Ibrox Disaster Collection Section Item No. Description Report of proceedings of Fatal Accident Inquiry (15/2/1971 - A: Material relating to the inquiry into the 23/22/1971) into the deaths of Bryan George Todd and 65 others original disaster , etc. A1-A7 at Ibrox Stadium , Glasgow on 2/1/1971. 7 v., 927 pages. A: Material relating to the inquiry into the Summary of proceedings of the above Fatal Accident Inquiry. 37 original disaster , etc. A8 pages. A: Material relating to the inquiry into the List of witnesses. Names and addresses of 80 persons (other than original disaster , etc. A9 identificates) called to testify at the Ibrox inquiry. 3 pages. Report of proceedings, 16/11/1961 of Fatal Accident Inquiry into A: Material relating to the inquiry into the the deaths of Thomas Boag Thomson and George Napier Nelson at original disaster , etc. A10 Ibrox Stadium on 16/9/1961. 61 pages. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Documents in respect of initial writ against Rangers FC brought Club B1 February 1973. 40 pages. 2 copies(a) and (b) B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Amendment to closed record brought by pursuers - Mrs. Margaret Club B2 Dougan et al. 16 pages. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Report of commission for recovery of documents from Rangers FC Club B3 for use by the pursuers.- 27/3/1974. 50 pages. B: Material relating to the compensation case Notes of evidence i.e. transcript of entire proceedings in this case, brought by relatives against Rangers Football from Monday 29/4/1974 to Tuesday 14/5/1974. 12 volumes, 1770 Club B4-B15 pages. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Final speeches of the above case, on 16/5/1974-17/5/1974. 2 Club B16-B17 volumes, 165 pages. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Joint note for the defenders - Rangers FC on the line of evidence Club B18 (draft). © Mitchell Library, Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Club B19 Joint minute of admissions (draft). 2 copies (a) and (b). B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Club B20 Joint inventory of productions (draft). B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Report of the Departmental Committee on Crowds, 1924 (Cmd. Club B21 2088) photocopy. 28 pages. B: Material relating to the compensation case Report of an Inquiry into the Accident at Bethnal Green Tube brought by relatives against Rangers Football Station Shelter on 3rd March 1943 - Jan. 1945 (Cmd. 6583). Club B22 Photocopy, 34 pages, plan. B: Material relating to the compensation case Report of Enquiry into the disaster at Bolton Wanderers' Football brought by relatives against Rangers Football Ground on 9th March 1946 (Cmd. 6846). Photocopy, 11 pages. 2 Club B23 copies(a) and (b). B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Report of the Working Party on Crowd Behaviour at Football Club B24 Matches, 1969.18 pages. 2 copies (a) and (b). B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Report of the Inquiry into Crowd Safety at Sports Grounds, 1972 Club B25 (Cmnd. 4952). B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football HMSO booklet 'Guide to safety at sports grounds', 1973. 27 pages, Club B26 copies (a) and (b). B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Drawing of Copland Road steps, Ibrox Stadium, 70cm x 60cm, Club B27 8/1/1971. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Plan of Edmiston Drive east steps, Ibrox Stadium, 58cm x 48cm, Club B28 11/1/1971. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Plan of Edmiston Drive west steps, Ibrox Stadium, 68cm x 60cm, Club B29 12/1/1971. © Mitchell Library, Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. B: Material relating to the compensation case Photographs , 20cm x 16cm, of Ibrox Stadium in January 1971 (City brought by relatives against Rangers Football of Glasgow Police Identification Bureau). 9 exposures, 2 sets (a) and Club B30 (b). B: Material relating to the compensation case Photographs, 20cm x 16cm, of Ibrox Stadium in January 1971 (City brought by relatives against Rangers Football of Glasgow Police Identification Bureau). 9 exposures, 2 sets (a) and Club B31 (b). B: Material relating to the compensation case General conditions of contract, specification and bill of quantities in brought by relatives against Rangers Football respect of improvements to stairways at Ibrox Stadium April 1962 Club B32 (Andrew Sproul, consulting civil engineer). 3 copies (a), (b) and (c). B: Material relating to the compensation case Photographs, (set (a) 20cm x 16cm, set(b) 25cm x 20cm) of Ibrox brought by relatives against Rangers Football Stadium in 1961 (City of Glasgow Police Identification Bureau). 7 Club B33 exposures, 2 sets (a) and (b). B: Material relating to the compensation case Photographs, (set (a) 20cm x 16cm, set(b) 25cm x 20cm) of Ibrox brought by relatives against Rangers Football Stadium in 1967 (City of Glasgow Police Identification Bureau). 3 Club B34 exposures, 2 sets (a) and (b). B: Material relating to the compensation case Photographs, 20cm x 16cm of Ibrox Stadium in 1969 (City of brought by relatives against Rangers Football Glasgow Police Identification Bureau). 5 exposures, 2 sets (a) and Club B35 (b). Excerpts from minutes of meetings of Rangers FC directors held on the following dates: 6/4/1966, 21/6/1966, 1/9/1966, 26/2/1968, 28/1/1969, 24/2/1969, 8/3/1969, 17/6/1969, 4/1/1971, 25/2/1971, 29/3/1971, 6/4/1971, 1/6/1971, 14/6/1971, 6/7/1971, 6/8/1971, 4/12/1971, 9/2/1972. 8/8/1972, 12/8/1972, 16/8/1972, B: Material relating to the compensation case 18/8/1972, 23/8/1972, 3/10/1972, 2/11/1972, 14/11/1972, brought by relatives against Rangers Football 30/11/1972, 19/12/1972, 9/1/1973, 7/2/1973, 15/5/1973, Club B36 25/8/1973, 29/8/1973, 5/9/1973. 43 pages. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Diagram of police communication systems at Ibrox Stadium on Club B37 2/1/1971. 2 copies (a) and (b). © Mitchell Library, Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Club B38 List of police detail for east terracing at lbrox Stadium on 2/1/1971. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Police arrangements for Rangers v. Celtic game of 2/1/1971 - traffic Club B39 and ground contro, etc. 16 pages (issued 14/12/1970). Copy of letter from Rangers FC to Norwich Union, with account for B: Material relating to the compensation case £876 in respect of work done after damage to crush barriers at brought by relatives against Rangers Football Ibrox Stadium in January 1969. Letter dated 17/6/1969. 3 copies Club B40 (a), (b) and (c). SFA memorandum, reminding members of the need, as B: Material relating to the compensation case recommended by SFA working party on crowd behaviour, for brought by relatives against Rangers Football periodic inspection of ground structures by a qualified person etc. Club B41 Dated 5/8/1970. 3 copies (a), (b) and (c). Letter to Rangers FC from Depute Master of Works, Glasgow Corporation, informing thme of a report received by the latter B: Material relating to the compensation case concerning the (non-fatal) accident on the Cairnlea Drive staircase brought by relatives against Rangers Football at Ibrox Stadium on 16/9/1967. Letter dated 19/9/1967. 2 copies Club B42 (a) and (b). B: Material relating to the compensation case Drawing showing existing and proposed arrangements at Stairway brought by relatives against Rangers Football 13, Ibrox Stadium. 100cm x 70m, prepared by J.A. Fairhurst & Club B43 Partners, consulting structural and civil engineers. Typical step detail at Stairway 13, Ibrox Stadium. 3 pages of sketches, 5 pages of diagrams (latter giving step-heights on each B: Material relating to the compensation case flight), pp. size 30cm x 21cm, prepared by W.A. Fairhurst & brought by relatives against Rangers Football Partners, consulting structural and civil engineers. 2 copies (a) and Club B44 (b). B: Material relating to the compensation case Photographs, 20cm x 16cm, of Cairnlea Drive staircase (Stairway brought by relatives against Rangers Football 13), Ibrox Stadium taken in March 1974 (P.A. Christie, commercial Club B45 photographer). 17 exposures. © Mitchell Library, Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. B: Material relating to the compensation case brought by relatives against Rangers Football Plan of north-east stairway, (Stairway 13), Ibrox Stadium. 90cm x Club B46 72cm, April 1962. Photograph, 20cm x 16cm, showing view out from foot of stairs at B: Material relating to the compensation case Ibrox Stadium, windows of flats where witnesses could see crowd brought by relatives against Rangers Football descending are marked with red crosses (City of Glasgow Police Club B47 Identification Bureau).
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