Harding University Scholar Works at Harding The Bison Archives and Special Collections 9-30-1977 The Bison, September 30, 1977 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.harding.edu/thebison Recommended Citation The Bison, September 30, 1977. (1977). Retrieved from https://scholarworks.harding.edu/thebison/1124 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at Scholar Works at Harding. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Bison by an authorized administrator of Scholar Works at Harding. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Construction plans Set for auditorium by Clssy Howell cluded. A large lobby will be used Construction is slated to begin to facilitate the now of traffic In March 1 on the George S. Benson and out of the auditorium. Auditorium, the final project In The new structlD'e will be used President Clifton Ganus' for playa, American Studlea "Decade of Develo.-nent." ~era, lectureehi.. , Spring The new complex, named after Sing, and otber college events. the former Himling president Acc:ordlng to Crouch, 80 to 90 who served from 1936-1965, will percent ~ ill use will be for be bUilt adjacent to the Stevens Chapel aervices. Art Center where the old "Because of the large tennis courts are currently enrollment at Harding, two located. chapel services are necessary The $2.6 million structure will each day," he said. ''With the have a seating capacity of 3,400 completioo of the auditorium, the and is expected to be completed problem will he ellmi.nated Iince by the fall ~ 19'79, according to everyone can gather at one David Crouch, Director of service." Placement. President Ganus felt that "One and one-half million haviag one chapel service will be dollars must be raised by gifts the greatest &enefit from the and pledges before coostiuction auditorium. "It will be can begin," Mr. Crouch ex­ tremendous to have 2,800 plained. "Staff and faculty students uaembled daily In one Tbe new auditorium, which will coet ,Z.I miiUoD, will have a seating capacity of 3,480, eaabliDg students to members as well as members 01 service," be said. " M it is DOW, bave a unHied cbapel service. The structure will he located at the corner of Center and Blakeney Streets, at the Board ol Tn11tees and friends cbaira bave to be put In tbe aisles wbat Is now the old tennis c~ and intramural field. ol the college are belbg a~ 10 that everyone can have a place proac.bed fer pledgee 10 that the to sit." money can be railed." Crouch noted Dr. Benson Accordlng to Crouch, the new broUght the college thrcugh its radiity wilf contain theater-type diffiCUlt times and wu a pioneer seall arranged in a semi~ . lD aolicltlnl carporate IAJPI)OI't for The Harding Claasrooma whldl can be con­ private eclacaiion. He -la now VP.rted into a balcony, an or­ serving as president of the chestra ~it, four offices, and a Natiooal Education ProiJ'am, stage twice the size of the one which deals with economic currently in use will also be in- education and free enterprise. BI·SON Harding lectureships VOLUME 53, NUMBER FIVE THE HARDING. BISON SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 To begin Tuesday night -- -· - ~ by Dlaae Morey Charles Ccifi of Florence, Centered around tbe theme Ala., on "1be Need for Chriat- Social club rejection: "Fadng the luuel," tbe Mtb Centered Homes." annualllanling leclurelbipl wfll Wednesday wfll be Student begih TUesday, Day. Cia-wiB be dipnlaect 80 Tbe theme for the lectu:resbi.. , students may a~ ~ day ol Presidents defend system which will nm tbrougb Friday lectures sp8dally de8lped for <Second fi a three-part series.) night, wu chosen to emphasize tbem. the aeries' attempt "to deal with That day will begin with a by Doug Henneman rarely consider second, third, are varied. In some, one member the problema and iiiUel that are devotional on the front lawn, Blackball. fourth, and, In women's clubs, can keep a proapect out; in others facing the cburch right now," which will include a talk on "The The word has all kinds of evU fifth choices. three negaflve volel can exclude said br. Neale Pryor, director. Whole Earth is Full of God's coonotatio111-eepeciaDy in u,bt 'lberefore, a penon who is him; lD many, the prospects It will give students "In- Glory" by Basil Overton of rejected by his fitat choice often ~the fact that B8rdlng ~ ~the moat number of v.. formation tbey can use right Florence, Ala. tbe Christian lllea aod ill •come will be taken to tbe table. He may m the members are aelected DOW," be said. 'lbeme lectures will be "How unto me, ALL ye that labor'' receive a bid from a club he did thereby switching the blackball A performance by tbe Harding Can We Reach the Lost," "Tbe invitation. not choose. proceu from aneptiveaspect to Academy Chorus, led by Crail Holy Spirit in the Cbriltlan'a But like rejection, exclusion of Should clubs then be more a more DOiitive one. Jones, willlnltlate the aeries at 7 I.Jfe," "Tbe Need fer Cbrlst- tiOIIleone is inherent in social respooaive to the impact fi Can bfackballlng be reconciled p,m. Tuesday In the College Centered Homes," "The Danger. J'IIJW!t:loo on tbelr prospect~? with Chri8tlanity? Probab~ not. clubs. Otherwise, clubs wOuld 1 Church auditorium. oiLiberaliam," "The Real baue: come to tbe point wbere tbere - - iSOmebody baa to be left out," But from the club's standpoint, It Will conclude Fl'lday nilbt Dying to Li,ve" and "Leadership would be no distinguishable Knilhll P.resident Mill:e Cope does it need to be? followiJW the 7:30 speech by In Facing the Issues." characteristics, no distinct saiG. "Were oot golnlto pick the There will be cluaes every day peraonality, no tradition. 15 or 20 ~ U.t woUld be m01t on topics that include "For Tbe great ..radox of the hurt by rejectioo." Ladies Only,.._ "An Overview of aituatioo .is that thole wbo faced ''We try to pick guys that will (Continued on page &Jlree) the po11lbWty of rejection lD tbe make a ccntrlbution to tbe club put are DOW the ooee deter­ andguyatlatwecan, toa~ mlnlng who aDd who wDl not be extent, ~ grow and matlD'e." included in the club thla year. MciW:an a Hawley ureecl. inside In other words, ooce one is in a "Tbat'a tbe way of life. Har­ club, he seee t!ltnp differently diDg doesn't take all applicants Apple Queen ~ fer c:oDege either." and tends to fCK'Iet the anxiety fi Harding co-ed to represent tryiDg to p)edge a club. Regular Haw~wbo transferred frOm York tlan Collele, said that Arkansas in national members, once in, want to pageant. See page 5. maintain certaiD ltaDdarda aod the system there wu more traditioos. equalized but would not work in a ..If everyone that wanted ill a Bcbool the size ol Hardlnc . Passmg club got in it, the clu~ would At York, after one miXer for become nothiDg more than a the mens' clubs and one for the Harding quarterbacks set service orp.nlzatioo," Mohican wcmens', club presidents would a school passing record In -klllnt Steve Hawley said. meet ami chDille-, In a random 41-14 loss. See page 6. r.;;u;e would~ no tradltioos." crder, from tbe list of freshmen. Selectlou of pledges fQr clubs begina after preference abeeta :!;.:m~ ~~~=-ever~ are turned in to the personnel pc!l!IOD may aot get In a club even Bison Booster c:tfice. Clubs are notified by mail tbougb the club waated him bow many first, second, third and simply beca..e aomeone elee The Harding harriers choee him first: fourtb choiceJ they have. ~pture second In a rain­ 'lbey are the~;~ gfveo about two Shantih president Dorothy soaked meet. See page 7. weeks to pick from these choices Norris noted that they make an and to notify the -pei"'IOlJlel ~fice effert not to break up roommates which pledges tbey wW aeQd bids or close friends. to. "Ideally, a club wwld like to Drama 1bia two-week period In which get aa many first choi<:e~ as it has Froshness clubs choose- tbe1r prospective '1)N'iDgs, but that doesn't always Charles Parker returns to members is wbere the rejectioo happen." Freshmen Dave Stone (left) of Alabama and Roger Ledlow of Florida Harding. See page 8. procesa begjna. Many clubs have The policies of the different compete in the wheelbarrow race at Monday's Hilarity. See related so many ffrst choices that they clubs concerning blackballing pictures on page 4. Z THE HARDING BISON, Searey, Ark. Sept. 31, 1177 Fifth Movie program improved Column Like "the best-laid schemes of mice and men," it seems many of the early social functions sponsored by the Student Association Decade of have run across rocky terrain. I Paranoia Examples ate the s)lort-lived running of "Let's Do It Again," the by Steve LeaveD untimely death in the mail of "Lawrence of Arabia" and the The seventies will probably go washout of Saturday's Hilarity, which was converted into a very down in history as the decade of successful Monday evening of entertainment. paranoia. Despite early problems (only one of whjch should be directly No one trwJta anyone anymore. attributed to SA) our student government and especially Bob People have lost faith in all their the institutions. Relig10U$ groups Freels are to be commended for probably the best movie program unions, bia business, and ever assembled for Harding students.
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