then there is a second pa - Michigan. at club has been between 3 and 7 pm. On Fri - rade through downtown St. around for nearly C4o0u RyteEaSrys P, Hoto Lg. 1-itemPizza day morning, those tractors Ignace. We expect over 800 and have up to 2,000 tractor at w/ 8-pc. Jumbo Wings will parade from the staging tractors, representing approxi - their annual show in Oakley.” area to the Bridge starting at 9 mately 35 clubs from Michi - Following the parade am. gan, Indiana, Ohio and through Mackinaw City, “ere are four areas to Wisconsin.” across the Mackinac Bridge, watch the tractors,” notes He adds, “is years Grand and through St. Ignace on Fri - event coordinator Bob Baum - Marshal will be Mr. Walt gras. “ose are in downtown Ritenburg, one of the founders See Tractors , Page 18 LOCATIONS IN GAYLORD, GRAYLING, PETOSKEY, EAST JORDAN inside BOYNE CITY, ALPENA Weather ............................................3 Mortgage rates are down! news Briefs ................................6-7 Ask us about renancing — call 237-9179 t nwbank.com Food & Dining ....................9 Health & Wellness ....................10 Local sports ........................11-13 Obituaries .....................................14 Classifieds/Real Estate ...15-17 Member FDIC Crossword .....................................17 PO Box 205, Boyne City, MI 49712 • www.CharlevoixCountyNews.com • (989) 732-8160 • [email protected] 3 3 . o N t i m r e P i M , y t i C e n y o B PUBLIC NOTICE The Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners will d i a P hold a public hearing on the proposed 2012 Budget e g a t s o P S U on Wednesday, September 28 at 7:15 p.m. The meet - l i a M d r a d n a t S ing will be held at the county building. Enter through the south entrance. The commissioners will also vote on an additional millage increase . Page 2 • Charlevoix County News September 15, 2011 CALL (989) 732-8160 FAX (888) 854-7441 Local News EMAIL: [email protected] THURSDAY FRiDAY SATURDAY SUnDAY MonDAY TUESDAY r record temps e day..........avg. High........avg. Low................Record High..............Record Low 9/15 ...........68°F ...........47°F ..........82°F (1994) ........29°F (1983) h 9/16 .......... 68°F ...........47°F ..........88°F (1955) ........30°F (1984) t 9/17 .......... 68°F ...........46°F ..........86°F (1955) ........27°F (1959) a 9/18 ...........67°F ...........46°F ..........89°F (1955) ........26°F (1981) 9/19 ...........67°F ...........46°F ..........84°F (1955) ........28°F (1979) e HigH: mid 50’s HigH: Low 60’s HigH: mid 60’s HigH: Low 70’s HigH: Low 70’s HigH: Low 70’s 9/20 ...........67°F ...........45°F ..........81°F (1965) ........27°F (1956) 9/21 .......... 66°F ...........45°F ..........80°F (1970) ........28°F (1956) w Low: High 30’s Low: Low 40’s Low: Low 40’s Low: upper 40’s Low: Low 50’s Low: Low 50’s Waylon James Habasco, 18, ris, 27, Elkhart, IN. stance Act ........................2 9:24pm Checked on suspicious 500 block of Front St. Subject COUNTY RECORDS Elmira. Malicious destruction of vehicle on M-75 S claiming to be his grandson property. Sentenced to pay wednesday, September 7 and needing money. aSSumEd namES: $300 in fines and costs and CHARLEVOIX COUNTY BOYNE CITY 11:46am 911 hang up call from 4:46pm Report of assault in the The following businesses re - $242.59 in restitution and to 93 the 1000 block of Boyne Av. 1000 block of Boyne Av cently filed with the Charlevoix County Clerk's office for an as - days in jail, 83 days held in SHERIFF’S DEPT. POLICE DEPT. All OK 6:32pm Report of lawn mower sumed name for doing business: abeyance, 10 days of commu - September 5-11 12:47pm 911 hang up call from stolen from garage in the 400 monday, September 5 Solanas Outdoor Center, nity service and nine months on 911 Hang Up Call ................2 the 1000 block of Boyne Av. block of Boyne Av 3:13am Assist Sheriff Depart - 210A West Carpenter, Box probation. Abandoned Vehicle ..............1 All OK 7:17pm Report of dog running ment with injury accident on 159, Charlevoix by Paul Os - Jonathon Cevin Hiller Kline, Abuse ..................................0 2:13pm Report of 2 vehicle at large on Silver St. Unable to Pleasant Valley Rd terberg. 20, Petoskey. Driving without a Alarm ...................................5 property damage accident in catch license on person. Sentenced to 5:02am Received false alarm in Ultimate Wildlife Taxi - Animal Complaint ..............30 the 500 block of Boyne Av that 9:02pm Car deer accident on pay $200 in fines and costs. the Industrial Park had occurred the day before.
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