] 24 - MANCHKSTKK HKHAl.I). Wt-diifscliiy. May 9. 1984 Court has taken under aidvisement a case involving confessed to police the night of her slaying. Jersey prison who later ran a Boston investment the Pilgrim 2 nuclear plant in Massachusetts that The stocky veteran is the first murderdefendant in lirm that bilked clients out of as much as $35 million New England could have major consequences for ratepayers and New Hampshire to base an insanity defense on post 'iias waived extradition on fugitive charges. Alan Abrahams voluntarily agreed Tue.sday to the Seabrook 2 nuclear plant. traumatic stress disorder from his 1968 Vietnam In Brief Public Service Co, of New Hampshire asked the combat experience. Psychologists say the mental return to New Jersey before Judge Michael Higgins court Tuesday to allow recovery of $16.5 million from illness alflicts at least one-fifth ol all Vietnam in District Court in Providence, state police said, MMH staff president * This mother sets Curfew iaw is Last gasp for Seabrook? ratepayers to fund its 3.5 percent share of the veterans. Abrahams, a flamboyant busine.ssman known as canceled Pilgrim 2 nuclear plant in Plymouth, Mass. James Carr when he ran the Boston investment firm iost in shuffie MANCHESTKR. N,H. - With its lead owm-ralthf II the just ices allow the utility to recover the costs, Transplant patient stable of Lloyd Carr & Co., was arrested in Providence last unorthodox but caring sights on highway mercy of its creditors, the New England utilities that they will pave the way for the substantially larger. BOSTON — Doctors expect a 47-year-old Some­ Wednesday and ordered held without bail. own the idled . Seabrook nuclear plant were $301 million investment Public Service has made in rville physicist to-be up and walking two days after State police said Abrahams, operating again as ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 4, summoned today to consider a plan to re\ ive the the all-but-canceled Seabrook 2. he underwent the third heart transplant in New James Carr, had just opened an auto leasing firm in plant and and its troubled builder. .Oral arguments were held as Public Service, England history. Providence. The meeting in Cambridge, Ma.ss.. comes amid prime Seabrook owner, continued its fight to stay out Knut Seeber. a father of two, was listed in stable growing signs the Public Service Co. ol New ol bankruptcy over its heavy nuclear investment. but critical, condition following his lour-hour Hampshire is near collapse operation Tuesday and hospital officials expci-tcd he Foul play in student death? No major utility has gone bankrupt since the would be discharged within four weeks. Depression, but Seabrook's principal owner has a Vietnam recalled in trial "The only major difference between Mr. Seeber PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Foul play may have been pile of unpaid bills and no credit to draw on. CONCORD. N.H. — A lawyer specializing in the and the first two transplants we performed was the involved in the burning death ol a Bryant College f reshiTuin whose body was discoveretlmSmithf leld a By law . New Hampshire's Jargest utility could Ix' defense of Vietnam War veterans was to testify nature of the disease. " said Dr. John J. Collins, chief Manchesler, Conn. lorced to seek protection if just one creditor lillle more than a week ago, the Rhode Island Clear tonight; today in the murder trial ol an e.\-Marinc who claims of cardiothoracic surgery at Brigham and Women's demands payment on an outstanding bill. medical examiner's office says. Thursday, May 10, 1984 his haunting combat experiences drove him to kill Hospital, where the operation .was performed. cloudy Friday An independent analysis by the state Public his girlfriend. Seeber suffered from coronary artery di.sea.se, a Laboratory tests are still being conducted to lit I lilies Commission concluded Public Service must — See page 2 Single copy: 25C Five Vietnam veterans, testifying Tuesday as fairly common condition that slowly blocks ofl the determine the preci.se cause of death of Kevin P. manrhpsfpr Mpralh act w ithin days if it wants to .save Seabrook's first defense witnesses for admitted killer Gary Place, blood supply to the heart. "We think we had McGovern, 19, of Taunton. Mass.. Dr. William Q. reactor and stave oft bankruptcy, I’ l'C Chairman recalled unloading bodies and dodging screaming substantial evidence that he was an excellent Stumer, chief state medical examiner, said Paul McQuade said Tuesday. rocket lire. candidate for sudden death," said Collins. Tuesday. Place, 36. is accused of first-degree murder in the Slurner said a preliminary examination ruled out Pilgrim 2 costs debated .strangulation-stabbing ol his girlfriend. Wanda Escapee waives extradition gunshot wounds and fractures by blunt impact as CONCORD. N.H. — The New Hampshire Supreme Olsen. .32, last .luly in her Concord apartment. Place PROVIDENCE, R.I. — An escapee from a New having been instrumental in the young man's death.' Court tells U.S.; REAL ESTATE featuring: Stop mining port I THIS W EEK Bv Romon Rolinick paramilitary activities which are There was a hushed silence in the prohibited by the principles of Great Hall of Justice as he ruled 0 W /> United Press international international law, " Elias said in against Washington in the first THE HAGUE, Netherlands - his ruling. case filed against theJeJnited States The World Court ordered the "In particular, the principle that by a Third World nation. The \ United States today to stop mining states should refrain in their Reagan administration has said it Nicaraguan harbors and to respect international relations Irom the would not accept the court'sjuris- Nicaragua's “ political independ­ • threat or use of lorce against the diction over Cenfral American ence" by not backing rebels territorial integrity or^he political issues for the next two years. fighting to overthrow the leftist independence of any state.'and the Rejecting the U.S. bid to have the R|j government. principle concerning the duty not case thrown out. the judges ruled 8 " feli " _ Ji "The United States ol America to intervene in matters within the that since Nicaragua was accept­ MANCHESTER $64,900 should immediately cease and domestic jurisdiction of a slate — ing their jurisdiction. Washington LET THE KIDS & THE DOG refrain from any action restricting principles embodied in the the did not have the legal right to have loose in the fully fenced*in yard that comes with this older six United Nations (garter and the the case dismissed. room Colonial Three bedrooms upstairs, formal dining room, MANCHESTER $76*900 access to or from Nicaraguan master bedroom has a walk-in closet, oil hot air heat and gar­ Experience the luxury of Condo living rn (his beautiful 7 room ports, and in particular, the l a ^ g Charter of the Organization of In Washington. White House age ERA Buyer Protection Plan $64,900 Call today Townhouse featuring 3 bedrooms, dining room. 2'/i baths and rec room Location offers much privacy. Call for more details of mines," Judge President Taslim American States." the judge said. spokesman Larry’ Speakes said . 643-4060 Olawale Elias of Nigeria said. Thi.s That second point was accepted State Department lawyers were order, he said, had been decided by 14 votes to 1. The judges also studying the decision but that the unanimously by the panel of 15 decided unanimously that both administration has not changed its a-»li judges making up the Interna­ countries "ensure no action is position that the United States does ft tional Court of Justice. taken which might aggravate or not accept the court's jurisdiction Gorgeous "The right to sovereignty and to extend " the dispute submitted to in the mutter. w i political independence possessed the court. It is the first time in the history of S. Windsor 126,900 by the Republic of Nicaragua, like They said both nations must not the court that has arbitrated any other state of the region or of take any action that could preju­ disputes between nations lor the MANCHESTER $96,500 LaCava built 4 bedroom garrison colonial the world, should be fully re­ dice Ihc rights of the other parly in past 62 years that it has been called JUST REDUCED spected and should not in any way the carrying out ol the court's on to give a verdict on a war Here’s a big FIVE BEDROOM, 2 story Colonial on a large lot. EAST HARTFORD . sue $92,000 with fireplaced first floor family room, formal be jeopardized by any military and decision. situation while fighting is still in just waiting for the right family. It has a living room with tire- Don't miss this exceptional 6 roofn Colonial, located in most place. tst floor family room, formal dining room, plus a large dining room, 2 V 2 baths. Located on a Cul-de- progress. desirable area, with 4 bedrooms, fireplaced living room and fin­ Lawyers of both nations were Country kitchen Full basement and garage Boom to Roam' ished rec room. Nicety larrdscaped & beautifully maintained M See it today. $96,500 Call for an appointment 643-40^ Sac in super neighborhood. present for the verdict: Nicara­ We can help you became a gua's ambassador to The Nether­ "REALE" PROFESSIONAL! lands, Carlos Arguello, and State Call 646-4525. and ask lor Dan. East Germans D.W. FISH REALTY CO. Department Legal Advisor Davis D.F. REALE, INC. FREE R. Robinson. Real Estate MARKET 243 Main SI,. M anchesler Vernon Circle. Vernon "I have no comment at all al this 17$ M ain $1., M a m tH tltr .
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