PCCP View Article Online PAPER View Journal | View Issue Revising the common understanding of metamagnetism in the molecule-based Cite this: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21,12184 bisdithiazolyl BDTMe compound† ab ac ad Cla`udia Climent, Sergi Vela, Joaquim Jornet-Somoza and a Merce` Deumal * The BDTMe molecule-based material is the first example of a thiazyl radical to exhibit metamagnetic behavior. Contrary to the common idea that metamagnetism occurs in low-dimensional systems, it is found that BDTMe magnetic topology consists of a complex 3D network of almost isotropic ferromagnetic spin-ladders that are coupled ferromagnetically and further connected by some weaker antiferromagnetic interactions. Calculated magnetic susceptibility wT(T) data is in agreement with experiment. Calculated M(H) data clearly show the typical sigmoidal shape of a metamagnet at temperatures below 2 K. The calculated critical field becomes more apparent in the dM/dH(H) plot, being in very good agreement with experiment. Our Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. computational study concludes that the magnetic topology of BDTMe is preserved throughout the entire experimental range of temperatures (0–100 K). Accordingly, the ground state is the same irrespective of the temperature at which we study the BDTMe crystal. Revising the commonly accepted understanding of a metamagnet explained as ground state changing from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic, the Boltzmann population of the different states is here suggested to be the key concept: at 2 K the ground Received 24th January 2019, singlet state has more weight (24%) than at 10 K (1.5%), where excited states have an important role. Accepted 14th May 2019 Changes in the antiferromagnetic interactions that couple the ferromagnetic skeleton of BDTMe will DOI: 10.1039/c9cp00467j directly affect the population of the distinct states that belong to a given magnetic topology and thus its This article is licensed under a magnetic response. Accordingly, this strategy could be valid for a wide range of bisdithiazolyl BDT- rsc.li/pccp compounds whose magnetism can be tuned by means of weak antiferromagnetic interactions. Open Access Article. Published on 31 May 2019. Downloaded 9/26/2021 4:42:53 PM. Introduction The contemporary challenge to the synthetic chemists is to produce new compounds with pre-assigned magnetic, electrical, New molecular materials with targeted physical properties are an and optical properties and, for this, the rational synthetic design area of current interest from both fundamental and applicative is addressed to tune the solid-state structure. The ability to points of view. Molecule-based magnets exhibit a wide variety of manipulate magnetic coupling and/or charge transfer between bonding and structural motifs. These include one-, two-, and spin carriers is thus the key to creating new multifunctional three dimensional (1D, 2D, and 3D, respectively) network struc- materials.2–4 tures by variation of metal atoms, organic radicals, and ligands.1 Neutral heterocyclic radicals containing sulfur/selenium– nitrogen rings, i.e., heterocyclic thiazyl/selenazyl radicals, play a Seccio´ Quı´mica Fı´sica, Dept. Cie`ncia de Materials i Quı´mica Fı´sica & IQTCUB, important roles in the development of molecule-based functional 5–13 Universitat de Barcelona, Martı´ iFranque`s 1, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain. materials. In fact, there is a long-lasting interest in the charge E-mail: [email protected] transport14–17 and magnetic8,18–20 properties of heterocyclic thiazyl b Departamento de Fı´sica Teo´rica de la Materia Condensada, and selenazyl radicals, as the presence of heavy heteroatoms in Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid, Spain c Laboratory for Computational Molecular Design (LCMD), Institute of Chemical these systems enhances both intermolecular electronic and 10,21,22 Sciences and Engineering, EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland magnetic exchange interactions. In such compounds, the d Theory Department, The Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of crucial component is the conjugated p-electron system. Specifi- Matter (MPSD), Bldg. 99 (CFEL), Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg, cally, the interactions between the p-systems of the radicals play Germany the key role in determining magnetic and electrical properties. † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Section S1. d1–d10 p isolated pairs of BDTMe radicals. Section S2. Comparison between values of J Therefore, attempts to modulate the -interactions among radicals i 23–27 from our calculations and from ref. 39. Section S3. Discussion on magnetic by crystal engineering have been highly pursued. Within models. See DOI: 10.1039/c9cp00467j this context, the resonance stabilized bisdithiazolyl framework 12184 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 12184--12191 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2019 View Article Online Paper PCCP Fig. 1 (a) BDTR1R2 chemical formula, where BDT stands for the C5N3S4 bisdithiazolyl skeleton, R1 =CH3 and R2 = H. (b) BDTMe monomer spin density distribution (isodensity surface = 0.002 a.u.). 28,29 51,52 BDTR1R2 (Fig. 1a) represents an appealing building block. In means of a first-principles bottom-up (FPBU) procedure particular, bisdithiazolyl units have proved to be ideal candidates to using ab initio methods in order to understand its macroscopic address the challenge of building multi-dimensional magnetism in magnetic behavior. Hence we use the standard static approach molecular materials, for which their exposed skeleton allows for for both the interpretation and the simulation of the magnetic intermolecular weak hydrogen bonds and p–p interactions.30 properties of the BDTMe material assuming that these properties Modification of the axial substituents R1/R2 and the incorpora- can be obtained with a single static configuration (an X-ray resolved tion of selenium have provided a wide range of materials structure or, alternatively, an optimized structure). Therefore, using showing both enhanced conductivity12,31–34 and interesting the available X-ray data, we have first characterized the magnetic magnetic properties, such as ferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism, topology of BDTMe in terms of all significant Ji magnetic inter- antiferromagnetism, metamagnetic behavior, and spin-Peierls actions. Surprisingly, the magnetic topology is found to be a three- 32,35–41 transition. dimensional (3D) Ji -network and does not change drastically as a 42–46 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Former experience in bistable dithiazolyl DTA and multi- function of temperature, i.e. it is preserved irrespective of using the orbital semiquinone-bridged bisdithiazolyl XBBO47 compounds crystallographic data at 35 K or 100 K. We have then calculated triggered us to undertake the study of the bisdithiazolyl com- wT(T)andM(H) and compared our data to experiment in order to pound BDTMe (see Fig. 1a, where R1 =CH3 and R2 =H,whose assess whether the BDTMe system is well described. Finally, the systematic nomenclature is 4-methyl-4H-bis(1,2,3)dithiazolo- study of dM/dH(H) as a function of temperature has shed light to (4,5-b:50,40-e)pyrid-3-yl radical39), since it is the first example of why BDTMe behaves as a metamagnet. a thiazyl radical to exhibit metamagnetic behavior. Metamagnetism is a type of magnetic transition displayed by some low-dimensional systems (e.g. displaying chains or layers as main topological motif) Computational details This article is licensed under a with competing magnetic interactions.48 In a metamagnet, the net moments arising from intra-motif interactions are aligned The first principles bottom-up (FPBU) working strategy follows antiparallel as a result of weak inter-motif antiferromagnetic four steps.51,52 First, one has to select all possible magnetically Open Access Article. Published on 31 May 2019. Downloaded 9/26/2021 4:42:53 PM. (AFM) interactions to give rise to an AFM state. According to relevant pairs of radicals in the crystal by analysis of the crystal Carlin’s book definition of metamagnet, the application of an packing. As for the BDTMe crystal, the pairs of BDTMe radicals external magnetic field can break up the AFM ordering and turn have been chosen in terms of the SÁÁÁS distance, since the spin the system to a ferromagnetic (FM) state without going through a density of this radical is delocalized over S, N and C atoms 48 spin-flop state. The Neel temperature (TN) for AFM ordering (see Fig. 1b). Accordingly, only i dimers (di) of BDTMe radicals and the critical field (HC) for the metamagnetic transition are whose SÁÁÁS distance was shorter than a threshold distance of sensitive to the inter-motif interactions. At this point it is fair to 8 Å were selected. The choice of the BDTMe pairs has been comment that, after metamagnetic transition, we will show that conducted in order to include all exchange interactions that the system does not become a FM state. The key concept is might be magnetically significant.53 instead the competition between AFM and FM interactions that It is then next required the computation of the radical- will directly affect the Boltzmann population of the distinct radical J(di) interaction for each pair of radicals selected in states that belong to the magnetic topology of a given molecular the crystal, referred to as Ji thorough the paper. The micro- material and, thus, its magnetic response. scopic Ji magnetic interaction is evaluated in terms of energy Regarding the BDTMe radical, Oakley and co-workers have differences. The energy calculations were performed at DFT/ reported both magnetic measurements (down to 2 K) and high UB3LYP54,55 level as implemented in Gaussian.56 The standard quality crystal properties (at 35 K, 100 K and 293 K).39,49,50 Early 6-311++G(d,p) basis set57–61 was used in all energy calculations. magnetic susceptibility (w) measurements indicated a signifi- Once all intrinsic Ji exchange couplings have been computed, cant FM surge in wT at low temperatures. In addition, it was one must propose the magnetic topology of the crystal in terms reported that below 5 K the material orders ferromagnetically of all non-negligible Ji magnetic interactions.
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