VYTAUTO DIDŢIOJO UNIVERSITETAS HUMANITARINIŲ MOKSLŲ FAKULTETAS ANGLŲ FILOLOGIJOS KATEDRA Ieva Lisauskaitė LYGINAMOJI ANEKDOTŲ APIE ETNINES GRUPES JAV IR LIETUVOJE ANALIZĖ Magistro baigiamasis darbas Anglų kultūros ir literatūros studijų programa, valstybinis kodas 62604H106 Filologijos studijų kryptis Vadovė doc. dr. Dalia Masaitienė __________ ________ (parašas) (data) Apginta doc. dr. J. Vaičenonis __________ ______ (Fakulteto dekanas) (parašas) (data) Kaunas, 2010 Santrauka Šis baigiamasis darbas tyrinėja 57 anekdotus, kuriuose pajuokiamos Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų ir Lietuvos etninės maţumos. Šie anekdotai yra tyrinėjami atsiţvelgiant į rasės, etniškumo, rasizmo, stereotipinių įvaizdţių bei pragmatikos sąvokas. Darbas yra suskirstytas į 4 pagrindinius skyrius: įvadą, teorinę dalį, praktinę dalį bei išvadas. Teorinės dalies skyrius turi 6 poskyrius, o šie, savo ruoţtu, yra padalinti į skirsnius. Pirmajame teorinės dalies poskyryje apţvelgiama humoro reikšmė, jo tipai bei anekdotų ţanras ir jo rūšys, remiantis internetiniais Gilbert, Fatt, Dugdale bei kitų autorių straipsniais, taip pat Chiaro knyga (The Language of Jokes. Analysing Verbal Play, 1992). Antrajame poskyryje pristatomos Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų ir Lietuvos etninės maţumos, kurios yra aptariamos atsiţvelgiant į apie jas vyraujančius stereotipus. Šio poskyrio pagrindiniai šaltiniai yra internetiniai straipsniai ir Anglickienės Kitataučių Įvaizdis Lietuvių Folklore, 2006. Kiti trys poskyriai svarsto rasės, etniškumo ir rasizmo problemas, remiantis Haralambos ir Holborn Sociology.Themes and Perspectives, 2008. Paskutiniajame poskyryje apţvelgiama pragmatika, labiausiai atkreipiant dėmesį į potekstės ir pragmatinių principų reikšmę pagal Mey Pragmatics: An Introduction, 2001. Antrojo, analitinio, šio darbo skyriaus pradţioje paaiškinami anekdotų analizės būdai. Skyrių sudaro 4 poskyriai susidedantys iš skirsnių. Pirmiausiai, anekdotai apie JAV etnines maţumas analizuojami atsiţvelgiant į rases, etniškumą, rasizmą bei stereotipinius jų įvaizdţius. Anekdotai pie Lietuvos etnines maţumas nagrinėjami tuo pačiu metodu. Tie patys anekdotai yra analizuojami iš pragmatinės pusės ţiūrint į jų potekstę bei kooperatyvinį principą, o vėliau palyginami. Paskutiniajame skyriuje pateikiamos tyrimo išvados apie rasės, etniškumo, rasizmo ir stereotipų bei potekstės ir kooperatyvinio principo pritaikymą anekdotuose. Darbo pabaigoje yra pateikiamas literatūros sąrašas bei priedai su visais tyrinėjamais anekdotais. 2 Summary The topic of the MA paper is to analyze the jokes, which describe ethnic minority groups in the USA and Lithuania, in terms of ethnicity, race, racism and stereotyping as well as pragmatics. The paper consists of four main chapters: introduction, theoretical part, practical discussion and conclusions. The theoretical framework has six main sections which are further subdivided into subsections. The first section discusses the importance of humor, its types and the genre of jokes and its types based on the articles written by Gilbert, Fatt, Dugdale and other authors, as well as a book by Chiaro (The Language of Jokes. Analysing Verbal Play, 1992). The second section introduces the ethnic minority groups and popular stereotypes and misconceptions about them in the USA and Lithuania. The material for this section is taken from internet articles and a book by Anglickienė (Kitataučių Įvaizdis Lietuvių Folklore, 2006). The following three sections focus on the issues of race, ethnicity and racism which are discussed mainly according to Haralambos and Holborn‟s Sociology.Themes and Perspectives, 2008. The final section presents the discussion on pragmatics, particularly on implicature and pragmatic principles as suggested by Mey in Pragmatics: An Introduction, 2001. The second, practical part of the paper at first presents the method of analysis of jokes selected for the investigation. The section is divided into four subsections which are also further subdivided. At first the jokes about ethnic groups in the USA are analyzed applying the concepts of race, ethnicity, racism and stereotypes. The jokes about ethnic groups in Lithuania are analyzed in the same way. Further on, the comparison of the analyses carried out in the previous two sections is made on the same level. The same jokes are then studied from the pragmatic perspectives of implicature and cooperative principle. The jokes about ethnic groups in both countries are analyzed separately and later compared. The final part of the paper presents the conclusions on race, ethnicity and racism as well as pragmatics. The section also suggests future prospects for the analysis of jokes. The paper also has the list of references and appendices with all the jokes used in the analytical discussion. 3 1 INTRODUCTION Mahatma Gandhi once said: “If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide” (cited in quotegarden.com). One of the popular beliefs about humor and laughter is their healing power. In the world of terrorism and global warming, humor can be seen as a temporal escape. The paper will focus on one of the types of humor, jokes. Jokes are mainly created as one of the ways to ridicule people, social norms and values and other cultural and social phenomena. The aim of the paper is to analyze the jokes about people from ethnic minority groups in the USA and Lithuania. The main objectives for the analysis are the following: To discuss the types of humor and jokes; To introduce the ethnic minority groups in the USA and Lithuania; To present the discussion on the concepts of race, ethnicity and racism; To define pragmatics, pragmatic principle and implicature; To analyze the jokes applying the theory of race, ethnicity, racism and dominant stereotypical images of the members of ethnic groups in both countries as well as to compare the analyses on the same level; To discuss the jokes in terms of pragmatic principles and implicature and to compare the findings of the analyses of ethnic groups in both countries; To provide the main tendencies and conclusions of the analysis of jokes about ethnic minority groups in the USA and Lithuania. The paper consists of two main parts: the theoretical framework and a practical analysis of jokes. Theoretical part discusses the importance of humor, different types of humor, types of verbal humor and jokes; it also presents the concepts, theories and approaches of race, ethnicity and racism as well as the discussion on pragmatics, implicature and pragmatic principles. The information on ethnic groups in general and specific ethnic groups in both countries is also included in the theoretical part of the paper. The practical part of the paper analyzes jokes about four ethnic minority groups in the USA and four ethnic minority groups in Lithuania. At first, the jokes about ethnic groups in the USA and Lithuania are discussed separately applying the concepts of race, ethnicity, racism and stereotypes and then the analyses are compared. The second part of the practical analysis studies the jokes about ethnic groups in the USA and Lithuania separately in terms of pragmatic principle of cooperation and implicature. Finally, after the practical analysis is made, the conclusions are drawn; the paper is also provided with the list of references and the appendix which contains all the jokes analyzed. 4 The main bibliographical sources for the theoretical discussions on humor and its types, jokes and their types, and shared knowledge in relation to jokes are based on the articles by Gilbert, Fatt, Dugdale and other authors, as well as books by Chiaro (The Language of Jokes. Analysing Verbal Play, 1992) and Anglickienė (Kitataučių Įvaizdis Lietuvių Folklore, 2006). The theoretical material on race, ethnicity and racism is basically taken from Haralambos and Holborn‟s Sociology.Themes and Perspectives, 2008. The pragmatic discussion is mainly based on Mey‟s book Pragmatics: An Introduction, 2001. 5 2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 The Importance of Humor Lord Byron said “Always laugh when you can. It's cheap medicine” (Hopman). The moment a person starts laughing, s/he escapes from the daily routine and problems that often bother people. Hopman suggests that laughter and smile are the unique traits that people share (Hopman). Not only do these traits brighten up gloomy days, but they also influence physical health. Laughter is a concurrent part of humor; therefore, Glickman explains that there are several functions that humor serves. Firstly, the author mentions that there have been numerous medical studies and researches that have proved the healing power of humor. Secondly, he adds that “humor sells” meaning that people usually prefer commercials or advertisements that are funny and in this way makes the product of the commercial more memorable. The third function of humor is its ability “to break the ice” in communicative situations (Glickman 1999). Although the concept of humor is differently perceived from culture to culture, very often it serves as a tool to start the conversation or even a business deal. The fourth function of humor introduced by Glickman is that “humor diffuses tension”. The author states that in many tensed situations humor is the only way to make the situation more relaxed and even achieve results that one did not expect. In this respect, the last function that humor serves is its power to get results (Glickman 1999). He adds that “humor negates anger. Humor creates credibility. Humor gets votes. Humor gets ratings. Humor commands attention. Humor
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