COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2019 SESSION OF 2019 203D OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 19 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The House convened at 1 p.m., e.d.t. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and visitors.) THE SPEAKER (MIKE TURZAI) PRESIDING JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The SPEAKER. Everybody, we are requesting that you please The SPEAKER. Without objection, the approval of the come to take your seats on the floor for the prayer and the Pledge, Journal of Wednesday, March 20, 2019, will be postponed until and then we are going to go right into the swearing-in of our new printed. member, which we are so honored to do today. All members, please come to the House floor. We are going PRAYER to begin the swearing-in ceremony, which will begin with a prayer for the swearing-in ceremony. HON. STEPHANIE BOROWICZ, member of the House of All members, please take your seats. We are having a Representatives, offered the following prayer: swearing-in day ceremony. All members, please report to the House floor. We are going to close the doors of the House. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This is a solemn swearing-in. Please close the doors of the Let us pray: House. If a member should knock to come to the floor, let the Jesus, I thank You for this privilege, Lord, of letting me pray, member on. Thank you, Sergeants at Arms. We certainly do not God, that I, Jesus, am Your ambassador here today, standing here make your jobs easy. representing You, the King of Kings; the Lord of Lords; the Great Guests and family members, please have your seats. And if I Am; the one who is coming back again; the one who came, died, anybody needs a seat, let me know and we can get more chairs, and rose again on the third day. And I am so privileged to stand if anybody does not have a seat. Thank you. here today. So thank You for this honor, Jesus. God, for those that came before us like George Washington at Valley Forge and Abraham Lincoln, who sought after You in SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Gettysburg, Jesus, and the Founding Fathers in Independence Hall, Jesus, that sought after You and fasted and prayed for this SWEARING-IN OF NEW MEMBER nation to be founded on Your principles and Your words and Your truth, God, forgive us. Jesus, we have lost sight of You. We The SPEAKER. Representative-elect Movita Johnson- have forgotten You, God, in our country. And we are asking You Harrell, welcome. to forgive us, Jesus; that Your promise and Your Word says that Representative Johnson-Harrell, soon-to-be Representative if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves Johnson-Harrell, Representative-elect, was elected to serve as the and pray and seek Your face and turn from their wicked ways, Representative for the 190th Legislative District in Philadelphia that You will heal our land. Jesus, You are our only hope. on March 12, 2019. Her priorities include, amongst other issues, God, I pray for our leaders, Speaker Turzai, Leader Cutler, education reform, economic development in low-income Governor Wolf, President Trump. Lord, thank You that he stands communities, and prevention of violence to the citizens of beside Israel, unequivocally, Lord. Thank You, Jesus, that we are Philadelphia and the State. This West Philadelphia native created blessed because we stand by Israel and we ask for the peace of the CHARLES (Creating Healthy Alternatives Results in Less Jerusalem as Your Word says, God. Emotional Suffering) Foundation, a nonprofit founded in her We ask that we not be overcome by evil and that we overcome son's name, who died at the hands of gun violence, to empower evil with good in this land once again. I claim all these things in communities and to protect individuals. the powerful, mighty name of Jesus, the one who at the name of She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with three Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, Jesus, degrees. She has worked throughout her career to protect those in that You are Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen. her community. She was an interim supervisor of Victim Services in the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office and worked to create the Crisis Assistance and Response to Empower Survivors model. That has raised $1.6 million and produced 15 jobs. 352 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE MARCH 25 On behalf of every member of the House of Representatives, The following election returns were read: it is our honor to welcome her to the ranks of America's, the New World's, first independent democratically elected legislative COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA body. The Provincial Assembly, which is our direct predecessor, was started by William Penn in 1682. As you know, the United TO THE HONORABLE SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE States Constitution itself was not written and ratified until 1787. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETINGS: The formation of this body in which you are about to serve predates the United States by more than 100 years. We are I have the honor to present the official returns of the Special Election honored to have you here and we know that the citizens back for Representative in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of home are honored to have you here. Pennsylvania held in the one hundred ninetieth Legislative District, as Further, I would like to recognize the fact in historical annals the same have been certified to and filed with my office by the that Representative Movita Johnson-Harrell will be the first Philadelphia County Board of Elections. Movita Johnson-Harrell, Muslim woman to serve in the Pennsylvania House of having received the highest number of votes in the Special Election, and Representatives. having complied with the provisions of Article XVI of the Pennsylvania Election Code pertaining to Primary and Election Expenses, was duly elected a Representative in the General Assembly. PRAYER (SEAL) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have The SPEAKER. To open up with a short prayer to begin our hereunto set my hand and the seal of swearing-in ceremony, the Representative-elect has asked the office of the Secretary of the Mohammed Anam Chowdhury to give the opening prayer for this Commonwealth at the city of swearing-in ceremony from Baitul Mukarram Jame Masjid and Harrisburg, this twenty-fifth day of that is in Philadelphia. And, Mohammed Anam Chowdhury, if March in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen and of the you would please provide us with a prayer for this swearing-in Commonwealth the two hundred forty- day ceremony. third. MOHAMMED ANAM CHOWDHURY, Guest Chaplain of Kathy Boockvar the House of Representatives, offered the following prayer: Acting Secretary of the Commonwealth (Prayer in Arabic.) * * * OFFICIAL RETURNS The SPEAKER. Thank you, sir. Thank you very much. SPECIAL ELECTION The House will now take up a special order of business, the REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY swearing-in of Representative-elect Movita Johnson-Harrell of 190th Legislative District the 190th Legislative District. March 12, 2019 ELECTION RETURNS PRESENTED DEMOCRATIC VOTES The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the Sergeant at Arms. Movita Johnson-Harrell 3,188 Please come down. And he is bringing with him Jonathan Marks, 4927 Parkside Avenue North the Deputy Secretary for Elections and Commissions. And the Philadelphia, PA 19131 Speaker thanks the Deputy Secretary, Jonathan Marks, and will ask him to please read the returns with respect to the 190th Legislative District election. REPUBLICAN The SERGEANT AT ARMS. Mr. Speaker, Jonathan Marks, Deputy Secretary for Elections and Commissions. Michael Harvey 129 5616 Osage Avenue Mr. MARKS. Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege and honor to Philadelphia, PA 19143 present the returns and the certification of campaign expense compliance for the special election held on March 12, 2019, in the 190th Legislative District. AMEN BROWN PARTY The SPEAKER. Thank you, sir. The clerk will read the returns. Amen Brown 958 3600 Conshohocken Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131 WORKING FAMILIES PARTY Pamela K. Williams 511 5308 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19139 2019 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE 353 CERTIFICATE ON ELECTION EXPENSES (Member asserted oath.) COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA JUDGE MURRAY. Thank you. Mrs. HARRELL. Thank you. TO THE HONORABLE SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE JUDGE MURRAY. Congratulations. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETINGS: REMARKS BY DEMOCRATIC LEADER In accordance with the provisions of Section 1632(b) of the Pennsylvania Election Code 25, P.S. § 3252(b), I do hereby certify that The SPEAKER. Now, I do always and it is our tradition in the the candidate who was elected Representative in the General Assembly House of Representatives to invite both leaders to provide some from the 190th District in the Special Election held March 12, 2019, remarks, and I will begin with the Democratic leader, Movita Johnson-Harrell, has filed all of the reports and statements of Representative Frank Dermody, of Allegheny County, and then contributions and expenditures required by the provisions of Article XVI will be followed by the Republican leader, the majority leader, of the Pennsylvania Election Code entitled "Primary and Election Expenses." Bryan Cutler, of Lancaster County. Representative Dermody. (SEAL) Witness my hand and the seal of the Mr. DERMODY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. office of the Secretary of the Mr. Speaker, Judge Murray, family and friends of our new Commonwealth this twenty-fifth day member, this certainly is a historic day in this House. With the of March, 2019.
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