IE 8Ti SAMUEL MARSHALL, President. CHARLES F. ILSLEY, Vice President. PE NEW-ENGLAND I, HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. GIVEN BY r, N. 189 ic JNhiW-YUlv*, JJUSTUJS, PHILADELPHIA, And all the principal Cities in the United States BOUGHT .A. 2SJ ID SOLID JAMES RICHAKDSON & GO. THIS OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM AT i^^-iDisoisr, •vsrisooisj-siisr., Transact all business connected with faith, Ufaneg antr §»tmitw, And the attention of capitalists wishing to make PROFITABLE and SAFE INVESTMENTS, are invited to the fact that we cannot be de­ ceived in the character and value of securities of property offered. Keeping a daily transcript of legal records, our ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, Can be relied upon as accurate and full. "We buy and sell (on commis­ sion or otherwise,) ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF HI BUY, si: I.I. AND LOCATE LAND WARRANTS, PAY TAXES, And redeem from Tax Sales, in all parts of the State. Purchase Stale Scrips, Town, County and City Orders. Monies safely invested for non-residents, and most profitably, for a reasonable commission, or on joint account. Business with the State Departments promptly attended to. OFFICE: North-East Side of the Capitol Park. J. BICHAKBSON. N. B. VAN SLYKE. TIMOTHY BROW.N. M#E CeWITY BMW. MADISON, WISCONSIN. Capital Stock, $50,000 Circulating Notes, 50,000 Securities Deposited, 54,000 m • s» If. B. VAN SLYKE, President. T. BROWN, Cashier. BANK OF THE CAPITOL, BRUEN'S BLOCK, MADISON, - - - - WISCONSIN. CAPITAL, - - - $50,000. J. M. DICKINSON, Cashier. EDWARD B. SMITH, President. Organized under the the General Banking Law OF THIS STATE. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO COLLECTIONS AND PROCEEDS PROMPTLY REMITTED. .-+-. REFER TO IKA SMITH, JR., & Co., New-York. PECKHAM, MERRILL & CO., " C. T. LONGSTREET, " FISH & AVERY, Buffalo. A. T. BUTLER, Cashier Central City Bank, Syracuse. JOHH WRIGHT, Madison, Wis. JOHN W. HONT, Agent, FOR THE TRANSACTION OF ALL KINDS OF The Purchase and Sale of Real Estate, LOANING OF MONEY, ENTRY S GOVERNMENT & STATE LANDS, Payment of Interest and Taxes thereon, COLLECTION OF DEBTS, \>» FOR Tin: Transaction of all kinds of Money [and Land Business. MADISON, - WISCONSIN. 13?" Acknowledgements taken of Instruments in Wri­ ting to be used in other States. Particular attention to the entry of School. University, State and Swamp Lands, the payment of Interest and Taxes thereon, and to all business connected with the State Offices. BEFEEBNCES z ill past and present State and County Officers of the State of Wisconsin* IMPORTANT TO FARMERS MADISON 3UET7VCT.AXJ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED, March 17, 1851. Located at MADISON, the Capital of Wisconsin. This Company confines its risks exclusively to Farm Houses, Barns, Live Stock and Farm Property generally ; and isolated Dwelling Houses in villages, and at lower rates than most Companies. IT INSURES PROPERTY FROM 1 TO 5 "SEARS. ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. OFFICERS : N. W- DEAN, President. D. J. POWERS, Vice President- DAVID ATWOOD, Secretary. L. W. HOYT, Treasurer. DIRECTOES ; J. L. Farwell, W. A. Mears, Wm. N. Soymour, D. J. Powers, B. F. Hopkins, N. W. Dean, David Atwood, G. M. Harris, Wm. Dudley, L. W. Hoyt, Simeon Mills, Wm. A. Ernst. H- A. Tenney, AMERICAN HOUSE 7 Pinckney St., cor, Washington Av,, opp. Capitol Park, MADISON, WISCONSIN HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED And Thoroughly Renovated and Refitted THE ABOVE, AND BEING CENTRALLY LOCATED la tbe Principal Business part of t&s City, AND IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE THE STATE CAPITOL, IT IS ADMIRABLY CALCULATED FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF VISITOKS. I IS A SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE THAT EVERY EXERTION IS IVIADE TO PLEASE ITS PATRONS J. ,W. JEFFERSON, Proprietor MADISON, April f>th., 1858. BLISS, EBERHARD & FEST1ER, 0oksdkrs;Stationm BXNDE»»f RULERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, DEALERS IN PAPER, FANCY S00PS, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PRINTERS' WOK-BINDEHS' AND ARTISTS' NO. 11 KING STREET, MADISON, . - - - WISCONSIN CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A LARGE STOCK OF Law, Medical, Scientific, Theological. Agricultural, Phil osophical, Religious, Poetical, Historical, * Biographical, Comical and Illustrated * AT PUBLISHERS' PRICES. A. G. BLISS. JOIIN EBERHARD. F. C. FESTNER ison Cttj) Jiratorg, AND BUSINESS MIRROR, CONTAINING THE NAMES OF THE CITIZENS, A BUSINESS DIRECTORY, STATE AND CITY RECORD, AND AN APPENDIX OF MUCH USEFUL INFORMATION. 18 5 8 COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BT SMITH, DU MOULIN & CO., NO. 134 EAST WATER STREET, MILWAUKEE, WIS. MADISON : BLISS, EBERHARD H, FESTNER, BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. 11 KING STREET. PRICE, $1-25. IIRMAIN & BR1GHTMAN, PRINTERS, MILWAUKEE. PREFACE. We present to yon our first issue of a DIRECTORY for the CITY OF MADISON. Without commenting in detail on the amount of matter and informa­ tion contained in our work, we refer you to the Table of Contents. Our Directory contains, in addition to the general directory of names, an accurately compiled and alphabetically arranged BUSINESS DIREC­ TORY. Wherein the name of each person doing business in the city, both Professional, Mercantile, Manufacturing and Mechanical, will be found appropriately classified. Herein, likewise, will be found a reliable and carefully arranged STREET and AVENGE DIRECTORY, showing where each street commences, the direction or course it runs, and the termination of the same. To­ gether with an Appendix full of useful and authentic information. Our work is embellished with fine engravings of the State Capitol and State University. We take pleasure in tendering our thanks to the Merchants and Busi­ ness men for the very liberal amount of patronage bestowed in adver­ tising and subscriptions to the book, and to the citizens generally, for the commendable spirit of zeal and enterprise in revealing and facilitat­ ing in the compilation of the facts and necessary information for the work. Confidently relying upon the patronage and support which we have endeavored our work should merit. We remain, very respectfully yours, &c, SMITH, DU MOULIN & CO. NOTICE. All persons" authorized to act as agents for the Directories issued from this establishment, or for any purpose whatever, are invariably furnished with a certificate of authority, signed by our firm, specifying distinctly the nature and extent of their powers, a reference to which will at all times protect persons dealing with this establishment, through such agents, from any imposition which maybe attempted by persons pre­ tending to have such authority. SMITH, DU MOULIN & CO. Milwaukee, April 15th, 1858. The following Directories are issued from this establishment :— Wisconsin State Business Direc- Milwaukee City Directory,.. $2 00 tory, Price, $3 50 Iowa State Business Directory Racine City Directory, 1 25 (now in preparation,) 3 00 Kenosha City Directory, 1 00 Iowa State Register, (now in Madison City Directory, 1 25 preparation,) 2 00 Horicon, Waupun, Ripon, and Minnesota State Register, Berlin Directory 150 (now in preparation,) 2 50 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAQH PA OB. Abbreviations, 9 Government of the Town Appendix, 99 of Madison, 105 Athenean Literary Society,... 135 Government of the State,.... 99 Banks, 73-123 Government of United States, 99 Bible Society, Dane Co., 137 Governor's Guard, 126 Board of Education, 113 Grand Chapter R. A. M. 129 Board of Instruction, public Grand Council R. & S. M ,... 128 schools, 120 Grand Division S. of T., 132 Business Directory, 72 Grand Lodge F. & A. U...... 130 Capitol Lodge, I. 0. of G. T.,. 132 Grand Lodge I. O. of G. T.,.. 131 Cemetery, 140 Grand Lodge I O. of O. F.,.. 131 Charitable Institutions and So­ Hiram Lodge F. and A. M.,.. 130 cieties, 128 Hesperian Literary Society,.. 135 Chess Club, 137 Hook and Ladder Co., 108 Churches, 138 Hope Lodge I. O. of O. F.,... 131 City Government 106 Incorporated Companies, 124 Circuit Court, 108 Insurance Companies, 123 Concordia Lodge, F. & A. M., 131 Joint Stock Companies, 124 Colleges, &c, Ill Judiciary, 107 County officers, '. 104 Libraries, 120 Courts, 107-108 Literary Societies, 135 Dane Co. Agricultural Society, 133 Madison Board of Education,. 113 Dane Co. Bible Society, 137 Madison Chapter R. A. M.,... 129 Dane County officers, 104 Madison Chess Club, 137 Dane Co. Farmers' Protective Madison City Government,... 106 Union, 124 Madison Council R. and S. M., 128 Dane County, sketch of, 104 Madison Encampment I. O. of Editorial Association of the O. F 131 State, 121 Madison Gas Light and Coke Educational, 110 Company, 124 Engine Companies, 108-109 Madison Guards, 127 Excelsior Division, S. of T.,.. 132 Madison Hydraulic Co., 124 Express Companies, 128 Madison Institute, 136 Fire Department, 108 Madison Libraries, 120 Fire Wardens, 108 Madison Lodge F. and A. M.,. 130 Free and Accepted Masons,.. 128 Madison Maener Choir, 135 Gas Company, 124 Madison Post Office, 109 General Directory of names,. 9 Madison Press, 121 Good Templars, 132 Madison, Sketch .of, 105 Government of the City, 106 Madison Town Officers, 105 Government of Dane County, 104 Madison Turn-Verein Assoc. 137 MADISON DIRECTORY. PAGE. PAQK. Madi3on Typographical Union, 137 State Assembly, 101 Magazines and Periodicals,.. 122 State Central Lodge, I. O. of Mail Arrangements, 109 G. T.. 132 Military 125 State Government, 99 Musical Society, _.. 135 State Historical Society, 133 Names too late for regular in­ State Medical Society 134 sertion, 6 State Militia, 125-126 Newspapers, 89-121 State Senate, 101 Odd Fellows, 131 State Sup't Pub. Instruction, 110 Police Court, 108 State University, 101 Post Office Department, 109 St. Gecrge's Society, 135 Preface, 2 Street and Avenue Directory, 141 Press of Madison, 121 Supplement, 6 Probate Court, 108 Supreme Court, 107 Public Buildings, 109 Teachers, Public School, 120 Public Schools, 113 Telegraphs. 128 Rail Roads, 127 Temperance Societies, 132 Religious Worship, 138 Title Page, 1 Sack Company, 109 Town Officers, 105 Scandinavian Democratic Turn-Verein Association,.... 137 Press Association, 124 Typographical Union, 137 Scandinavian Press Associa­ United States District Court,. 107 tion, 125 United States Government.... 99 Secret and Benefit Societies,. 128 Young Men's Christian Asso­ Sketch of Madison, 105 ciation, 137 Societies, Associations &c.
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